2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
// "$Id$"
// "Block Attack!" scrolling blocks game using the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 2006 by Michael Sweet.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
// http://www.fltk.org/str.php
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
#include <FL/Fl_Preferences.H>
#include <FL/Fl_XPM_Image.H>
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
#include <FL/Fl_XBM_Image.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Tiled_Image.H>
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
#include <FL/x.H>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
// Audio headers...
#include <config.h>
#ifndef WIN32
# include <unistd.h>
2006-08-25 14:12:33 +04:00
# include <sys/time.h>
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
#endif // !WIN32
# include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
# include <CoreAudio/AudioHardware.h>
#endif // __APPLE__
#ifdef WIN32
# include <mmsystem.h>
#endif // WIN32
#define BLOCK_COLS 20
#define BLOCK_ROWS 10
#define BLOCK_SIZE 32
#define BLOCK_BLAST 100
#include "pixmaps/blast.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap blast_pixmap(blast_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/red.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap red_pixmap(red_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/red_bomb.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap red_bomb_pixmap(red_bomb_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/green.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap green_pixmap(green_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/green_bomb.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap green_bomb_pixmap(green_bomb_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/blue.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap blue_pixmap(blue_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/blue_bomb.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap blue_bomb_pixmap(blue_bomb_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/yellow.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap yellow_pixmap(yellow_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/yellow_bomb.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap yellow_bomb_pixmap(yellow_bomb_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/cyan.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap cyan_pixmap(cyan_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/cyan_bomb.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap cyan_bomb_pixmap(cyan_bomb_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/magenta.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap magenta_pixmap(magenta_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/magenta_bomb.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap magenta_bomb_pixmap(magenta_bomb_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/gray.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap gray_pixmap(gray_xpm);
#include "pixmaps/gray_bomb.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap gray_bomb_pixmap(gray_bomb_xpm);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
Fl_Pixmap *normal_pixmaps[] = {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
Fl_Pixmap *bomb_pixmaps[] = {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
const unsigned char screen_bits[] = {
0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0xaa, 0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0xaa
Fl_Bitmap screen_bitmap(screen_bits, 8, 8);
Fl_Tiled_Image screen_tile(&screen_bitmap);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
// Sound class...
// There are MANY ways to implement sound in a FLTK application.
// The approach we are using here is to conditionally compile OS-
// specific code into the application - CoreAudio for MacOS X, the
// standard Win32 API stuff for Windows, ALSA or X11 for Linux, and
// X11 for all others. We have to support ALSA on Linux because the
// current Xorg releases no longer support XBell() or the PC speaker.
// There are several good cross-platform audio libraries we could also
// use, such as OpenAL, PortAudio, and SDL, however they were not chosen
// for this application because of our limited use of sound.
// Many thanks to Ian MacArthur who provided sample code that led to
// the CoreAudio implementation you see here!
class BlockSound {
// Private, OS-specific data...
#ifdef __APPLE__
AudioDeviceID device;
2010-03-11 01:56:56 +03:00
AudioDeviceIOProcID audio_proc_id;
# endif
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
AudioStreamBasicDescription format;
short *data;
int remaining;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
static OSStatus audio_cb(AudioDeviceID device,
const AudioTimeStamp *current_time,
const AudioBufferList *data_in,
const AudioTimeStamp *time_in,
AudioBufferList *data_out,
const AudioTimeStamp *time_out,
void *client_data);
#elif defined(WIN32)
HWAVEOUT device;
HGLOBAL header_handle;
LPWAVEHDR header_ptr;
HGLOBAL data_handle;
LPSTR data_ptr;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
snd_pcm_t *handle;
#endif // __APPLE__
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
// Common data...
static short *sample_data;
static int sample_size;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
void play_explosion(float duration);
// Sound class globals...
short *BlockSound::sample_data = NULL;
int BlockSound::sample_size = 0;
// Initialize the BlockSound class
BlockSound::BlockSound() {
sample_size = 0;
#ifdef __APPLE__
remaining = 0;
UInt32 size = sizeof(device);
if (AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
&size, (void *)&device) != noErr) return;
size = sizeof(format);
if (AudioDeviceGetProperty(device, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat,
&size, &format) != noErr) return;
// Set up a format we like...
