Review all RL_CALLOC() calls

All data should be properly initialized by now
This commit is contained in:
raysan5 2019-08-27 10:56:49 +02:00
parent 37a6f12037
commit c661cad692
4 changed files with 21 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ int main(void)
// De-Initialization
// TODO: Unload materials and shaders
UnloadMaterial(model.materials[0]); // Unload material: shader and textures
UnloadModel(model); // Unload model
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context

View File

@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ Material *LoadMaterials(const char *fileName, int *materialCount)
Material LoadMaterialDefault(void)
Material material = { 0 };
material.maps = (MaterialMap *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MATERIAL_MAPS*sizeof(MaterialMap), 1);
material.maps = (MaterialMap *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MATERIAL_MAPS, sizeof(MaterialMap));
material.shader = GetShaderDefault();
material.maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = GetTextureDefault(); // White texture (1x1 pixel)
@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ bool IsModelAnimationValid(Model model, ModelAnimation anim)
Mesh GenMeshPoly(int sides, float radius)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
int vertexCount = sides*3;
// Vertices definition
@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ Mesh GenMeshPoly(int sides, float radius)
Mesh GenMeshPlane(float width, float length, int resX, int resZ)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ Mesh GenMeshPlane(float width, float length, int resX, int resZ)
mesh.vertices = (float *)RL_MALLOC(plane->ntriangles*3*3*sizeof(float));
mesh.texcoords = (float *)RL_MALLOC(plane->ntriangles*3*2*sizeof(float));
mesh.normals = (float *)RL_MALLOC(plane->ntriangles*3*3*sizeof(float));
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int));
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
mesh.vertexCount = plane->ntriangles*3;
mesh.triangleCount = plane->ntriangles;
@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ Mesh GenMeshPlane(float width, float length, int resX, int resZ)
Mesh GenMeshCube(float width, float height, float length)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ par_shapes_mesh* par_shapes_create_icosahedron(); // 20 sides polyhedron
RLAPI Mesh GenMeshSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
par_shapes_mesh *sphere = par_shapes_create_parametric_sphere(slices, rings);
par_shapes_scale(sphere, radius, radius, radius);
@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ RLAPI Mesh GenMeshSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices)
RLAPI Mesh GenMeshHemiSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
par_shapes_mesh *sphere = par_shapes_create_hemisphere(slices, rings);
par_shapes_scale(sphere, radius, radius, radius);
@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ RLAPI Mesh GenMeshHemiSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices)
Mesh GenMeshCylinder(float radius, float height, int slices)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
// Instance a cylinder that sits on the Z=0 plane using the given tessellation
// levels across the UV domain. Think of "slices" like a number of pizza
@ -1682,7 +1682,7 @@ Mesh GenMeshCylinder(float radius, float height, int slices)
Mesh GenMeshTorus(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
if (radius > 1.0f) radius = 1.0f;
else if (radius < 0.1f) radius = 0.1f;
@ -1725,7 +1725,7 @@ Mesh GenMeshTorus(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides)
Mesh GenMeshKnot(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
if (radius > 3.0f) radius = 3.0f;
else if (radius < 0.5f) radius = 0.5f;
@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@ Mesh GenMeshHeightmap(Image heightmap, Vector3 size)
#define GRAY_VALUE(c) ((c.r+c.g+c.b)/3)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
int mapX = heightmap.width;
int mapZ = heightmap.height;
@ -1878,7 +1878,7 @@ Mesh GenMeshHeightmap(Image heightmap, Vector3 size)
Mesh GenMeshCubicmap(Image cubicmap, Vector3 cubeSize)
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
Color *cubicmapPixels = GetImageData(cubicmap);
@ -2819,7 +2819,7 @@ static Model LoadOBJ(const char *fileName)
mesh.vertices = (float *)RL_MALLOC(mesh.vertexCount*3*sizeof(float));
mesh.texcoords = (float *)RL_MALLOC(mesh.vertexCount*2*sizeof(float));
mesh.normals = (float *)RL_MALLOC(mesh.vertexCount*3*sizeof(float));
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
mesh.vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
int vCount = 0;
int vtCount = 0;
@ -3089,7 +3089,7 @@ static Model LoadIQM(const char *fileName)
model.meshes[i].animVertices = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(float)*model.meshes[i].vertexCount*3);
model.meshes[i].animNormals = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(float)*model.meshes[i].vertexCount*3);
model.meshes[i].vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
model.meshes[i].vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
// Triangles data processing
@ -3411,7 +3411,7 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
model.materials = RL_MALLOC(model.materialCount*sizeof(Material));
model.meshMaterial = RL_MALLOC(model.meshCount*sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < model.meshCount; i++) model.meshes[i].vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO*sizeof(unsigned int), 1);
for (int i = 0; i < model.meshCount; i++) model.meshes[i].vboId = (unsigned int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_MESH_VBO, sizeof(unsigned int));
for (int i = 0; i < model.materialCount - 1; i++)

View File

@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ void SetMasterVolume(float volume)
// Create a new audio buffer. Initially filled with silence
AudioBuffer *InitAudioBuffer(ma_format format, ma_uint32 channels, ma_uint32 sampleRate, ma_uint32 bufferSizeInFrames, int usage)
AudioBuffer *audioBuffer = (AudioBuffer *)RL_CALLOC(sizeof(*audioBuffer), 1);
AudioBuffer *audioBuffer = (AudioBuffer *)RL_CALLOC(1, sizeof(AudioBuffer));
audioBuffer->buffer = RL_CALLOC((bufferSizeInFrames*channels*ma_get_bytes_per_sample(format)), 1);
if (audioBuffer == NULL)

View File

@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ void rlglInit(int width, int height)
// NOTE: We have to duplicate string because glGetString() returns a const string
int len = strlen(extensions) + 1;
char *extensionsDup = (char *)RL_CALLOC(len, 1);
char *extensionsDup = (char *)RL_CALLOC(len, sizeof(char));
strcpy(extensionsDup, extensions);
extList[numExt] = extensionsDup;
@ -2967,7 +2967,7 @@ char *LoadText(const char *fileName)
Shader LoadShader(const char *vsFileName, const char *fsFileName)
Shader shader = { 0 };
shader.locs = (int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS*sizeof(int), 1);
shader.locs = (int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS, sizeof(int));
char *vShaderStr = NULL;
char *fShaderStr = NULL;
@ -2988,7 +2988,7 @@ Shader LoadShader(const char *vsFileName, const char *fsFileName)
Shader LoadShaderCode(char *vsCode, char *fsCode)
Shader shader = { 0 };
shader.locs = (int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS*sizeof(int), 1);
shader.locs = (int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS, sizeof(int));
// NOTE: All locations must be reseted to -1 (no location)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS; i++) shader.locs[i] = -1;
@ -3861,7 +3861,7 @@ static unsigned int LoadShaderProgram(unsigned int vShaderId, unsigned int fShad
static Shader LoadShaderDefault(void)
Shader shader = { 0 };
shader.locs = (int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS*sizeof(int), 1);
shader.locs = (int *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS, sizeof(int));
// NOTE: All locations must be reseted to -1 (no location)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS; i++) shader.locs[i] = -1;