finished first documentation pass

This commit is contained in:
vurtun 2015-06-05 15:01:15 +02:00
parent 272807b4f3
commit d54da1049f

View File

@ -640,6 +640,7 @@ GUI_API void gui_command_buffer_push_text(struct gui_command_buffer*, gui_float,
- maixmal size of the text to draw with width and height
- color of the triangle to draw
#define gui_ptr_add(t, p, i) ((t*)((void*)((gui_size)(p) + (i))))
#define gui_ptr_sub(t, p, i) ((t*)((void*)((gui_size)(p) - (i))))
#define gui_command(t, c) ((const struct gui_command_##t*)c)
@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ GUI_API void gui_command_buffer_push_text(struct gui_command_buffer*, gui_float,
gui_selector -- string selector widget
gui_scroll -- scrollbar widget imeplementation
/* Example */
#if 0
gui_command_buffer buffer;
@ -1267,19 +1269,76 @@ struct gui_config {
GUI_API void gui_config_default(struct gui_config*, gui_flags, const struct gui_font*);
/* this function load the panel configuration with default values
- configuration flags indicating which part of the configuration should be loaded with default values
- user font reference structure describing the font used inside the panel
- configuration structure holding the default panel style
GUI_API struct gui_vec2 gui_config_property(const struct gui_config*,
enum gui_config_properties);
enum gui_config_properties);
/* this function accesses a configuration property over an identifier
- Configuration the get the property from
- Configuration property idenfifier describing the property to get
- Property value that has been asked for
GUI_API struct gui_color gui_config_color(const struct gui_config*, enum gui_config_colors);
/* this function accesses a configuration color over an identifier
- Configuration the get the color from
- Configuration color idenfifier describing the color to get
- color value that has been asked for
GUI_API void gui_config_push_property(struct gui_config*, enum gui_config_properties,
gui_float, gui_float);
gui_float, gui_float);
/* this function temporarily changes a property in a stack like fashion to be reseted later
- Configuration structure to push the change to
- Property idenfifier to change
- first value of the property most of the time the x position
- second value of the property most of the time the y position
GUI_API void gui_config_push_color(struct gui_config*, enum gui_config_colors,
gui_byte, gui_byte, gui_byte, gui_byte);
gui_byte, gui_byte, gui_byte, gui_byte);
/* this function temporarily changes a color in a stack like fashion to be reseted later
- Configuration structure to push the change to
- color idenfifier to change
- red color component
- green color component
- blue color component
- alpha color component
GUI_API void gui_config_pop_color(struct gui_config*);
/* this function reverts back a previously pushed temporary color change
- Configuration structure to pop the change from and to
GUI_API void gui_config_pop_property(struct gui_config*);
/* this function reverts back a previously pushed temporary property change
- Configuration structure to pop the change from and to
GUI_API void gui_config_reset_colors(struct gui_config*);
/* this function reverts back all previously pushed temporary color changes
- Configuration structure to pop the change from and to
GUI_API void gui_config_reset_properties(struct gui_config*);
/* this function reverts back all previously pushed temporary color changes
- Configuration structure to pop the change from and to
GUI_API void gui_config_reset(struct gui_config*);
/* this function reverts back all previously pushed temporary color and
* property changes
- Configuration structure to pop the change from and to
* ==============================================================
@ -1289,17 +1348,50 @@ GUI_API void gui_config_reset(struct gui_config*);
The Panel function API is based on the widget API and is almost in its
entirety based on positioning of groups o widgets. Almost each widget inside the
panel API uses the widget API for drawing and manipulation/input logic
but offers a uniform style over a single configuration structure as well as
widget group base moving, spacing and structuring. The panel references
a basic configuration file, an output commmand buffer and input structure which
need to share the same or greater life time than the panel since they are relied
on by the panel.
To setup the Panel API you have to initiate the panel first with position, size
and behavior flags. The Flags inside the panel describe the behavior of the panel
and can be either set or modified directly over the publicaly visual panel struture
or at the beginning in the initialization phase. Just like the flags the position
and size of the panel is made directly modifiable at any given time given single
threaded access while changes are only visible outside the layout buildup process.
