Matthias Melcher fc1a4cf809 Added a new Type to fluid called 'Comment' to be used for standardized Copyright notices and other comments throughout the source code.
- simply add the 'Comment' type from the 'New' menu or the Widget Bin
- comments in the very first position will be added at the very beginning of the source file or header. Comments at the end are at the very end in source and headers as well.
- if the users enters simple text, FLUID will add '// ' in front of every line. If a line already starts with '//' or a block starts with '/*', the text will be copied verbatim.
- text can be loaded from files
- text can be stored in a database and quickly retrieved later via a pulldown menu. The pulldown menu is customizable.


git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.1@4092 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2005-03-09 21:26:53 +00:00

567 lines
17 KiB

# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0107
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>} {}
decl {\#include "Fl_Type.h"} {}
decl {extern class Fl_Pixmap *pixmap[];} {}
decl {extern class Fl_Type *Fl_Type_make(const char*);} {}
decl {extern void select_only(Fl_Type*);} {}
Function {make_function_panel()} {open
} {
Fl_Window function_panel {
label {function/method} open
xywh {1046 445 285 170} type Single hide resizable modal
} {
Fl_Light_Button f_public_button {
label public
tooltip {Make the function or method publicly accessible.} xywh {10 10 65 25} labelsize 10 when 0
Fl_Light_Button f_c_button {
label {C declaration}
tooltip {Declare with a C interface instead of C++.} xywh {80 10 90 25} labelsize 10
Fl_Input f_name_input {
label {Name(args): (blank for main())}
tooltip {The name of the function or method.} xywh {10 55 265 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 resizable
Fl_Input f_return_type_input {
label {Return Type: (blank to return outermost widget)}
tooltip {The return type of the function or method.} xywh {10 100 265 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4
Fl_Return_Button f_panel_ok {
label OK
tooltip {Apply the changes.} xywh {110 135 80 25} hotspot
Fl_Button f_panel_cancel {
label Cancel
tooltip {Cancel the changes.} xywh {195 135 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b
Function {make_code_panel()} {open
} {
Fl_Window code_panel {
label code open
xywh {327 261 545 175} type Single hide resizable modal
} {
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {10 10 525 120} box DOWN_FRAME resizable
} {
Fl_Text_Editor code_input {
xywh {12 12 521 116} box NO_BOX resizable
code0 {o->buffer(new Fl_Text_Buffer);}
code1 {o->textfont(FL_COURIER);}
Fl_Return_Button code_panel_ok {
label OK
xywh {370 140 80 25} hotspot
Fl_Button code_panel_cancel {
label Cancel
xywh {455 140 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b
Function {make_codeblock_panel()} {open
} {
Fl_Window codeblock_panel {
label codeblock open
xywh {289 462 295 130} type Single hide resizable modal
} {
Fl_Input code_before_input {
tooltip {\#ifdef or similar conditional code block.} xywh {10 10 275 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 resizable
Fl_Box {} {
label {"{...child code...}" is inserted here}
xywh {10 35 270 25} align 20
Fl_Input code_after_input {
tooltip {\#endif or similar conditional code block.} xywh {10 60 275 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4
Fl_Return_Button codeblock_panel_ok {
label OK
xywh {120 95 80 25} hotspot
Fl_Button codeblock_panel_cancel {
label Cancel
xywh {205 95 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b
Function {make_declblock_panel()} {open
} {
Fl_Window declblock_panel {
label {declaration block} open
xywh {184 572 295 155} type Single hide resizable modal
} {
Fl_Input decl_before_input {
tooltip {\#ifdef or similar conditional declaration block.} xywh {10 35 275 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 resizable
Fl_Box {} {
label {"\\n...child code...\\n" is inserted here}
xywh {10 60 275 25} align 20
Fl_Input decl_after_input {
tooltip {\#endif or similar declaration code block.} xywh {10 85 275 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4
Fl_Return_Button declblock_panel_ok {
label OK
xywh {120 120 80 25} hotspot
Fl_Button declblock_panel_cancel {
label Cancel
xywh {205 120 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b
Fl_Light_Button declblock_public_button {
label public
tooltip {Make the declaration publicly accessible.} xywh {9 6 65 25} labelsize 10 when 0
Function {make_decl_panel()} {open
} {
Fl_Window decl_panel {
label declaration open
xywh {393 601 290 180} type Single hide resizable
} {
Fl_Light_Button decl_public_button {
label public
tooltip {Make the declaration publicly accessible.} xywh {10 10 65 25} labelsize 10 when 0
Fl_Input decl_input {
label {Can be any declaration, like "int x;", an external symbol like "extern int foo();", a \#directive like "\#include <foo.h>", a comment like "//foo" or "/*foo*/", or typedef like "typedef char byte;" or "using std::list;".}
tooltip {Declaration text.} xywh {10 40 270 25} labelsize 12 align 134 when 0 textfont 4 resizable
Fl_Return_Button decl_panel_ok {
label OK
xywh {115 145 80 25} hotspot
Fl_Button decl_panel_cancel {
label Cancel
xywh {200 145 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b
Function {make_class_panel()} {open
} {
Fl_Window class_panel {
label class open
xywh {517 797 285 170} type Single hide resizable modal
} {
Fl_Light_Button c_public_button {
label public
tooltip {Make the class publicly accessible.} xywh {10 10 65 25} labelsize 10 when 0
Fl_Input c_name_input {
label {Name:}
tooltip {Name of class.} xywh {10 55 265 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 resizable
Fl_Input c_subclass_input {
label {Subclass of (text between : and \{)}
tooltip {Name of subclass.} xywh {10 100 265 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4
Fl_Return_Button c_panel_ok {
label OK
xywh {110 135 80 25} hotspot
Fl_Button c_panel_cancel {
label Cancel
xywh {195 135 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b
Function {make_comment_panel()} {open
} {
Fl_Window comment_panel {
label comment open
xywh {328 152 545 290} type Single hide resizable modal
} {
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {100 10 435 235} box DOWN_FRAME resizable
} {
Fl_Text_Editor comment_input {
xywh {102 12 431 231} box NO_BOX resizable
code0 {o->buffer(new Fl_Text_Buffer);}
code1 {o->textfont(FL_COURIER);}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {368 255 167 25}
} {
Fl_Return_Button comment_panel_ok {
label OK
xywh {370 255 80 25} hotspot
Fl_Button comment_panel_cancel {
label Cancel
xywh {455 255 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {368 255 1 1} resizable
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {10 10 80 127}
} {
Fl_Light_Button comment_in_source {
label {in source}
tooltip {Put the comment into the source (.cxx) file.} xywh {10 10 80 25} labelsize 10 when 0
Fl_Light_Button comment_in_header {
label {in header}
tooltip {Put the comment into the header (.h) file.} xywh {10 40 80 25} labelsize 10 when 0
Fl_Menu_Button comment_predefined {
label predefined open selected
xywh {10 75 80 25} labelsize 10
} {}
Fl_Button comment_load {
label {load...}
xywh {10 110 80 25} labelsize 10
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {10 135 2 2} resizable
Function {type_make_cb(Fl_Widget*w,void*d)} {open return_type void
} {
code {Fl_Type *t = Fl_Type_make((char*)d);
if (t) {select_only(t); modflag = 1; t->open();}} {}
Function {make_widgetbin()} {open
} {
Fl_Window widgetbin_panel {
label Bin open
xywh {325 137 468 100} type Single hide
code0 {o->size(o->w(),80);} non_modal
} {
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {3 3 74 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX
} {
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Function"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Function xywh {4 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[7]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Class"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Class xywh {28 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[12]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Code"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Code xywh {4 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[8]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"CodeBlock"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Code Block} xywh {28 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[9]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"decl"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Declaration xywh {4 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[10]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"declblock"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Declaration Block} xywh {28 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[11]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"comment"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Function xywh {52 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[46]);}
