2012-06-17 18:28:06 +04:00
1 bokmål, norwegian; norwegian bokmål x-vnd.Haiku-DiskProbe 2279950845
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
64 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 64-bit verdi uten fortegn
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
Find again ProbeView Finn påny
Text FindWindow Tekst
Find… ProbeView Finn...
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
Case sensitive FindWindow Skill mellom store og små bokstaver
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
Cancel OpenWindow Avbryt
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
Close AttributeWindow Lukk
File ProbeView Fil
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
Attribute ProbeView Attributt
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
Floating-point value: TypeEditors Flyttallverdi
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
16 bit TypeEditors 16-bit
Attributes ProbeView Attributter
Selection ProbeView Utvalg
DiskProbe System name Diskinspektør
what: '%.4s'\n\n TypeEditors 'What' is a message specifier that defines the type of the message. hva: '%.4s'\n\n
File FileWindow Fil
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
OK DiskProbe OK
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
Boolean TypeEditors This is the type of editor Boolsk
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
Paste ProbeView Lim inn
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
PNG format TypeEditors PNG-format
Font size ProbeView Fontstørrelse
Attribute type: ProbeView Attributtype
Attribute AttributeWindow Attributt
8 bit signed value: TypeEditors 8-bit verdi med fortegn
Number: TypeEditors Nummer:
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
Save ProbeView Lagre
Stop ProbeView Stopp
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
Number editor TypeEditors Tall-editor
Hex ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hex
No type editor available AttributeWindow Ingen type editor tilgjengelig
Device: ProbeView Enhet
Do you really want to remove the attribute \"%s\" from the file \"%s\"?\n\nYou cannot undo this action. AttributeWindow Vil du virkelig fjerne attributten \"%s\" fra filen \"%s\"?\n\nDu kan ikke angre denne handlingen.
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
Text TypeEditors This is the type of editor Tekst
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
8 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 8-bit verdi uten fortegn
Block ProbeView Blokk
Back ProbeView Tilbake
Device ProbeView Enhet
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
Unknown type TypeEditors Ukjent type
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
Block 0x%Lx ProbeView Blokk 0x%Lx
Quit FileWindow Slutt
Undo ProbeView Angre
Close ProbeView Lukk
Number TypeEditors This is the type of editor Tall
Decimal ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Desimal
16 bit signed value: TypeEditors 16-bit verdi med fortegn:
String editor TypeEditors Streng-editor
Boolean editor TypeEditors Boolsk editor
Copy ProbeView Kopier
2011-03-03 16:41:34 +03:00
none ProbeView No attributes ingen
2012-03-03 23:31:22 +04:00
Boolean value: TypeEditors Boolsk verdi:
32 bit size or status: TypeEditors 32-bit størrelse eller status:
8 bit palette TypeEditors 8-bit palett
Fit ProbeView Size of fonts, fits to available room Juster
Probe device OpenWindow Test enhet
Unknown format TypeEditors Ukjent format
Hexadecimal FindWindow A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hexadesimal
MIME type: TypeEditors MIME-type:
Page setup… ProbeView Sideoppsett...
New… FileWindow Ny...
Could not read image TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Kunne ikke lese bilde
Save changes before closing? ProbeView Lagre endringer før lukking?
2012-06-17 18:28:06 +04:00
Close FileWindow Lukk
OK ProbeView OK
Cancel AttributeWindow Avbryt
Cancel ProbeView Avbryt