Are you sure you want to move or copy the selected item(s) to this folder? PoseView Jeste li sigurni da želite premjestiti ili kopirati odabranu stavku(e) u ovu mapu?
Does not handle file OpenWithWindow Ne rukuje datotekom
Preparing to empty Trash… StatusWindow Priprema za pražnjenje smeća...
Disks Model Diskovi
Create link ContainerWindow Napravi poveznicu
Decrease size DeskWindow Smanji veličinu
Size ContainerWindow Veličina
All disks AutoMounterSettings Svi diskovi
Would you like to find some other suitable application? FSUtils Želite li naći neki drugi prikladni program?
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n FSUtils Nemože se otvoriti \"%document\" sa programom \"%app\"(nedostaju biblioteke: %library). \n
Could not open \"%name\". The file is mistakenly marked as executable. FSUtils Ne mogu otvoriti \"%name\".Datoteka je pogrešno označena kao izvršna.
Add-ons ContainerWindow Dodaci
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Uredi predloške...
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Stavka imenonana kao \"%ime\" već postoji u ovoj mapi.Želite li je zamjeniti simboličkom poveznicom koju stvarate?
Searching for disks to mount… StatusWindow Traženje diskova za montiranje...
New folder FSUtils Nova mapa
Free space color SettingsView Boja slobodnog prostora
Cut ContainerWindow Izreži
Remove FindPanel Ukloni
Resize to fit QueryContainerWindow Promjeni veličinu da se uklopi
Desktop TrackerSettingsWindow Radna površina
Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. FSClipBoard Oprostite,ne možete kopirati stavke u smeće.
by attribute FindPanel po osobinama
Disk mounting during boot AutoMounterSettings Montiranje diska pri podizanju sustava
New Query FindPanel Novi upit
Preparing to move items… StatusWindow Priprema za premještanje stavki...
You cannot replace a file with a folder or a symbolic link. FSUtils Ne možete zamjeniti datoteku mapom ili simboličkom poveznicom.
Unmount InfoWindow Odmontirati
no supporting apps OpenWithWindow nema podržanih programa
That name is already taken. Please type another one. InfoWindow Ime je zauzeto.Molim vas upišite drugo ime.
Sorry, you can't create links in the Trash. PoseView Oprostite,ne možete praviti poveznice u smeću.
Preparing to restore items… StatusWindow Pripremanje da se vrate stavke..
Replace other file WidgetAttributeText Zamjeni drugu datoteku
48 x 48 ContainerWindow 48 x 48
The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView Označena stavka nemože biti pomaknuta u smeće. Želite izbrisati(ovu operaciju nemožete vratiti)
Error moving \"%name\". FSUtils Greška pri pomicanju \"%name\"
TiB WidgetAttributeText TiB
40 x 40 ContainerWindow 40 x 40
The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it? FilePanelPriv Datoteka \"%ime\" već postoji u određenoj mapi. Želite li je zamjeniti?
Cancel ContainerWindow Odustani
Unmount ContainerWindow Odmontiraj
Copy layout ContainerWindow Kopiraj raspored
label too long PoseView naljepnica je preduga
Finish: %time StatusWindow Završi: %time
Cancel Tracker Odustani
Sorry, you cannot edit that attribute. WidgetAttributeText Žao nam je, ne možete ureditii taj atribut.
Name ContainerWindow Ime
Reverse order ContainerWindow Preokreni red
48 x 48 DeskWindow 48 x 48
OK OpenWithWindow U redu
Add current folder FilePanelPriv Dodaj trenutnu mapu
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n FSUtils Nemože se otvoriti \"%document\" sa programom \"%app\" (Nedostaje simbol: %symbol). \n
The target disk does not support creating links. FSUtils Željeni disk ne podržava kreiranje poveznica.
starts with SelectionWindow počinje sa
Preparing to delete items… StatusWindow Pripremanje za brisanje stavki...
Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file? FSUtils Želite li naći prikladni program za otvaranje datoteke?
There was an error writing the attribute. WidgetAttributeText Dogodila se greška pri pisanju atributa.
Recalculate folder size InfoWindow Ponovno izračunaj veličinu mape
Unknown WidgetAttributeText Nepoznato
Could not open \"%document\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n FSUtils Nije moguće otvoriti \"%document\" (Nedostaje simbol: %symbol). \n
Error moving \"%name\" FSUtils Greška pri premještanju \"%name\"
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. FSClipBoard Moraš spustiti stavke na jednu od ikona diska u \"Disks\" prozoru.
Cancel WidgetAttributeText Odustani
Could not find an application to open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils Nije moguće naći program za otvaranje \"%name\" (%error)
Previously mounted disks AutoMounterSettings Prethodno montirani diskovi
%Ld B WidgetAttributeText %Ld B
copying FSUtils kopiranje
Error copying folder \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue? FSUtils Greška pri kopiranju mape \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nŽelite li nastaviti?
move FSUtils As in 'if you move this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner verschoben...' (de) premjestite
rename InfoWindow As in 'to rename this folder...' (en) 'Um diesen Ordner umzubenennen...' (de) preimenuj
Close all ContainerWindow Zatvori sve
Include trash FindPanel Uključi smeće
Open %name with: OpenWithWindow Otvori %name sa:
Empty folder NavMenu Isprazni mapu
Copy here ContainerWindow Kopiraj ovdje
Move to Trash FilePanelPriv Premjesti u smeće
Current folder ContainerWindow Trenutna mapa
The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv Specificirano ime je već zauzeto kao ime mape. Molim izaberite drugo ime.
Clean up ContainerWindow Očisti
after FindPanel poslije
Select… QueryContainerWindow Odaberi...
link FSUtils filename link poveznica
You can't move a folder into itself or any of its own sub-folders. FSUtils Ne možete premjestiti mapu u nju samu ili njenu vlastitu podmapu.
List view ContainerWindow List pregled
Get info FilePanelPriv Uzmi infomacije
32 x 32 DeskWindow 32 x 32
Cancel FilePanelPriv Odustani
Disks DirMenu Diskovi
New folder %ld FSUtils Nova mapa %ld
All BeOS disks AutoMounterSettings Svi BeOS diskovi
Sorry, could not create a new folder. FSUtils Žao nam je, nemožete napraviti novu mapu.
multiple disks FindPanel više diskova
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Moraš spustiti stavke na jednoj od ikona diskova u \"Diskovi\" prozoru.
Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? This operation cannot be reverted. FSUtils Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati označene stavke? Ova operacija se neće moći vratiti.
Add-ons DeskWindow Dodaci
Name FindPanel Ime
And FindPanel I
Select… DeskWindow Odaberi...
Copy FilePanelPriv Kopiraj
Icon view DeskWindow Ikonski pregled
Select all QueryContainerWindow Odaberi sve
There was a problem trying to replace \"%name\". The item might be open or busy. FSUtils Bio je problem pri premještanju \"%name\". Stavka je možda otvorena il zauzeta.
Owner FilePermissionsView Vlasnik
There was a problem trying to save in the folder you specified. Please try another one. FilePanelPriv Došlo je do problema pri pokušaju spremanja u mapu koju ste odredili.Molim pokušajte drugu mapu.
Automatic disk mounting AutoMounterSettings Automatsko montiranje diska
Original name ContainerWindow Izvorno ime
Find FSUtils Nađi
Error copying file \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue? FSUtils Greška pri kopiranju datoteke\"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nŽelite li nastaviti?
Single window navigation SettingsView Navigacija s jednim prozorom