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {79 3 74 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX
} {
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Window"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Window xywh {80 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[1]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Group"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Group xywh {104 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[6]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Pack"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Pack xywh {128 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[22]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Tabs"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Tabs xywh {80 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[13]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Scroll"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Scroll xywh {104 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[19]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Tile"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Tile xywh {80 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[20]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Wizard"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Wizard xywh {104 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[21]);}
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {155 3 50 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX
} {
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Button"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Button xywh {156 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[2]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Return_Button"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Return Button} xywh {180 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[23]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Light_Button"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Light Button} xywh {156 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[24]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Repeat_Button"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Repeat Button} xywh {180 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[25]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Check_Button"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Check Button} xywh {156 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[3]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Round_Button"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Round Button} xywh {180 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[4]);}
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {207 3 74 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX
} {
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Slider"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Slider xywh {208 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[37]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Scrollbar"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Scroll Bar} xywh {232 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[38]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Value_Slider"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Value Slider} xywh {256 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[39]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Adjuster"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Adjuster xywh {208 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[40]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Counter"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Counter xywh {232 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[41]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Dial"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Dial xywh {256 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[42]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Roller"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Roller xywh {208 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[43]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Value_Input"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Value Input} xywh {232 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[44]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Value_Output"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Value Output} xywh {256 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[45]);}
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {283 3 50 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX
} {
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Input"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Input xywh {284 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[14]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Output"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Output xywh {308 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[27]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Text_Editor"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Text Edit} xywh {284 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[29]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Text_Display"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Text Display} xywh {308 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[28]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_File_Input"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {File Input} xywh {284 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[30]);}
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {335 3 50 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX
} {
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Menu_Bar"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Menu Bar} xywh {336 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[17]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"menuitem"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Menu Item} xywh {360 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[16]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Menu_Button"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Menu Button} xywh {336 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[26]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"submenu"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Sub Menu} xywh {360 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[18]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Choice"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Choice xywh {336 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[15]);}
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {387 3 26 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX
} {
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Browser"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Browser xywh {388 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[31]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Check_Browser"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Check Browser} xywh {388 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[32]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_File_Browser"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {File Browser} xywh {388 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[33]);}
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {415 3 50 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX
} {
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Box"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Box xywh {416 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[5]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Clock"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Clock xywh {440 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[34]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Help_View"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip {Help Browser} xywh {416 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[35]);}
Fl_Button {} {
user_data {"Fl_Progress"}
callback type_make_cb
tooltip Progress xywh {416 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX
code0 {o->image(pixmap[36]);}