Update translations from Pootle

This commit is contained in:
Autocomitter 2020-12-05 08:43:08 +00:00 committed by Autocommitter
parent e6bb814359
commit e46d640063
17 changed files with 49 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyrigh
Copyright © 2001-%d The Haiku project. AboutView Copyright © 2001-%d The Haiku project.
\n\nSpecial thanks to:\n AboutView \n\n下記の協力者の方々に深く感謝します:\n
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (ならびに彼が開発した NewOS カーネル)\n
Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2000 Y. Takagi. All rights reserved.
Google and their Google Summer of Code and Google Code In programs\n AboutView Google および彼らの Google Summer of Code と Google Code In プログラム\n
Contributors:\n AboutView その他の貢献者:\n
Kernel: AboutView カーネル:

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ ACPI <unknown> DeviceACPI ACPI <unknown>
Device name DevicePCI Название устройства
Disk Drive DeviceSCSI Дисковод
Other DeviceSCSI Другие
Report compatibility DevicesView Отчет о совместимости
Report compatibility DevicesView Отчёт о совместимости
Computer Device Компьютер
PCI bus Device Шина PCI
Enclosure DeviceSCSI Enclosure

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 catalan; valencian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2792101273
1 catalan; valencian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 412302812
Repository update error LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Error d'actualització del repositori
Network error ServerHelper Error de xarxa
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Hi ha hagut un error en actualitzar el repositori: %error%
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Close UserLoginWindow Tanca
Close RatePackageWindow Tanca
An unexpected error has been sent from the server [%i] ServerHelper S'ha enviat un error inesperat des del servidor [%i]
Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%' ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess Se sincronitzen les dades de paquets per al repositori %REPO_NAME%.
An error has arisen downloading the usage conditions required to create a new user. Check the log for details and try again. \nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. UserLoginWindow S'ha produït un error en baixar les condicions d'ús necessàries per crear un usuari nou. Consulteu el registre per obtenir-ne més informació i torneu-ho a provar. \nHi ha informació sobre com visualitzar els registres a la secció del Dipòsit del Haiku de la Guia de lusuari del Haiku.
View the usage conditions UserLoginWindow Mostra'n les condicions d'ús
Login issue MainWindow Problema dinici de sessió
Size PackageListView Mida
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ All categories FilterView Totes les categories
Repositories MainWindow Repositoris
n/a PackageInfoView n/d
This rating is visible to other users RatePackageWindow Aquesta puntuació és visible per a altres usuaris.
While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs.\nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. MainWindow En actualitzar les dades del paquet, sha produït un problema que pot fer que les dades quedin obsoletes o que faltin a la visualització de laplicació. És possible que es puguin obtenir detalls addicionals sobre aquest problema als registres de l'aplicació.\nHi ha informació sobre com visualitzar els registres a la secció del Dipòsit del Haiku de la Guia de lusuari del Haiku.
View agreed usage conditions… MainWindow Consulteu les condicions dús acordades...
Cancel MainWindow Cancel·la
{0, plural,one{(1 more to download)}other{(# more to download)}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{(1 més per baixar)}other{(# més per baixar)}}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2792101273
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 412302812
Repository update error LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Fehler bei Paketquellenaktualisierung
Network error ServerHelper Netzwerk Fehler
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Fehler bei der Aktualisierung der Paketquelle: %error%
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Close UserLoginWindow Schließen
Close RatePackageWindow Schließen
An unexpected error has been sent from the server [%i] ServerHelper Vom Server wurde ein unerwarteter Fehler geschickt [%i]
Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%' ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess Synchronisieren von Paketdaten für Paketquelle '%REPO_NAME%'
An error has arisen downloading the usage conditions required to create a new user. Check the log for details and try again. \nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. UserLoginWindow Beim Herunterladen der Nutzungsbedingungen für die Erstellung eines neuen Benutzerkontos ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte Log prüfen und nochmal probieren.\nWie diese Logs angezeigt werden können, steht im Kapitel 'HaikuDepot ' des Haiku User Guide.
View the usage conditions UserLoginWindow Nutzungsbedingungen lesen
Login issue MainWindow Anmeldungsproblem
Size PackageListView Größe
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ All categories FilterView Alle Kategorien
Repositories MainWindow Paketquellen
n/a PackageInfoView n.v.
This rating is visible to other users RatePackageWindow Diese Bewertung is für andere Nutzer sichtbar
While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs.\nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. MainWindow Bei der Aktualisierung von Paketdaten trat ein Problem auf. Dadurch könnten die angezeigten Daten der Anwendung veraltet sein oder fehlen. Weitere Details zu diesem Problem können dem Anwendungs-Log entnommen werden.\nWie diese Logs angezeigt werden können, steht im Kapitel 'HaikuDepot ' des Haiku User Guide.
