raylib is highly inspired by Borland BGI graphics lib and by XNA framework and it's specially well suited for prototyping, tooling, graphical applications, embedded systems and education.
raylib uses on its [core](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/core.c) module the outstanding [GLFW3](http://www.glfw.org/) library, embedded inside raylib in the form of [rglfw](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/rglfw.c) module, to avoid external dependencies.
raylib uses on its [raudio](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/raudio.c) module, the amazing [miniaudio](https://github.com/dr-soft/miniaudio) audio library to support multiple platforms and multiple audio backends.
raylib uses internally multiple single-file header-only libraries to support multiple fileformats loading and saving, all those libraries are embedded with raylib and available in [src/external](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/tree/master/src/external) directory. Check [raylib Wiki](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/wiki/raylib-dependencies) for a detailed list.
*On Android platform, `native_app_glue module` module (provided by Android NDK) and native Android libraries are used to manage window/context, inputs and activity life cycle.*
*On Raspberry Pi platform (native mode), `Videocore API` and `EGL` libraries are used for window/context management. Inputs are processed using `evdev` Linux libraries*
Binary releases for Windows, Linux and macOS are available at the [Github Releases page](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/releases). raylib is also available via multiple package managers on multiple OS distributions. Check [raylib Wiki](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/wiki) for more info.
If you wish to build raylib yourself, [the raylib Wiki](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/wiki) also contains detailed instructions on how to approach that.
raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) for further details.