format.mSampleRate = 44100.0; // 44.1kHz
format.mChannelsPerFrame = 2; // stereo
if (AudioDeviceSetProperty(device, NULL, 0, false,
sizeof(format), &format) != noErr) return;
// Check we got linear pcm - what to do if we did not ???
if (format.mFormatID != kAudioFormatLinearPCM) return;
2010-03-11 01:56:56 +03:00
// Attach the callback and start the device
if (AudioDeviceCreateIOProcID(device, audio_cb, (void *)this, &audio_proc_id) != noErr) return;
AudioDeviceStart(device, audio_proc_id);
# else
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
if (AudioDeviceAddIOProc(device, audio_cb, (void *)this) != noErr) return;
AudioDeviceStart(device, audio_cb);
2010-03-11 01:56:56 +03:00
# endif
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
sample_size = (int)format.mSampleRate;
#elif defined(WIN32)
memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format));
format.cbSize = sizeof(format);
format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
format.nChannels = 2;
format.nSamplesPerSec = 44100;
format.nAvgBytesPerSec = 44100 * 4;
format.nBlockAlign = 4;
format.wBitsPerSample = 16;
2006-08-28 18:45:20 +04:00
data_handle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, format.nSamplesPerSec * 4);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
if (!data_handle) return;
data_ptr = (LPSTR)GlobalLock(data_handle);
header_handle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
if (!header_handle) return;
header_ptr = (WAVEHDR *)GlobalLock(header_handle);
header_ptr->lpData = data_ptr;
header_ptr->dwFlags = 0;
header_ptr->dwLoops = 0;
if (waveOutOpen(&device, WAVE_MAPPER, &format, 0, 0, WAVE_ALLOWSYNC)
sample_size = format.nSamplesPerSec;
handle = NULL;
if (snd_pcm_open(&handle, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0) >= 0) {
// Initialize PCM sound stuff...
snd_pcm_hw_params_t *params;
snd_pcm_hw_params_any(handle, params);
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(handle, params, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED);
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(handle, params, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16);
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(handle, params, 2);
unsigned rate = 44100;
int dir;
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(handle, params, &rate, &dir);
snd_pcm_uframes_t period = (int)rate;
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(handle, params, &period, &dir);
sample_size = rate;
if (snd_pcm_hw_params(handle, params) < 0) {
sample_size = 0;
handle = NULL;
#endif // __APPLE__
if (sample_size) {
// Make an explosion sound by passing white noise through a low pass
// filter with a decreasing frequency...
sample_data = new short[2 * sample_size];
short *sample_ptr = sample_data;
int max_sample = 2 * sample_size - 2;
*sample_ptr++ = 0;
*sample_ptr++ = 0;
for (int j = max_sample; j > 0; j --, sample_ptr ++) {
float freq = (float)j / (float)max_sample;
float volume = 32767.0 * (0.5 * sqrt(freq) + 0.5);
float sample = 0.0001 * ((rand() % 20001) - 10000);
*sample_ptr = (int)(volume * freq * sample +
(1.0 - freq) * sample_ptr[-2]);
// Cleanup the BlockSound class
BlockSound::~BlockSound() {
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (sample_size) {
2010-03-11 01:56:56 +03:00
AudioDeviceStop(device, audio_proc_id);
AudioDeviceDestroyIOProcID(device, audio_proc_id);
# else
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
AudioDeviceStop(device, audio_cb);
AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc(device, audio_cb);
2010-03-11 01:56:56 +03:00
# endif
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
#elif defined(WIN32)
if (sample_size) {
if (handle) {
#endif // __APPLE__
if (sample_size) {
delete[] sample_data;
#ifdef __APPLE__
// Callback function for writing audio data...
