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Current version of raylib is complete and functional but there is still a lot of room for improvement.
Here it is a wish-list with features and ideas to improve the library.
Note that [raylib source code](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/tree/master/src) has some *TODO* marks around code with pending things to review and improve. Check [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/issues) for further details!
**raylib 1.x**
- [ ] Basic GPU stats sytem (memory, draws, time...)
- [ ] Improved custom file-format (.rres) and packaging tool
- [ ] Touch-based camera controls for Android
- [ ] Quaternions-based camera system
**raylib 1.8**
- [x] Improved Materials system with PBR support
- [x] Procedural image generation functions (spot, gradient, noise...)
- [x] Procedural mesh generation functions (cube, sphere...)
- [x] Custom Android APK build pipeline (default Makefile)
**raylib 1.7**
- [x] Support configuration flags
- [x] Improved build system for Android
- [x] Gamepad support on HTML5
**raylib 1.6**
- [x] Lua scripting support (raylib Lua wrapper)
- [x] Redesigned audio module
- [x] Support FLAC file format
**raylib 1.5**
- [x] Support Oculus Rift CV1 and VR stereo rendering (simulator)
- [x] Redesign Shaders/Textures system -> New Materials system
- [x] Support lighting: Omni, Directional and Spot lights
- [x] Redesign physics module (physac)
- [x] Chiptunes audio modules support
**raylib 1.4**
- [x] TTF fonts support (using stb_truetype)
- [x] Raycast system for 3D picking (including collisions detection)
- [x] Floyd-Steinberg dithering on 16bit image format conversion
- [x] Basic image manipulation functions (crop, resize, draw...)
- [x] Storage load/save data functionality
- [x] Add Physics module (physac)
- [x] Remove GLEW dependency -> Replaced by GLAD
- [x] Redesign Raspberry PI inputs system
- [x] Redesign gestures module to be multiplatform
- [x] Module raymath as header-only and functions inline
- [x] Add Easings module (easings.h)
Any feature missing? Do you have a request? [Let me know!][raysan5]
[raysan5]: mailto:ray@raylib.com "Ramon Santamaria - Ray San"