344 lines
8.1 KiB
344 lines
8.1 KiB
# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 0.99
header_name {.H}
code_name {.C}
gridx 5
gridy 5
snap 3
decl {Fl_Menu_Item* font_menu();} {}
Function {show_style_panel()} {open
} {
codeblock {if (!style_panel)} {open
} {
Fl_Window style_panel {
label style
xywh {767 205 335 425} type Double visible
} {
Fl_Choice {} {
label {labels:}
user_data 0 user_data_type long
callback font_cb open
xywh {60 155 220 25}
code0 {o->menu(font_menu());}
} {}
Fl_Value_Input {} {
user_data 0 user_data_type long
callback font_size_cb
xywh {280 155 50 25} when 4 minimum 1 maximum 128 step 1 value 14
Fl_Choice {} {
label {text:}
user_data 1 user_data_type long
callback font_cb open
xywh {60 190 220 25}
code0 {o->menu(font_menu());}
} {}
Fl_Value_Input {} {
user_data 1 user_data_type long
callback font_size_cb
xywh {280 190 50 25} when 4 minimum 1 maximum 128 step 1 value 14
Fl_Choice {} {
label {menus:}
user_data 2 user_data_type long
callback font_cb open
xywh {60 225 220 25}
code0 {o->menu(font_menu());}
} {}
Fl_Value_Input {} {
user_data 2 user_data_type long
callback font_size_cb
xywh {280 225 50 25} when 4 minimum 1 maximum 128 step 1 value 14
Fl_Button {} {
label {background:}
callback color_button_cb
xywh {255 30 75 25} box ENGRAVED_BOX align 4
Fl_Button {} {
label {foreground:}
callback color_button_cb
xywh {255 60 75 25} box ENGRAVED_BOX color 0 align 4
Fl_Button {} {
label {text background:}
callback color_button_cb
xywh {255 90 75 25} box ENGRAVED_BOX color 7 align 4
Fl_Button {} {
label {selection:}
callback color_button_cb
xywh {255 120 75 25} box ENGRAVED_BOX color 15 align 4
Fl_Return_Button {} {
label OK
callback {o->window()->hide();}
xywh {260 395 70 25}
Fl_Button {} {
label defaults
callback defaults_cb
xywh {175 395 70 25}
Fl_Value_Slider {} {
label {box thickness:}
callback box_thickness_cb
xywh {235 260 95 25} type Horizontal align 4 minimum 1 maximum 3 step 1 value 3 slider_size 0.3333
Fl_Value_Slider {} {
label {text box thickness:}
callback text_box_thickness_cb
xywh {235 295 95 25} type Horizontal align 4 maximum 2 step 1 value 2 slider_size 0.3333
Fl_Value_Slider {} {
label {scrollbar thickness:}
callback scrollbar_thickness_cb
xywh {235 335 95 25} type Horizontal align 4 minimum 3 maximum 30 step 1 value 17
code {style_panel->show();} {}
Function {} {open
} {
Fl_Window {} {open
xywh {356 409 445 435} type Double resizable visible
} {
Fl_Group {} {
label {Packed buttons:}
xywh {270 35 140 75} align 4
} {
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {270 35 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {305 35 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {340 35 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {375 35 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {270 60 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {305 60 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {340 60 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {375 60 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {270 85 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {305 85 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {340 85 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {375 85 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Adjuster {} {
xywh {105 90 75 25} labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL align 4
Fl_Counter {} {
label counter
xywh {20 120 170 25} minimum -1e+06 maximum 1e+06
Fl_Adjuster {} {
label {adjuster:}
xywh {80 40 25 75} labeltype SYMBOL_LABEL align 4
Fl_Group {} {
label {Inactive buttons:}
xywh {270 130 140 75} align 4 deactivate
} {
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {270 130 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {305 130 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {340 130 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {375 130 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {270 155 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {305 155 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {340 155 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {375 155 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {270 180 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {305 180 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {340 180 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Button {} {
label A
xywh {375 180 35 25} type Radio
Fl_Input {} {
label {input:}
xywh {65 175 200 25}
code0 {o->static_value("This is a text input field");}
Fl_Output {} {
label {output:}
xywh {65 200 200 25}
code0 {o->static_value("This is a text output field");}
Fl_Menu_Bar {} {
xywh {0 0 445 30}
} {
submenu {} {
label File
xywh {0 0 100 20}
} {
menuitem {} {
label Open
xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0x8006f
menuitem {} {
label Save
xywh {10 10 100 20} shortcut 0x80073
menuitem {} {
label Merge
xywh {20 20 100 20}
menuitem {} {
label Quit
callback {exit(0);}
xywh {30 30 100 20} shortcut 0x80071
code0 {\#include <stdlib.h>}
submenu {} {
label Edit open
xywh {0 0 100 20}
} {
menuitem {} {
label Undo
xywh {75 75 100 20} shortcut 0x8007a
menuitem {} {
label Cut
xywh {45 45 100 20} shortcut 0x80078
menuitem {} {
label Copy
xywh {55 55 100 20} shortcut 0x80076
menuitem {} {
label Paste
xywh {65 65 100 20} shortcut 0x80076
submenu {} {
label Font
xywh {10 10 100 20}
} {
menuitem {} {
label Normal
xywh {0 0 100 20}
menuitem {} {
label Bold
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelfont 1
menuitem {} {
label Italic
xywh {20 20 100 20} labelfont 2
menuitem {} {
label {Bold Italic}
xywh {30 30 100 20}
menuitem {} {
label Engrave
xywh {40 40 100 20} labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL
menuitem {} {
label Emboss
xywh {50 50 100 20} labeltype EMBOSSED_LABEL
menuitem {} {
label {@->}
xywh {60 60 100 20} labeltype SYMBOL_LABEL
menuitem {} {
label Small
xywh {70 70 100 20} labelsize 10
submenu {} {
label Other
xywh {20 20 100 20}
} {
menuitem {} {
label {help!}
xywh {0 0 100 20}
Fl_Browser {} {
xywh {0 235 440 200} type Multi resizable
code0 {o->load("browser.C");}
code1 {o->position(0);}
Fl_Button {} {
label {click this to set style}
callback {show_style_panel();}
xywh {235 2 170 25} color 12 selection_color 12
code {Fl::visual(FL_RGB);} {selected