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// Widget type header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
2024-03-03 00:58:52 +03:00
// Copyright 1998-2024 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
#ifndef _FLUID_FL_TYPE_H
#define _FLUID_FL_TYPE_H
#include <FL/Fl_Widget.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
#include "code.h"
class Fl_Type;
class Fl_Group_Type;
class Fl_Window_Type;
class Fd_Project_Reader;
class Fd_Project_Writer;
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Declare where a new type is placed in the hierarchy.
Note that a type can also be the start of a hierarchy of types. In that case,
\see Fl_Type *Fl_..._Type::make(Strategy strategy) calls `add()`
Add single Type:
Fl_Type *add_new_widget_from_user(Fl_Type *inPrototype, Strategy strategy, bool and_open)
Fl_Type *add_new_widget_from_user(const char *inName, Strategy strategy, bool and_open)
Fl_Type *add_new_widget_from_file(const char *inName, Strategy strategy)
Add a hierarchy of Types
void Fl_Type::add(Fl_Type *p, Strategy strategy)
int read_file(const char *filename, int merge, Strategy strategy)
Fl_Type *Fd_Project_Reader::read_children(Fl_Type *p, int merge, Strategy strategy, char skip_options)
int Fd_Project_Reader::read_project(const char *filename, int merge, Strategy strategy)
typedef enum {
kAddAsLastChild = 0,
} Strategy;
enum ID {
// administrative
ID_Base_, ID_Widget_, ID_Menu_Manager_, ID_Menu_, ID_Browser_, ID_Valuator_,
// non-widget
ID_Function, ID_Code, ID_CodeBlock,
ID_Decl, ID_DeclBlock, ID_Class,
ID_Widget_Class, ID_Comment, ID_Data,
// groups
ID_Window, ID_Group, ID_Pack,
ID_Flex, ID_Tabs, ID_Scroll,
ID_Tile, ID_Wizard, ID_Grid,
// buttons
ID_Button, ID_Return_Button, ID_Light_Button,
ID_Check_Button, ID_Repeat_Button, ID_Round_Button,
// valuators
ID_Slider, ID_Scrollbar, ID_Value_Slider,
ID_Adjuster, ID_Counter, ID_Spinner,
ID_Dial, ID_Roller, ID_Value_Input, ID_Value_Output,
// text
ID_Input, ID_Output, ID_Text_Editor,
ID_Text_Display, ID_File_Input, ID_Terminal,
// menus
ID_Menu_Bar, ID_Menu_Button, ID_Choice,
ID_Input_Choice, ID_Submenu, ID_Menu_Item,
ID_Checkbox_Menu_Item, ID_Radio_Menu_Item,
// browsers
ID_Browser, ID_Check_Browser, ID_File_Browser,
ID_Tree, ID_Help_View, ID_Table,
// misc
ID_Box, ID_Clock, ID_Progress,
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void update_visibility_flag(Fl_Type *p);
void delete_all(int selected_only=0);
int storestring(const char *n, const char * & p, int nostrip=0);
void select_all_cb(Fl_Widget *,void *);
void select_none_cb(Fl_Widget *,void *);
void earlier_cb(Fl_Widget*,void*);
void later_cb(Fl_Widget*,void*);
\brief This is the base class for all elements in the project tree.
All widgets and other types in the project are derived from Fl_Types. They
are organized in a doubly linked list. Every Type also has depth information
to create a pseudo tree structure. To make walking up the tree faster, Type
also holds a pointer to the `parent` Type.
Types can be identified using the builtin ID system that works like RTTI. The
method `id()` returns the exact type, and the method `is_a(ID)` returns true
if this is the exact type or derived from the type, and a dynamic cast will
work reliably.
\todo it would be nice if we can handle multiple independent trees. To do that
we must remove static members like `first` and `last`.
\todo add virtual methods to handle events, draw widgets, and draw overlays.
It may also make sense to have a virtual method that returns a boolean if
a specific type can be added as a child.
\todo it may make sense to have a readable iterator class instead of relying
on pointer manipulation. Or use std in future releases.
