added some comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -2469,21 +2469,26 @@ gui_buffer_alloc(struct gui_buffer *b, gui_size size, gui_size align)
if (!b || !size) return NULL;
b->needed += size;
/* calculate total size with needed alignment + size */
unaligned = gui_ptr_add(void, b->memory.ptr, b->allocated);
memory = GUI_ALIGN_PTR(unaligned, align);
alignment = (gui_size)((gui_byte*)memory - (gui_byte*)unaligned);
/* check if buffer has enough memory*/
if ((b->allocated + size + alignment) >= b->memory.size) {
void *temp;
if (b->type != GUI_BUFFER_DYNAMIC || !b->pool.realloc)
return NULL;
/* allocated new bigger block of memory if the buffer is dynamic */
cap = (gui_size)((gui_float)b->memory.size * b->grow_factor);
temp = b->pool.realloc(b->pool.userdata, b->memory.ptr, cap);
if (!temp) return NULL;
b->memory.ptr = temp;
b->memory.size = cap;
/* align newly allocated pointer to memory */
unaligned = gui_ptr_add(gui_byte, b->memory.ptr, b->allocated);
memory = GUI_ALIGN_PTR(unaligned, align);
alignment = (gui_size)((gui_byte*)memory - (gui_byte*)unaligned);
@ -2526,7 +2531,6 @@ gui_buffer_info(struct gui_memory_status *s, struct gui_buffer *b)
s->memory = b->memory.ptr;
s->calls = b->calls;
* ==============================================================
@ -2549,6 +2553,7 @@ gui_command_buffer_push(struct gui_command_buffer* b,
cmd = gui_buffer_alloc(&b->base, size, align);
if (!cmd) return NULL;
/* make sure the offset to the next command is aligned */
unaligned = (gui_byte*)cmd + size;
memory = GUI_ALIGN_PTR(unaligned, align);
alignment = (gui_size)((gui_byte*)memory - (gui_byte*)unaligned);
@ -2778,6 +2783,7 @@ gui_do_button(struct gui_command_buffer *o, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float
if (!o || !b)
return gui_false;
/* general button user input logic */
background = b->background;
if (i && GUI_INBOX(i->mouse_pos.x, i->mouse_pos.y, x, y, w, h)) {
background = b->highlight;
@ -2787,6 +2793,7 @@ gui_do_button(struct gui_command_buffer *o, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float
/* basic button drawing routines */
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(o, x, y, w, h, b->rounding, b->foreground);
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(o, x + b->border, y + b->border,
w - 2 * b->border, h - 2 * b->border, b->rounding, background);
@ -2812,6 +2819,7 @@ gui_button_text(struct gui_command_buffer *o, gui_float x, gui_float y,
if (!o || !b)
return gui_false;
/* general drawing and logic button */
font_color = b->content;
bg_color = b->background;
button_w = MAX(w, 2 * b->padding.x);
@ -2822,11 +2830,13 @@ gui_button_text(struct gui_command_buffer *o, gui_float x, gui_float y,
ret = gui_do_button(o, x, y, button_w, button_h, b, i, behavior);
/* calculate text bounds */
inner.x = x + b->border + b->rounding;
inner.y = y + b->border;
inner.w = button_w - (2 * b->border + 2 * b->rounding);
inner.h = button_h - (2 * b->border);
/* draw text inside button */
t.padding.x = b->padding.x;
t.padding.y = b->padding.y;
t.background = bg_color;
@ -2872,6 +2882,7 @@ gui_button_image(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y,
if (!out || !button)
return gui_false;
/* execute basic button logic/drawing and finally draw image into the button */
pressed = gui_do_button(out, x, y, w, h, button, in, b);
img_x = x + button->padding.x;
img_y = y + button->padding.y;
@ -2899,14 +2910,17 @@ gui_toggle(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w
if (!out || !toggle)
return 0;
/* make sure correct values */
toggle_w = MAX(w, font->height + 2 * toggle->padding.x);
toggle_h = MAX(h, font->height + 2 * toggle->padding.y);
toggle_active = active;
/* calculate the size of the complete toggle */
select_x = x + toggle->padding.x;
select_y = y + toggle->padding.y;
select_size = font->height + 2 * toggle->padding.y;
/* calculate the bounds of the cursor inside the toggle */
cursor_pad = (type == GUI_TOGGLE_OPTION) ?
