Since hrev51075, locale -m changed meaning to the one expected by POSIX
(it now lists character maps, instead of giving the current language).
Since the short options may change again (locale -c is still not doing
what POSIX requires), use long options instead. This is more readable
and POSIX doesn't specify anything there so we can name them however we
Fixes date parsing in Python which relies on these variables to detect
the current locale.
It is implemented using websockets and canvas darwing. It directly
speaks the remote desktop protocol. A websocket proxy that translates
the TCP connection into a usable form is needed. Websockify works for
this out of the box directly under Haiku.
Note that not all drawing modes are implemented, and most of them don't
have a good match on the canvas side. Fonts are also not properly
supported yet. A sans serif font will be used on the client for
everything and the metrics between the client and server will diverge
and cause drawing artifacts.
* Run an application with a target screen to create the desktop:
TARGET_SCREEN=5001 Terminal
* Use a websocket proxy to expose the port via websockets: 5000 localhost:5001
* Open HaikuRemoteDesktop.html in a browser and connect.
To get the full desktop experience you may want to run Tracker and
Deskbar inside the virtual desktop. As they are both single launch
and controlled by the launch_daemon, you have to stop them via:
launch_roster stop
launch_roster stop
And then start them manually from within the virtual desktop:
/system/Tracker &
/system/Deskbar &
We bundle bitstream charter as a default font to use when nothing else
is available. We also used to bundle a Courier font, but it does not
work properly.
- Fix the license for Bitstream Charter, to include just the license and
no extra text.
- Add said license to AboutSystem
- Remove the Courier font from the package and from the source tree.
It was licensed with a "no commercial usage allowed" license, which if
we were using it would be a gray area at best. We weren't using it at all,
and AGG seems to have disabled building it by default, so just remove it
from the tree entirely.
Briefly discussed on IRC.
These are made from the sticker "haiku-sticker-3.5x2".
Quick preview at
A "Haiku" text layer and a 1-pixel frame are on separate layers,
that are set invisible. Not sure if we should always show the "Haiku".
Looks better without in my opinion, but depending on where it'll be
used, showing the text may be desired...
When used for small logos, like 64px, simple scaling might not cut
it, and the yellow and orange "hills" need to be made wider.
A recreation of the sticker designed by Jorge G. Mare in 2010.
Copyright 2010 Haiku Inc. Released under a CreativeCommons Attribution, Noncommercial, Share Alike license.Designed by Jorge G. Mare (
As closest approximation to the font, I used FuturaExtended.
We should come up with a better motto than "Inspired by the BeOS".
One layer holds the reverse side with the QR code.
99% acurate recreation of the icons used in the Deskbar for hidden and
visible windows. Only the yellow tab is now a gradient. Should be invisible
at the relative sizes used in Deskbar.
I added 5 notification icons. They are flat icons that appear a bit bland at
larger sizes, but are nice when smaller like in the Deskbar or in lists.
Here's a PNG of them:
Notify_Notice - your normal info
Notify_Achtung - slightly more interesting than a notice
Notify_Caution - 1st level of escalation, "Odd..."
Notify_Warning - 2nd level of escalation, "Something's not right at all..."
Notify_Danger - 3rd level of escalation, "I smell smoke..."
Also includes changes to HaikuDepot to change wording and add the menu item
to open the Repositories preflet.
Signed-off-by: Augustin Cavalier <>
* Planning on having a notification box when updates
* Clicking the notification box will pop up the
SoftwareUpdater with a simple "Apply Updates" button
* Currently users need to know to 'pkgman update'