ErrorPage:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Page error</title></head><body><h1>Sorry, NetSurf was unable to display this page</h1><p><strong>%s</strong></p></body></html>
# General errors - displayed in a dialog box
# These may be augmented with further relevant information, which
# is displayed after the contents of the relevant token.
NoMemory:NetSurf is running out of memory. Please free some memory and try again.
FontBadInst:An error occurred when initialising fonts due to the presence of obsolete copies of the ROM fonts on disc. NetSurf will exit and launch a program which will attempt to fix this.
FontError:Failed to open font "Homerton.Medium" (%s).
Resolvers:No domain name servers are configured, so only browsing local files will be possible. Use Configure to set your name server(s).
NoDiscSpace:Not enough space available on disc.
Template:A window template is missing from the Templates file. Please reinstall NetSurf.
HelpBrowserMenu4-2-0:\Sopen the cookie management \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3:\Rsearch for instances of a string of text on the page.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4:\Rcontrol the default \w positioning.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4-0:\Sto make the current \w position the default.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4-1:\Sto toggle whether subsequent windows are staggered down the screen.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4-2:\Sto toggle whether child windows copy the size and position of their parent.|MWhen off, all new windows open in the default position.
HelpBrowserMenu4-4-3:\Sto return to the default \w positioning.
HelpHotFolder:Use this \w to set the directory name.
HelpHotEntry:Use this \w to set the entry details.
HelpHotlist:\Thotlist management window.
HelpHotlist0:\Sopen this directory.
HelpHotlist1:\Sclose this directory.
HelpHotlist2:\Sshow the entry details.
HelpHotlist3:\Shide the entry details.
HelpHotlist4:\Sselect this directory.|MDouble-click \s to open this directory.
HelpHotlist5:\Sselect this entry.|MDouble-click \s to launch this URL.
HelpHotlist6:Release the mouse buttons to complete your selection.
HelpHotlist7:Release the mouse buttons to move the selection.
HelpHotToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
HelpHotToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all addresses in the hotlist.|M\Acollapse all addresses in the hotlist.|MExpanded addresses show additional details, such as a visit counter.
HelpHotToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the hotlist.|M\Aclose all directories in the hotlist.
HelpHotToolbar3:\Tlaunch button.|M\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpHotToolbar4:\Tcreate button.|M\Screate a new directory.
HelpHotlistMenu0:\Rperform an operation on the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0:\Rcreate a new item.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0-0:\Rcreate a new directory.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0-1:\Rcreate a new address.
HelpHotlistMenu0-1:\Rexport the hotlist as an HTML file.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2:\Rexpand items within the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-0:\Sopen all directories and show all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-1:\Sopen all directories.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-2:\Sshow all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3:\Rcollapse items within the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-0:\Sclose all directories and hide all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-1:\Sclose all directories.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-2:\Shide all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-4:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpHotlistMenu0-4-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.
HelpGHistoryToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all entries in the history.|M\Acollapse all entries in the history.|MExpanded entries show additional details, such as a visit counter.
HelpGHistoryToolbar2:\Topen sections button.|M\Sopen all sections in the global history.|M\Aclose all sections in the global history.
HelpCookiesToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
HelpCookiesToolbar1:\Texpand cookies button.|M\Sexpand all cookies in the list.|M\Acollapse all cookies in the list.|MExpanded cookies show additional details.
HelpCookiesToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the list.|M\Aclose all directories in the list.
HelpConfigure10:Security and Privacy configuration tool
HelpCacheConfig:\Tcache configuration \w.
HelpCacheConfig3:\Tamount of memory to be used for caching content.
HelpCacheConfig4:\Sreduce the amount of memory.
HelpCacheConfig5:\Sincrease the amount of memory.
HelpCacheConfig10:\Tlength of time items are kept in the cache.
HelpCacheConfig11:\Sreduce the cache duration.
HelpCacheConfig12:\Sincrease the cache duration.
HelpCacheConfig14:\Sdelete any redundant files from NetSurf's disc cache.
HelpCacheConfig15:\Sreset the Cache options back to their default values.
HelpCacheConfig16:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpCacheConfig17:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpConnectConfig:\Tconnection configuration \w
HelpConnectConfig3:\Tcurrently selected proxy type.|MUse the menu to select a proxy type.
HelpConnectConfig4:\Sselect a proxy type.
HelpConnectConfig6:You can enter the proxy's host name here.
HelpConnectConfig8:You can enter the proxy's port number here.
HelpConnectConfig10:You can enter a username for proxies that require authentication here.
HelpConnectConfig12:You can enter a password for proxies that require authentication here.
HelpConnectConfig16:\Tmaximum number of simultanious fetches that NetSurf will perform.