BlockSound::audio_cb(AudioDeviceID device,
const AudioTimeStamp *current_time,
const AudioBufferList *data_in,
const AudioTimeStamp *time_in,
AudioBufferList *data_out,
const AudioTimeStamp *time_out,
void *client_data) {
BlockSound *ss = (BlockSound *)client_data;
int count;
float *buffer;
if (!ss->remaining) return noErr;
for (count = data_out->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize / sizeof(float),
buffer = (float*) data_out->mBuffers[0].mData;
ss->remaining > 0 && count > 0;
count --, ss->data ++, ss->remaining --) {
*buffer++ = *(ss->data) / 32767.0;
while (count > 0) {
*buffer++ = 0.0;
count --;
return noErr;
#endif // __APPLE__
// Play a note for the given amount of time...
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
BlockSound::play_explosion(float duration) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
if (duration <= 0.0)
2007-05-20 19:26:09 +04:00
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32) || defined(HAVE_ALSA_ASOUNDLIB_H)
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
if (duration > 1.0)
duration = 1.0;
int samples = (int)(duration * sample_size);
short *sample_ptr = sample_data + 2 * (sample_size - samples);
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
#endif // __APPLE__ || WIN32 || HAVE_ALSA_ASOUNDLIB_H
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
#ifdef __APPLE__
// Point to the next note...
data = sample_ptr;
remaining = samples * 2;
#elif defined(WIN32)
if (sample_size) {
memcpy(data_ptr, sample_ptr, samples * 4);
header_ptr->dwBufferLength = samples * 4;
waveOutPrepareHeader(device, header_ptr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
waveOutWrite(device, header_ptr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
} else Beep(440, (int)(1000.0 * duration));
#elif defined(HAVE_ALSA_ASOUNDLIB_H)
if (handle) {
// Use ALSA to play the sound...
if (snd_pcm_writei(handle, sample_ptr, samples) < 0) {
snd_pcm_writei(handle, sample_ptr, samples);
#endif // __APPLE__
class BlockWindow : public Fl_Double_Window
2006-08-26 17:14:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
struct Block
int color;
bool bomb;
int y;
struct Column
int num_blocks;
Block blocks[BLOCK_ROWS];
int x;
2006-08-26 17:14:24 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
Fl_Button *help_button_,
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
int num_columns_;
Column columns_[BLOCK_COLS];
int count_;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
bool help_;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
int high_score_;
float interval_;
int level_;
int num_colors_;
int opened_columns_;
bool paused_;
static Fl_Preferences prefs_;
int score_;
BlockSound *sound_;
char title_[255];
int title_y_;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
void _BlockWindow();
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
int bomb(int color);
int click(int col, int row);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
static void help_cb(Fl_Widget *wi, BlockWindow *bw);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
void init();
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
static void play_cb(Fl_Widget *wi, BlockWindow *bw);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
static void timeout_cb(BlockWindow *bw);
BlockWindow(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
BlockWindow(int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
void draw();
int handle(int event);
void new_game();
int score() { return (score_); }
2007-11-19 17:14:13 +03:00
void up_level();
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
Fl_Preferences BlockWindow::prefs_(Fl_Preferences::USER, "fltk.org", "blocks");
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
BlockWindow *bw = new BlockWindow(BLOCK_COLS * BLOCK_SIZE,
"Block Attack!");
bw->show(argc, argv);
return (Fl::run());
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Create a block window at the specified position
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
BlockWindow::BlockWindow(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L)
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
: Fl_Double_Window(X, Y, W, H, L) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Create a block window
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
BlockWindow::BlockWindow(int W, int H, const char *L)
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
: Fl_Double_Window(W, H, L) {
// Delete a block window
BlockWindow::~BlockWindow() {
Fl::remove_timeout((Fl_Timeout_Handler)timeout_cb, (void *)this);
// Initialize a block window...