View agreed usage conditions… MainWindow Zugestimmte Nutzungsbedingungen lesen…
Cancel MainWindow Abbrechen
{0, plural,one{(1 more to download)}other{(# more to download)}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{(1 weiterer Download)}other{(# weitere Downloads)}}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2792101273
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 412302812
Repository update error LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess リポジトリアップデートエラー
Network error ServerHelper ネットワークエラー
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess リポジトリの更新中に次のエラーが発生しました: %error%
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Close UserLoginWindow 閉じる
Close RatePackageWindow 閉じる
An unexpected error has been sent from the server [%i] ServerHelper サーバーから予期しないエラーが送信されました [%i]
Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%' ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess リポジトリ '%REPO_NAME%' のパッケージデータを同期中
An error has arisen downloading the usage conditions required to create a new user. Check the log for details and try again. \nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. UserLoginWindow 新規ユーザー作成に必要な使用条件のダウンロード中にエラーが発生しました。詳細はログをチェックして、再度試してみてください。\nログの見方は、HaikuユーザーガイドのHaikuDepotの章で得られます。
View the usage conditions UserLoginWindow 使用条件を見る
Login issue MainWindow ログインに問題
Size PackageListView サイズ
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ All categories FilterView すべての分類
Repositories MainWindow リポジトリ
n/a PackageInfoView 利用不可
This rating is visible to other users RatePackageWindow この評価はほかのユーザーからも見られます
While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs.\nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. MainWindow パッケージデータの更新中に問題が発生しました。そのためデータが期限切れに、つまりアプリケーションの表示から消えてしまいます。この問題の詳細は、アプリケーションのログから得られるでしょう。\nログの見方についての情報は、HaikuユーザーガイドのHaikuDepotの章で得られます。
View agreed usage conditions… MainWindow 同意した使用条件を見る…
Cancel MainWindow 中止
{0, plural,one{(1 more to download)}other{(# more to download)}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{(1 個以上のダウンロード)}other{(# 個以上のダウンロード)}}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2792101273
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 412302812
Repository update error LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Eroare la actualizarea depozitului
Network error ServerHelper Eroare de rețea
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess A apărut o eroare în timpul reîmprospătării depozitului: %error%
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Close UserLoginWindow Închidere
Close RatePackageWindow Închidere
An unexpected error has been sent from the server [%i] ServerHelper O eroare neașteptată a fost trimisă de la serverul [%i]
Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%' ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess Se sincronizează datele pachetelor pentru depozitul „%REPO_NAME%”
An error has arisen downloading the usage conditions required to create a new user. Check the log for details and try again. \nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. UserLoginWindow A apărut o eroare în timpul descărcării condițiilor de utilizare necesare pentru a crea un utilizator nou. Verificați istoricul pentru detalii și încercați din nou. \nInformații despre cum se vizualizează înregistrările sunt disponibile în secțiunea HaikuDepot a Ghidului Utilizatorului Haiku.
View the usage conditions UserLoginWindow Vizualizați condițiile de utilizare
Login issue MainWindow Problemă de autentificare
Size PackageListView Mărime
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ All categories FilterView Toate categoriile
Repositories MainWindow Depozite
n/a PackageInfoView n/a
This rating is visible to other users RatePackageWindow Această clasificare este vizibilă și altora
While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs.\nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. MainWindow În timpul actualizării datelor pachetelor, a apărut o problemă care poate cauza datele să fie învechite sau să lipsească din afișajul aplicației. Detalii adiționale în legătură cu această problemă pot fi obținute din înregistrările aplicației.\nInformații despre cum se vizualizează înregistrările sunt disponibile în secțiunea HaikuDepot a Ghidului Utilizatorului Haiku.
View agreed usage conditions… MainWindow Vizualizați condițiile de utilizare convenite…
Cancel MainWindow Anulează
{0, plural,one{(1 more to download)}other{(# more to download)}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{(1 more to download)}other{(# more to download)}}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2792101273
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 412302812
Repository update error LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Fel vid uppdatering av repositorie
Network error ServerHelper Nätverksfel
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Ett fel inträffade vid uppdatering av repositoriet: %error%
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Close UserLoginWindow Stäng
Close RatePackageWindow Stäng
An unexpected error has been sent from the server [%i] ServerHelper Ett oväntat fel har skickats från servern [%i]
Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%' ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess Synkroniserar paketdata för repositoriet '%REPO_NAME%'
An error has arisen downloading the usage conditions required to create a new user. Check the log for details and try again. \nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. UserLoginWindow Ett fel har uppstått vid nedladdning av de användningsvillkor som krävs för att skapa en ny användare. Kontrollera loggen för mer information och försök igen. \nInformation om hur du ser loggarna finns i avsnittet HaikuDepot i Haiku användarhandbok.
View the usage conditions UserLoginWindow Visa användarvillkor
Login issue MainWindow Inloggnings problem
Size PackageListView Storlek
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ All categories FilterView Alla kategorier
Repositories MainWindow Repositorier
n/a PackageInfoView oviktigt
This rating is visible to other users RatePackageWindow Detta betyg är synligt för andra användare
While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs.\nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. MainWindow Under uppdateringen av paketdata har ett problem uppstått som kan leda till att data är föråldrade eller saknas från programmets skärm. Ytterligare information om detta problem kan hämtas från applikationsloggarna.\nInformation om hur du ser loggarna finns i avsnittet HaikuDepot i Haiku användarhandbok.
