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wolfSSL with Arduino
Reformatting wolfSSL as a compatible Arduino Library
This is a shell script that will re-organize the wolfSSL library to be
compatible with Arduino projects. The Arduino IDE requires a library's source
files to be in the library's root directory with a header file in the name of
the library. This script moves all src/ files to the IDE/ARDUINO/wolfSSL
directory and creates a stub header file called wolfssl.h
Step 1: To configure wolfSSL with Arduino, enter the following from within the wolfssl/IDE/ARDUINO directory:
Step 2: Edit <wolfssl-root>/IDE/ARDUINO/wolfSSL/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h
uncomment the define for WOLFSSL_ARDUINO
If building for Intel Galileo platform also uncomment the define for INTEL_GALILEO
#####Including wolfSSL in Arduino Libraries (for Arduino version 1.6.6)
- In the Arduino IDE:
- In
Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library...
and choose theIDE/ARDUNIO/wolfSSL
folder. - In
Sketch -> Include Library
choose wolfSSL.
- In
An example wolfSSL client INO sketch exists here: sketches/wolfssl_client/wolfssl_client.ino