# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0107 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include "Fl_Type.h"} {} decl {extern class Fl_Pixmap *pixmap[];} {} decl {extern class Fl_Type *Fl_Type_make(const char*);} {} decl {extern void select_only(Fl_Type*);} {} Function {make_function_panel()} {open } { Fl_Window function_panel { label {function/method} open xywh {1046 445 285 170} type Single hide resizable modal } { Fl_Light_Button f_public_button { label public tooltip {Make the function or method publicly accessible.} xywh {10 10 65 25} labelsize 10 when 0 } Fl_Light_Button f_c_button { label {C declaration} tooltip {Declare with a C interface instead of C++.} xywh {80 10 90 25} labelsize 10 } Fl_Input f_name_input { label {Name(args): (blank for main())} tooltip {The name of the function or method.} xywh {10 55 265 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 resizable } Fl_Input f_return_type_input { label {Return Type: (blank to return outermost widget)} tooltip {The return type of the function or method.} xywh {10 100 265 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 } Fl_Return_Button f_panel_ok { label OK tooltip {Apply the changes.} xywh {110 135 80 25} hotspot } Fl_Button f_panel_cancel { label Cancel tooltip {Cancel the changes.} xywh {195 135 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b } } } Function {make_code_panel()} {open } { Fl_Window code_panel { label code open xywh {327 261 545 175} type Single hide resizable modal } { Fl_Group {} {open xywh {10 10 525 120} box DOWN_FRAME resizable } { Fl_Text_Editor code_input { xywh {12 12 521 116} box NO_BOX resizable code0 {o->buffer(new Fl_Text_Buffer);} code1 {o->textfont(FL_COURIER);} code2 {o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY_CHANGED|FL_WHEN_RELEASE);} } } Fl_Return_Button code_panel_ok { label OK xywh {370 140 80 25} hotspot } Fl_Button code_panel_cancel { label Cancel xywh {455 140 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b } } } Function {make_codeblock_panel()} {open } { Fl_Window codeblock_panel { label codeblock open xywh {289 462 295 130} type Single hide resizable modal } { Fl_Input code_before_input { tooltip {\#ifdef or similar conditional code block.} xywh {10 10 275 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 resizable } Fl_Box {} { label {"{...child code...}" is inserted here} xywh {10 35 270 25} align 20 } Fl_Input code_after_input { tooltip {\#endif or similar conditional code block.} xywh {10 60 275 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 } Fl_Return_Button codeblock_panel_ok { label OK xywh {120 95 80 25} hotspot } Fl_Button codeblock_panel_cancel { label Cancel xywh {205 95 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b } } } Function {make_declblock_panel()} {open } { Fl_Window declblock_panel { label {declaration block} open xywh {184 572 295 155} type Single hide resizable modal } { Fl_Input decl_before_input { tooltip {\#ifdef or similar conditional declaration block.} xywh {10 35 275 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 resizable } Fl_Box {} { label {"\\n...child code...\\n" is inserted here} xywh {10 60 275 25} align 20 } Fl_Input decl_after_input { tooltip {\#endif or similar declaration code block.} xywh {10 85 275 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 } Fl_Return_Button declblock_panel_ok { label OK xywh {120 120 80 25} hotspot } Fl_Button declblock_panel_cancel { label Cancel xywh {205 120 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b } Fl_Light_Button declblock_public_button { label public tooltip {Make the declaration publicly accessible.} xywh {9 6 65 25} labelsize 10 when 0 } } } Function {make_decl_panel()} {open } { Fl_Window decl_panel { label declaration open xywh {393 601 290 180} type Single hide resizable } { Fl_Light_Button decl_public_button { label public tooltip {Make the declaration publicly accessible.} xywh {10 10 65 25} labelsize 10 when 0 } Fl_Input decl_input { label {Can be any declaration, like "int x;", an external symbol like "extern int foo();", a \#directive like "\#include ", a comment like "//foo" or "/*foo*/", or typedef like "typedef char byte;" or "using std::list;".} tooltip {Declaration text.} xywh {10 40 270 25} labelsize 12 align 134 when 0 textfont 4 resizable } Fl_Return_Button decl_panel_ok { label OK xywh {115 145 80 25} hotspot } Fl_Button decl_panel_cancel { label Cancel xywh {200 145 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b } } } Function {make_class_panel()} {open } { Fl_Window class_panel { label class open xywh {517 797 285 170} type Single hide resizable modal } { Fl_Light_Button c_public_button { label public tooltip {Make the class publicly accessible.} xywh {10 10 65 25} labelsize 10 when 0 } Fl_Input c_name_input { label {Name:} tooltip {Name of class.} xywh {10 55 265 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 resizable } Fl_Input c_subclass_input { label {Subclass of (text between : and \{)} tooltip {Name of subclass.} xywh {10 100 265 25} labelsize 12 align 5 when 0 textfont 4 } Fl_Return_Button c_panel_ok { label OK xywh {110 135 80 25} hotspot } Fl_Button c_panel_cancel { label Cancel xywh {195 135 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b } } } Function {make_comment_panel()} {open } { Fl_Window comment_panel { label comment open xywh {328 152 545 290} type Single hide resizable modal } { Fl_Group {} {open xywh {100 10 435 235} box DOWN_FRAME resizable } { Fl_Text_Editor comment_input { xywh {102 12 431 231} box NO_BOX resizable code0 {o->buffer(new Fl_Text_Buffer);} code1 {o->textfont(FL_COURIER);} code2 {o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY_CHANGED|FL_WHEN_RELEASE);} } } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {368 255 167 25} } { Fl_Return_Button comment_panel_ok { label OK xywh {370 255 80 25} hotspot } Fl_Button comment_panel_cancel { label Cancel xywh {455 255 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b } Fl_Box {} { xywh {368 255 1 1} resizable } } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {10 10 80 127} } { Fl_Light_Button comment_in_source { label {in source} tooltip {Put the comment into the source (.cxx) file.} xywh {10 10 80 25} labelsize 10 when 0 } Fl_Light_Button comment_in_header { label {in header} tooltip {Put the comment into the header (.h) file.} xywh {10 40 80 25} labelsize 10 when 0 } Fl_Menu_Button comment_predefined { label predefined open selected xywh {10 75 80 25} labelsize 10 } {} Fl_Button comment_load { label {load...} xywh {10 110 80 25} labelsize 10 } Fl_Box {} { xywh {10 135 2 2} resizable } } } } Function {type_make_cb(Fl_Widget*w,void*d)} {open return_type void } { code {Fl_Type *t = Fl_Type_make((char*)d); if (t) {select_only(t); modflag = 1; t->open();}} {} } Function {make_widgetbin()} {open } { Fl_Window widgetbin_panel { label Bin open xywh {325 137 468 100} type Single hide code0 {o->size(o->w(),80);} non_modal } { Fl_Group {} { xywh {3 3 74 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Function"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Function xywh {4 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[7]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Class"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Class xywh {28 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[12]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Code"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Code xywh {4 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[8]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"CodeBlock"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Code Block} xywh {28 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[9]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"decl"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Declaration xywh {4 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[10]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"declblock"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Declaration