View agreed usage conditions… MainWindow Visa godkända användarvillkor…
Cancel MainWindow Avbryt
{0, plural,one{(1 more to download)}other{(# more to download)}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{(1 kvar att ladda hem)}other{(# kvar att ladda hem)}}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 turkish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2792101273
1 turkish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 412302812
Repository update error LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Depo güncelleme hatası
Network error ServerHelper Ağ hatası
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Depo güncellenirken bir hata oluştu: %error%
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Close UserLoginWindow Kapat
Close RatePackageWindow Kapat
An unexpected error has been sent from the server [%i] ServerHelper Sunucudan beklenmedik bir hata gönderildi [%i]
Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%' ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess '%REPO_NAME%' depo paket bilgisi eşitleniyor
An error has arisen downloading the usage conditions required to create a new user. Check the log for details and try again. \nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. UserLoginWindow Yeni bir kullanıcı oluşturmak için gerekli kullanım koşulları indirilirken bir hata oluştu. Ayrıntılar için günlüğü denetleyin ve yeniden deneyin.\nGünlük görüntüleme üzerine bilgiyi Haiku Kullanıcı Kılavuzu'nun Haiku Depo bölümünde bulabilirsiniz.
View the usage conditions UserLoginWindow Kullanım koşullarını görüntüle
Login issue MainWindow Giriş sorunu
Size PackageListView Boyut
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ All categories FilterView Tüm kategoriler
Repositories MainWindow Depolar
n/a PackageInfoView yok
This rating is visible to other users RatePackageWindow Bu derecelendirme diğer kullanıcılar tarafından görüntülenebilir
While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs.\nInformation about how to view the logs is available in the HaikuDepot section of the Haiku User Guide. MainWindow Paket verisi güncellenirken verinin uygulamaya yansıtılamamasına neden olan bir sorun oluştu. Bu sorun hakkında ayrıntılı bilgiye uygulama günlüklerinden erişilebilir.\nGünlük görüntüleme üzerine bilgiyi Haiku Kullanıcı Kılavuzu'nun Haiku Depo bölümünde bulabilirsiniz.
View agreed usage conditions… MainWindow Kabul edilen kullanım koşullarını görüntüle…
Cancel MainWindow İptal
{0, plural,one{(1 more to download)}other{(# more to download)}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{(1 tane daha indirilecek)}other{(# tane daha indirilecek)}}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 catalan; valencian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1288089140
1 catalan; valencian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 2017577026
Performing installation. InstallProgress Es fa la instal·lació.
Choose the source disk from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Trieu el disc d'origen des del menú emergent. Llavors cliqueu a Comença.
Please close the DriveSetup window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Si us plau, tanqueu la finestra del Gestor de discs abans de tancar la finestra de l'instal·lador.
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Benvingut/da a l'Instal·lador
?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ?? de ??
Quit Boot Manager InstallerWindow Surt del Gestor d'arrencada
DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow No s'ha pogut executar el Gestor de discs, l'aplicació que configura les particions del disc.
The target volume is not empty. If it already contains a Haiku installation, it will be overwritten. This will remove all installed software.\n\nIf you want to upgrade your system without removing installed software, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"SoftwareUpdater\" for update instructions.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue the installation? InstallProgress El volum de destinació no és buit. Si ja conté una instal·lació del Haiku, se sobreescriurà. Això suprimirà tot el programari instal·lat.\n\nSi voleu actualitzar el sistema sense suprimir el programari instal·lat, consulteu el tema de la Guia de l'usuari del Haiku sobre l'aplicació Actualitzador de programari (SoftwareUpdater) per a les instruccions d'actualització.\n\nSegur que voleu continuar la instal·lació?
Running Boot Manager…\n\nClose Boot Manager to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow S'executa el Gestor d'arrencada…\n\nPer tal de continuar la instal·lació heu de tancar el Gestor d'arrencada.
Quit DriveSetup InstallerWindow Surt del Gestor de discs
Write boot sector InstallerWindow Escriu el sector d'arrencada
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ This is beta-quality software! It means there is a risk of losing important data
Install anyway InstallProgress Instal·la tanmateix
1) If you are installing Haiku onto real hardware (not inside an emulator), you may want to prepare a hard disk partition from another OS (you could, for example, use a GParted Live-CD, which can also resize existing partitions to make room).\nYou can also set up partitions by launching DriveSetup from Installer, but you won't be able to resize existing partitions with it. While DriveSetup has been quite thoroughly tested over the years, it's recommended to have up-to-date backups of the other partitions on your system. Just in case… InstallerApp 1) Si instal·leu el Haiku en un maquinari real (no dins d'un emulador), potser hauríeu preparar una partició de disc dur des d'un altre sistema operatiu (podríeu, per exemple, usar una versió autònoma del GParted, que també pot canviar la mida de les particions existents per alliberar espai).\nTambé podeu configurar particions amb el Gestor de discs des de l'instal·lador, però no podreu canviar la mida de les particions existents amb aquesta eina. Tot i que, al llarg dels anys, el Gestor de discs sha provat força a fons, es recomana tenir còpies de seguretat actualitzades de les altres particions del sistema, només per si de cas…
Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Trieu els discs d'origen i destinació als menús emergents. Llavors cliqueu a Comença.
2) The Installer will make the Haiku partition itself bootable, but takes no steps to integrate Haiku into an existing boot menu. If you have GRUB already installed, you can add Haiku to it.\nFor details, please consult the guide on booting Haiku on our website at https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nOr you can set up a boot menu from Installer's \"Tools\" menu, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"BootManager\".\n\n\n InstallerApp 2) L'instal·lador farà que la partició del Haiku sigui arrencable per si mateixa, però no fa cap pas per integrar el Haiku en un menú d'arrencada existent. Si ja teniu el GRUB instal·lat, podeu afegir-hi el Haiku.\nPer obtenir-ne més informació, consulteu la guia darrencada del Haiku al nostre lloc web: https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nO bé podeu configurar un menú d'arrencada des del menú Eines de l'instal·lador. Consulteu el tema de la Guia de l'usuari de Haiku sobre l'aplicació Gestor d'arrencada (BootManager).\n\n\n
Hide optional packages InstallerWindow Amaga els paquets opcionals
??? InstallerWindow Unknown partition name ???