(gui_float)(gui_int)(select_size / 4):
(gui_float)(gui_int)(select_size / 8);
@ -2914,17 +2928,20 @@ gui_toggle(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w
cursor_x = select_x + cursor_pad;
cursor_y = select_y + cursor_pad;
/* update toggle state with user input */
if (in && !in->mouse_down && in->mouse_clicked)
if (GUI_INBOX(in->mouse_clicked_pos.x, in->mouse_clicked_pos.y,
cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_size, cursor_size))
toggle_active = !toggle_active;
/* draw radiobutton/checkbox background */
if (type == GUI_TOGGLE_CHECK)
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, select_x, select_y, select_size,
select_size, toggle->rounding, toggle->foreground);
else gui_command_buffer_push_circle(out, select_x, select_y, select_size,
select_size, toggle->foreground);
/* draw radiobutton/checkbox cursor if active */
if (toggle_active) {
if (type == GUI_TOGGLE_CHECK)
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_size,
@ -2933,16 +2950,19 @@ gui_toggle(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w
cursor_size, cursor_size, toggle->cursor);
/* draw describing toggle text */
if (font && string) {
struct gui_text text;
gui_float inner_x, inner_y;
gui_float inner_w, inner_h;
/* calculate text bounds */
inner_x = x + select_size + toggle->padding.x * 2;
inner_y = (y + (select_size / 2)) - (font->height / 2);
inner_w = (x + toggle_w) - (inner_x + toggle->padding.x);
inner_h = (y + toggle_h) - (inner_y + toggle->padding.y);
/* draw text */
text.padding.x = 0;
text.padding.y = 0;
text.background = toggle->background;
@ -2971,6 +2991,7 @@ gui_slider(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w
if (!out || !s)
return 0;
/* make sure the provided values are correct */
slider_w = MAX(w, 2 * s->padding.x);
slider_h = MAX(h, 2 * s->padding.y);
slider_max = MAX(min, max);
@ -2979,23 +3000,28 @@ gui_slider(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w
slider_range = slider_max - slider_min;
slider_steps = slider_range / step;
/* calculate slider cursor bounds */
cursor_offset = (slider_value - slider_min) / step;
cursor.w = (slider_w - 2 * s->padding.x) / (slider_steps + 1);
cursor.h = slider_h - 2 * s->padding.y;
cursor.x = x + s->padding.x + (cursor.w * cursor_offset);
cursor.y = y + s->padding.y;
/* calculate slider background bar bounds */
bar.x = x + s->padding.x;
bar.y = (cursor.y + cursor.h/2) - cursor.h/8;
bar.w = slider_w - 2 * s->padding.x;
bar.h = cursor.h/4;
/* updated the slider value by user input */
if (in && in->mouse_down &&
GUI_INBOX(in->mouse_pos.x, in->mouse_pos.y, x, y, slider_w, slider_h) &&
GUI_INBOX(in->mouse_clicked_pos.x,in->mouse_clicked_pos.y, x, y, slider_w, slider_h))
const float d = in->mouse_pos.x - (cursor.x + cursor.w / 2.0f);
const float pxstep = (slider_w - 2 * s->padding.x) / slider_steps;
/* only update value if the next slider step is reached*/
if (GUI_ABS(d) >= pxstep) {
const gui_float steps = (gui_float)((gui_int)(GUI_ABS(d) / pxstep));
slider_value += (d > 0) ? (step * steps) : -(step * steps);
@ -3004,6 +3030,7 @@ gui_slider(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w
/* draw slider with background/background bar and either rectangle or circle cusor*/
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, x, y, slider_w, slider_h, 0, s->bg);
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, bar.x, bar.y, bar.w, bar.h,0, s->bar);
if (s->cursor == GUI_SLIDER_RECT) {
@ -3032,10 +3059,12 @@ gui_progress(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y,
if (!out || !prog) return 0;
/* make sure given values are correct */
prog_w = MAX(w, 2 * prog->padding.x + 1);
prog_h = MAX(h, 2 * prog->padding.y + 1);
prog_value = MIN(value, max);
/* update progress by from user input if modifyable */
if (in && modifyable && in->mouse_down &&
GUI_INBOX(in->mouse_pos.x, in->mouse_pos.y, x, y, prog_w, prog_h)){
gui_float ratio = (gui_float)(in->mouse_pos.x - x) / (gui_float)prog_w;
@ -3043,14 +3072,17 @@ gui_progress(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y,
if (!max) return prog_value;
/* make calculated values are correct */
prog_value = MIN(prog_value, max);
prog_scale = (gui_float)prog_value / (gui_float)max;
/* calculate progress bar cursor */
cursor_h = prog_h - 2 * prog->padding.y;
cursor_w = (prog_w - 2 * prog->padding.x) * prog_scale;
cursor_x = x + prog->padding.x;
cursor_y = y + prog->padding.y;
/* draw progressbar width background and cursor */
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, x, y, prog_w, prog_h,prog->rounding, prog->background);
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_w, cursor_h,
prog->rounding, prog->foreground);
@ -3124,8 +3156,10 @@ gui_buffer_input(gui_char *buffer, gui_size length, gui_size max,
/* add user provided text to buffer until either no input or buffer space left*/
glyph_len = gui_utf_decode(i->text, &unicode, i->text_len);
while (glyph_len && ((text_len+glyph_len) <= i->text_len) && (length+src_len)<max) {
/* filter value to make sure the value is correct */
