Auto-hide interface in full screen mode Settings Window Ocultar automáticamente la interfaz en modo de pantalla completa
There was an error retrieving the bookmark folder.\n\nError: %error WebPositive Window Don't translate the variable %error Hubo un error al obtener la carpeta de marcadores.\n\nError: %error
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(Finish: %date - Over %duration left) Download Window (Finalizado: %date - Más de %duration restante)
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Do you want to open %addedCount bookmarks all at once? WebPositive Window Don't translate variable %addedCount. ¿Desea abrir %addedCount marcadores al mismo tiempo?
Copy URL to clipboard Download Window Copiar URL al portapapeles
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A bookmark for this page (%bookmarkName) already exists. WebPositive Window Don't translate variable %bookmarkName Ya existe un marcador para esta página (%bookmarkName).
Open search page Settings Window Abrir página de búsqueda
Increase size WebPositive Window Aumentar tamaño
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New window WebPositive Window Nueva ventana
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The downloads folder could not be opened.\n\nError: %error Download Window Don't translate variable %error La carpeta de descargas no pudo ser abierta.\n\nError: %error
There was an error creating the bookmark file.\n\nError: %error WebPositive Window Don't translate variable %error Se produjo un error al crear el archivo de marcadores.\n\nError: %error
There was an error trying to show the Bookmarks folder.\n\nError: %error WebPositive Window Don't translate variable %error Hubo un error al intentar mostrar la carpeta de Marcadores.\n\nError: %error
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Proxy server requires authentication Settings Window El servidor proxy requiere autenticación
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Proxy server address: Settings Window Dirección del servidor proxy:
Search page: Settings Window Página de búsqueda:
Settings WebPositive Window Configuración
Clear URL Bar Limpiar
Loading %url WebPositive Window Cargando %url
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Font Selection view Don't translate this literally ! Use a phrase showing all chars from A to Z. El pingüino Wenceslao hizo kilómetros bajo exhaustiva lluvia y frío, añoraba a su querido cachorro.