Have fun and thanks for trying out Haiku! InstallerApp Divertiu-vos i gràcies per provar el Haiku!
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ Error writing boot sector. InstallProgress Error en escriure el sector d'arrenc
OK InstallerWindow D'acord
Please close the Boot Manager and DriveSetup windows before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Si us plau, tanqueu les finestres del Gestor d'arrencada i del Gestor de discs abans de tancar la finestra de l'instal·lador.
Failed to launch Boot Manager InstallerWindow Ha fallat iniciar el Gestor d'arrencada.
3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"User Guide\" and take the \"Quick Tour\". There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3) Quan arrenqueu amb èxit el Haiku per primera vegada, assegureu-vos de llegir la nostra Guia de l'usuari i de fer-ne la Visita ràpida. N'hi ha enllaços a l'escriptori i a les adreces d'interès del WebPositive.\n\n
Try installing anyway InstallProgress Intenta la instal·lació tanmateix
Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Espai de disc addicional necessari: %s

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1288089140
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 2017577026
Performing installation. InstallProgress Installation läuft.
Choose the source disk from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Bitte Quelllaufwerk aus dem Menü wählen. Danach auf \"Start\" klicken.
Please close the DriveSetup window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Das DriveSetup-Fenster muss geschlossen werden, bevor der Installer verlassen werden kann.
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Herzlich Willkommen zum Haiku-
?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ?? von ??
Quit Boot Manager InstallerWindow BootManager beenden
DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow DriveSetup, die Anwendung zur Konfiguration von Partitionen, konnte nicht gestartet werden.
The target volume is not empty. If it already contains a Haiku installation, it will be overwritten. This will remove all installed software.\n\nIf you want to upgrade your system without removing installed software, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"SoftwareUpdater\" for update instructions.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue the installation? InstallProgress Die Zielpartition ist nicht leer. Befindet sich darauf bereits eine Haiku Installation, wird sie überschrieben. Dadurch wird auch die dort installierte Software entfernt.\n\nSoll das vorhandene System aktualisiert werden, ohne dabei die installierte Software zu entfernen, erklärt der Haiku User Guide im Kapitel \"SoftwareUpdater\" wie das geht.\n\nSoll mit der Installation trotzdem fortgefahren werden?
Running Boot Manager…\n\nClose Boot Manager to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow BootManager läuft...\n\nBootManager muss beendet werden, um mit der Installation fortzufahren.
Quit DriveSetup InstallerWindow DriveSetup beenden
Write boot sector InstallerWindow Bootsektor schreiben
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ This is beta-quality software! It means there is a risk of losing important data
Install anyway InstallProgress Trotzdem installieren
1) If you are installing Haiku onto real hardware (not inside an emulator), you may want to prepare a hard disk partition from another OS (you could, for example, use a GParted Live-CD, which can also resize existing partitions to make room).\nYou can also set up partitions by launching DriveSetup from Installer, but you won't be able to resize existing partitions with it. While DriveSetup has been quite thoroughly tested over the years, it's recommended to have up-to-date backups of the other partitions on your system. Just in case… InstallerApp 1) Wird Haiku auf echter Hardware (nicht in einem Emulator) installiert, kann man dafür vorher eine Festplattenpartition unter einem anderen Betriebssystem vorbereiten. Mit einer GParted Live-CD kann man beispielsweise bestehende Partitionen verkleinern um Platz zu schaffen.\nPartitionen einrichten kann man auch mit DriveSetup, das sich vom Installer aus starten lässt. Partitionen lassen sich damit jedoch nicht verkeinern. DriveSetup wurde zwar über die Jahre reichlich getestet, trotzdem sind aktuelle Backups der übrigen Partitionen des Rechners angeraten. Nur zur Sicherheit…
Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Bitte Quell- und Zielpartitionen aus den Menüs wählen. Danach auf \"Start\" klicken.
2) The Installer will make the Haiku partition itself bootable, but takes no steps to integrate Haiku into an existing boot menu. If you have GRUB already installed, you can add Haiku to it.\nFor details, please consult the guide on booting Haiku on our website at https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nOr you can set up a boot menu from Installer's \"Tools\" menu, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"BootManager\".\n\n\n InstallerApp 2) Der Installer wird die Haiku-Partition selbst bootfähig machen, aber nichts unternehmen, um Haiku in ein bestehendes Bootmenü zu integrieren. Ist GRUB bereits installiert, kann man Haiku zu dessen Bootmenü hinzufügen.\nNäheres dazu steht im Booting Guide auf unserer Website unter https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nAus Installers \"Werkzeug\" Menü lässt sich auch ein Bootmenü einrichten, siehe das Kapitel zum \"BootManager\" im Haiku User Guide.\n\n\n
Hide optional packages InstallerWindow Optionale Pakete ausblenden
??? InstallerWindow Unknown partition name ???
Have fun and thanks for trying out Haiku! InstallerApp Viel Spaß und Danke für das Interesse an Haiku!
