Michael R Sweet f9039b2ae2 Initial revision
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/trunk@2 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
1998-10-06 18:21:25 +00:00

103 lines
3.0 KiB

// Continuously display FLTK's event state.
// Known bugs:
// X insists on reporting the state *before* the shift key was
// pressed, rather than after, on shift key events. I fixed this for
// the mouse buttons, but it did not seem worth it for shift.
// X servers do not agree about any shift flags after except shift, ctrl,
// lock, and alt. They may also not agree about the symbols for the extra
// keys Micro$oft put on the keyboard.
// On Irix the backslash key does not work. A bug in XKeysymToKeycode?
#include "keyboard_ui.C"
#include <stdio.h>
// these are used to identify which buttons are which:
void key_cb(Fl_Button*, void*) {}
void shift_cb(Fl_Button*, void*) {}
// this is used to stop Esc from exiting the program:
int handle(int e) {
return (e == FL_SHORTCUT); // eat all keystrokes
struct {int n; const char* text;} table[] = {
{FL_Escape, "FL_Escape"},
{FL_BackSpace, "FL_BackSpace"},
{FL_Tab, "FL_Tab"},
{FL_Enter, "FL_Enter"},
{FL_Print, "FL_Print"},
{FL_Scroll_Lock, "FL_Scroll_Lock"},
{FL_Pause, "FL_Pause"},
{FL_Insert, "FL_Insert"},
{FL_Home, "FL_Home"},
{FL_Page_Up, "FL_Page_Up"},
{FL_Delete, "FL_Delete"},
{FL_End, "FL_End"},
{FL_Page_Down, "FL_Page_Down"},
{FL_Left, "FL_Left"},
{FL_Up, "FL_Up"},
{FL_Right, "FL_Right"},
{FL_Down, "FL_Down"},
{FL_Shift_L, "FL_Shift_L"},
{FL_Shift_R, "FL_Shift_R"},
{FL_Control_L, "FL_Control_L"},
{FL_Control_R, "FL_Control_R"},
{FL_Caps_Lock, "FL_Caps_Lock"},
{FL_Alt_L, "FL_Alt_L"},
{FL_Alt_R, "FL_Alt_R"},
{FL_Meta_L, "FL_Meta_L"},
{FL_Meta_R, "FL_Meta_R"},
{FL_Menu, "FL_Menu"},
{FL_Num_Lock, "FL_Num_Lock"},
{FL_KP_Enter, "FL_KP_Enter"}
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Fl_Window *window = make_window();
while (Fl::wait()) {
// update all the buttons with the current key and shift state:
for (int i = 0; i < window->children(); i++) {
Fl_Widget* b = window->child(i);
if (b->callback() == (Fl_Callback*)key_cb) {
int i = int(b->user_data());
if (!i) i = b->label()[0];
} else if (b->callback() == (Fl_Callback*)shift_cb) {
int i = int(b->user_data());
// figure out the keyname:
char buffer[100];
const char *keyname = buffer;
int k = Fl::event_key();
if (!k)
keyname = "0";
else if (k < 256) {
sprintf(buffer, "'%c'", k);
} else if (k >= FL_F && k <= FL_F_Last) {
sprintf(buffer, "FL_F+%d", k - FL_F);
} else if (k >= FL_KP && k <= FL_KP_Last) {
sprintf(buffer, "FL_KP+'%c'", k-FL_KP);
} else if (k >= FL_Button && k <= FL_Button+7) {
sprintf(buffer, "FL_Button+%d", k-FL_Button);
} else {
sprintf(buffer, "0x%04x", k);
for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof(table)/sizeof(*table)); i++)
if (table[i].n == k) {keyname = table[i].text; break;}
return 0;