if (filter(unicode)) {
gui_size n = 0;
for (n = 0; n < glyph_len; n++)
@ -3157,10 +3191,13 @@ gui_edit_filtered(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_
input_h = MAX(h, font->height);
input_active = *active;
/* draw editbox background and border */
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, x, y, input_w, input_h,field->rounding, field->border);
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, x + field->border_size, y + field->border_size,
input_w - 2 * field->border_size, input_h - 2 * field->border_size,
field->rounding, field->background);
/* check if editbox is not active */
if (in && in->mouse_clicked && in->mouse_down)
input_active = GUI_INBOX(in->mouse_pos.x, in->mouse_pos.y, x, y, input_w, input_h);
@ -3171,6 +3208,7 @@ gui_edit_filtered(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_
const struct gui_key *enter = &in->keys[GUI_KEY_ENTER];
const struct gui_key *space = &in->keys[GUI_KEY_SPACE];
/* updated input buffer by user input */
if ((del->down && del->clicked) || (bs->down && bs->clicked))
if (len > 0) len = len - 1;
if ((enter->down && enter->clicked) || (esc->down && esc->clicked))
@ -3187,6 +3225,7 @@ gui_edit_filtered(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_
gui_float label_w = input_w - 2 * field->padding.x - 2 * field->border_size;
gui_size cursor_w =(gui_size)font->width(font->userdata,(const gui_char*)"X", 1);
/* calculate the visible text range */
gui_size text_len = len;
gui_size text_width = font->width(font->userdata, buffer, text_len);
while (text_len && (text_width + cursor_w) > (gui_size)label_w) {
@ -3196,12 +3235,14 @@ gui_edit_filtered(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_
text_width = font->width(font->userdata, &buffer[offset], text_len);
/* calculate the text bounds and draw the string to screen*/
label_x = x + field->padding.x + field->border_size;
label_y = y + field->padding.y + field->border_size;
label_h = input_h - (2 * field->padding.y + 2 * field->border_size);
gui_command_buffer_push_text(out , label_x, label_y, label_w, label_h,
&buffer[offset], text_len, font, field->background, field->text);
/* if wanted draw the cursor at the end of the text input */
if (input_active && field->show_cursor) {
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, label_x + (gui_float)text_width, label_y,
(gui_float)cursor_w, label_h,0, field->cursor);
@ -3253,11 +3294,13 @@ gui_scroll(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y,
if (!out || !s) return 0;
/* scrollbar background */
scroll_w = MAX(w, 0);
scroll_h = MAX(h, 2 * scroll_w);
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out , x, y, scroll_w, scroll_h, s->rounding, s->background);
if (target <= scroll_h) return 0;
/* setup and execute up/down button */
button.border = 1;
button.rounding = 0;
button.padding.x = scroll_w / 4;
@ -3273,6 +3316,7 @@ gui_scroll(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y,
button_down_pressed = gui_button_triangle(out, x, y + scroll_h - scroll_w,
scroll_w, scroll_w, GUI_DOWN, GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &button, i);
/* calculate scrollbar constants */
scroll_h = scroll_h - 2 * scroll_w;
scroll_y = y + scroll_w;
scroll_step = MIN(step, scroll_h);
@ -3280,6 +3324,7 @@ gui_scroll(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y,
scroll_ratio = scroll_h / target;
scroll_off = scroll_offset / target;
/* calculate scrollbar cursor bounds */
cursor_h = scroll_ratio * scroll_h;
cursor_y = scroll_y + (scroll_off * scroll_h);
cursor_w = scroll_w;
@ -3306,6 +3351,7 @@ gui_scroll(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y,
/* draw updated scrollbar cursor */
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_w,
cursor_h, s->rounding, s->foreground);
return scroll_offset;
@ -3330,11 +3376,13 @@ gui_spinner(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float
gui_float field_x, field_y;
gui_float field_w, field_h;
/* make sure given values are correct */
value = CLAMP(min, value, max);
len = gui_itos(string, value);
is_active = (active) ? *active : gui_false;
old_len = len;
/* up/down button setup and execution */
button_y = y;
button_h = h / 2;
button_w = h - s->padding.x;
@ -3359,6 +3407,7 @@ gui_spinner(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float
value = CLAMP(min, value, max);
/* editbox setup and execution */
field_x = x;
field_y = y;
field_h = h;
@ -3400,9 +3449,11 @@ gui_selector(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float
GUI_ASSERT(item_current < item_count);
/* draw selector background and border */
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, x, y, w, h, 0, s->border);
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, x+1, y+1, w-2, h-2, 0, s->color);
/* up/down button setup and execution */
button_y = y;
button_h = h / 2;
button_w = h - s->padding.x;
@ -3426,6 +3477,7 @@ gui_selector(struct gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float
item_current-1 : (button_up_clicked && item_current < item_count-1) ?
