Test build all supported configurations and platforms during VSIX testing.

FossilOrigin-Name: cce40a0b8ee792482fb7031113eb190ad316d01a
This commit is contained in:
mistachkin 2016-02-24 23:25:23 +00:00
parent 7aa3ebee0f
commit 78007b2f22
3 changed files with 40 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
C Initial\swork\son\san\sautomated\sVSIX\stesting\stool.\s\sNot\sworking\sor\stested\syet.
D 2016-02-24T21:42:03.852
C Test\sbuild\sall\ssupported\sconfigurations\sand\splatforms\sduring\sVSIX\stesting.
D 2016-02-24T23:25:23.355
F Makefile.in 4e90dc1521879022aa9479268a4cd141d1771142
F Makefile.linux-gcc 7bc79876b875010e8c8f9502eb935ca92aa3c434
F Makefile.msc 28fc4ee02333996d31b3602b39eeb8e609a89ce4
@ -1446,14 +1446,11 @@ F vsixtest/Package.appxmanifest 0535b2e6708c44ad45ed7fb1dfd4de5de351dd7a
F vsixtest/pch.cpp 681cc12ddc215c95fe300ee8a3dde057fa2ec308
F vsixtest/pch.h 9d2475a4f6d5c921b86c8f61060b6b04421f1010
F vsixtest/vsixtest.sln 8950e044dd04a07046990d04bf77e60738e2d136
F vsixtest/vsixtest.tcl d452077319cd94e626e37a8ea323f4e739dbc5a6
F vsixtest/vsixtest.tcl 0f16064663d4e8362381529a4f7f675f242b7b18
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj 15407f0e35e914fecc65ed422ac08b28e52b3e4f
F vsixtest/vsixtest.vcxproj.filters 443739cb985bb81620dc66f375a845b25debe116
F vsixtest/vsixtest_TemporaryKey.pfx e5b1b036facdb453873e7084e1cae9102ccc67a0
P e721975faa0925be4029330550ff2a9666041ff7
R 5235a7354869742aeac200c2498e03f2
T *branch * vsixTest
T *sym-vsixTest *
T -sym-trunk *
P 496e4ac984b2548dd5f2f969cd34656b586cfcfe
R 5a3c0879fbd24c05458da7451d8d9c43
U mistachkin
Z 30aae13ef1f9c0b59510b9ed5eae30fc
Z bb333cc3788a57a462cd7d4a3c9c3a93

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -167,27 +167,30 @@ set installLogFileName [appendArgs \
[file rootname [file tail $fileName]] -install- [pid] .log]
set buildLogFileName [appendArgs \
[file rootname [file tail $fileName]] -build- [pid] .log]
[file rootname [file tail $fileName]] \
-build-%configuration%-%platform%- [pid] .log]
set uninstallLogFileName [appendArgs \
[file rootname [file tail $fileName]] -uninstall- [pid] .log]
set command(1) [list exec [file nativename $vsixInstaller] /quiet /norepair]
lappend command(1) [appendArgs /logFile: $installLogFileName]
lappend command(1) [file nativename $fileName]
set commands(1) [list exec [file nativename $vsixInstaller] /quiet /norepair]
lappend commands(1) [appendArgs /logFile: $installLogFileName]
lappend commands(1) [file nativename $fileName]
set command(2) [list exec [file nativename $msBuild]]
lappend command(2) [file nativename [file join $path vsixtest.sln]]
lappend command(2) /target:Rebuild /property:Configuration=Release
set commands(2) [list exec [file nativename $msBuild]]
lappend commands(2) [file nativename [file join $path vsixtest.sln]]
lappend commands(2) /target:Rebuild
lappend commands(2) /property:Configuration=%configuration%
lappend commands(2) /property:Platform=%clatform%
lappend command(2) [appendArgs \
lappend commands(2) [appendArgs \
/logger:FileLogger,Microsoft.Build.Engine\;Logfile= \
[file nativename [file join $temporaryDirectory $buildLogFileName]] \
set command(3) [list exec [file nativename $vsixInstaller] /quiet /norepair]
lappend command(3) [appendArgs /logFile: $uninstallLogFileName]
lappend command(3) [appendArgs /uninstall:SQLite.UWP.2015]
set commands(3) [list exec [file nativename $vsixInstaller] /quiet /norepair]
lappend commands(3) [appendArgs /logFile: $uninstallLogFileName]
lappend commands(3) [appendArgs /uninstall:SQLite.UWP.2015]
puts stdout [appendArgs \
"Install log will be \"" [file nativename [file join \
@ -202,14 +205,27 @@ puts stdout [appendArgs \
$temporaryDirectory $uninstallLogFileName]] "\"."]
puts stdout [appendArgs \
"First command is \"" $command(1) "\"."]
"First command is \"" $commands(1) "\"."]
puts stdout [appendArgs \
"Second command is \"" $command(2) "\"."]
"Second command is \"" $commands(2) "\"."]
puts stdout [appendArgs \
"Third command is \"" $command(3) "\"."]
"Third command is \"" $commands(3) "\"."]
# eval exec $command(1)
# eval exec $command(2)
# eval exec $command(3)
if {0} then {
# eval $commands(1)
set platforms [list Win32 x64 ARM]
set configurations [list Debug Release]
foreach platform $platforms {
foreach configuration $configurations {
eval [string map [list \
%platform% $platform %configuration% \
$configuration] $commands(2)]
# eval $commands(3)