HelpConnectConfig17:\Sreduce the maximum number of simultanious fetches.
HelpConnectConfig18:\Sincrease the maximum number of simultanious fetches.
HelpConnectConfig20:\Tmaximum number of simultanious fetches that NetSurf will perform per host.
HelpConnectConfig21:\Sreduce the maximum number of simultanious fetches per host.
HelpConnectConfig22:\Sincrease the maximum number of simultanious fetches per host.
HelpConnectConfig24:\Tmaximum number of persistent connections.
HelpConnectConfig25:\Sreduce the maximum number of persistent connections.
HelpConnectConfig26:\Sincrease the maximum number of persistent connections.
HelpConnectConfig27:\Sreset the Connection options back to their default values.
HelpConnectConfig28:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpConnectConfig29:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpContentConfig:\Tcontent configuration \w
HelpContentConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will atempt to block advertisements on web pages|MIn rare circumstances, this option may cause valid content to be blocked too.
HelpContentConfig3:This indicates whether NetSurf will stop web sites from automatically opening new windows on your desktop.
HelpContentConfig4:This indicates whether NetSurf will allow external plug-ins to handle additional types of content, such as Flash.
HelpImageConfig7:\Sselect a background image quality setting.|MError diffused provides the highest quality.
HelpImageConfig8:\Timage quality preview image.|MThe optimum results are achived with both foreground and background image quality set to error diffused.|MThe user guide provides more information on the implications of these options.
HelpImageConfig12:You can enter the minimum time between animation frames here.|MA very low setting can cause your computer to slow down when rapid animations are displayed and is not suitable for slow computers.
HelpImageConfig13:\Sreduce the minimum time between animation frames.
HelpImageConfig14:\Sincrease the minimum time between animation frames.
HelpImageConfig16:This indicates whether NetSurf will disable animations on web pages.|MWhen animations are disabled, NetSurf will show the first frame as a static image.
HelpImageConfig17:\Sreset the Image options back to their default values.
HelpImageConfig18:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpImageConfig19:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpInterfaceConfig:\Tinterface configuration \w
HelpInterfaceConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will strip file extensions when saving files to disc.
HelpInterfaceConfig3:This indicates whether NetSurf will ask for confirmation before overwriting files of the same name.
HelpInterfaceConfig6:This indicates whether NetSurf's URL suggestion feature is enabled.|MURL suggestion shows options for completing URLs as you type into NetSurf's URL bar.
HelpInterfaceConfig7:This indicates whether the URL for the item under the pointer in NetSurf's local history \w will be displayed.
HelpLanguageConfig3:\Tcurrently selected interface language.|MThe interface language is the language used for NetSurf's messages and dialogue boxes.
HelpLanguageConfig4:\Sselect an interface language.
HelpLanguageConfig6:\Tcurrently selected web page language.|MIf a web site provides a choice of languages, NetSurf will request the page in your preferred language.
HelpLanguageConfig7:\Sselect a preferred web page language.
HelpLanguageConfig8:\Sreset the Language options back to their default values.
HelpLanguageConfig9:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpLanguageConfig10:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpMemoryConfig:\Tmemory configuration \w
HelpMemoryConfig3:You can enter the maximum amount of memory NetSurf will use for storing uncompressed images here.
HelpMemoryConfig4:\Sreduce the amount of memory used for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig5:\Sincrease the amount of memory used for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig7:This indicates whether NetSurf will try to make an intelligent guess at the most suitable amount of memory to use for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig9:You can enter the maximum amount of memory NetSurf will use for storing compressed images here.
HelpMemoryConfig10:\Sreduce the amount of memory used for storing compressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig11:\Sincrease the amount of memory used for storing compressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig13:This indicates whether NetSurf will try to make an intelligent guess at the most suitable amount of memory to use for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig14:\Sreset the Memory options back to their default values.
HelpMemoryConfig15:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpMemoryConfig16:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpSecurityConfig:\Tsecurity configuration \w
HelpSecurityConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will send site referral information to web servers.|MWhen this is enabled NetSurf will tell the web server of a new page the address of the site you came from, after following a link.
HelpSecurityConfig6:You can enter the length of time that items are stored in global history here.
HelpSecurityConfig7:\Sreduce the global history duration.
HelpSecurityConfig8:\Sincrease the global history duration.
HelpSecurityConfig10:\Sreset the Security options back to their default values.
HelpSecurityConfig11:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpSecurityConfig12:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpThemeConfig:\Ttheme configuration \w
HelpThemeConfig2:\Sreset the Theme options back to their default values.
HelpThemeConfig3:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpThemeConfig4:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpThemePConfig:This pane shows the available themes.|MThe selected icon theme is used for NetSurf browser \ws, the hotlist and global history.