item_current+1 : item_current;
/* calculate text bounds and draw current selected selection text */
label_x = x + s->padding.x;
label_y = y + s->padding.y;
label_w = w - (button_w + 2 * s->padding.x);
@ -3564,9 +3616,11 @@ gui_config_push_color(struct gui_config *config, enum gui_config_colors index,
if (!config) return;
if (config->stack.color >= GUI_MAX_COLOR_STACK) return;
c = &config->stack.colors[config->stack.color++];
c->value = config->colors[index];
c->type = index;
config->colors[index].r = r;
config->colors[index].g = g;
config->colors[index].b = b;
@ -3581,9 +3635,11 @@ gui_config_push_property(struct gui_config *config, enum gui_config_properties i
if (!config) return;
if (config-> >= GUI_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK) return;
p = &config->[config->];
p->value = config->properties[index];
p->type = index;
config->properties[index].x = x;
config->properties[index].y = y;
@ -3704,6 +3760,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
c = p->config;
/* aquire all needed configuration style constants */
scrollbar_width = gui_config_property(c, GUI_PROPERTY_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH).x;
panel_size = gui_config_property(c, GUI_PROPERTY_SIZE);
panel_padding = gui_config_property(c, GUI_PROPERTY_PADDING);
@ -3711,9 +3768,11 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
item_spacing = gui_config_property(c, GUI_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING);
scaler_size = gui_config_property(c, GUI_PROPERTY_SCALER_SIZE);
/* calculate the height of the panel header */
l->header_height = c->font.height + 3 * item_padding.y;
l->header_height += panel_padding.y;
/* cache relevant user input values */
mouse_x = (i) ? i->mouse_pos.x : -1;
mouse_y = (i) ? i->mouse_pos.y : -1;
prev_x = (i) ? i->mouse_prev.x : -1;
@ -3721,6 +3780,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
clicked_x = (i) ? i->mouse_clicked_pos.x : -1;
clicked_y = (i) ? i->mouse_clicked_pos.y : -1;
/* move panel position if requested */
if (p->flags & GUI_PANEL_MOVEABLE) {
gui_bool incursor;
const gui_float move_x = p->x;
@ -3735,6 +3795,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
/* scale panel size if requested */
if (p->flags & GUI_PANEL_SCALEABLE) {
gui_bool incursor;
gui_float scaler_w = MAX(0, scaler_size.x - item_padding.x);
@ -3751,23 +3812,21 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
l->x = p->x;
l->y = p->y;
l->w = p->w;
l->h = p->h;
l->at_x = p->x;
l->at_y = p->y;
l->width = p->w;
l->height = p->h;
l->config = p->config;
l->buffer = p->buffer;
/* setup the rest of the panel */
l->input = i;
l->index = 0;
l->x = p->x; l->y = p->y;
l->w = p->w; l->h = p->h;
l->at_x = p->x; l->at_y = p->y;
l->width = p->w; l->height = p->h;
l->config = p->config;
l->buffer = p->buffer;
l->row_columns = 0;
l->row_height = 0;
l->offset = p->offset;
out = p->buffer;
/* calulate the head_height if no header is needed or draw the header otherwise */
if (!(p->flags & GUI_PANEL_NO_HEADER)) {
header = &c->colors[GUI_COLOR_HEADER];
header_x = p->x + panel_padding.x;
@ -3776,6 +3835,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
} else l->header_height = 1;
l->row_height = l->header_height + 2 * item_spacing.y;
