206 lines
6.5 KiB
206 lines
6.5 KiB
// This is an XForms program with very few changes.
// Search for "fltk" to find all changes necessary to port to fltk.
/* This demo show the different boxtypes. Note that some
* boxtypes are not appropriate for some objects
#include <FL/forms.H> // changed for fltk
static int border = 1; // changed from FL_TRANSIENT for fltk
// (this is so the close box and Esc work to close the window)
typedef struct { int val; char *name; } VN_struct;
#define VN(a) {a,#a}
// static VN_struct gmode[] =
// {
// VN(StaticGray), VN(GrayScale), VN(StaticColor),
// VN(PseudoColor), VN(TrueColor), VN(DirectColor),
// };
static VN_struct btypes[]=
{FL_NO_BOX,"no box"},
{FL_UP_BOX, "up box"},
{FL_DOWN_BOX,"down box"},
{FL_BORDER_BOX,"border box"},
{FL_SHADOW_BOX,"shadow box"},
{FL_FLAT_BOX,"flat box"},
{FL_FRAME_BOX,"frame box"},
{FL_EMBOSSED_BOX,"embossed box"},
{FL_ROUNDED_BOX,"rounded box"},
{FL_RFLAT_BOX,"rflat box"},
{FL_RSHADOW_BOX,"rshadow box"}, // renamed for fltk
{FL_OVAL_BOX,"oval box"},
{FL_ROUNDED3D_UPBOX,"rounded3d upbox"},
{FL_ROUNDED3D_DOWNBOX,"rounded3d downbox"},
{FL_OVAL3D_UPBOX,"oval3d upbox"},
{FL_OVAL3D_DOWNBOX,"oval3d downbox"},
/* sentinel */
#include "srs.xbm"
/*************** Callback **********************/
FL_FORM *form;
Fl_Widget *tobj[18], *exitob, *btypeob, *modeob;
boxtype_cb (Fl_Widget * ob, long)
int i, req_bt = fl_get_choice(ob) - 1;
static int lastbt = -1;
if(lastbt != req_bt)
fl_freeze_form (form);
fl_redraw_form (form);
for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)
fl_set_object_boxtype (tobj[i], (Fl_Boxtype)btypes[req_bt].val);
fl_unfreeze_form (form);
lastbt = req_bt;
fl_redraw_form(form); // added for fltk
mode_cb (Fl_Widget *, long)
// static int lval = -1;
// int val = fl_get_choice (ob) -1;
// int db = 0;
// if (val == lval || val < 0)
// return;
// fl_hide_form (form);
// if (!fl_mode_capable (gmode[val].val, 0))
// {
// fl_set_choice(ob, lval);
// val = lval;
// }
// fl_set_graphics_mode (gmode[val].val, db);
// fl_show_form (form, FL_PLACE_GEOMETRY, border, "Box types");
// lval = val;
/*************** Creation Routines *********************/
create_form_form (void)
Fl_Widget *obj;
form = fl_bgn_form(FL_NO_BOX, 720, 520);
obj = fl_add_box(FL_UP_BOX, 0, 0, 720, 520, "");
fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_BLUE, FL_COL1);
obj = fl_add_box(FL_DOWN_BOX, 10, 90, 700, 420, "");
fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_COL1, FL_COL1);
obj = fl_add_box(FL_DOWN_BOX, 10, 10, 700, 70, "");
fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_SLATEBLUE, FL_COL1);
tobj[0] = obj = fl_add_box(FL_UP_BOX, 30, 110, 110, 110, "Box");
tobj[1] = obj = fl_add_text(FL_NORMAL_TEXT, 30, 240, 110, 30, "Text");
tobj[2] = obj = fl_add_bitmap(FL_NORMAL_BITMAP, 40, 280, 90, 80, "Bitmap");
fl_set_object_lcol(obj, FL_BLUE);
tobj[3] = obj = fl_add_chart(FL_BAR_CHART, 160, 110, 160, 110, "Chart");
tobj[4] = obj = fl_add_clock(FL_ANALOG_CLOCK, 40, 390, 90, 90, "Clock");
//fl_set_object_dblbuffer(tobj[4],1); // removed for fltk
tobj[5]=obj=fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 340, 110, 120, 30, "Button");