To finally use the panel a panel layout has to be created over gui_panle_begin_xxx
which sets up the panel layout build up process. The panel layout has to be kept
valid over the course of the build process until gui_panel_end is called, which
makes the layout perfectly fit for either a stack object or single instanced for
every panel. The beginning of the panel layout also gives the opportunity to
add the panel either into a panel stack for overlapping panels or a tiled border
layout for automated window independend panel positing and sizing.
To add widgets into the panel layout a number of basic widget are provided
which can be added by calling the appropriate function inside both panel
layout sequene points gui_panel_begin and gui_panel_end. All calls outside
both sequence points are invalid and can cause undefined behavior.
Since the panel has no information about the structuring of widgets a
row layout has to be set with row height and number of columns which can
be changed and set by calling the gui_panel_row function.
Panel function API
gui_panel_init -- initializes the panel with position, size and flags
gui_panel_begin -- begin sequence point in the panel layout build up process
gui_panel_begin_stacked -- extends gui_panel_begin by adding the panel into a panel stack
gui_panel_begin_tiled -- extends gui_panel_begin by adding the pnale into a tiled layout
gui_panel_begin_tiled -- extends gui_panel_begin by adding the panel into a tiled layout
gui_panel_row -- defines the current row layout with row height and number of columns
gui_panel_widget -- base function for all widgets to allocate space on the panel and check if valid
gui_panel_spacing -- create a column seperator and is basically an empty widget filler
gui_panel_widget -- base function for all widgets to allocate space on the panel
gui_panel_spacing -- create a column seperator and is basically an empty widget
gui_panel_text -- text widget for printing text with length
gui_panel_text_colored -- colored text widget for printing colored text width length
gui_panel_label -- text widget for printing zero terminated strings
@ -1325,154 +1417,555 @@ GUI_API void gui_config_reset(struct gui_config*);
gui_panel_graph_ex -- ratained mode graph with getter callback
gui_panel_end -- end squeunce point which finializes the panel build up
#if 0
#include "gui.h"
int main(void)
/* allocate memory to hold the draw commands */
gui_command_buffer buffer;
void *memory = malloc(MEMORY_SIZE)
gui_command_buffer_init_fixed(buffer, memory, MEMORY_SIZE);
/* setup configuration */
struct gui_config config;
struct gui_font font = {...};
gui_config_default(&config, GUI_DEFAULT_ALL, &font);
/* initialize panel */
struct gui_panel panel;
gui_panel_init(&panel, 50, 50, 220, 170,
GUI_PANEL_MINIMIZABLE, &config, &buffer);
struct gui_input input = {0};
while (1) {
/* record input */
/* GUI */
struct gui_panel_layout layout;
gui_panel_begin(&layout, &panel, "Demo", &input);
gui_panel_row(&layout, 30, 1);
if (gui_panel_button_text(&layout, "button", GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT)) {
/* event handling */
gui_panel_row(&layout, 30, 2);
if (gui_panel_option(&layout, "easy", option == 0)) option = 0;
if (gui_panel_option(&layout, "hard", option == 1)) option = 1;
gui_panel_label(&layout, "input:", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
len = gui_panel_edit(&layout, buffer, len, 256, &active, GUI_INPUT_DEFAULT);
gui_panel_end(&layout, &panel);
/* draw */
const struct gui_command *cmd;
gui_foreach_command(cmd, buffer) {
/* execute draw call command */
enum gui_table_lines {
/* Horizontal table header lines */
/* Vertical table header lines */
/* Horizontal table body lines */
/* Vertical table body lines */
enum gui_graph_type {
/* Line graph with each data point being connected with its previous and next node */
/* Column graph/Histogram with value represented as bars */
struct gui_graph {
gui_bool valid;
/* graph valid flag to make sure that the graph is visible */
enum gui_graph_type type;
/* graph type with either line or column graph */
gui_float x, y;
/* graph canvas space position */
gui_float w, h;
/* graph canvas space size */
gui_float min, max;
/* min and max value for correct scaling of values */
struct gui_vec2 last;
/* last line graph point to connect to. Only used by the line graph */
gui_size index;
/* current graph value index*/
gui_size count;
/* number of values inside the graph */
enum gui_panel_tab {
GUI_MAXIMIZED = gui_false,
/* Flag indicating that the panel tab is open */
GUI_MINIMIZED = gui_true
/* Flag indicating that the panel tab is closed */
enum gui_panel_flags {
/* Hiddes the panel and stops any panel interaction and drawing can be set
* by user input or by closing the panel */
