Specific changes from the patch:
1.) renamed fdcache_eip to fdcache_ip, as it is using
the RIP instead of the EIP.
2.) added a Boolean array fdcache_is32 which uses is32
to determine icache hits. Otherwise we could run 32-bit
code as 16-bit or vice versa.
Modified Files:
config.h.in cpu/cpu.cc cpu/cpu.h memory/memory.cc
which were generated with gcc -MM to the end of each Makefile.in
so that make understands which files depend on which. Basically,
everything depends on bochs.h, which depends on everything, which
is not ideal.
BX_SUPPORT_APIC were used. To follow the pattern used by other
names like this, I changed them all to BX_SUPPORT_APIC.
Thanks to Tom Lindström for chasing this down!
BX_CPU_C bx_cpu;
BX_MEM_C bx_mem;
and when more than one processor, use
BX_CPU_C *bx_cpu_array[BX_SMP_PROCESSORS];
BX_MEM_C *bx_mem_array[BX_ADDRESS_SPACES];
The changeover is controlled by BX_SMP_PROCESSORS, but there are only
a few code changes since nearly all code uses the BX_CPU(n) and BX_MEM(n)
- This turns out to make a 10% speed difference! With this revision,
the CVS version now gets 95% of the performance of the 3/25/2000
snapshot, which I've been using as my baseline.
To see the commit logs for this use either cvsweb or
cvs update -r BRANCH-io-cleanup and then 'cvs log' the various files.
In general this provides a generic interface for logging.
logfunctions:: is a class that is inherited by some classes, and also
. allocated as a standalone global called 'genlog'. All logging uses
. one of the ::info(), ::error(), ::ldebug(), ::panic() methods of this
. class through 'BX_INFO(), BX_ERROR(), BX_DEBUG(), BX_PANIC()' macros
. respectively.
. An example usage:
. BX_INFO(("Hello, World!\n"));
iofunctions:: is a class that is allocated once by default, and assigned
as the iofunction of each logfunctions instance. It is this class that
maintains the file descriptor and other output related code, at this
point using vfprintf(). At some future point, someone may choose to
write a gui 'console' for bochs to which messages would be redirected
simply by assigning a different iofunction class to the various logfunctions
More cleanup is coming, but this works for now. If you want to see alot
of debugging output, in main.cc, change onoff[LOGLEV_DEBUG]=0 to =1.
Comments, bugs, flames, to me: todd@fries.net