The software rasterizer is to be used with raw framebuffer
devices, where no GPU or X11 is available.
The demo emulates a raw framebuffer on X11 using XShmImage / XImage.
Features implemented:
* Drawing primitives
* Drawing polygons (using Darel Rex Finley algorithm)
* Drawing arcs and circles (using Bresenham's elipses algorithm)
* Drawing images using nearest filtering
* Bounds check on every operation
* Fastpath for lines
* Font rendering using nearest filtering
* Window resize
* Thread safe implementation by using a context
* Fixed lower and upper scissors on fast-path
* Adapted coding style to nuklear's style
* Implemented text scissors
Color formats:
Define one of them at compile time.
* RAWFB_RGBX_8888 (32bpp)
* RAWFB_XRGB_8888 (32bpp)
The library has been tested on Lenovo Thinkpad T500 and is able to render
more than 30fps on a single core with no further optimizations and VSNYC enabled.
* Improve font rendering by using filters.
* Account font foreground color.
The raw framebuffer library needs a "texture" that holds the prerendered
font data. The texture is used at runtime to blit the letters onto screen.
You have to provide the framebuffer address, dimension and pitch.
Signed-off-by: Patrick Rudolph <>
1. Main background area was filled by 2 big overlapping rectangles. It works good on solid but not on semi-transparent themes. Just replaced 2 big rectangles with 1 big and 2 small.
2. There is no need in [nk_gdip_fill_rect filled pies fix](7ab7327fa4) anymore. It disturbs semi-transparent themes too.
I think this adds more clarity to the library. I.e. that it is organized into 2 large #define statements. The first large statement (`NK_NUKLEAR_H_`) has a comment for it's closing `#endif` statement. The second one (`NK_IMPLEMENTATION`) does not.
Since directly modifing window position and size between function calls
nk_begin and nk_end causes drawing errors it is now required to be set
_OUTSIDE_. For that reason each modifing function now takes in the name
of the window to modify. Sorry for the inconvenience.