/* Draws a border around the panel to visually seperate the panel from the
* background */
/* Enables the panel to be minimized/collapsed and adds a minimizing icon
* in the panel header to be clicked by GUI user */
/* Enables the panel to be closed, hidden and made non interactive for the
* user over a closing icon in the panel header */
/* The moveable flag inidicates that a panel can be move by user input by
* dragging the panel header */
/* The scaleable flag indicates that a panel can be scaled by user input
* by dragging a scaler icon at the button of the panel */
/* To remove the header from the panel and invalidate all panel header flags
* the NO HEADER flags was added */
/* internal */
/* Draw a border inside the panel for the panel header seperating the body
* and header of the panel */
/* INTERNAL ONLY!: marks the panel as active, used by the panel stack */
/* INTERNAL ONLY!: adds a scrollbar to the panel which enables fixed size
* panels with unlimited amount of space to fill */
/* INTERNAL ONLY!: Marks the panel as an subpanel of another panel(Groups/Tabs/Shelf)*/
struct gui_panel {
gui_float x, y;
/* position in the os window */
gui_float w, h;
/* size with width and height of the panel */
gui_flags flags;
/* panel flags modifing its behavior */
gui_float offset;
/* panel scrollbar offset in pixel */
gui_bool minimized;
/* flag indicating if the panel is collapsed */
const struct gui_config *config;
/* configuration reference describing the panel style */
struct gui_command_buffer *buffer;
/* output command buffer queuing all drawing calls */
struct gui_panel* next;
/* next panel pointer for the panel stack*/
struct gui_panel* prev;
/* prev panel pointer for the panel stack*/
struct gui_panel_layout {
gui_float x, y, w, h;
/* position and size of the panel in the os window */
gui_float offset;
/* panel scrollbar offset */
gui_bool is_table;
/* flag indicating if the panel is currently creating a table */
gui_flags tbl_flags;
/* flags describing the line drawing for every row in the table */
gui_bool valid;
gui_float at_x;
gui_float at_y;
/* flag inidicaing if the panel is visible */
gui_float at_x, at_y;
/* index position of the current widget row and column */
gui_size index;
/* index of the current widget in the current panel row */
gui_float width, height;
/* size of the actual useable space inside the panel */
gui_float header_height;
/* height of the panel header space */
gui_float row_height;
/* height of the current row layout */
gui_size row_columns;
/* number of columns in the current row layout */
struct gui_rect clip;
/* panel clipping rect needed by scrolling */
const struct gui_config *config;
/* configuration data describing the visual style of the panel */
const struct gui_input *input;
/* current input state for updating the panel and all its widgets */
struct gui_command_buffer *buffer;
/* command draw call output command buffer */
/* Panel */
struct gui_stack;
struct gui_layout;
GUI_API void gui_panel_init(struct gui_panel*, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w,
gui_float h, gui_flags, struct gui_command_buffer*,const struct gui_config*);
gui_float h, gui_flags, struct gui_command_buffer*,
const struct gui_config*);
/* this function initilizes and setups the panel
- bounds of the panel with x,y position and widht and height
- panel flags for modified panel behavior
- reference to a output command buffer to push draw calls to
- configuration file containing the style, color and font for the panel
- a newly initialized panel
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *layout, struct gui_panel*,
const char *title, const struct gui_input*);
const char *title, const struct gui_input*);
/* this function begins the panel build up process
- title of the panel visible in th header
- input structure holding all user generated state changes
- panel layout to fill up with widgets
struct gui_stack;
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_begin_stacked(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel*,
struct gui_stack*, const char*, const struct gui_input*);
struct gui_stack*, const char*,
const struct gui_input*);
/* this function begins the panel build up process and push the panel into a panel stack
- panel stack to push the panel into
- title of the panel visible in th header
- input structure holding all user generated state changes
- panel layout to fill up with widgets
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_begin_tiled(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel*,
struct gui_layout*, gui_uint slot, gui_size index,
const char*, const struct gui_input*);
GUI_API gui_size gui_panel_row_columns(const struct gui_panel_layout *layout,
gui_size widget_size);
struct gui_layout*, gui_uint slot, gui_size index,