/* calculate the panel footer */
footer_h = scaler_size.y + item_padding.y;
if ((p->flags & GUI_PANEL_SCALEABLE) &&
(p->flags & GUI_PANEL_SCROLLBAR) &&
@ -3788,6 +3848,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
0, c->colors[GUI_COLOR_PANEL]);
/* fix up some panel flags combinations */
if (!(p->flags & GUI_PANEL_TAB)) {
if (i && i->mouse_down) {
@ -3797,6 +3858,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
/* calculate the panel clipping rectangle*/
l->clip.x = p->x;
l->clip.w = p->w;
l->clip.y = p->y + l->header_height - 1;
@ -3807,7 +3869,10 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
l->clip.h -= (panel_padding.y + item_padding.y);
} else l->clip.h = gui_null_rect.h;
/* execute the panel closing and closer icon drawing */
if ((p->flags & GUI_PANEL_CLOSEABLE) && (!(p->flags & GUI_PANEL_NO_HEADER))) {
/* calculate the position of the close icon position and draw it */
const gui_char *X = (const gui_char*)"x";
const gui_size text_width = c->font.width(c->font.userdata, X, 1);
const gui_float close_x = header_x;
@ -3817,6 +3882,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
gui_command_buffer_push_text(out, close_x, close_y, close_w, close_h,
X, 1, &c->font, c->colors[GUI_COLOR_HEADER], c->colors[GUI_COLOR_TEXT]);
/* check if the close icon has been pressed and set the panel to hidden */
header_w -= close_w;
header_x += close_h - item_padding.x;
if (i && GUI_INBOX(mouse_x, mouse_y, close_x, close_y, close_w, close_h)) {
@ -3827,6 +3893,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
/* execute the panel minimzing and minimizer icon drawing */
if ((p->flags & GUI_PANEL_MINIMIZABLE) && (!(p->flags & GUI_PANEL_NO_HEADER))) {
gui_size text_width;
gui_float min_x, min_y, min_w, min_h;
@ -3834,6 +3901,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
(const gui_char*)"+":
(const gui_char*)"-";
/* calculate the icon positon and size of the icon and draw it */
text_width = c->font.width(c->font.userdata, score, 1);
min_x = header_x;
min_y = p->y + panel_padding.y;
@ -3843,6 +3911,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
score, 1, &c->font, c->colors[GUI_COLOR_HEADER],
/* minize the panel if the minimize icon has been pressed */
header_w -= min_w;
header_x += min_w - item_padding.x;
if (i && GUI_INBOX(mouse_x, mouse_y, min_x, min_y, min_w, min_h)) {
@ -3853,6 +3922,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
l->valid = !(p->minimized || (p->flags & GUI_PANEL_HIDDEN));
/* draw the panel title into the header */
if (text && !(p->flags & GUI_PANEL_NO_HEADER)) {
const gui_size text_len = gui_strsiz(text);
const gui_float label_x = header_x + item_padding.x;
@ -3864,6 +3934,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
/* draw scrollbar panel footer */
if (p->flags & GUI_PANEL_SCROLLBAR) {
const struct gui_color *color = &c->colors[GUI_COLOR_PANEL];
l->width = p->w - scrollbar_width;
@ -3874,6 +3945,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
p->w, p->h - l->header_height, 0, *color);
/* draw the border around the panel header */
if (p->flags & GUI_PANEL_BORDER) {
const struct gui_color *color = &c->colors[GUI_COLOR_BORDER];
const gui_float width = (p->flags & GUI_PANEL_SCROLLBAR) ?