Block} xywh {28 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[11]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"comment"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Function xywh {52 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[46]);} } } Fl_Group {} { xywh {79 3 74 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Window"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Window xywh {80 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[1]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Group"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Group xywh {104 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[6]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Pack"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Pack xywh {128 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[22]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Tabs"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Tabs xywh {80 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[13]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Scroll"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Scroll xywh {104 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[19]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Tile"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Tile xywh {80 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[20]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Wizard"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Wizard xywh {104 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[21]);} } } Fl_Group {} { xywh {155 3 50 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Button"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Button xywh {156 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[2]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Return_Button"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Return Button} xywh {180 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[23]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Light_Button"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Light Button} xywh {156 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[24]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Repeat_Button"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Repeat Button} xywh {180 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[25]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Check_Button"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Check Button} xywh {156 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[3]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Round_Button"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Round Button} xywh {180 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[4]);} } } Fl_Group {} { xywh {207 3 74 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Slider"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Slider xywh {208 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[37]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Scrollbar"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Scroll Bar} xywh {232 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[38]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Value_Slider"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Value Slider} xywh {256 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[39]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Adjuster"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Adjuster xywh {208 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[40]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Counter"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Counter xywh {232 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[41]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Dial"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Dial xywh {256 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[42]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Roller"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Roller xywh {208 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[43]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Value_Input"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Value Input} xywh {232 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[44]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Value_Output"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Value Output} xywh {256 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[45]);} } } Fl_Group {} { xywh {283 3 50 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Input"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Input xywh {284 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[14]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Output"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Output xywh {308 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[27]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Text_Editor"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Text Edit} xywh {284 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[29]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Text_Display"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Text Display} xywh {308 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[28]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_File_Input"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {File Input} xywh {284 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[30]);} } } Fl_Group {} { xywh {335 3 50 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Menu_Bar"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Menu Bar} xywh {336 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[17]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"menuitem"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Menu Item} xywh {360 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[16]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Menu_Button"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Menu Button} xywh {336 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[26]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"submenu"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Sub Menu} xywh {360 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[18]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Choice"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Choice xywh {336 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[15]);} } } Fl_Group {} { xywh {387 3 26 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Browser"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Browser xywh {388 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[31]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Check_Browser"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Check Browser} xywh {388 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[32]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_File_Browser"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {File Browser} xywh {388 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[33]);} } } Fl_Group {} { xywh {415 3 50 74} box THIN_DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Box"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Box xywh {416 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[5]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Clock"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Clock xywh {440 4 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[34]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Help_View"} callback type_make_cb tooltip {Help Browser} xywh {416 28 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[35]);} } Fl_Button {} { user_data {"Fl_Progress"} callback type_make_cb tooltip Progress xywh {416 52 24 24} box THIN_UP_BOX code0 {o->image(pixmap[36]);} } } } }