BlockWindow::_BlockWindow() {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
help_button_ = new Fl_Button(0, 0, 20, 20, "?");
help_button_->callback((Fl_Callback *)help_cb, this);
play_button_ = new Fl_Button(80, (h() - 80) / 2, 80, 80, "@>");
play_button_->callback((Fl_Callback *)play_cb, this);
play_button_->shortcut(' ');
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
sound_ = new BlockSound();
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
prefs_.get("high_score", high_score_, 0);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
Fl::add_timeout(0.1, (Fl_Timeout_Handler)timeout_cb, (void *)this);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Bomb all blocks of a given color and return the number of affected blocks
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
BlockWindow::bomb(int color) {
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
int j, k;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
int count;
Block *b;
Column *c;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (color >= BLOCK_BLAST) return (0);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
for (j = num_columns_, c = columns_, count = 1; j > 0; j --, c ++)
for (k = c->num_blocks, b = c->blocks; k > 0; k --, b ++)
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (b->color == color) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
b->color = -color;
count ++;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
return (count);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Tag all blocks connected to the clicked block and return the number
// of affected blocks
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
BlockWindow::click(int col, int row) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
Block *b;
Column *c;
int count, color;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
c = columns_ + col;
b = c->blocks + row;
color = b->color;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (color < 0 || color >= BLOCK_BLAST) return (0);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
// Find the bottom block...
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
while (row > 0 && b[-1].color == color) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
row --;
b --;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
count = 0;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
while (row < c->num_blocks && b->color == color) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
b->color = -color;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
if (col > 0 && row < c[-1].num_blocks &&
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
c[-1].blocks[row].color == color) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
count += click(col - 1, row);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
if (col < (num_columns_ - 1) && row < c[1].num_blocks &&
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
c[1].blocks[row].color == color) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
count += click(col + 1, row);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
count ++;
row ++;
b ++;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
return (count);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Draw the block window...
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
BlockWindow::draw() {
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
int j, k, xx, yy;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
Block *b;
Column *c;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Draw the blocks...
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
fl_rectf(0, 0, w(), h());
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Draw the blocks...
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
for (j = num_columns_, c = columns_; j > 0; j --, c ++)
for (k = c->num_blocks, b = c->blocks; k > 0; k --, b ++) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
xx = w() - c->x;
yy = h() - BLOCK_SIZE - b->y;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (b->color >= BLOCK_BLAST) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
b->color ++;
blast_pixmap.draw(xx, yy);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
} else if (b->color < 0) {
if (b->bomb) bomb_pixmaps[-b->color - 1]->draw(xx, yy);
else normal_pixmaps[-b->color - 1]->draw(xx, yy);
} else {
if (b->bomb) bomb_pixmaps[b->color - 1]->draw(xx, yy);
else normal_pixmaps[b->color - 1]->draw(xx, yy);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (interval_ < 0.0 || paused_) {
screen_tile.draw(0, 0, w(), h(), 0, 0);
// Redraw the widgets...
// Draw any paused/game over/new game message...
if ((paused_ || interval_ < 0.0) && play_button_->w() == 80) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
const char *s;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (help_) {
s = "Click on adjacent blocks of the same color. Clear all blocks "
"before they reach the left side.";
fl_font(FL_HELVETICA_BOLD, 24);
fl_draw(s, 171, 3, w() - 250, h() - 6,
fl_draw(s, 168, 0, w() - 250, h(),
} else {
if (interval_ < 0.0) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
#ifdef DEBUG
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Show sample waveform...
short *sample_ptr;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i ++)
fl_color(FL_RED + i);
for (j = 0, sample_ptr = sound_->sample_data + i;
j < sound_->sample_size;
j ++, sample_ptr += 2)
fl_vertex(j * w() / sound_->sample_size,
*sample_ptr * h() / 4 / 65534 + h() / 2);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
#endif // DEBUG
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (num_columns_ && (time(NULL) & 7) < 4) s = "Game Over";
else s = "Block Attack!\nby Michael R Sweet";
} else s = "Paused";
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
fl_font(FL_HELVETICA_BOLD, 32);
fl_draw(s, 6, 6, w() - 6, h() - 6, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
fl_draw(s, 0, 0, w(), h(), FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Draw the scores and level...