const char*, const struct gui_input*);
/* this function begins the panel build up process and push the panel into a tiled layout container
- tiled layout container to push the panel into
- slot inside the panel with either top,button,center,left or right position
- index inside the slot to position the panel into
- title of the panel visible in th header
- input structure holding all user generated state changes
- panel layout to fill up with widgets
GUI_API void gui_panel_row(struct gui_panel_layout*, gui_float height, gui_size cols);
/* this function set the current panel row layout
- panel row layout height in pixel
- panel row layout column count
GUI_API gui_size gui_panel_row_columns(const struct gui_panel_layout *layout,
gui_size widget_size);
/* this function calculates the number of widget with the same width into the
current row layout.
- size of all widgets that need to fit into the current panel row layout
- panel layout to fill up with widgets
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_widget(struct gui_rect*, struct gui_panel_layout*);
/* this function represents the base of every widget and calculates the bounds
* and allocated space for a widget inside a panel.
current row layout.
- allocated space for a widget to draw into
- gui_true if the widget is visible and should be updated gui_false if not
GUI_API void gui_panel_spacing(struct gui_panel_layout*, gui_size cols);
/* this function creates a seperator to fill a current row of the panel layout
current row layout.
- number of columns or widget to jump over
GUI_API void gui_panel_text(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char*, gui_size,
enum gui_text_align);
enum gui_text_align);
/* this function creates a bounded non terminated text widget with either
left, centered or right alignment
- string pointer to text that should be drawn
- number of bytes the text is long
- text alignment with either left, centered or right alignment
GUI_API void gui_panel_text_colored(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char*, gui_size,
enum gui_text_align, struct gui_color);
enum gui_text_align, struct gui_color);
/* this function creates a bounded non terminated color text widget with either
left, centered or right alignment
- string pointer to text that should be drawn
- number of bytes the text is long
- text alignment with either left, centered or right alignment
- color the text should be drawn
GUI_API void gui_panel_label(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char*, enum gui_text_align);
/* this function creates a zero terminated text widget with either
left, centered or right alignment
- string pointer to text that should be drawn
- text alignment with either left, centered or right alignment
GUI_API void gui_panel_label_colored(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char*,
enum gui_text_align, struct gui_color);
enum gui_text_align, struct gui_color);
/* this function creates a zero terminated colored text widget with either
left, centered or right alignment
- string pointer to text that should be drawn
- text alignment with either left, centered or right alignment
- color the label should be drawn
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_check(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char*, gui_bool active);
/* this function creates a checkbox widget with either active or inactive state
- checkbox label describing the content
- state of the checkbox with either active or inactive
- from user input updated state of the checkbox
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_option(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char*, gui_bool active);
/* this function creates a radiobutton widget with either active or inactive state
- radiobutton label describing the content
- state of the radiobutton with either active or inactive
- from user input updated state of the radiobutton
GUI_API gui_size gui_panel_option_group(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char**,
gui_size cnt, gui_size cur);
gui_size cnt, gui_size cur);
/* this function creates a radiobutton group widget with only one active radiobutton
- radiobutton label array describing the content of each radiobutton
- number of radiobuttons
- index of the current active radiobutton
- the from user input updated index of the active radiobutton
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_button_text(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char*,
enum gui_button_behavior);
enum gui_button_behavior);
/* this function creates a text button
- button label describing the button
- button behavior with either default or repeater behavior
- gui_true if the button was transistioned from unpressed to pressed with
default button behavior or pressed if repeater behavior.