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ Error writing boot sector. InstallProgress Fehler beim Schreiben des Bootsektor
OK InstallerWindow OK
Please close the Boot Manager and DriveSetup windows before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Bitte BootManger und DriveSetup vor dem Installer-Fenster schließen.
Failed to launch Boot Manager InstallerWindow Boot Manager konnte nicht gestartet werden
3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"User Guide\" and take the \"Quick Tour\". There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3) Nach dem erfolgreichen Start von Haiku sollte man sich den \"User Guide\" zu Gemüte führen und die \"Quick Tour\" machen. Beides ist auf dem Desktop verlinkt und in WebPositives Lesezeichen zu finden.\n\n
Try installing anyway InstallProgress Trotzdem eine Installation probieren
Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Zusätzlich benötigter Speicherplatz: %s

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1288089140
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 2017577026
Performing installation. InstallProgress インストールを実行しています。
Choose the source disk from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow メニューからインストールディスクを選択し、次に\"開始\"ボタンをクリックしてください。
Please close the DriveSetup window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow インストーラーを閉じる前に、DriveSetup を終了してください。
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Haikuインストーラーへ
?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ?? / ??
Quit Boot Manager InstallerWindow ブートマネージャーを終了
DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow パーティションを設定するDriveSetupアプリケーションが起動できません。
The target volume is not empty. If it already contains a Haiku installation, it will be overwritten. This will remove all installed software.\n\nIf you want to upgrade your system without removing installed software, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"SoftwareUpdater\" for update instructions.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue the installation? InstallProgress インストール先は空ではありません。そこにHaikuのインストールを含む場合、上書きされてしまいます。すべてのインストール済ソフトウェアを削除するでしょう。\n\nインストール済ソフトウェアを削除せずにシステムをアップグレードしたいなら、アップデート方法に関してHaikuユーザーガイドの\"ソフトウェアの更新(SoftwareUpdater)\"アプリケーションの章を見てください。\n\nそれでもインストールを続行しますか?
Running Boot Manager…\n\nClose Boot Manager to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow ブートマネージャー実行中…\n\nインストールを続けるには、ブートマネージャーを閉じてください。
Quit DriveSetup InstallerWindow DriveSetup を終了
Write boot sector InstallerWindow ブートセクターを書き込む
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ This is beta-quality software! It means there is a risk of losing important data
Install anyway InstallProgress とにかくインストールする
1) If you are installing Haiku onto real hardware (not inside an emulator), you may want to prepare a hard disk partition from another OS (you could, for example, use a GParted Live-CD, which can also resize existing partitions to make room).\nYou can also set up partitions by launching DriveSetup from Installer, but you won't be able to resize existing partitions with it. While DriveSetup has been quite thoroughly tested over the years, it's recommended to have up-to-date backups of the other partitions on your system. Just in case… InstallerApp 1)Haikuを(エミュレータでなく)実機にインストールする場合は、先にほかのOSからハードディスクのパーティションを用意しておくことが望ましいです (たとえば、GParted LiveCDが使えます。それはまた、空き容量を作成するため既存のパーティションのリサイズもできます)。\nまた、インストーラーからDriveSetupを呼び出してパーティションを設定できます。しかし、既存パーティションのリサイズはできません。DriveSetupは、長年に渡って徹底的にテストされていますが、システムの他のパーティションの最新のバックアップを取ることを勧めます。念の為…
Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow ポップアップメニューからインストール元とインストール先を選択し、次に\"開始\"ボタンをクリックしてください。
2) The Installer will make the Haiku partition itself bootable, but takes no steps to integrate Haiku into an existing boot menu. If you have GRUB already installed, you can add Haiku to it.\nFor details, please consult the guide on booting Haiku on our website at https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nOr you can set up a boot menu from Installer's \"Tools\" menu, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"BootManager\".\n\n\n InstallerApp 2)インストーラーは、Haikuのパーティションを起動可能にします。しかし、Haikuを既存のブートメニューに結合する機能はありません。すでにGRUBがインストールされている場合、Haikuを追加できます。\n詳しくは、HaikuウェブサイトのHaikuの起動に関するガイドを参考にしてください(https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting)。\nまたは、インストーラーの\"ツール\"メニューからブートメニューを設定できます。Haikuユーザーガイドの\"ブートマネージャー(BootManager)\"アプリケーションのトピックを見てください。\n\n\n
Hide optional packages InstallerWindow オプショナルパッケージを隠す
??? InstallerWindow Unknown partition name ???
Have fun and thanks for trying out Haiku! InstallerApp Haikuを試用していただきありがとうございます。Haikuを堪能してください!
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ Error writing boot sector. InstallProgress ブートセクターの書込に失
OK InstallerWindow OK
Please close the Boot Manager and DriveSetup windows before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Haikuインストーラーを閉じる前に、Boot ManagerとDriveSetupを終了してください。
Failed to launch Boot Manager InstallerWindow ブートマネージャーの起動に失敗しました
3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"User Guide\" and take the \"Quick Tour\". There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3)初めてのHaikuブートが成功したら、忘れずに\"Userguide\"を読んで、\"Quick Tour\"を手に取ってください。 これらはデスクトップ上のリンクおよびWebPositiveのブックマーク中にあります。\n\n
Try installing anyway InstallProgress それでもインストールを試みる
Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow 必要な追加ディスク容量: %s

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1288089140
1 romanian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 2017577026
Performing installation. InstallProgress Se execută instalarea.