@ -3889,6 +3961,8 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
gui_command_buffer_push_line(out, p->x, p->y + l->header_height,
p->x + p->w, p->y + l->header_height, c->colors[GUI_COLOR_BORDER]);
/* setup the clipping panel rectangle */
gui_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, l->clip.x, l->clip.y, l->clip.w, l->clip.h);
return ret;
@ -3906,12 +3980,14 @@ gui_panel_begin_stacked(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel* p,
if (i->mouse_down && i->mouse_clicked && inpanel && p != s->end) {
const struct gui_panel *iter = p->next;
while (iter) {
/* try to find a panel with higher priorty in the same position */
const struct gui_panel *cur = iter;
if (GUI_INBOX(i->mouse_prev.x,i->mouse_prev.y,cur->x,cur->y,cur->w,cur->h) &&
!cur->minimized) break;
iter = iter->next;
/* current panel is active panel in that position so transfer to top
* highest priortiy in stack */
if (!iter) {
gui_stack_pop(s, p);
gui_stack_push(s, p);
@ -3936,17 +4012,20 @@ gui_panel_begin_tiled(struct gui_panel_layout *tile, struct gui_panel *panel,
if (slot >= GUI_SLOT_MAX) return gui_false;
if (index >= layout->slots[slot].capacity) return gui_false;
/* make sure the correct flags are set */
panel->flags &= (gui_flags)~GUI_PANEL_MINIMIZABLE;
panel->flags &= (gui_flags)~GUI_PANEL_CLOSEABLE;
panel->flags &= (gui_flags)~GUI_PANEL_MOVEABLE;
panel->flags &= (gui_flags)~GUI_PANEL_SCALEABLE;
/* calculate the bounds of the slot */
s = &layout->slots[slot];
bounds.x = s->offset.x * (gui_float)layout->width;
bounds.y = s->offset.y * (gui_float)layout->height;
bounds.w = s->ratio.x * (gui_float)layout->width;
bounds.h = s->ratio.y * (gui_float)layout->height;
/* calculate the bounds of the panel */
if (s->format == GUI_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) {
panel->h = bounds.h;
panel->y = bounds.y;
@ -3958,7 +4037,6 @@ gui_panel_begin_tiled(struct gui_panel_layout *tile, struct gui_panel *panel,
panel->h = bounds.h / (gui_float)s->capacity;
panel->y = bounds.y + (gui_float)index * panel->h;
gui_stack_push(&layout->stack, panel);
return gui_panel_begin(tile, panel, title, (layout->state) ? in : NULL);
@ -3978,12 +4056,14 @@ gui_panel_row(struct gui_panel_layout *layout, gui_float height, gui_size cols)
if (!layout) return;
if (!layout->valid) return;
/* prefetch some configuration data */
config = layout->config;
out = layout->buffer;
color = &config->colors[GUI_COLOR_PANEL];
item_spacing = gui_config_property(config, GUI_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING);
panel_padding = gui_config_property(config, GUI_PROPERTY_PADDING);
/* draw the current row and set the current row layout */
layout->index = 0;
layout->at_y += layout->row_height;
layout->row_columns = cols;
@ -4003,6 +4083,7 @@ gui_panel_row_columns(const struct gui_panel_layout *l, gui_size widget_size)
if (!l || !widget_size)
return 0;
/* calculate the number of widgets with given size that fit into the current row layout */
spacing = gui_config_property(l->config, GUI_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING);
padding = gui_config_property(l->config, GUI_PROPERTY_PADDING);
cols = (gui_size)(l->width) / widget_size;
@ -4054,19 +4135,23 @@ gui_panel_alloc_space(struct gui_rect *bounds, struct gui_panel_layout *layout)
spacing = gui_config_property(config, GUI_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING);
padding = gui_config_property(config, GUI_PROPERTY_PADDING);
/* check if the end of the row as hit and begin new row if so*/
if (layout->index >= layout->row_columns) {
const gui_float row_height = layout->row_height - spacing.y;
gui_panel_row(layout, row_height, layout->row_columns);
/* calculate the total width in the panel */
panel_padding = 2 * padding.x;
panel_spacing = (gui_float)(layout->row_columns - 1) * spacing.x;
panel_space = layout->width - panel_padding - panel_spacing;
/* calculate the width of one item inside the panel row */
item_width = panel_space / (gui_float)layout->row_columns;
item_offset = (gui_float)layout->index * item_width;
item_spacing = (gui_float)layout->index * spacing.x;
/* set the bounds of the newly allocated widget */
bounds->x = layout->at_x + item_offset + item_spacing + padding.x;
bounds->y = layout->at_y - layout->offset;
bounds->w = item_width;
@ -4084,6 +4169,7 @@ gui_panel_widget(struct gui_rect *bounds, struct gui_panel_layout *layout)
if (!layout || !layout->config || !layout->buffer) return gui_false;
if (!layout->valid) return gui_false;
/* allocated space for the panel and check if the widget needs to be updated */
gui_panel_alloc_space(bounds, layout);
c = &layout->clip;
if (!GUI_INTERSECT(c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, bounds->x, bounds->y, bounds->w, bounds->h))
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