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// "$Id$"
// Bitmap drawing routines for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
// http://www.fltk.org/str.php
/** \fn Fl_Bitmap::Fl_Bitmap(const char *array, int W, int H)
The constructors create a new bitmap from the specified bitmap data.*/
/** \fn Fl_Bitmap::Fl_Bitmap(const unsigned char *array, int W, int H)
The constructors create a new bitmap from the specified bitmap data.*/
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/x.H>
#include "config_lib.h"
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Widget.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Item.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Bitmap.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Printer.H>
#include "flstring.h"
Fl_Bitmask fl_create_bitmask(int w, int h, const uchar *array) {
return fl_graphics_driver->create_bitmask(w, h, array);
void fl_delete_bitmask(Fl_Bitmask bm) {
return fl_graphics_driver->delete_bitmask(bm);
// Create a 1-bit mask used for alpha blending
Fl_Bitmask fl_create_alphamask(int w, int h, int d, int ld, const uchar *array) {
Fl_Bitmask bm;
int bmw = (w + 7) / 8;
uchar *bitmap = new uchar[bmw * h];
uchar *bitptr, bit;
const uchar *dataptr;
int x, y;
static uchar dither[16][16] = { // Simple 16x16 Floyd dither
{ 0, 128, 32, 160, 8, 136, 40, 168,
2, 130, 34, 162, 10, 138, 42, 170 },
{ 192, 64, 224, 96, 200, 72, 232, 104,
194, 66, 226, 98, 202, 74, 234, 106 },
{ 48, 176, 16, 144, 56, 184, 24, 152,
50, 178, 18, 146, 58, 186, 26, 154 },
{ 240, 112, 208, 80, 248, 120, 216, 88,
242, 114, 210, 82, 250, 122, 218, 90 },
{ 12, 140, 44, 172, 4, 132, 36, 164,
14, 142, 46, 174, 6, 134, 38, 166 },
{ 204, 76, 236, 108, 196, 68, 228, 100,
206, 78, 238, 110, 198, 70, 230, 102 },
{ 60, 188, 28, 156, 52, 180, 20, 148,
62, 190, 30, 158, 54, 182, 22, 150 },
{ 252, 124, 220, 92, 244, 116, 212, 84,
254, 126, 222, 94, 246, 118, 214, 86 },
{ 3, 131, 35, 163, 11, 139, 43, 171,
1, 129, 33, 161, 9, 137, 41, 169 },
{ 195, 67, 227, 99, 203, 75, 235, 107,
193, 65, 225, 97, 201, 73, 233, 105 },
{ 51, 179, 19, 147, 59, 187, 27, 155,
49, 177, 17, 145, 57, 185, 25, 153 },
{ 243, 115, 211, 83, 251, 123, 219, 91,
241, 113, 209, 81, 249, 121, 217, 89 },
{ 15, 143, 47, 175, 7, 135, 39, 167,
13, 141, 45, 173, 5, 133, 37, 165 },
{ 207, 79, 239, 111, 199, 71, 231, 103,
205, 77, 237, 109, 197, 69, 229, 101 },
{ 63, 191, 31, 159, 55, 183, 23, 151,
61, 189, 29, 157, 53, 181, 21, 149 },
{ 254, 127, 223, 95, 247, 119, 215, 87,
253, 125, 221, 93, 245, 117, 213, 85 }
// Generate a 1-bit "screen door" alpha mask; not always pretty, but
// definitely fast... In the future we may be able to support things
// like the RENDER extension in XFree86, when available, to provide
// true RGBA-blended rendering. See:
// http://www.xfree86.org/~keithp/render/protocol.html
// for more info on XRender...
// MacOS already provides alpha blending support and has its own
// fl_create_alphamask() function...
memset(bitmap, 0, bmw * h);
for (dataptr = array + d - 1, y = 0; y < h; y ++, dataptr += ld)
for (bitptr = bitmap + y * bmw, bit = 1, x = 0; x < w; x ++, dataptr += d) {
if (*dataptr > dither[x & 15][y & 15])
*bitptr |= bit;
if (bit < 128) bit <<= 1;
else {
bit = 1;
bitptr ++;
bm = fl_create_bitmask(w, h, bitmap);
delete[] bitmap;
return (bm);
void Fl_Bitmap::draw(int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy) {
fl_graphics_driver->draw(this, XP, YP, WP, HP, cx, cy);
#if defined(WIN32)
// TODO: move this code into the GDI driver in a sensible way
// 'fl_create_bitmap()' - Create a 1-bit bitmap for drawing...
static Fl_Bitmask fl_create_bitmap(int w, int h, const uchar *data) {
// we need to pad the lines out to words & swap the bits
// in each byte.
