
134 lines
6.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-12-06 08:29:38 +03:00
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-DiskProbe 2944605311
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
Raw editor AttributeWindow Raw-Editor
Remove AttributeWindow Entfernen
Close ProbeView Schließen
Boolean value: TypeEditors Boolescher Wert:
File ProbeView Datei
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
Block size ProbeView Menu item. This is in the same menu window than 'Base' and 'Font size' Blockgröße
MIME type editor TypeEditors MIME-Typ-Editor
Hexadecimal FindWindow A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hexadezimal
16 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Vorzeichenloser 16-Bit-Wert:
8 bit signed value: TypeEditors 8-Bit-Wert mit Vorzeichen:
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
(native) ProbeView (nativ)
Attribute offset: ProbeView Attribut-Offset:
Text TypeEditors This is the type of editor Text
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
File offset: ProbeView Datei-Offset:
Add ProbeView Hinzu
64 bit signed value: TypeEditors 64-Bit-Wert mit Vorzeichen:
Do you really want to remove the attribute \"%s\" from the file \"%s\"?\n\nYou cannot undo this action. AttributeWindow Soll das Attribut \"%s\" wirklich von der Datei \"%s\" entfernt werden?\n\nDiese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
No type editor available AttributeWindow Kein Editor für diesen Typ vorhanden
Print… ProbeView Drucken…
New… FileWindow Neu…
what: '%.4s'\n\n TypeEditors 'What' is a message specifier that defines the type of the message. what: '%.4s'\n\n
OK DiskProbe OK
DiskProbe System name Hex-Editor
Back ProbeView Zurück
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
Device: ProbeView Gerät:
Base ProbeView A menu item, the number that is basis for a system of calculation. The base 10 system is a decimal system. This is in the same menu window than 'Font size' and 'BlockSize' Basis
Open file… FileWindow Datei öffnen…
32 bit unsigned pointer: TypeEditors Vorzeichenloser 32-Bit-Zeiger:
DiskProbe request DiskProbe Hex-Editor-Anfrage
Hex ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hexadezimal
Writing to the file failed:\n%s\n\nAll changes will be lost when you quit. ProbeView Die Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden:\n%s\n\nAlle Änderungen werden beim Beenden verloren gehen.
Examine device: OpenWindow Gerät untersuchen:
Number editor TypeEditors Zahleneditor
Icon TypeEditors Symbol
Attribute ProbeView Attribut
Don't save ProbeView Verwerfen
Undo ProbeView Rückgängig
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
Flattened bitmap TypeEditors Flat-Bitmap
Block %Ld (0x%Lx) ProbeView Block %Ld (0x%Lx)
Cancel OpenWindow Abbrechen
Unknown format TypeEditors Unbekanntes Format
File: ProbeView Datei:
Swapped: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Getauscht: %Ld (0x%0*Lx)
Stop ProbeView Stopp
Cancel ProbeView Abbrechen
Could not open \"%s\":\n%s DiskProbe Opening of entry reference buffer for a DiskProbe request Alert message. The name of entry reference and error message is shown. \"%s\" konnte nicht geöffnet werden:\n%s
Font size ProbeView Schriftgröße
Type editor not supported ProbeView Typ-Editor wird nicht unterstützt
Native: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Nativ: 0x%0*Lx
Copy ProbeView Kopieren
Redo ProbeView Wiederholen
Floating-point value: TypeEditors Gleitkommawert:
Cancel AttributeWindow Abbrechen
16 bit signed value: TypeEditors 16-Bit-Wert mit Vorzeichen:
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
DiskProbe request AttributeWindow DiskProbe-Anfrage
Next ProbeView Nächster
64 bit signed offset: TypeEditors 64-Bit-Offset mit Vorzeichen:
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
32 bit signed value: TypeEditors 32-Bit-Wert mit Vorzeichen:
Could not find search string. ProbeView Der Suchbegriff konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Close FileWindow Schließen
Unknown type TypeEditors Unbekannter Typ
Open device FileWindow Gerät öffnen
Number: TypeEditors Zahl:
Quit FileWindow Beenden
Text FindWindow Text
Block 0x%Lx ProbeView Block 0x%Lx
Attribute AttributeWindow Attribut
Mode: FindWindow Modus:
16 bit TypeEditors 16 Bit
32 bit size or status: TypeEditors 32-Bit-Größe oder Status:
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
of ProbeView von
Contents: TypeEditors Inhalt:
Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n DiskProbe Die Datei \"%s\" konnte nicht geöffnet werden: %s\n
Probe file… OpenWindow Datei untersuchen…
Block: ProbeView Block:
Bookmarks ProbeView Lesezeichen
Probe device OpenWindow Gerät untersuchen
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
none ProbeView No attributes keine
Case sensitive FindWindow Groß-/Kleinschreibung unterscheiden
32 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Vorzeichenloser 32-Bit-Wert:
Remove from file AttributeWindow Von Datei entfernen
Attributes ProbeView Attribute
Message TypeEditors This is the type of view Message
Message View TypeEditors Message-Ansicht
Offset: ProbeView Offset:
Swapped: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Getauscht: 0x%0*Lx
MIME type: TypeEditors MIME-Typ:
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
Fit ProbeView Size of fonts, fits to available room Passend
Type editor ProbeView Typ-Editor
File FileWindow Datei
Grayscale TypeEditors Graustufen
32 bit TypeEditors 32 Bit
Native: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Nativ: %Ld (0x%0*Lx)
Device ProbeView Gerät
Close AttributeWindow Schließen
Type editor AttributeWindow Typ-Editor
Save ProbeView Speichern
of 0x0 ProbeView This is a part of 'Block 0xXXXX of 0x0026' message. In languages without 'of' structure it can be replaced simply with '/'. von 0x0
Attribute type: ProbeView Attributtyp:
15 bit TypeEditors 15 Bit
Page setup… ProbeView Seite einrichten…
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
Boolean TypeEditors This is the type of editor Boolesch
Icon view TypeEditors Symbolansicht
Select all ProbeView Alles auswählen
64 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Vorzeichenloser 64-Bit-Wert:
OK ProbeView OK
Previous ProbeView Vorheriger
Selection ProbeView Auswahl
Find FindWindow Suchen
8 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Vorzeichenloser 8-Bit-Wert:
%ld (native) ProbeView %ld (nativ)
Attribute: ProbeView Attribut:
Block ProbeView Block
Find again ProbeView Weitersuchen
View ProbeView This is the last menubar item 'File Edit Block View' Ansicht
Could not read image TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Bild konnte nicht eingelesen werden
DiskProbe request ProbeView DiskProbe-Anfrage
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
Double precision floating-point value: TypeEditors Doppelt-präziser Gleitkomma-Wert:
Image TypeEditors This is the type of view Bild
Save changes before closing? ProbeView Änderungen vor dem Beenden speichern?
PNG format TypeEditors PNG-Format
Number TypeEditors This is the type of editor Zahl
Edit ProbeView Bearbeiten
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
String editor TypeEditors Zeichen-Editor
Boolean editor TypeEditors Boolescher Editor
Device offset: ProbeView Gerät-Offset:
Find… ProbeView Suchen…
8 bit palette TypeEditors 8-Bit-Palette
Decimal ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Dezimal
Image view TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Bild-Ansicht
2019-07-15 04:02:31 +03:00
Paste ProbeView Einfügen
32 bit unsigned size: TypeEditors Vorzeichenlose 32-Bit-Größe: