ErrorPage:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Page error</title></head><body><h1>Sorry, NetSurf was unable to display this page</h1><p><strong>%s</strong></p></body></html>
# General errors - displayed in a dialog box
# These may be augmented with further relevant information, which
# is displayed after the contents of the relevant token.
NoMemory:NetSurf is running out of memory. Please free some memory and try again.
FontBadInst:An error occurred when initialising fonts due to the presence of obsolete copies of the ROM fonts on disc. NetSurf will exit and launch a program which will attempt to fix this.
FontError:Failed to open font "Homerton.Medium" (%s).
Resolvers:No domain name servers are configured, so only browsing local files will be possible. Use Configure to set your name server(s).
NoDiscSpace:Not enough space available on disc.
Template:A window template is missing from the Templates file. Please reinstall NetSurf.
HelpToolbar0:\Tback button.|M\Straverse back one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
HelpToolbar1:\Tforward button.|M\Straverse forward one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
HelpToolbar2:\Tstop button.|M\Sstop loading this page.
HelpToolbar3:\Treload button.|M\Sreload this page.|M\Areload this page and any objects it contains.
HelpToolbar4:\Thome button.|M\Sgo to your home page.
HelpToolbar5:\Thistory button.|M\Sopen the local history \w.|M\Aopen the global history \w.
HelpToolbar6:\Tsave button.|M\Ssave the current document.
HelpToolbar7:\Tprint button.|M\Sopen the print dialogue box.
HelpToolbar8:\Thotlist button.|M\Sopen the hotlist management \w.|M\Aadd this address to the hotlist.
HelpToolbar9:\Tscale view button.|M\Sscale the page, affecting both text and images.
HelpToolbar10:\Tsearch button.|M\Sfind instances of a string of text on the page.
HelpToolbar11:\TURL bar.|MType in the address of a site to visit and press Return to go there.
HelpToolbar12:\Tthrobber.|MIt animates while this \w is active.
HelpToolbar13:\TURL suggestion icon.|M\Sopen a list of recently typed URLs.
HelpStatus0:\Tstatus bar resizer.|MDrag to alter the size of the status bar.
HelpStatus1:\Tstatus bar.|MIt displays information on what the browser \w is doing.
HelpIconMenu0:\Rview information about this software.
HelpIconMenu1:\Sview NetSurf's documentation.
HelpIconMenu2:\Ropen a window.
HelpIconMenu2-0:\Renter an address to visit.
HelpIconMenu2-1:\Sopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpIconMenu2-2:\Sopen the global history \w.
HelpIconMenu3:\Sopen the Choices dialogue box.
HelpIconMenu4:\Squit NetSurf.
HelpBrowserMenu0:\Rsee the options relating to the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-0:\Rsee information about the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-1:\Rsave the current page as an HTML file.
HelpBrowserMenu0-2:\Rsave the current page including all the images and style sheets used.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3:\Rsee the export options.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3-0:\Rexport the current page as a Drawfile.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3-1:\Rexport the current page as a plain text file.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4:\Rsave the address of the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-0:\Rsave the current address in Acorn URI format.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-1:\Rsave the current address in Ant URL format.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-2:\Rsave the current address as plain text.
HelpBrowserMenu0-5:\Sopen the print dialogue box.
HelpBrowserMenu0-6:\Sopen the current page in a new window.
HelpBrowserMenu0-7:\Sview the source code of the current page in a text editor.
HelpBrowserMenu1:\Rsee the options relating to the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-0:\Rsee information about the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-1:\Rsave the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-2:\Rsee the export options.
HelpBrowserMenu1-2-0:\Rsave the image as a Sprite.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3:\Rsave the address of the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-0:\Rsave the current item's address in Acorn URI format.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-1:\Rsave the current item's address in Ant URL format.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-2:\Rsave the current item's address as plain text.
HelpBrowserMenu1-4:\Sreload all the items on this page.
HelpBrowserMenu2:\Rsee the navigation options.
HelpBrowserMenu2-0:\Sreturn to the configured home page.
HelpBrowserMenu2-1:\Sgo back a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
HelpBrowserMenu2-2:\Sstep forward a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
HelpBrowserMenu2-3:\Sfetch the current page again.
HelpBrowserMenu2-4:\Sstop NetSurf from continuing to load this page.
HelpBrowserMenu3:\Rset the local display options.
HelpBrowserMenu3-0:\Rscale the page, affecting both text and images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1:\Rset the local image options.
#HelpBrowserMenu3-1-0:\Stoggle the display of foreground images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1-1:\Stoggle the display of background images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1-2:\Stoggle the display of animations.|MIf turned off, the first frame is displayed.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-1:\Stoggle the display of the address (URL) bar.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-2:\Stoggle the display of the throbber.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-3:\Stoggle the display of the status bar.|MHorizontal scroll bar uses the remaining width.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3:\Scontrol the manner in which the display is rendered.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-0:\Stoggle whether text is blended to the background.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-1:\Stoggle whether animations are not displayed until all calculations are complete.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-2:\Stoggle whether everything is not displayed until all calculations are complete.
