* MSVC doesn't support localized variables (e.g. valid inside of a 'for' loop
only). So we cannot use the variable 'i' with different types (unsigned / int)
in the reset() method.
* added some conversions from Bit64s to bx_bool
- put CPUID functions data into array, in future we could load this array from configure file
- cpuid initialize function is more flexible now but still reuire some work
Make save/restore default feature, the configure option for save/restore removed from configure script and save/restore made available forever. All code now assume it is exists. Bochs save/restore tree previosly called "save_restore" renamed to "bochs" tree and it will be havily used everywhere, starting from save/restore and ending by various bochs debugger functions. I am going to rework debugger code to get rid of debug CPU access functions and use this "bochs" param tree instead
[ bochs-Bugs-1562172 ] TLB_init() fails to initialize priv_check array if USE_TLB 0
2. Paging is always exists for i386+
To disable paging it is better to use normal model without special code, only by setting cr0.pg=0
* don't initialize cpu specific parameters for the wx debugger if they already
* separate siminterface method init_save_restore() added
* old wx specific handling in quit_sim() removed
* new bx_list_c method clear() deletes all parameters from the list
* moved devices cleanup code from the pc_system to a new devices method exit()
* pc_system init code now sets ticksTotal to 0
2. In init.cc save and restore BX_CPU_THIS__PTR trace value, allows to enable/disable tracing using save/restore.
3. in iret.cc - cleanup3. in iret.cc - cleanup3. in iret.cc - cleanup
* changed data format of text files for save/restore (looks like C/C++ structures,
similar to the format used in old save/restore branches)
* don't set the initial value of shadow bool parameters
* don't set the initial value of bool parameters twice
* cpu/init.cc: missing #undef added
* ne2k.cc: variable tx_timer_active was never set to 1 (type now bx_bool)
* floppy.cc: missing initialization of the 'eot' array in reset() added
* pic.h: type of member 'byte_expected' changed to Bit8u
* pit_wrap.h: unused members removed