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_button_color(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_color,
enum gui_button_behavior);
enum gui_button_behavior);
/* this function creates a colored button without content
- color the button should be drawn with
- button behavior with either default or repeater behavior
- gui_true if the button was transistioned from unpressed to pressed with
default button behavior or pressed if repeater behavior.
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_button_triangle(struct gui_panel_layout*, enum gui_heading,
enum gui_button_behavior);
enum gui_button_behavior);
/* this function creates a button with a triangle pointing in one of four directions
- triangle direction with either up, down, left or right direction
- button behavior with either default or repeater behavior
- gui_true if the button was transistioned from unpressed to pressed with
default button behavior or pressed if repeater behavior.
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_button_image(struct gui_panel_layout*, gui_handle img,
enum gui_button_behavior);
enum gui_button_behavior);
/* this function creates a button with an icon as content
- icon image handle to draw into the button
- button behavior with either default or repeater behavior
- gui_true if the button was transistioned from unpressed to pressed with
default button behavior or pressed if repeater behavior.
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_button_toggle(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char*,gui_bool value);
/* this function creates a toggle button which is either active or inactive
- label describing the toggle button
- current state of the toggle
- from user input updated toggle state
GUI_API gui_float gui_panel_slider(struct gui_panel_layout*, gui_float min, gui_float val,
gui_float max, gui_float step);
gui_float max, gui_float step);
/* this function creates a slider for value manipulation
- minimal slider value that will not be underflown
- slider value which shall be updated
- maximal slider value that will not be overflown
- step intervall to change the slider with
- the from user input updated slider value
GUI_API gui_size gui_panel_progress(struct gui_panel_layout*, gui_size cur, gui_size max,
gui_bool modifyable);
gui_bool modifyable);
/* this function creates an either user or program controlled progressbar
- current progressbar value
- maximal progressbar value that will not be overflown
- flag indicating if the progressbar should be changeable by user input
- the from user input updated progressbar value if modifyable progressbar
GUI_API gui_size gui_panel_edit(struct gui_panel_layout*, gui_char *buffer, gui_size len,
gui_size max, gui_bool *active, enum gui_input_filter);
gui_size max, gui_bool *active, enum gui_input_filter);
/* this function creates an editbox to updated/insert user text input
- buffer to fill with user input
- current length of the buffer in bytes
- maximal number of bytes the buffer can be filled with
- state of the editbox with active as currently modified by the user
- filter type to limit the glyph the user can input into the editbox
- length of the buffer after user input update
- current state of the editbox with active(gui_true) or inactive(gui_false)
GUI_API gui_size gui_panel_edit_filtered(struct gui_panel_layout*, gui_char *buffer,
gui_size len, gui_size max, gui_bool *active, gui_filter);
gui_size len, gui_size max, gui_bool *active, gui_filter);
/* this function creates an editbox to updated/insert filtered user text input
- buffer to fill with user input
- current length of the buffer in bytes
- maximal number of bytes the buffer can be filled with
- state of the editbox with active as currently modified by the user
- filter callback to limit the glyphes the user can input into the editbox
- length of the buffer after user input update
- current state of the editbox with active(gui_true) or inactive(gui_false)
GUI_API gui_int gui_panel_spinner(struct gui_panel_layout*, gui_int min, gui_int value,
gui_int max, gui_int step, gui_bool *active);
gui_int max, gui_int step, gui_bool *active);
/* this function creates a spinner widget
- min value that will not be underflown
- current spinner value to be updated by user input
- max value that will not be overflown
- spinner value modificaton stepping intervall
- current state of the spinner with active as currently modfied by user input
- the from user input updated spinner value
