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# This script is used to quickly test a VSIX (Visual Studio Extension) file
# with Visual Studio 2015 on Windows.
# 1. This tool must be executed with "elevated administrator" privileges.
# 2. Tcl 8.4 and later are supported, earlier versions have not been tested.
# 3. The "sqlite-UWP-output.vsix" file is assumed to exist in the parent
# directory of the directory containing this script. The [optional] first
# command line argument to this script may be used to specify an alternate
# file. However, currently, the file must be compatible with both Visual
# Studio 2015 and the Universal Windows Platform.
# 4. The "VERSION" file is assumed to exist in the parent directory of the
# directory containing this script. It must contain a version number that
# matches the VSIX file being tested.
# 5. The temporary directory specified in the TEMP or TMP environment variables
# must refer to an existing directory writable by the current user.
# 6. The VS140COMNTOOLS environment variable must refer to the Visual Studio
# 2015 common tools directory.
# The first argument to this script is optional. If specified, it must be the
# name of the VSIX file to test.
package require Tcl 8.4
proc fail { {error ""} {usage false} } {
if {[string length $error] > 0} then {
puts stdout $error
if {!$usage} then {exit 1}
puts stdout "usage:\
[file tail [info nameofexecutable]]\
[file tail [info script]] \[vsixFile\]"
exit 1
proc getEnvironmentVariable { name } {
# NOTE: Returns the value of the specified environment variable or an empty
# string for environment variables that do not exist in the current
# process environment.
return [expr {[info exists ::env($name)] ? $::env($name) : ""}]
proc getTemporaryPath {} {
# NOTE: Returns the normalized path to the first temporary directory found
# in the typical set of environment variables used for that purpose
# or an empty string to signal a failure to locate such a directory.
set names [list]
foreach name [list TEMP TMP] {
lappend names [string toupper $name] [string tolower $name] \
[string totitle $name]
foreach name $names {
set value [getEnvironmentVariable $name]
if {[string length $value] > 0} then {
return [file normalize $value]
return ""
proc appendArgs { args } {
# NOTE: Returns all passed arguments joined together as a single string
# with no intervening spaces between arguments.
eval append result $args
proc readFile { fileName } {
# NOTE: Reads and returns the entire contents of the specified file, which
# may contain binary data.
set file_id [open $fileName RDONLY]
fconfigure $file_id -encoding binary -translation binary
set result [read $file_id]
close $file_id
return $result
proc writeFile { fileName data } {
# NOTE: Writes the entire contents of the specified file, which may contain
# binary data.
set file_id [open $fileName {WRONLY CREAT TRUNC}]
fconfigure $file_id -encoding binary -translation binary
puts -nonewline $file_id $data
close $file_id
return ""
proc putsAndEval { command } {
# NOTE: Outputs a command to the standard output channel and then evaluates
# it in the callers context.
catch {
puts stdout [appendArgs "Running: " [lrange $command 1 end] ...\n]
return [uplevel 1 $command]
proc isBadDirectory { directory } {
# NOTE: Returns non-zero if the directory is empty, does not exist, -OR- is
# not a directory.
catch {
puts stdout [appendArgs "Checking directory \"" $directory \"...\n]
return [expr {[string length $directory] == 0 || \
![file exists $directory] || ![file isdirectory $directory]}]
proc isBadFile { fileName } {
# NOTE: Returns non-zero if the file name is empty, does not exist, -OR- is
# not a regular file.
catch {
puts stdout [appendArgs "Checking file \"" $fileName \"...\n]
return [expr {[string length $fileName] == 0 || \
![file exists $fileName] || ![file isfile $fileName]}]