tobj[8]=obj=fl_add_slider(FL_VERT_SLIDER, 160, 250, 40, 230, "Slider");
tobj[9]=obj=fl_add_valslider(FL_VERT_SLIDER, 220, 250, 40, 230, "Valslider");
tobj[10]=obj=fl_add_dial (FL_LINE_DIAL, 280, 250, 100, 100, "Dial");
tobj[11]=obj=fl_add_positioner(FL_NORMAL_POSITIONER,280,380,150,100, "Positioner");
tobj[12]=obj=fl_add_counter (FL_NORMAL_COUNTER,480,110,210,30, "Counter");
tobj[13]=obj=fl_add_input (FL_NORMAL_INPUT, 520,170,170,30, "Input");
tobj[14]=obj=fl_add_menu (FL_PUSH_MENU, 400, 240, 100, 30, "Menu");
tobj[15]=obj=fl_add_choice (FL_NORMAL_CHOICE, 580, 250, 110, 30, "Choice");
tobj[16]=obj=fl_add_timer (FL_VALUE_TIMER, 580, 210, 110, 30, "Timer");
//fl_set_object_dblbuffer(tobj[16], 1); // removed for fltk
tobj[17]=obj=fl_add_browser (FL_NORMAL_BROWSER,450,300,240, 180, "Browser");
exitob=obj= fl_add_button (FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 590, 30, 100, 30, "Exit");
btypeob=obj= fl_add_choice (FL_NORMAL_CHOICE,110,30, 130, 30, "Boxtype");
fl_set_object_callback (obj, boxtype_cb, 0);
modeob = obj=fl_add_choice(FL_NORMAL_CHOICE,370,30,130,30,"Graphics mode");
fl_set_object_callback (obj, mode_cb, 0);
fl_end_form ();
create_the_forms (void)
create_form_form ();
/*************** Main Routine ***********************/
char *browserlines[] = {
" ", "@C1@c@l@bObjects Demo", " ",
"This demo shows you all", "objects that currently",
"exist in the Forms Library.", " ",
"You can change the boxtype", "of the different objects",
"using the buttons at the", "top of the form. Note that",
"some combinations might not", "look too good. Also realize",
"that for all object classes", "many different types are",
"available with different", "behaviour.", " ",
"With this demo you can also", "see the effect of the drawing",
"mode on the appearance of the","objects.",
main (int argc, char *argv[])
char **p;
VN_struct *vn;
fl_initialize(&argc, argv, "FormDemo", 0, 0);
create_the_forms ();
fl_set_bitmap_data (tobj[2], sorceress_width, sorceress_height, sorceress_bits);
fl_add_chart_value (tobj[3], 15, "item 1", c++);
fl_add_chart_value (tobj[3], 5, "item 2", c++);
fl_add_chart_value (tobj[3], -10, "item 3", c++);
fl_add_chart_value (tobj[3], 25, "item 4", c++);
fl_set_menu (tobj[14], "item 1|item 2|item 3|item 4|item 5");
fl_addto_choice (tobj[15], "item 1");
fl_addto_choice (tobj[15], "item 2");
fl_addto_choice (tobj[15], "item 3");
fl_addto_choice (tobj[15], "item 4");
fl_addto_choice (tobj[15], "item 5");
fl_set_timer (tobj[16], 1000.0);
for ( p = browserlines; *p; p++)
fl_add_browser_line (tobj[17], *p);
for ( vn = btypes; vn->val >= 0; vn++)
fl_addto_choice(btypeob, vn->name);
// {
// int i;
// VN_struct *g = gmode, *gs = g + sizeof (gmode) / sizeof (gmode[0]);
// for (i = 1; g < gs; g++, i++)
// {
// fl_addto_choice (modeob, g->name);
// if(!fl_mode_capable(g->val, 0))
// fl_set_choice_item_mode(modeob, i, FL_PUP_GRAY);
// }
// }
// fl_set_choice (modeob, fl_vmode+1);
fl_show_form (form, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, border, "Box types");
while (fl_do_forms () != exitob)
return 0;