int w1 = (w + 7) / 8;
int w2 = ((w + 15) / 16) * 2;
uchar* newarray = new uchar[w2*h];
const uchar* src = data;
uchar* dest = newarray;
Fl_Bitmask bm;
static uchar reverse[16] = /* Bit reversal lookup table */
{ 0x00, 0x88, 0x44, 0xcc, 0x22, 0xaa, 0x66, 0xee,
0x11, 0x99, 0x55, 0xdd, 0x33, 0xbb, 0x77, 0xff };
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (int n = 0; n < w1; n++, src++)
*dest++ = (uchar)((reverse[*src & 0x0f] & 0xf0) |
(reverse[(*src >> 4) & 0x0f] & 0x0f));
dest += w2 - w1;
bm = CreateBitmap(w, h, 1, 1, newarray);
delete[] newarray;
return bm;
int Fl_Bitmap::start(int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int &cx, int &cy,
int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H)
if (!array) {
draw_empty(XP, YP);
return 1;
// account for current clip region (faster on Irix):
cx += X-XP; cy += Y-YP;
// clip the box down to the size of image, quit if empty:
if (cx < 0) {W += cx; X -= cx; cx = 0;}
if (cx+W > w()) W = w()-cx;
if (W <= 0) return 1;
if (cy < 0) {H += cy; Y -= cy; cy = 0;}
if (cy+H > h()) H = h()-cy;
if (H <= 0) return 1;
#if defined(WIN32)
if (!id_) id_ = fl_create_bitmap(w(), h(), array);
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(USE_X11)
if (!id_) id_ = fl_create_bitmask(w(), h(), array);
#elif defined(FL_PORTING)
# pragma message "FL_PORTING: call the right function to create a bitmap"
return 0;
The destructor free all memory and server resources that are used by
the bitmap.
Fl_Bitmap::~Fl_Bitmap() {
if (alloc_array) delete[] (uchar *)array;
void Fl_Bitmap::uncache() {
if (id_) {
#ifdef __APPLE_QUARTZ__
#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(USE_X11)
#elif defined(FL_PORTING)
# pragma message "FL_PORTING: call the right function to create a bitmask"
id_ = 0;
void Fl_Bitmap::label(Fl_Widget* widget) {
void Fl_Bitmap::label(Fl_Menu_Item* m) {
Fl::set_labeltype(_FL_IMAGE_LABEL, labeltype, measure);
m->label(_FL_IMAGE_LABEL, (const char*)this);
Fl_Image *Fl_Bitmap::copy(int W, int H) {
Fl_Bitmap *new_image; // New RGB image
uchar *new_array; // New array for image data
// Optimize the simple copy where the width and height are the same...
if (W == w() && H == h()) {
new_array = new uchar [H * ((W + 7) / 8)];
memcpy(new_array, array, H * ((W + 7) / 8));
new_image = new Fl_Bitmap(new_array, W, H);
new_image->alloc_array = 1;
return new_image;
if (W <= 0 || H <= 0) return 0;
// OK, need to resize the image data; allocate memory and
uchar *new_ptr, // Pointer into new array
new_bit, // Bit for new array
old_bit; // Bit for old array
const uchar *old_ptr; // Pointer into old array
int sx, sy, // Source coordinates
dx, dy, // Destination coordinates
xerr, yerr, // X & Y errors
xmod, ymod, // X & Y moduli
xstep, ystep; // X & Y step increments
// Figure out Bresenheim step/modulus values...
xmod = w() % W;
xstep = w() / W;
ymod = h() % H;
ystep = h() / H;
// Allocate memory for the new image...
new_array = new uchar [H * ((W + 7) / 8)];
new_image = new Fl_Bitmap(new_array, W, H);
new_image->alloc_array = 1;
memset(new_array, 0, H * ((W + 7) / 8));
// Scale the image using a nearest-neighbor algorithm...
for (dy = H, sy = 0, yerr = H, new_ptr = new_array; dy > 0; dy --) {
for (dx = W, xerr = W, old_ptr = array + sy * ((w() + 7) / 8), sx = 0, new_bit = 1;
dx > 0;
dx --) {
old_bit = (uchar)(1 << (sx & 7));
if (old_ptr[sx / 8] & old_bit) *new_ptr |= new_bit;
if (new_bit < 128) new_bit <<= 1;
else {
new_bit = 1;
new_ptr ++;
sx += xstep;
xerr -= xmod;
if (xerr <= 0) {
xerr += W;
sx ++;
if (new_bit > 1) new_ptr ++;
sy += ystep;
yerr -= ymod;
if (yerr <= 0) {
yerr += H;
sy ++;
return new_image;
// End of "$Id$".