+ Make installation/diskimage installation/netboot in ${RELEASEDIR}
+ snap_md_post depends on the diskimage, the diskimage tar file and
the install kernel, and installs these into the right places in
port-specific Makefiles can add to.
+ Separate snap_md into snap_md_pre and snap_md_post that are depended
on before and after snap_kern.
+ Build all kernels listing in ${BUILD_KERNELS}, but don't put them in
- Initialize mbpool and mclpool with msize and mclbytes, respectively,
so that those values may be patched and have an actual affect on the
next system reboot.
- Set low water marks on mbpool (default: 16) and mclpool (default: 8).
This should be of great help for diskless systems, which need to allocate
mbufs in order to clean dirty pages; the low water marks increase the
chances of this being possible to do in memory starvation situations.
- Add support for getting/setting some mbuf-related parameters via sysctl.
* msize and mclsize (read-only)
* nmbclusters (read-only unless the platform has direct-mapped pool pages,
in which case the value can be increased).
* mblowat and mcllowat (read/write)
exposure of TC device any more. Correct comments which are no longer
feasible. Reorder declarations and definitions. Introduce 'clkread'
pointer to pull up model dependent high resolution timer value. Have
prom_systype() call.
- Place routines for model dependent high resolution timer.
- Program IOASIC registers inside os_init() call and nuke ioasic_init().
buffer size of zero if stdout has a block size of 0.
The command `rsh <host> cat <files>' gives no output and no error.
- Allocate a minimum of BUFSIZ bytes for buffer.
- Use a static buffer if either `fstat' or `malloc' fails.
- Do the allocation once since stdout will not change block size.
totally broken for the PXG and will remain so until more documentation is
available. This destroys the queueing, hardware clipping, and VDAC update
mechanisms on the PXG.