class Fl_Type {
/** Copy the label text to Widgets and Windows, does nothing in Type. */
virtual void setlabel(const char *) { } // virtual part of label(char*)
/** Name of a widget, or code some non-widget Types. */
const char *name_;
/** Label text of a widget. */
const char *label_;
/** If it is just a word, it's the name of the callback function. Otherwise
it is the full callback C++ code. Can be NULL. */
const char *callback_;
/** Widget user data field as C++ text. */
const char *user_data_;
/** Widget user data type as C++ text, usually `void*` or `long`. */
const char *user_data_type_;
/** Optional comment for every node in the graph. Visible in browser and
panels, and will also be copied to the source code. */
const char *comment_;
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/** a unique ID within the project */
unsigned short uid_;
public: // things that should not be public:
/** Quick link to the parent Type instead of walking up the linked list. */
Fl_Type *parent;
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/** This type is rendered "selected" in the tree browser. */
char new_selected; // browser highlight
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/** Backup storage for selection if an error occurred during some operation
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(see `haderror`). It seems that this is often confused with new_selected
which seems to hold the true and visible selection state. */
char selected; // copied here by selection_changed()
char open_; // state of triangle in browser
char visible; // true if all parents are open
int level; // number of parents over this
static Fl_Type *first, *last;
Fl_Type *next, *prev;
Fl_Type *prev_sibling();
Fl_Type *next_sibling();
Fl_Type *first_child();
Fl_Type *factory;
const char *callback_name(Fd_Code_Writer& f);
// text positions of this type in code, header, and project file (see codeview)
int code_static_start, code_static_end;
int code1_start, code1_end;
int code2_start, code2_end;
int header1_start, header1_end;
int header2_start, header2_end;
int header_static_start, header_static_end;
int proj1_start, proj1_end;
int proj2_start, proj2_end;
int user_defined(const char* cbname) const;
virtual ~Fl_Type();
virtual Fl_Type *make(Strategy strategy) = 0;
Fl_Window_Type *window();
Fl_Group_Type *group();
void add(Fl_Type *parent, Strategy strategy);
void insert(Fl_Type *n); // insert into list before n
Fl_Type* remove(); // remove from list
void move_before(Fl_Type*); // move before a sibling
virtual const char *title(); // string for browser
virtual const char *type_name() = 0; // type for code output
virtual const char *alt_type_name() { return type_name(); } // alternate type for FLTK2 code output
const char *name() const {return name_;}
void name(const char *);
const char *label() const {return label_;}
void label(const char *);
const char *callback() const {return callback_;}
void callback(const char *);
const char *user_data() const {return user_data_;}
void user_data(const char *);
const char *user_data_type() const {return user_data_type_;}
void user_data_type(const char *);
const char *comment() { return comment_; }
void comment(const char *);
virtual Fl_Type* click_test(int,int) { return NULL; }
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virtual void add_child(Fl_Type*, Fl_Type* beforethis) { }
virtual void move_child(Fl_Type*, Fl_Type* beforethis) { }
virtual void remove_child(Fl_Type*) { }
/** Give widgets a change to arrange their children after all children were add.
If adding individual children, this is called immediately, but if children
are read via a project file, we wait until all children are read and then
lay out the group.
virtual void layout_widget() { }
static Fl_Type *current; // most recently picked object
static Fl_Type *current_dnd;
virtual void open(); // what happens when you double-click
// read and write data to a saved file:
virtual void write(Fd_Project_Writer &f);
virtual void write_properties(Fd_Project_Writer &f);
virtual void read_property(Fd_Project_Reader &f, const char *);
virtual void write_parent_properties(Fd_Project_Writer &f, Fl_Type *child, bool encapsulate);
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virtual void read_parent_property(Fd_Project_Reader &f, Fl_Type *child, const char *property);
virtual int read_fdesign(const char*, const char*);
virtual void postprocess_read() { }
// write code, these are called in order:
virtual void write_static(Fd_Code_Writer& f); // write static stuff to .c file
virtual void write_static_after(Fd_Code_Writer& f); // write static stuff after children
virtual void write_code1(Fd_Code_Writer& f); // code and .h before children
virtual void write_code2(Fd_Code_Writer& f); // code and .h after children
void write_comment_h(Fd_Code_Writer& f, const char *ind=""); // write the commentary text into the header file
void write_comment_c(Fd_Code_Writer& f, const char *ind=""); // write the commentary text into the source file
void write_comment_inline_c(Fd_Code_Writer& f, const char *ind=0L); // write the commentary text
// live mode
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virtual Fl_Widget *enter_live_mode(int top=0); // build widgets needed for live mode
virtual void leave_live_mode(); // free allocated resources
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virtual void copy_properties(); // copy properties from this type into a potential live object
// get message number for I18N
int msgnum();
/** Return 1 if the Type can have children. */
virtual int can_have_children() const {return 0;}
/** Return 1 if the type is a widget or menu item. */
virtual int is_widget() const {return 0;}
/** Return 1 if the type is a widget but not a menu item. */
virtual int is_true_widget() const {return 0;}
/** Return 1 if a type behaves like a button (Fl_Button and Fl_Menu_Item and derived, but not Fl_Submenu_Type. */
virtual int is_button() const {return 0;}
/** Return 1 if this is a Fl_Widget_Class_Type, Fl_CodeBlock_Type, or Fl_Function_Type */
virtual int is_code_block() const {return 0;}
/** Return 1 if this is a Fl_Widget_Class_Type, Fl_Class_Type, or Fl_DeclBlock_Type */
virtual int is_decl_block() const {return 0;}
/** Return 1 if this is a Fl_Class_Type or Fl_Widget_Class_Type. */
virtual int is_class() const {return 0;}
/** Return 1 if the type browser shall draw a padlock over the icon. */
virtual int is_public() const {return 1;}
/** Return the type ID for this Type. */
virtual ID id() const { return ID_Base_; }
/** Check if this Type is of the give type ID or derived from that type ID. */
virtual bool is_a(ID inID) const { return (inID==ID_Base_); }
const char* class_name(const int need_nest) const;
bool is_in_class() const;
int has_function(const char*, const char*) const;
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unsigned short set_uid(unsigned short suggested_uid=0);
unsigned short get_uid() { return uid_; }
static Fl_Type *find_by_uid(unsigned short uid);
static Fl_Type *find_in_text(int text_type, int crsr);
/// If this is greater zero, widgets will be allowed to lay out their children.
static int allow_layout;
#endif // _FLUID_FL_TYPE_H