- current state of the editbox with active(gui_true) or inactive(gui_false)
GUI_API gui_size gui_panel_selector(struct gui_panel_layout*, const char *items[],
gui_size item_count, gui_size item_current);
gui_size item_count, gui_size item_current);
/* this function creates a string selector widget
- string array contaning a selection
- number of items inside the selection array
- index of the currenetly selected item inside the array
- the from user selection selected array index of the active item
GUI_API void gui_panel_graph_begin(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_graph*,
enum gui_graph_type, gui_size count, gui_float min, gui_float max);
enum gui_graph_type, gui_size count,
gui_float min, gui_float max);
/* this function begins a graph building widget
- type of the graph with either lines or bars
- minimal graph value for the lower bounds of the graph
- maximal graph value for the upper bounds of the graph
- graph stack object that can be filled with values
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_graph_push(struct gui_panel_layout*,struct gui_graph*,gui_float);
/* this function pushes a value inside the pushed graph
- value data point to fill into the graph either as point or as bar
GUI_API void gui_panel_graph_end(struct gui_panel_layout *layout, struct gui_graph*);
/* this function pops the graph from being used
GUI_API gui_int gui_panel_graph(struct gui_panel_layout*, enum gui_graph_type,
const gui_float *values, gui_size count, gui_size offset);
const gui_float *values, gui_size count, gui_size offset);
/* this function create a graph with given type from an array of value
- type of the graph with either line or bar graph
- graph values in continues array form
- number of graph values
- offset into the value array from which to begin drawing
GUI_API gui_int gui_panel_graph_ex(struct gui_panel_layout*, enum gui_graph_type,
gui_size count, gui_float(*get_value)(void*, gui_size), void *userdata);
gui_size count, gui_float(*get_value)(void*, gui_size),
void *userdata);
/* this function create a graph with given type from callback providing the
graph with values
- type of the graph with either line or bar graph
- number of values inside the graph
- callback to access the values inside your datastrucutre
- userdata to pull the graph values from
GUI_API void gui_panel_table_begin(struct gui_panel_layout*, gui_flags flags,
gui_size row_height, gui_size cols);
gui_size row_height, gui_size cols);
/* this function set the panel to a table state which enable you to create a
table with the standart panel row layout
- table row and column line seperator flags
- height of each table row
- number of columns inside the table
GUI_API void gui_panel_table_row(struct gui_panel_layout*);
/* this function add a row with line seperator into asa table marked table
GUI_API void gui_panel_table_end(struct gui_panel_layout*);
/* this function finished the table build up process and reverts the panel back
to its normal state.
GUI_API gui_bool gui_panel_tab_begin(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel_layout *tab,
const char*, gui_bool);
const char*, gui_bool);
/* this function adds a tab subpanel into the parent panel
- tab title to write into the header
- state of the tab with either collapsed(GUI_MINIMIZED) or open state
- tab layout to fill with widgets
- wether the tab is currently collapsed(gui_true) or open(gui_false)
GUI_API void gui_panel_tab_end(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel_layout *tab);
/* this function finishes the previously started tab and allocated the needed
tab space in the parent panel
GUI_API void gui_panel_group_begin(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel_layout *tab,
const char*, gui_float offset);
const char*, gui_float offset);
/* this function adds a grouped subpanel into the parent panel
IMPORTANT: You need to set the height of the group with panel_row_layout
- group title to write into the header
- group scrollbar offset
- group layout to fill with widgets
GUI_API gui_float gui_panel_group_end(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel_layout* tab);
/* this function finishes the previously started group layout
- The from user input updated group scrollbar pixel offset
GUI_API gui_size gui_panel_shelf_begin(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel_layout*,
const char *tabs[], gui_size size, gui_size active, gui_float offset);
const char *tabs[], gui_size size,