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
char s[255];
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
sprintf(s, " Score: %d", score_);
fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 14);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
fl_draw(s, 40, 0, w() - 40, 20, FL_ALIGN_LEFT);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
sprintf(s, "High Score: %d ", high_score_);
fl_draw(s, 0, 0, w(), 20, FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);
if (level_ > 1 || title_y_ <= 0)
sprintf(s, "Level: %d ", level_);
fl_draw(s, 0, 0, w(), 20, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
if (title_y_ > 0 && interval_ > 0.0)
int sz = 14 + title_y_ * 86 / h();
fl_font(FL_HELVETICA_BOLD, sz);
fl_draw(title_, 0, title_y_, w(), sz, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Handle mouse clicks, etc.
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
BlockWindow::handle(int event) {
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
int j, k, mx, my, count;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
Block *b;
Column *c;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (Fl_Double_Window::handle(event)) return (1);
2006-08-27 00:25:37 +04:00
else if (interval_ < 0.0 || paused_) return (0);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
switch (event) {
2007-11-19 17:14:13 +03:00
if (Fl::event_text()) {
if (strcmp(Fl::event_text(), "+") == 0)
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
case FL_PUSH :
2007-05-20 20:32:37 +04:00
mx = w() - Fl::event_x() + BLOCK_SIZE;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
my = h() - Fl::event_y();
count = 0;
2007-05-20 20:18:31 +04:00
b = 0;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
for (j = 0, c = columns_; !count && j < num_columns_; j ++, c ++)
for (k = 0, b = c->blocks; !count && k < c->num_blocks; k ++, b ++)
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
if (mx >= c->x && mx < (c->x + BLOCK_SIZE) &&
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
my >= b->y && my < (b->y + BLOCK_SIZE)) {
if (b->bomb) count = bomb(b->color);
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
else count = click(j, k);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (count < 2) {
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
for (j = 0, c = columns_; j < num_columns_; j ++, c ++)
for (k = 0, b = c->blocks; k < c->num_blocks; k ++, b ++)
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (b->color < 0) b->color = -b->color;
} else {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
count --;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (b->bomb) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
sound_->play_explosion(0.19 + 0.005 * count);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
interval_ *= 0.995;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
score_ += count;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
} else {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
sound_->play_explosion(0.09 + 0.005 * count);
interval_ *= 0.999;
score_ += count * count;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (score_ > high_score_) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
high_score_ = score_;
prefs_.set("high_score", high_score_);
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
for (j = 0, c = columns_; j < num_columns_; j ++, c ++)
for (k = 0, b = c->blocks; k < c->num_blocks; k ++, b ++)
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (b->color < 0) b->color = BLOCK_BLAST;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
return (1);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
return (0);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Toggle the on-line help...
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2007-05-20 04:01:06 +04:00
BlockWindow::help_cb(Fl_Widget *, BlockWindow *bw) {
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
bw->paused_ = bw->help_ = !bw->help_;
// Initialize the block window...
BlockWindow::init() {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
count_ = 0;
2006-08-28 18:45:20 +04:00
help_ = false;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
interval_ = -1.0;
level_ = 1;
num_colors_ = 3;
num_columns_ = 0;
paused_ = false;
score_ = 0;
title_[0] = '\0';
title_y_ = 0;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Start a new game...
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
BlockWindow::new_game() {
// Seed the random number generator...
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
interval_ = 0.1;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
opened_columns_ = 0;
strcpy(title_, "Level: 1");
title_y_ = h();
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Play/pause...
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
BlockWindow::play_cb(Fl_Widget *wi, BlockWindow *bw) {
if (bw->interval_ < 0) bw->new_game();
else bw->paused_ = !bw->paused_;
if (bw->paused_) wi->label("@>");
else {
bw->help_ = false;
2007-11-19 17:14:13 +03:00
void BlockWindow::up_level() {
interval_ *= 0.95;
opened_columns_ = 0;
if (num_colors_ < 7) num_colors_ ++;
level_ ++;
sprintf(title_, "Level: %d", level_);
title_y_ = h();
Fl::repeat_timeout(interval_, (Fl_Timeout_Handler)timeout_cb, (void *)this);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Animate the game...
