start time equal to tuple->t_tmax.
Privent shrinking if there are tuples modifyed by running transactions
(it concerns system relations only, currently).
Subject: [PATCHES] patch for a memory leak
Well...I screwed up and posted the wrong patch for psql originally..
The patch for that patch wposted below will fix it..
Subject: [PATCHES] INSTALL patch
This patch makes the following changes to the INSTALL instructions:
- Before step 1, describe disk space requirements.
- Step 1 now defines a "tested" platform.
- Add step 3a on checking for disk space.
- Added new step 27 asking for feedback.
Subject: [PATCHES] Another destroydb patch
This is a patch to my previous destroydb patch cause some people wanted
slightly different behavior. After this patch is applied, destroydb
will destroy a database as usual, but if added -i flag (which could be
aliased like rm -i) would ask for confirmation.
Subject: [PATCHES] pg_dump memory leak patch
This patch fixes a HUGE memory leak problem in pg_dump.
Pretty much anything that was allocated was never freed and Purify
reported about 40% possible memory leak and 6% actual leak. I added
functions to clear out all the allocated structures. After the patch
Purify returns 0 for number of bytes leaked...
Subject: [PATCHES] psql - \dt,\di commands.
I sent this a couple of months ago in re a request by Maxim
Kozin, but I had the patch reversed, creating some confusion
over applying it.
Here's a more complete version.
Adds \dt to list only tables/views and \di to list only
indicies. \d will still work as before.
Subject: [PATCHES] destroydb patch
I am including a patch for destroydb to ask for confirmation before
deleting databases (after I accidentally deleted mine)...destroydb -y
would force delete without any confirmation.
Subject: [PATCHES] memory leak patches in libpq and psql
A couple of small memory leak patches (detected with Purify) primarily
in libpq.
* Fixed (NULL) border problem in psql (run psql, do \m, then select
something from a table...row separators will be nulls)
* Fixed memory leak with the abovementioned border not being freed
* Fixed memory leak in freePGconn() not freeing conn->port
* Fixed up PQclear() to free parts of PGresult only if these
parts are not null.
* Fixed a decent memory leak that occured after executing every command
in psql. PGresult *results was not freed most of the time.
There is still a leak being detected (2 bytes) in readline functions, but
I think this is old readline library. I will install new one and test it.
Subject: [PATCHES] INSTALL changes
This patch modifies the INSTALL file. The changes are:
- SPARC/Linux-ELF was added to the list of supported platforms.
The special notes for it at the bottom of the file were removed.
- Changed "database server" to "RDBMS database server".
- Modified step 6 so that when you restore your database the
tables will be owned by the original owners instead of the
postgresql superuser.
- Modified step 19 on diagnosing the regression tests for the
SPARC Linux platform with a beta release.
- Other minor changes.
Subject: [PATCHES] pqcomprim.c patch
This is the patch by Robert Bruccoleri to fix the endian problem.
(Actually, it's the reverse of his patch. He must have gotten the
order wrong.)
* RelationFlushRelation () below will flush relation information
* from the cache. We must call smgrclose to flush relation
* information from SMGR & FMGR, too. We assume that for temp
* relations smgrunlink is already called by heap_destroyr
* and we skip smgrclose for them. - vadim 05/22/97
smgrclose(reln->rd_rel->relsmgr, reln);
- it avoids memory leaks in SMGR & VFD.
there is no more call FileInvalidate(RelationGetSystemPort(relation));
- invalid (FileInvalidate() expects File, not SMGR' fd)
- unuseful anyway.
mdunlink() and mdclose() (too !!!) now free MdfdVec for relation
and add it to free list, so it may be re-used for another relation
2. Fix VFD-manager memory leak (found by Massimo ... and me):
mdunlink() has to call FileUnlink() to free allocation for fileName
and add the Vfd slot to the free list.