Use the Fl_Printer and Fl_Native_File_Chooser classes.

git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@9054 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
This commit is contained in:
Manolo Gouy 2011-09-21 14:11:44 +00:00
parent bdb000bf2f
commit 45ad71dbc3

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
#include <FL/Fl_PNG_Image.H>
#include <FL/fl_message.H>
#include <FL/filename.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H>
#include <Fl/Fl_Printer.H>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
@ -42,9 +44,6 @@
#include "alignment_panel.h"
#include "function_panel.h"
#include "template_panel.h"
#if !defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include "print_panel.cxx"
#endif // !WIN32 || __CYGWIN__
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <direct.h>
@ -187,13 +186,14 @@ static char* cutfname(int which = 0) {
void save_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
Fl_Native_File_Chooser fnfc;
const char *c = filename;
if (v || !c || !*c) {
c=fl_file_chooser("Save To:", "FLUID Files (*.f[ld])", c);
if (!c) return;
if (v || !c || !*c) {
fnfc.title("Save To:");
fnfc.filter("FLUID Files\t*.f[ld]");
if ( != 0) return;
c = fnfc.filename();
if (!access(c, 0)) {
const char *basename;
if ((basename = strrchr(c, '/')) != NULL)
@ -461,10 +461,12 @@ void open_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
const char *c;
const char *oldfilename;
c = fl_file_chooser("Open:", "FLUID Files (*.f[ld])", filename);
if (!c) return;
Fl_Native_File_Chooser fnfc;
fnfc.filter("FLUID Files\t*.f[ld]\n");
if ( != 0) return;
c = fnfc.filename();
oldfilename = filename;
filename = NULL;
@ -921,704 +923,71 @@ void manual_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) {
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
// Draw a shaded box...
static void win_box(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
fl_color(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0);
fl_rectf(x, y, w, h);
fl_color(0, 0, 0);
fl_rect(x, y, w, h);
fl_color(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0);
fl_rectf(x + 1, y + 1, 4, h - 2);
fl_rectf(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, 4);
fl_color(0x90, 0x90, 0x90);
fl_rectf(x + w - 5, y + 1, 4, h - 2);
fl_rectf(x + 1, y + h - 5, w - 2, 4);
// Load and show the print dialog...
void print_menu_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) {
PRINTDLG dialog; // Print dialog
DOCINFO docinfo; // Document info
int first, last; // First and last page
int page; // Current page
int winpage; // Current window page
int num_pages; // Number of pages
int w, h, ww, hh;
int frompage, topage;
Fl_Type *t; // Current widget
int num_windows; // Number of windows
Fl_Window_Type *windows[1000]; // Windows to print
// Show print dialog...
for (t = Fl_Type::first, num_pages = 0; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->is_window()) num_pages ++;
memset(&dialog, 0, sizeof(dialog));
dialog.lStructSize = sizeof(dialog);
dialog.hwndOwner = fl_xid(main_window);
dialog.Flags = PD_ALLPAGES |
dialog.nFromPage = 1;
dialog.nToPage = num_pages;
dialog.nMinPage = 1;
dialog.nMaxPage = num_pages;
dialog.nCopies = 1;
if (!PrintDlg(&dialog)) return;
// Get the base filename...
const char *basename = strrchr(filename, '/');
if (basename) basename ++;
else basename = filename;
// Do the print job...
memset(&docinfo, 0, sizeof(docinfo));
docinfo.cbSize = sizeof(docinfo);
docinfo.lpszDocName = basename;
StartDoc(dialog.hDC, &docinfo);
// Figure out how many pages we'll have to print...
if (dialog.Flags & PD_PAGENUMS) {
// Get from and to page numbers...
first = dialog.nFromPage;
last = dialog.nToPage;
if (first > last) {
// Swap first/last page
page = first;
first = last;
last = page;
} else {
// Print everything...
first = 1;
last = dialog.nMaxPage;
for (t = Fl_Type::first, num_windows = 0, winpage = 0; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->is_window()) {
winpage ++;
windows[num_windows] = (Fl_Window_Type *)t;
num_windows ++;
#if 0
if (dialog.Flags & PD_ALLPAGES) num_windows ++;
else if ((dialog.Flags & PD_PAGENUMS) && winpage >= first &&
winpage <= last) num_windows ++;
else if ((dialog.Flags & PD_SELECTION) && t->selected) num_windows ++;
#endif // 0
num_pages = num_windows;
// Figure out the page size and margins...