gui_size active, gui_float offset);
/* this function adds a shelf subpanel into the parent panel
IMPORTANT: You need to set the height of the shelf with panel_row_layout
- all possible selectible tabs of the shelf with names as a string array
- number of seletectible tabs
- current active tab array index
- scrollbar pixel offset for the shelf
- group layout to fill with widgets
- the from user input updated current shelf tab index
GUI_API gui_float gui_panel_shelf_end(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel_layout*);
/* this function finishes the previously started shelf layout
- previously started group layout
- The from user input updated shelf scrollbar pixel offset
GUI_API void gui_panel_end(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel*);
/* this function ends the panel layout build up process and updates the panel
* ==============================================================
@ -1482,14 +1975,22 @@ GUI_API void gui_panel_end(struct gui_panel_layout*, struct gui_panel*);
struct gui_stack {
gui_size count;
/* number of panels inside the stack */
struct gui_panel *begin;
/* first panel inside the panel which will be drawn first */
struct gui_panel *end;
/* currently active panel which will be drawn last */
GUI_API void gui_stack_clear(struct gui_stack*);
/* this function clears and reset the stack back to an empty state */
GUI_API void gui_stack_push(struct gui_stack*, struct gui_panel*);
/* this function add a panel into the stack if the panel is not already inside
* the stack */
GUI_API void gui_stack_pop(struct gui_stack*, struct gui_panel*);
/* this function removes a panel from the stack */
#define gui_foreach_panel(i, s) for (i = (s)->begin; i != NULL; i = (i)->next)
/* iterates over each panel inside the stack */
* ==============================================================
@ -1498,11 +1999,17 @@ GUI_API void gui_stack_pop(struct gui_stack*, struct gui_panel*);
* ===============================================================
enum gui_layout_state {
| Top |
| | | |
| left | center | right |
| | | |
| Bottom |
enum gui_layout_slot_index {
@ -1514,40 +2021,65 @@ enum gui_layout_slot_index {
enum gui_layout_format {
/* panels in slots are added left to right */
/* panels in slots are added top to bottom */
struct gui_layout_config {
/* every value is in percent (0.0f - 1.0f) */
gui_float left;
/* horizontal window ratio left slot */
gui_float right;
/* horizontal window ratio right slot */
gui_float centerh;
/* horizontal window ratio center slot */
gui_float centerv;
/* vertical window ratio in center slot */
gui_float bottom;
/* vertical window ratio in bottom slot */
gui_float top;
/* vertical window ratio in top slot */
struct gui_layout_slot {
gui_size capacity;
/* number of panels inside the slot */
struct gui_vec2 ratio;
/* horizontal and vertical window ratio */
struct gui_vec2 offset;
/* position of the slot in the window */
enum gui_layout_format format;
/* panel filling layout */
enum gui_layout_state {
/* tiled layout is inactive and cannot be updated by the user */
/* tiled layout is active and can be updated by the user */
struct gui_layout {
gui_flags flags;
gui_size width, height;
/* size of the layout inside the window */
enum gui_layout_state state;
/* flag indicating if the layout is from the user modifyable */
struct gui_stack stack;
/* panel stack of all panels inside the layout */
struct gui_layout_slot slots[GUI_SLOT_MAX];
/* each slot inside the panel layout */
GUI_API void gui_layout_init(struct gui_layout*, const struct gui_layout_config*,
gui_size width, gui_size height);
gui_size width, gui_size height);
/* initializes the layout with given slot ratio and size */
GUI_API void gui_layout_set_size(struct gui_layout*, gui_size width, gui_size height);
/* updates the size of the complete layout */
GUI_API void gui_layout_slot(struct gui_layout*, enum gui_layout_slot_index,
enum gui_layout_format, gui_size panel_count);
enum gui_layout_format, gui_size panel_count);
/* activates a layout slot with number of panels and filling format*/
@ -3219,7 +3751,6 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
out = p->buffer;
l->x = p->x;
l->y = p->y;
l->w = p->w;
@ -3235,6 +3766,7 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel_layout *l, struct gui_panel *p,
l->row_columns = 0;
l->row_height = 0;
l->offset = p->offset;
out = p->buffer;
if (!(p->flags & GUI_PANEL_NO_HEADER)) {
header = &c->colors[GUI_COLOR_HEADER];