# NOTE: This is the entry point for this script.
set script [file normalize [info script]]
if {[string length $script] == 0} then {
fail "script file currently being evaluated is unknown" true
set path [file normalize [file dirname $script]]
set argc [llength $argv]; if {$argc > 1} then {fail "" true}
if {$argc == 1} then {
set vsixFileName [lindex $argv 0]
} else {
set vsixFileName [file join \
[file dirname $path] sqlite-UWP-output.vsix]
if {[isBadFile $vsixFileName]} then {
fail [appendArgs \
"VSIX file \"" $vsixFileName "\" does not exist"]
set versionFileName [file join [file dirname $path] VERSION]
if {[isBadFile $versionFileName]} then {
fail [appendArgs \
"Version file \"" $versionFileName "\" does not exist"]
set projectTemplateFileName [file join $path vsixtest.vcxproj.data]
if {[isBadFile $projectTemplateFileName]} then {
fail [appendArgs \
"Project template file \"" $projectTemplateFileName \
"\" does not exist"]
set envVarName VS140COMNTOOLS
set vsDirectory [getEnvironmentVariable $envVarName]
if {[isBadDirectory $vsDirectory]} then {
fail [appendArgs \
"Visual Studio 2015 directory \"" $vsDirectory \
"\" from environment variable \"" $envVarName \
"\" does not exist"]
set vsixInstaller [file join \
[file dirname $vsDirectory] IDE VSIXInstaller.exe]
if {[isBadFile $vsixInstaller]} then {
fail [appendArgs \
"Visual Studio 2015 VSIX installer \"" $vsixInstaller \
"\" does not exist"]
set envVarName ProgramFiles
set programFiles [getEnvironmentVariable $envVarName]
if {[isBadDirectory $programFiles]} then {
fail [appendArgs \
"Program Files directory \"" $programFiles \
"\" from environment variable \"" $envVarName \
"\" does not exist"]
set msBuild [file join $programFiles MSBuild 14.0 Bin MSBuild.exe]
if {[isBadFile $msBuild]} then {
fail [appendArgs \
"MSBuild v14.0 executable file \"" $msBuild \
"\" does not exist"]
set temporaryDirectory [getTemporaryPath]
if {[isBadDirectory $temporaryDirectory]} then {
fail [appendArgs \
"Temporary directory \"" $temporaryDirectory \
"\" does not exist"]
set installLogFileName [appendArgs \
[file rootname [file tail $vsixFileName]] \
-install- [pid] .log]
set commands(1) [list exec [file nativename $vsixInstaller]]
lappend commands(1) /quiet /norepair
lappend commands(1) [appendArgs /logFile: $installLogFileName]
lappend commands(1) [file nativename $vsixFileName]
set buildLogFileName [appendArgs \
[file rootname [file tail $vsixFileName]] \
-build-%configuration%-%platform%- [pid] .log]
set commands(2) [list exec [file nativename $msBuild]]
lappend commands(2) [file nativename [file join $path vsixtest.sln]]
lappend commands(2) /target:Rebuild
lappend commands(2) /property:Configuration=%configuration%
lappend commands(2) /property:Platform=%platform%
lappend commands(2) [appendArgs \
/logger:FileLogger,Microsoft.Build.Engine\;Logfile= \
[file nativename [file join $temporaryDirectory \
$buildLogFileName]] \;Verbosity=diagnostic]
set uninstallLogFileName [appendArgs \
[file rootname [file tail $vsixFileName]] \
-uninstall- [pid] .log]
set commands(3) [list exec [file nativename $vsixInstaller]]
lappend commands(3) /quiet /norepair
lappend commands(3) [appendArgs /logFile: $uninstallLogFileName]
lappend commands(3) [appendArgs /uninstall:SQLite.UWP.2015]
if {1} then {
catch {
puts stdout [appendArgs \
"Install log: \"" [file nativename [file join \
$temporaryDirectory $installLogFileName]] \"\n]
catch {
puts stdout [appendArgs \
"Build logs: \"" [file nativename [file join \
$temporaryDirectory $buildLogFileName]] \"\n]
catch {
puts stdout [appendArgs \
"Uninstall log: \"" [file nativename [file join \
$temporaryDirectory $uninstallLogFileName]] \"\n]
if {1} then {
putsAndEval $commands(1)
set versionNumber [string trim [readFile $versionFileName]]
set data [readFile $projectTemplateFileName]
set data [string map [list %versionNumber% $versionNumber] $data]
set projectFileName [file join $path vsixtest.vcxproj]
writeFile $projectFileName $data
set platforms [list x86 x64 ARM]
set configurations [list Debug Release]
foreach platform $platforms {
foreach configuration $configurations {
putsAndEval [string map [list \
%platform% $platform %configuration% $configuration] \
putsAndEval $commands(3)