int width, length; // Size of page
int xdpi, ydpi; // Output resolution
char buffer[1024];
width = GetDeviceCaps(dialog.hDC, HORZRES);
length = GetDeviceCaps(dialog.hDC, VERTRES);
xdpi = GetDeviceCaps(dialog.hDC, LOGPIXELSX);
ydpi = GetDeviceCaps(dialog.hDC, LOGPIXELSY);
// fl_message("width=%d, length=%d, xdpi=%d, ydpi=%d, num_windows=%d\n",
// width, length, xdpi, ydpi, num_windows);
HDC save_dc = fl_gc;
HWND save_win = fl_window;
int fontsize = 14 * ydpi / 72;
fl_gc = dialog.hDC;
fl_window = (HWND)dialog.hDC;
// Get the time and date...
time_t curtime = time(NULL);
struct tm *curdate = localtime(&curtime);
char date[1024];
strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%c", curdate);
// Print each of the windows...
for (winpage = 0; winpage < num_windows; winpage ++) {
// Draw header...
fl_font(FL_HELVETICA_BOLD, fontsize);
fl_color(0, 0, 0);
fl_draw(basename, 0, fontsize);
fl_draw(date, (width - (int)fl_width(date)) / 2, fontsize);
sprintf(buffer, "%d/%d", winpage + 1, num_windows);
fl_draw(buffer, width - (int)fl_width(buffer), fontsize);
// Get window image...
uchar *pixels; // Window image data
int w, h; // Window image dimensions
int ww, hh; // Scaled size
int ulx, uly; // Upper-lefthand corner
Fl_Window *win; // Window widget
BITMAPINFO info; // Bitmap information
win = (Fl_Window *)(windows[winpage]->o);
pixels = windows[winpage]->read_image(w, h);
// Swap colors: FLTK uses R-G-B --> Windows GDI uses B-G-R
{ uchar *p = pixels;
for (int i=0; i<w*h; i++, p+=3) {
uchar temp = p[0]; p[0] = p[2]; p[2] = temp;
// Figure out the window size, first at 100 PPI and then scaled
// down if that is too big...
ww = w * xdpi / 100;
hh = h * ydpi / 100;
if (ww > width) {
ww = width;
hh = h * ww * ydpi / xdpi / w;
if (hh > (length - ydpi / 2)) {
hh = length - ydpi / 2;
ww = w * hh / h;
// Position the window in the center...
ulx = (width - ww) / 2;
uly = (length - hh) / 2;
// fl_message("winpage=%d, ulx=%d, uly=%d, ww=%d, hh=%d",
// winpage, ulx, uly, ww, hh);
// Draw a simulated window border...
int xborder = 4 * ww / w;
int yborder = 4 * hh / h;
win_box(ulx - xborder, uly - 5 * yborder,
ww + 2 * xborder, hh + 6 * yborder);
fl_color(0, 0, 255);
fl_rectf(ulx, uly - 4 * yborder, ww, 4 * yborder);
fl_font(FL_HELVETICA_BOLD, 2 * yborder);
fl_color(255, 255, 255);
fl_draw(win->label() ? win->label() : "Window",
ulx + xborder, uly - 3 * yborder);
int x = ulx + ww - 4 * xborder;
win_box(x, uly - 4 * yborder, 4 * xborder, 4 * yborder);
fl_color(0, 0, 0);
fl_line(x + xborder, uly - yborder,
x + 3 * xborder, uly - 3 * yborder);
fl_line(x + xborder, uly - 3 * yborder,
x + 3 * xborder, uly - yborder);
x -= 4 * xborder;
if (win->resizable()) {
win_box(x, uly - 4 * yborder, 4 * xborder, 4 * yborder);
fl_color(0, 0, 0);
fl_rect(x + xborder, uly - 3 * yborder, 2 * xborder, 2 * yborder);
x -= 4 * xborder;
if (!win->modal()) {
win_box(x, uly - 4 * yborder, 4 * xborder, 4 * yborder);
fl_color(0, 0, 0);
fl_line(x + xborder, uly - yborder, x + 3 * xborder, uly - yborder);
x -= 4 * xborder;
// Color image...
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
info.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(info);
info.bmiHeader.biWidth = w;
info.bmiHeader.biHeight = 1;
info.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
info.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
info.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
for (int y = 0; y < h; y ++) {
StretchDIBits(dialog.hDC, ulx, uly + y * hh / h, ww, (hh + h - 1) / h, 0, 0, w, 1,
pixels + y * w * 3, &info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
delete[] pixels;
// Show the page...
// Finish up...
fl_gc = save_dc;
fl_window = save_win;
// Free the print DC and return...