Choose the source disk from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Alege discul sursă din meniul contextual. Apoi apasă \"Începe\".
Please close the DriveSetup window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Alegeți fereastra ConfigurareDrive înainte de a închide fereastra Programului de instalare.
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Bine ați venit la Programul d
?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ?? din ??
Quit Boot Manager InstallerWindow Închide Boot Manager
DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow ConfigurareDrive, aplicația pentru configurarea partițiilor de disc, nu a putut fi pornită.
The target volume is not empty. If it already contains a Haiku installation, it will be overwritten. This will remove all installed software.\n\nIf you want to upgrade your system without removing installed software, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"SoftwareUpdater\" for update instructions.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue the installation? InstallProgress Volumul țintă nu este gol. Dacă acesta conține deja o instalare Haiku, aceasta va fi suprascrisă. Acest lucru va elimina toate programele instalate.\n\nDacă doriți să actualizați sistemul fără să eliminați programele instalate, consultați subiectul din Ghidul Utilizatorului Haiku despre aplicația \„SoftwareUpdater\” pentru instrucțiuni de actualizare.\n\nSigur doriți să continuați instalarea?
Running Boot Manager…\n\nClose Boot Manager to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow Se pornește Administratorul de boot...\n\nÎnchideți Administratorul de Boot pentru a continua cu instalarea.
Quit DriveSetup InstallerWindow Închide DriveSetup
Write boot sector InstallerWindow Scrie sectorul de boot
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ This is beta-quality software! It means there is a risk of losing important data
Install anyway InstallProgress Instalează oricum
1) If you are installing Haiku onto real hardware (not inside an emulator), you may want to prepare a hard disk partition from another OS (you could, for example, use a GParted Live-CD, which can also resize existing partitions to make room).\nYou can also set up partitions by launching DriveSetup from Installer, but you won't be able to resize existing partitions with it. While DriveSetup has been quite thoroughly tested over the years, it's recommended to have up-to-date backups of the other partitions on your system. Just in case… InstallerApp 1) Dacă instalați Haiku pe hardware real (nu în interiorul unui emulator), poate doriți să pregătiți o partiție de hard disc de la alt OS (puteți, de exemplu, să utilizați un CD-Live GParted, care poate și să redimensioneze partițiile existente pentru a crea spațiu).\nPuteți configura partiții și prin lansarea DriveSetup din Installer, dar nu veți putea să redimensionați partiții existente cu acesta. Deși DriveSetup a fost destul de bine testat de-a lungul anilor, este recomandat să aveți copii de rezervă actualizate ale celorlalte partiții de pe sistem. Pentru orice eventualitate…
Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Alege discul sursă și de destinație din meniurile contextuale. Apoi apasă \"Începe\".
2) The Installer will make the Haiku partition itself bootable, but takes no steps to integrate Haiku into an existing boot menu. If you have GRUB already installed, you can add Haiku to it.\nFor details, please consult the guide on booting Haiku on our website at https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nOr you can set up a boot menu from Installer's \"Tools\" menu, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"BootManager\".\n\n\n InstallerApp 2) Installer va face partiția Haiku însăși capabilă să pornească sistemul, dar nu ia niciun pas să integreze Haiku într-un meniu de pornire existent. Dacă aveți GRUB deja instalat, puteți adăuga Haiku la acesta.\nPentru detalii, consultați ghidul pentru pornirea Haiku de pe pagina noastră web la https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nSau puteți să stabiliți un meniu de pornire de la meniul \„Unelte\” al Installer, consultați subiectul Ghidului Utilizatorului Haiku despre aplicația \„BootManager\”.\n\n\n
Hide optional packages InstallerWindow Ascunde pachetele opționale
??? InstallerWindow Unknown partition name ???
Have fun and thanks for trying out Haiku! InstallerApp Distracție plăcută și mulțumim că ați încercat Haiku!
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ Error writing boot sector. InstallProgress Eroare la scrierea sectorului de boo
OK InstallerWindow OK
Please close the Boot Manager and DriveSetup windows before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Închideți Administratorul de boot și ConfigurareDrive înainte de a închide fereastra Programului de instalare.
Failed to launch Boot Manager InstallerWindow Nu s-a putut lansa Managerul de Boot
3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"User Guide\" and take the \"Quick Tour\". There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3) Când porniți cu succes Haiku pentru prima dată, asigurați-vă că citiți \„Ghidul Utilizatorului\” și că faceți \„Turul Rapid\”. Există legături pe Desktop și în favoritele WebPositive.\n\n
Try installing anyway InstallProgress Încearcă să instalezi oricum
Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Spațiu de disc adițional necesar: %s

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1288089140
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 2017577026
Performing installation. InstallProgress Verkställer installationen.
Choose the source disk from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Välj källdisk från menyn. Klicka sedan på \"Starta\".
Please close the DriveSetup window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Var god stäng Diskhanteringsfönstret innan du stänger fönstret för Installeraren.
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Välkommen till Haikus install
?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ?? av ??
Quit Boot Manager InstallerWindow Avsluta Starthanteraren
DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow DriveSetup, applikationen för att konfigurera disk partitioner kunde inte startas.