HelpBrowserMenu3-4:\Smake your local display options the default options for NetSurf.
HelpBrowserMenu4:\Rto access NetSurf's built in utilities.|MUtilities are tools such as the hotlist, history tree and various setup options.
HelpBrowserMenu4-0:\Rmanage the hotlist.
HelpBrowserMenu4-0-0:\Sadd the current page to the hotlist.
HelpBrowserMenu4-0-1:\Sopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-1:\Rview the history options.
HelpBrowserMenu4-1-0:\Sopen the local history \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-1-1:\Sopen the global history \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-2:\Rsearch for instances of a string of text on the page.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3:\Rcontrol the default \w positioning.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3-0:\Sto make the current \w position the default.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3-1:\Sto toggle whether subsequent windows are staggered down the screen.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3-2:\Sto toggle whether child windows copy the size and position of their parent.|MWhen off, all new windows open in the default position.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3-3:\Sto return to the default \w positioning.
HelpBrowserMenu5:\Rsee the help resources available.
HelpBrowserMenu5-0:\Sopen the documentation contents page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-1:\Sopen the user guide in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-2:\Sopen the user information page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-3:\Sopen the NetSurf about page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-4:\Srun Help.
HelpBrowser-1:Click \s on a link to follow it.|MClick \a on a link to open it in a new \w.
HelpIconbar:\TNetSurf icon.|M\Sopen a new browser \w.|M\Aopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpHistory:Use this \w to navigate around the local history tree.|M\Son a thumbnail to return to that page.
HelpSaveAs0:Drag SELECT this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file.
HelpSaveAs1:This is the filename under which this document will be saved.
HelpSaveAs2:\Ssave the file with the current filename.|MIf a full path is not set, you must drag the icon to a directory.
HelpSaveAs3:\Sclose this \w without saving.
HelpScaleView:Use this \w to change the scale the page is displayed at.
HelpScaleView1:Enter the scale you wish the page to be displayed at.
HelpScaleView2:\Sreduce the scale, 10% at a time.
HelpScaleView3:\Sincrease the scale, 10% at a time.
HelpScaleView5:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 75%.
HelpScaleView6:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 100%.
HelpScaleView7:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 150%.
HelpScaleView8:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 200%.
HelpScaleView9:\Scancel changes.|MThe current scale will not be changed.
HelpScaleView10:\Schange the view to the scale you have chosen.
HelpHotFolder:Use this \w to set the directory name.
HelpHotEntry:Use this \w to set the entry details.
HelpHotlist:\Thotlist management window.
HelpHotlist0:\Sopen this directory.
HelpHotlist1:\Sclose this directory.
HelpHotlist2:\Sshow the entry details.
HelpHotlist3:\Shide the entry details.
HelpHotlist4:\Sselect this directory.|MDouble-click \s to open this directory.
HelpHotlist5:\Sselect this entry.|MDouble-click \s to launch this URL.
HelpHotlist6:Release the mouse buttons to complete your selection.
HelpHotlist7:Release the mouse buttons to move the selection.
HelpHotToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
HelpHotToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all addresses in the hotlist.|M\Acollapse all addresses in the hotlist.|MExpanded addresses show additional details, such as a visit counter.
HelpHotToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the hotlist.|M\Aclose all directories in the hotlist.
HelpHotToolbar3:\Tlaunch button.|M\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpHotToolbar4:\Tcreate button.|M\Screate a new directory.
HelpHotlistMenu0:\Rperform an operation on the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0:\Rcreate a new item.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0-0:\Rcreate a new directory.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0-1:\Rcreate a new address.
HelpHotlistMenu0-1:\Rexport the hotlist as an HTML file.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2:\Rexpand items within the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-0:\Sopen all directories and show all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-1:\Sopen all directories.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-2:\Sshow all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3:\Rcollapse items within the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-0:\Sclose all directories and hide all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-1:\Sclose all directories.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-2:\Shide all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-4:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpHotlistMenu0-4-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.
HelpHotlistMenu1:\Roperate on the current selection.
HelpHotlistMenu1-0:\Redit the current item.
HelpHotlistMenu1-1:\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpHotlistMenu1-2:\Sdelete the current selection from the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu1-3:\Sreset statistics, such as visit count, for selected items.
HelpHotlistMenu2:\Sselect all the items in the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu3:\Sdeselect all selected items.
HelpGHistory:\Tglobal history window.
HelpGHistoryToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
HelpGHistoryToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all addresses in the hotlist.|M\Acollapse all addresses in the hotlist.|MExpanded addresses show additional details, such as a visit counter.
HelpGHistoryToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the hotlist.|M\Aclose all directories in the hotlist.
HelpGHistoryToolbar3:\Tlaunch button.|M\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpAppInfo:\TNetSurf information \w.|MSee the about page for the contributor list and credits.