// Load and show the print dialog...
void print_menu_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) {
if (!print_panel) make_print_panel();
for (Fl_Type *t = Fl_Type::first; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->selected && t->is_window()) {
// Quote a string for PostScript printing
static const char *ps_string(const char *s) {
char *bufptr;
static char buffer[FL_PATH_MAX];
if (!s) {
buffer[0] = '\0';
} else {
for (bufptr = buffer; bufptr < (buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 3) && *s;) {
if (*s == '(' || *s == ')' || *s == '\\') *bufptr++ = '\\';
*bufptr++ = *s++;
*bufptr = '\0';
return (buffer);
// Actually print...
void print_cb(Fl_Return_Button *, void *) {
FILE *outfile; // Output file or pipe to print command
char command[1024]; // Print command
int copies; // Collated copies
int first, last; // First and last page
int page; // Current page
int winpage; // Current window page
int num_pages; // Number of pages
Fl_Type *t; // Current widget
int num_windows; // Number of windows
Fl_Window_Type *windows[1000]; // Windows to print
// Show progress, deactivate controls...
// Figure out how many pages we'll have to print...
if (print_collate_button->value()) copies = (int)print_copies->value();
else copies = 1;
if (print_pages->value()) {
// Get from and to page numbers...
if ((first = atoi(print_from->value())) < 1) first = 1;
if ((last = atoi(print_to->value())) < 1) last = 1000;
if (first > last) {
// Swap first/last page
page = first;
first = last;
last = page;
} else {
// Print everything...
first = 1;
last = 1000;
for (t = Fl_Type::first, num_windows = 0, winpage = 0; t; t = t->next) {
Fl_Window *win;
for (t = Fl_Type::first, num_windows = 0; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->is_window()) {
winpage ++;
windows[num_windows] = (Fl_Window_Type *)t;
if (!((Fl_Window*)(windows[num_windows]->o))->shown()) continue;
if (print_all->value()) num_windows ++;
else if (print_pages->value() && winpage >= first &&
winpage <= last) num_windows ++;
else if (print_selection->value() && t->selected) num_windows ++;
num_windows ++;
num_pages = num_windows * copies;
// Get the base filename...
const char *basename = strrchr(filename, '/');
if (basename) basename ++;
else basename = filename;
// Open the print stream...
if (print_choice->value()) {
// Pipe the output into the lp command...
const char *printer = (const char *)print_choice->menu()[print_choice->value()].user_data();
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "lp -s -d %s -n %.0f -t '%s' -o media=%s",
printer, print_collate_button->value() ? 1.0 : print_copies->value(),
basename, print_page_size->text(print_page_size->value()));
outfile = popen(command, "w");
} else {
// Print to file...
const char *outname = fl_file_chooser("Print To", "PostScript (*.ps)", NULL, 1);
if (outname && !access(outname, 0)) {
if (fl_choice("The file \"%s\" already exists.\n"
"Do you want to replace it?", "Cancel",
"Replace", NULL, outname) == 0) outname = NULL;
if (outname) outfile = fl_fopen(outname, "w");
else outfile = NULL;
if (outfile) {
// Figure out the page size and margins...
int width, length; // Size of page
int left, bottom, // Bottom lefthand corner
right, top; // Top righthand corner
if (print_page_size->value()) {
// A4
width = 595;
length = 842;
} else {
// Letter
width = 612;
length = 792;
int output_mode;
for (output_mode = 0; output_mode < 4; output_mode ++) {
if (print_output_mode[output_mode]->value()) break;
if (output_mode & 1) {
// Landscape
left = 36;
bottom = 18;
right = length - 36;
top = width - 18;
} else {
// Portrait
left = 18;
bottom = 36;
right = width - 18;
top = length - 36;
Fl_Printer printjob;
if ( printjob.start_job(num_windows, &frompage, &topage) ) return;
int pagecount = 0;
for (winpage = 0; winpage < num_windows; winpage++) {
float scale = 1, scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1;
if (winpage+1 < frompage || winpage+1 > topage) continue;
printjob.printable_rect(&w, &h);
// Get the time and date...
time_t curtime = time(NULL);
struct tm *curdate = localtime(&curtime);
char date[1024];
strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%c", curdate);
// Write the prolog...
