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Executable File

tenAsys INtime RTOS Port


This port is for the tenAsys INtime RTOS available here.

To enable use the define INTIME_RTOS.


The wolfExamples.sln is a Visual Studio 2015 project. You must have the INtime SDK installed and an INtime RTOS agent running.

The default configuration is set inside the IDE/INTIME-RTOS/user_settings.h file.

The example application provides a simple menu interface to select difference application functions to test.

wolfExamples started
wolfExamples finished initialization


        t. WolfCrypt Test
        b. WolfCrypt Benchmark
        c. WolfSSL Client Example
        s. WolfSSL Server Example
        l. WolfSSL Localhost Client/Server Example
Please select one of the above options:

twolfCrypt Test

Performs testing of all crypto algorithms.

b wolfCrypt Benchmark

Performs benchmark of crypto algorithms.

c wolfSSL Client

To configure the host address and port modify the TLS_HOST_REMOTE and TLS_PORT macros at top of wolfExamples.c. This example uses TLS 1.2 to connect to a remote host.

s wolfSSL Server

To configure the port to listen on modify TLS_PORT at top of wolfExamples.c.

l wolfSSL Localhost Server/Client

Starts a TLS server thread listening on localhost. Starts the TLS client and performs connect, exchanges some data and disconnects.


For more information please contact info@wolfssl.com.