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L'indice del filesystem
Il menu della deskbar
La Tray
Lista dei programmi in esecuzione


La Deskbar è il piccolo pannello che si trova normalmente in alto a destra sullo schermo. La Deskbar di Haiku corrisponde alla barra delle applicazioni di Windows con il pulsante Start. Contiene il menu dal quale si possono avviare le applicazioni e gestire le varie preferenze, una tray con un orologio ed altri strumenti come una lista dei programmi in esecuzione.


You can move the Deskbar to any corner or as a bar along the upper or lower border of the screen by gripping the knobbly area on one side of the tray (see arrows above) and drag & drop it into the new position.
You can also fold it into a more compact layout by drag & dropping the knobbly area onto Deskbar's Leaf menu. Being only the height of a regular window tab, even windows that take up the whole screen won't obscure the Deskbar tray with its clock and icons.

By gripping the other knobbly widget of the tray, you can change the width of the Deskbar by dragging the mouse left or right:


A wider Deskbar allows for more icons in the tray on a single row. It also truncates longer application names in the list of running programs less often, especially if you use larger icons.

index Il menu della Deskbar

Cliccando nella parte alta della deskbar si apre un menu:


indexPreferenze della Deskbar


The Deskbar preference panel is divided into three sections.


The following settings don't apply to your installed applications, but to the behavior and visuals of the list of running applications.

Sort running applications Sorts the list of running programs alphabetically.
Tracker always first Even if you sort alphabetically, the Tracker entry always stays first in the list.
Show application expander Provides a small widget to show/hide all windows of a program directly under its entry in the Deskbar.
Expand new applications Newly launched programs have their windows automatically expanded under their entry in the Deskbar.
Hide application names Removes the text labels of running applications.
Icon size Adjusts the icon size of running applications.


While the first couple of menu items of the Deskbar are fixed, you can customized the ones below Shutdown....
Here you can set the number of recent documents, folders and applications that are shown in their menu in the Deskbar, or if you want to see them at all.
The button Edit in Tracker... opens the folder ~/config/settings/deskbar/menu/. In it you'll find the files and folders that appear in the Deskbar, by default these are Applications, Demos, Deskbar applets, and Preferences.
You can delete or add entries like links to applications, documents or even queries by simply copying/deleting them to/from this folder.

Programs installed from a package automatically put an entry into the Deskbar. Depending on the number of packages you have installed, this can become a bit crowded. If you prefer to have total control, and only want to see applications you link there yourself (possibly in categorizing sub-folders), here's how to do it:
You create a link of the menu folder in ~/config/settings/deskbar/ and rename to menu_entries. From Terminal that is achieved with:

ln -s ~/config/settings/deskbar/menu ~/config/settings/deskbar/menu_entries


Finally, the preferences for the Deskbar window.

Always on top The Deskbar always stays above all other windows.
Auto-raise The Deskbar pops to the front when the mouse pointer touches where the Deskbar meets the screen edge, and is lowered when it leaves the Desktop area.
Auto-hide The Deskbar is reduced to only a few pixels and only pops up if the mouse pointer touches them.

index La Tray


Oltre a tutto il resto, nella tray è presente anche l'orologio. Posizionando il puntatore del mouse al di sopra di esso viene visualizzata la data in un avviso. Cliccandoci con il tasto sinistro del mouse viene mostrato un calendario. Con il tasto destro del mouse, invece, viene mostrato/nascosto l'orologio ed è possibile impostare le preferenze dell'Orario.

Per qualsiasi programma è possibile installare un' icona nella tray per fornire un interfaccia all'utente. Il sistema di e-mail, ad esempio, cambia simbolo quando ci sono mail non lette e offre un menu contestuale per creare o controllare le nuove mail. ProcessController è un altro esempio di applicazione che utilizza la sua icona nella barra delle applicazioni per fornire delle informazioni (CPU/utlizzo di memoria) ed un menu contestuale.

index Lista dei programmi in esecuzione


You can change to a specific running application by clicking on its entry in the Deskbar and choosing (one of) its windows from the submenu. By right-clicking you can Hide/Show all windows or Close all and with them the entire application.

A SHIFT CTRL click on an application hides all its windows, a CTRL click shows them again.

When using the "expander" setting to show all windows of an application, you can middle-click on a window or app to start a new instance. For example, middle-clicking a running StyledEdit will open a new document window.
Maybe more useful: while holding SHIFT, a middle-click on a window closes it. Handy when you'd like to close some of many open Tracker windows, for example.

Sometimes an application may hang and even though all its windows are gone, the entry in the list of running applications in the Deskbar just won't disappear. In such a situation you use the Vulcan Death Grip to get rid of it: hold SHIFT CTRL ALT and click on the offending entry in the Deskbar. Fascinating!

Attivando l'espansione nelle impostazioni della Deskbar, è possibile espandere o comprimere l'elenco delle finestre direttamente sotto la voce di un'applicazione.

Di fronte alla finestra di ogni applicazione c'è un simbolo che fornisce informazioni sul suo stato. Un simbolo luminoso significa che la finestra è visibile, un simbolo scuro che è ridotta al minimo. Tre linee di fronte a un simbolo indicano che non è l'attuale area di lavoro.