"%%%%BoundingBox: 18 36 %d %d\n"
"%%%%Pages: %d\n"
"%%%%LanguageLevel: 1\n"
"%%%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n"
"%%%%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica-Bold\n"
"%%%%Creator: FLUID %.4f\n"
"%%%%CreationDate: %s\n"
"%%%%Title: (%s)\n"
"%%languagelevel 1 eq {\n"
" /rectfill {\n"
" newpath 4 2 roll moveto dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto\n"
" neg 0 exch rlineto closepath fill\n"
" } bind def\n"
" /rectstroke {\n"
" newpath 4 2 roll moveto dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto\n"
" neg 0 exch rlineto closepath stroke\n"
" } bind def\n"
"%%} if\n"
"%%%%BeginFeature: *PageSize %s\n"
"languagelevel 1 ne {\n"
" <</PageSize[%d %d]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice\n"
"} {\n"
" %s\n"
"} ifelse\n"
width - 18, length - 36,
width, length,
print_page_size->value() ? "a4tray" : "lettertray");
// Print each of the windows...
char progress[255]; // Progress text
int copy; // Current copy
for (copy = 0, page = 0; copy < copies; copy ++) {
for (winpage = 0; winpage < num_pages; winpage ++) {
// Start next page...
page ++;
sprintf(progress, "Printing page %d/%d...", page, num_pages);
// Add common page stuff...
"%%%%Page: %d %d\n"
page, page);
if (output_mode & 1) {
// Landscape...
fprintf(outfile, "%d 0 translate 90 rotate\n", width);
// Draw header...
"0 setgray\n"
"/Helvetica-Bold findfont 14 scalefont setfont\n"
"%d %d moveto (%s) show\n"
"%.1f %d moveto (%s) dup stringwidth pop -0.5 mul 0 rmoveto show\n"
"%d %d moveto (%d/%d) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show\n",
left, top - 15, ps_string(basename),
0.5 * (left + right), top - 15, date,
right, top - 15, winpage + 1, num_windows);
// Get window image...
uchar *pixels; // Window image data
int w, h; // Window image dimensions
float ww, hh; // Scaled size
float border; // Width of 1 pixel
float llx, lly, // Lower-lefthand corner
urx, ury; // Upper-righthand corner
Fl_Window *win; // Window widget
win = (Fl_Window *)(windows[winpage]->o);
pixels = windows[winpage]->read_image(w, h);
// Figure out the window size, first at 100 PPI and then scaled
// down if that is too big...
ww = w * 72.0 / 100.0;
hh = h * 72.0 / 100.0;
if (ww > (right - left)) {
ww = right - left;
hh = h * ww / w;
if (hh > (top - bottom - 36)) {
hh = top - bottom;
ww = w * hh / h;
border = ww / w;
// Position the window in the center...
llx = 0.5 * (right - left - ww);
lly = 0.5 * (top - bottom - hh);
urx = 0.5 * (right - left + ww);
ury = 0.5 * (top - bottom + hh);
// Draw a simulated window border...
"0.75 setgray\n" // Gray background
"newpath %.2f %.2f %.2f 180 90 arcn\n" // Top left
"%.2f %.2f %.2f 90 0 arcn\n" // Top right
"%.2f %.2f %.2f 0 -90 arcn\n" // Bottom right
"%.2f %.2f %.2f -90 -180 arcn\n" // Bottom left
"closepath gsave fill grestore\n" // Fill
"0 setlinewidth 0 setgray stroke\n", // Outline
llx, ury + 12 * border, 4 * border,
urx, ury + 12 * border, 4 * border,
urx, lly, 4 * border,
llx, lly, 4 * border);
// Title bar...
if (output_mode & 2) {
fputs("0.25 setgray\n", outfile);
} else {
fputs("0.1 0.2 0.6 setrgbcolor\n", outfile);
fprintf(outfile, "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f rectfill\n",
llx + 12 * border, ury,
ww - (24 + 16 * (!win->modal() || win->resizable()) +
16 * (!win->modal() && win->resizable())) * border,
16 * border);
if (win->resizable()) {
"%.2f %.2f %.2f -90 -180 arcn\n" // Bottom left
"0 %.2f rlineto %.2f 0 rlineto 0 -%.2f rlineto closepath fill\n"
"%.2f %.2f %.2f 0 -90 arcn\n" // Bottom right
"-%.2f 0 rlineto 0 %.2f rlineto %.2f 0 rlineto closepath fill\n",
llx, lly, 4 * border,
12 * border, 16 * border, 16 * border,
urx, lly, 4 * border,
12 * border, 16 * border, 16 * border);
// Inside outline and button shading...
