segments, and my indexes had 3(Yes, it DOES work!).
DROP TABLE removed ALL segments from the table, but only the main index
So it looks like removing the table itself is using mdunlink in md.c,
while removing indexes uses FileNameUnlink() which only unlinks 1 file.
As far as I can tell, calling FileNameUnlink() and mdunlink() is basically
the same, except mdunlink() deletes any extra segments.
I've done some testing and it seems to work. It also passes regression
tests(except float8, geometry and rules, but that's normal).
If this patch is right, this fixes all known multi-segment problems on
Ole Gjerde
configtype.patch simply fixes a typo in
pg_dump.c.patch Updates a bunch of error messages to include a reason
the backend, and also removes a couple of unnecessary
Ole Gjerde
lists are now plain old garden-variety Lists, allocated with palloc,
rather than specialized expansible-array data allocated with malloc.
This substantially simplifies their handling and eliminates several
sources of memory leakage.
Several basic types of erroneous queries (syntax error, attempt to
insert a duplicate key into a unique index) now demonstrably leak
zero bytes per query.
offending code
has been removed, the action is now always dependent :-)
I suggest the following patch, to finally make trigger regression happy
After that you can remove the following from TODO:
Remove ERROR: check_primary_key: even number of arguments should be
Trigger regression test fails
and lock syntax as fully parsed tokens.
Two keywords for isolation are non-reserved SQL92
All other new keywords are non-reserved Postgres (not SQL92)
Add syntax to allow CREATE [GLOBAL|LOCAL] TEMPORARY TABLE, throwing an
error if GLOBAL is specified.
constraints. Reported by Tom Lane.
Now, check for duplicate indices and retain the one which is a primary-key.
Adjust elog NOTICE messages to surround table and column names with single
-d4 now prints compressed trees from nodeToString()
-d5 prints pretty trees via nodeDisplay()
new pg_options: pretty_plan, pretty_parse, pretty_rewritten
on connection. This patch changes it to use PQconnectdb rather than
{fe_setauthsvc,PQsetdb}. This still isn't the complete solution, as
is no provision for user,password in class PgEnv, but it does get rid of
the error message. Tested with gcc version egcs-2.91.60 19981201
(egcs-1.1.1 release) under NetBSD-1.3K/i386.
Patrick Welche
works with a new policy in cascade mode .
Please Read README.MAX .
I do not know if you are the author of refint.c ,
but if not please tell me who is .
Thank you ( excuse me for my bad english) .
Massimo Lambertini
to , clairify the options
available, and to add easy support
for installation of postgres into the
runlevel system.
"sh install"
Will now install "postgres" in the
/etc/rc.d/init.d directory and execute
/sbin/chkconfig to hook up the symbolic
links. An uninstall option is also added.
Enclosed is the patch and the patched file