The target volume is not empty. If it already contains a Haiku installation, it will be overwritten. This will remove all installed software.\n\nIf you want to upgrade your system without removing installed software, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"SoftwareUpdater\" for update instructions.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue the installation? InstallProgress Målvolymen är inte tom. Om den redan innehåller en Haiku-installation skrivs den över. Detta tar bort all installerad programvara.\n\nOm du vill uppgradera ditt system utan att ta bort installerad programvara, se avsnittet om Haiku Användarhandbok för applikationen \"SoftwareUpdater\" för uppdateringsinstruktioner. \n\nÄr du säker på att du vill fortsätta installationen?
Running Boot Manager…\n\nClose Boot Manager to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow Starthanteraren körs.\n\nStäng Starthanteraren för att fortsätta med installationen.
Quit DriveSetup InstallerWindow Avsluta DiskHantering
Write boot sector InstallerWindow Skriv bootsektor
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ This is beta-quality software! It means there is a risk of losing important data
Install anyway InstallProgress Installera ändå
1) If you are installing Haiku onto real hardware (not inside an emulator), you may want to prepare a hard disk partition from another OS (you could, for example, use a GParted Live-CD, which can also resize existing partitions to make room).\nYou can also set up partitions by launching DriveSetup from Installer, but you won't be able to resize existing partitions with it. While DriveSetup has been quite thoroughly tested over the years, it's recommended to have up-to-date backups of the other partitions on your system. Just in case… InstallerApp 1) Om du installerar Haiku på riktig hårdvara (inte inuti en emulator) kanske du vill förbereda en hårddiskpartition från ett annat operativsystem (du kan till exempel använda en GParted Live-CD, som också kan ändra storlek på befintliga partitioner för att göra rum för nya)\nDu kan också konfigurera partitioner genom att starta DiskHanterare från installeraren, men du kommer inte att kunna ändra storlek på befintliga partitioner. Även fast DiskHanterare har testats grundligt under årens lopp rekommenderas det att ha uppdaterade säkerhetskopior av de andra partitionerna på ditt system. Utifall att…
Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Välj käll- och måldisk från menyn. Klicka sedan på \"Starta\".
2) The Installer will make the Haiku partition itself bootable, but takes no steps to integrate Haiku into an existing boot menu. If you have GRUB already installed, you can add Haiku to it.\nFor details, please consult the guide on booting Haiku on our website at https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nOr you can set up a boot menu from Installer's \"Tools\" menu, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"BootManager\".\n\n\n InstallerApp 2) Installatören gör Haiku-partitionen själv startbar, men tar inga steg för att integrera Haiku i en befintlig startmeny. Om du redan har GRUB installerat kan du lägga till Haiku i den.\nFör mer information, se guiden för att starta Haiku på vår webbplats på https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nEller så kan du ställa in en startmeny från Installatörens \ "Verktyg \" -meny, se avsnittet om Haiku-användarhandboken om applikationen \"BootManager\".\n\n\n
Hide optional packages InstallerWindow Göm valbara paket
??? InstallerWindow Unknown partition name ???
Have fun and thanks for trying out Haiku! InstallerApp Ha det så kul och tack för att du provar Haiku!
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ Error writing boot sector. InstallProgress Fel vid skrivning av bootsektorn.
OK InstallerWindow OK
Please close the Boot Manager and DriveSetup windows before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Vänligen stäng Starthanterarens- och DiskHanterings fönster innan du stänger Installerarens fönster.
Failed to launch Boot Manager InstallerWindow Kunde inte starta Boot Manager
3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"User Guide\" and take the \"Quick Tour\". There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3) När du startar framgångsrikt till Haiku för första gången, se till att läsa vår \"User Guide\" och ta \"Quick Tour\". Det finns länkar på skrivbordet och i WebPositives bokmärken.\n\n
Try installing anyway InstallProgress Försök installera iallafall
Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Ytterligare diskutrymme behövs: %s

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 turkish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1288089140
1 turkish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 2017577026
Performing installation. InstallProgress Kuruluyor…
Choose the source disk from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Açılır menüden kaynak diski seçin ve \"Başla\"ya tıklayın.
Please close the DriveSetup window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Yükleyici penceresini kapatmadan önce Disk İzlencesi penceresini kapatın.
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Haiku yükleyicisine hoş geld
?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ??/??
Quit Boot Manager InstallerWindow Önyükleme Yöneticisi'nden çık
DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow Disk İzlencesi açılamadı.
The target volume is not empty. If it already contains a Haiku installation, it will be overwritten. This will remove all installed software.\n\nIf you want to upgrade your system without removing installed software, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"SoftwareUpdater\" for update instructions.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue the installation? InstallProgress Hedef disk boş değil; eğer halihazırda bir Haiku yüklemesi içeriyorsa üzerine yazılacaktır. Bu işlem tüm yüklü yazılımları kaldırır.\n\nSisteminizi, yüklü yazılımları kaldırmadan güncellemek istiyorsanız güncelleme yönergeleri için Haiku Kullanıcı Kılavuzu'nun \"Yazılım Güncelleyici\" bölümüne bakın.\n\nYüklemeyi sürdürmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?
Running Boot Manager…\n\nClose Boot Manager to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow Önyükleme Yöneticisi çalışıyor…\n\nKurulumu sürdürmek için Önyükleme Yöneticisi'ni kapatın.