BlockWindow::timeout_cb(BlockWindow *bw) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
int i, j;
Block *b;
Column *c;
int lastx, lasty;
#ifdef DEBUG
struct timeval curtime;
static struct timeval lasttime;
gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL);
printf("%.3f (%+f - %f)\n",
curtime.tv_sec + 0.000001 * curtime.tv_usec,
curtime.tv_sec - lasttime.tv_sec +
0.000001 * (curtime.tv_usec - lasttime.tv_usec), bw->interval_);
lasttime = curtime;
#endif // DEBUG
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Update blocks that have been destroyed...
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
for (i = 0, c = bw->columns_; i < bw->num_columns_; i ++, c ++)
for (j = 0, b = c->blocks; j < c->num_blocks; j ++, b ++)
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (b->color > (BLOCK_BLAST + 1)) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
c->num_blocks --;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (j < c->num_blocks) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
memmove(b, b + 1, (c->num_blocks - j) * sizeof(Block));
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
j --;
b --;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (!c->num_blocks) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
bw->num_columns_ --;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (i < bw->num_columns_) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
memmove(c, c + 1, (bw->num_columns_ - i) * sizeof(Column));
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
i --;
c --;
j = c->num_blocks;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Let the rest of the blocks fall and/or move...
for (i = bw->num_columns_, c = bw->columns_, lastx = c->x;
i > 0;
i --, c ++) {
if (c->x > lastx) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
c->x -= 8;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
lastx = c->x + BLOCK_SIZE;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (!bw->paused_ && bw->interval_ > 0.0) {
c->x ++;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
for (j = c->num_blocks, b = c->blocks, lasty = 0; j > 0; j --, b ++) {
if (b->y > lasty) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
b->y -= 8;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
lasty = b->y + BLOCK_SIZE;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Slide the title text as needed...
if (bw->title_y_ > 0) {
bw->title_y_ -= 5;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Play the game...
if (!bw->paused_ && bw->interval_ > 0.0) {
bw->count_ --;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (bw->count_ <= 0) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
bw->count_ = BLOCK_SIZE;
if (bw->num_columns_ == BLOCK_COLS) {
bw->interval_ = -1.0;
} else {
bw->opened_columns_ ++;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (bw->opened_columns_ > (2 * BLOCK_COLS)) {
2007-11-19 17:14:13 +03:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
c = bw->columns_;
if (bw->num_columns_) {
memmove(c + 1, c, bw->num_columns_ * sizeof(Column));
bw->num_columns_ ++;
c->x = 0;
c->num_blocks = BLOCK_ROWS;
for (j = 0, b = c->blocks; j < BLOCK_ROWS; j ++, b ++) {
b->bomb = bw->num_colors_ > 3 && (rand() & 127) < bw->num_colors_;
b->color = 1 + (rand() % bw->num_colors_);
b->y = j * (BLOCK_SIZE + 8) + 24;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
bw->count_ --;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
if (bw->count_ <= 0) {
bw->count_ = 40;
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
// Update the play/pause button as needed...
if ((bw->paused_ || bw->interval_< 0.0) &&
bw->play_button_->w() < 80) {
2006-08-27 00:25:37 +04:00
int s = bw->play_button_->w() + 10;
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
bw->play_button_->resize(s, (s - 20) * (bw->h() - s) / 120, s, s);
bw->play_button_->labelsize(s / 2 + 4);
} else if ((!bw->paused_ && bw->interval_ > 0.0) &&
bw->play_button_->w() > 20) {
int s = bw->play_button_->w() - 5;
bw->play_button_->resize(s, (s - 20) * (bw->h() - s) / 120, s, s);
bw->play_button_->labelsize(s / 2 + 4);
if (bw->interval_ > 0.0) {
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
Fl::repeat_timeout(bw->interval_, (Fl_Timeout_Handler)timeout_cb,
(void *)bw);
2006-08-27 00:01:24 +04:00
} else {
Fl::repeat_timeout(0.1, (Fl_Timeout_Handler)timeout_cb,
(void *)bw);
2006-08-25 10:58:33 +04:00
// End of "$Id$".