"%.2f setlinewidth 0.5 setgray\n"
"%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f rectstroke\n"
"%.2f %.2f moveto 0 %.2f rlineto\n"
"%.2f %.2f moveto 0 %.2f rlineto\n",
llx - 0.5 * border, lly - 0.5 * border, ww + border, hh + border,
llx + 12 * border, ury, 16 * border,
urx - 12 * border, ury, 16 * border);
if (!win->modal() || win->resizable()) {
fprintf(outfile, "%.2f %.2f moveto 0 %.2f rlineto\n",
urx - 28 * border, ury, 16 * border);
if (!win->modal() && win->resizable()) {
fprintf(outfile, "%.2f %.2f moveto 0 %.2f rlineto\n",
urx - 44 * border, ury, 16 * border);
fprintf(outfile, "%.2f %.2f moveto %.2f 0 rlineto stroke\n",
llx - 3.5 * border, ury + 0.5 * border, ww + 7 * border);
// Button icons...
"%.2f setlinewidth 0 setgray\n"
"%.2f %.2f moveto %.2f -%.2f rlineto %.2f %.2f rlineto\n"
"%.2f %.2f moveto -%.2f -%.2f rlineto 0 %.2f rmoveto %.2f -%.2f rlineto\n",
2 * border,
llx, ury + 10 * border, 4 * border, 4 * border, 4 * border, 4 * border,
urx, ury + 12 * border, 8 * border, 8 * border, 8 * border, 8 * border, 8 * border);
float x = urx - 16 * border;
if (win->resizable()) {
// Maximize button
"%.2f %.2f moveto -%.2f 0 rlineto 0 -%.2f rlineto "
"%.2f 0 rlineto 0 %.2f rlineto\n",
x, ury + 12 * border, 8 * border, 8 * border,
8 * border, 8 * border);
x -= 16 * border;
if (!win->modal()) {
// Minimize button
"%.2f %.2f moveto -%.2f 0 rlineto\n",
x, ury + 4 * border, 8 * border);
fputs("stroke\n", outfile);
if (win->label()) {
// Add window title...
"1 setgray\n"
"/Helvetica-Bold findfont %.2f scalefont setfont\n"
"(%s) %.2f %.2f moveto show\n",
12 * border,
ps_string(win->label()), llx + 16 * border, ury + 4 * border);
"%.2f %.2f translate %.2f %.2f scale\n",
llx, ury - border, border, border);
if (output_mode & 2) {
// Grayscale image...
"/imgdata %d string def\n"
"%d %d 8[1 0 0 -1 0 1] "
"{currentfile imgdata readhexstring pop} image\n",
w, h);
uchar *ptr = pixels;
int i, count = w * h;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++, ptr += 3) {
fprintf(outfile, "%02X",
(31 * ptr[0] + 61 * ptr[1] + 8 * ptr[2]) / 100);
if (!(i % 40)) putc('\n', outfile);
} else {
// Color image...
"/imgdata %d string def\n"
"%d %d 8[1 0 0 -1 0 1] "
"{currentfile imgdata readhexstring pop} false 3 colorimage\n",
w * 3,
w, h);
uchar *ptr = pixels;
int i, count = w * h;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++, ptr += 3) {
fprintf(outfile, "%02X%02X%02X", ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2]);
if (!(i % 13)) putc('\n', outfile);
fputs("\ngrestore\n", outfile);
delete[] pixels;
// Show the page...
fputs("grestore showpage\n", outfile);
fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 12);
fl_draw(date, (w - (int)fl_width(date))/2, fl_height());
sprintf(date, "%d/%d", ++pagecount, topage-frompage+1);
fl_draw(date, w - (int)fl_width(date), fl_height());
// Get the base filename...
const char *basename = strrchr(filename,
#ifdef WIN32
if (basename) basename ++;
else basename = filename;
sprintf(date, "%s", basename);
fl_draw(date, 0, fl_height());
// print centered and scaled to fit in the page
win = (Fl_Window*)windows[winpage]->o;
ww = win->decorated_w();
if(ww > w) scale_x = float(w)/ww;
hh = win->decorated_h();
if(hh > h) scale_y = float(h)/hh;
if (scale_x < scale) scale = scale_x;
if (scale_y < scale) scale = scale_y;
if (scale < 1) {
printjob.printable_rect(&w, &h);
// Finish up...
fputs("%%EOF\n", outfile);
if (print_choice->value()) pclose(outfile);
else fclose(outfile);
} else {
// Unable to print...
fl_alert("Error printing: %s", strerror(errno));
printjob.origin(w/2, h/2);
printjob.print_window(win, -ww/2, -hh/2);
// Hide progress, activate controls, hide print panel...
#endif // WIN32 && !__CYGWIN__