Quit DriveSetup InstallerWindow Disk İzlencesi'nden çık
Write boot sector InstallerWindow Önyükleme alanını yaz
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ This is beta-quality software! It means there is a risk of losing important data
Install anyway InstallProgress Yine de yükle
1) If you are installing Haiku onto real hardware (not inside an emulator), you may want to prepare a hard disk partition from another OS (you could, for example, use a GParted Live-CD, which can also resize existing partitions to make room).\nYou can also set up partitions by launching DriveSetup from Installer, but you won't be able to resize existing partitions with it. While DriveSetup has been quite thoroughly tested over the years, it's recommended to have up-to-date backups of the other partitions on your system. Just in case… InstallerApp 1) Haiku'yu bir öykünücü değil de gerçek bir makineye kuruyorsanız, başka işletim sistemleri için bir disk bölümü bırakmak isteyebilirsiniz (bunun için örneğin GParted Live-CD sürümünü kullanabilirsiniz, bu sürüm mevcut bölümlerin de boyutunu değiştirebilir).\nEğer isterseniz disk bölümlendirme için Disk İzlencesi uygulamasını Yükleyici içinden çalıştırabilirsiniz, ancak bu yazılım mevcut bölümlerin boyutunu değiştiremez. Disk İzlencesi uzun yıllardır kullanılan denenmiş bir yazılım olmasına rağmen diğer disk bölümlerinin güncel bir yedeğine sahip olmanız tavsiye edilir. N'olur n'olmaz…
Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Açılır menülerden kaynak ve hedef diskleri seçip \"Başla\"ya tıklayın.
2) The Installer will make the Haiku partition itself bootable, but takes no steps to integrate Haiku into an existing boot menu. If you have GRUB already installed, you can add Haiku to it.\nFor details, please consult the guide on booting Haiku on our website at https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nOr you can set up a boot menu from Installer's \"Tools\" menu, see the Haiku User Guide's topic on the application \"BootManager\".\n\n\n InstallerApp 2) Yükleyici, Haiku bölümünü önyüklenebilir yapar; ancak Haiku'yu var olan bir önyükleme menüsüne eklemez. Sisteminizde GRUB yüklüyse Haiku'yu ona ekleyebilirsiniz.\nAyrıntılar için Haiku web sitesindeki önyükleme kılavuzuna bakabilirsiniz: https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nBunun yanında, Yükleyici'nin \"Araçlar\" menüsünden bir önyükleme menüsü ayarlanabilir. Ek bilgi için Haiku Kullanıcı Kılavuzu'nun \"Önyükleme Yöneticisi\" bölümüne bakın.\n\n\n
Hide optional packages InstallerWindow İsteğe bağlı paketleri gizle
??? InstallerWindow Unknown partition name ???
Have fun and thanks for trying out Haiku! InstallerApp Haiku'yu denediğiniz için teşekkür ederiz!
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ Error writing boot sector. InstallProgress Önyükleme alanı yazılırken hata
OK InstallerWindow Tamam
Please close the Boot Manager and DriveSetup windows before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Yükleyici penceresini kapatmadan önce Önyükleme Yöneticisi ve Disk İzlencesi pencerelerini kapatın.
Failed to launch Boot Manager InstallerWindow Önyükleme Yönetici başlatılamadı
3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"User Guide\" and take the \"Quick Tour\". There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3) Haiku kurulumunu tamamlayıp sistemi ilk kez açtığınızda, \"Kullanıcı Kılavuzu\" ve \"Hızlı Tur\"'a bir göz atmayı lütfen unutmayın. Masaüstünde ve WebPositive yer imleri içinde bağlantılar bulunmaktadır.\n\n
Try installing anyway InstallProgress Yine de kurmayı dene
Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Gereken ek disk alanı: %s

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Clean up ContainerWindow アイコンの整列
Modified FindPanel 更新日時
Select all QueryContainerWindow すべて選択
Select… FilePanelPriv 選択…
Name Person Query Columns 名前
Skip all FSUtils すべてスキップ
Corrupted opcode. libtracker オペコードが壊れています。
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ Edit name ContainerWindow 名前の変更
Could not open \"%document\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n FSUtils \"%document\" を開けませんでした (シンボル %symbol が見つかりません)。\n
ASCII Text AttributesView ASCIIテキスト
Atom reference AttributesView Atomリファレンス
Error moving \"%name\". FSUtils \"%name\"を移動中にエラーが発生しました。
Select… QueryContainerWindow 選択…
Open ContainerWindow 開く

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-Keymap 2700190052
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-Keymap 2850776429
Key Modifier keys window As in a computer keyboard key キー
Japanese KeymapNames 日本語
US KeymapNames 英語 (US)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ PG ↑ Keyboard Layout View Very short for 'page up' PG ↑
Brazilian KeymapNames ブラジル語
ThinkPad (US) KeyboardLayoutNames ThinkPad (US)
Right control Keyboard Layout View 右 Control キー
X-Bows Nature KeyboardLayoutNames X-Bows Nature
Dvorak KeymapNames Dvorak
Option: Modifier keys window Option key role name Option:
Cancel Modifier keys window 中止

View File

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ The application:\n\n %app\n\nhas encountered an error which prevents it fro
Oh yeah! DebugServer О да!
Debug DebugServer Отладить
Terminate DebugServer Завершить
Save report DebugServer Сохранить отчёт
Save report DebugServer Сохранить отчёт на рабочем столе
Write core file DebugServer Сохранить дамп памяти
Oh no! DebugServer О, нет!