
1.8 KiB

  1. Change version number in
    • /configure.ac
    • /CMakeLists.txt
    • /doc/Doxyfile.in
    • /man/flac.md
    • /man/metaflac.md
    • /test/metaflac-test-files/case07-expect.meta
  2. Change version date in
    • /src/libFLAC/format.c
    • /test/metaflac-test-files/case07-expect.meta
  3. Update changelog
  4. Check copyright year and update if applicable
  5. Check libFLAC and libFLAC++ for interface changes and update version numbers in include/FLAC/export.h, include/FLAC++/export.h, src/libFLAC/Makefile.am, src/libFLAC++/Makefile.am, src/libFLAC/CMakeLists.txt and src/libFLAC++/CMakeLists.txt
  6. Prepare and check release tarball by running git clean -ffxd && ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make distcheck
  7. Check whether release tarball contains api documentation and generated man pages
  8. Prepare Windows release. Instructions are for building with MinGW-w64
    • Take last release as template
    • Update readme's if necessary
    • Copy changelog and tool documentation
    • Unpack tarball and create empty directories build64 and build32
    • Unpack most recent libogg: change add_library(ogg ${OGG_HEADERS} ${OGG_SOURCES}) to add_library(ogg STATIC ${OGG_HEADERS} ${OGG_SOURCES})
    • Add -static-libgcc to FLAC's CFLAGS
    • Add -static-libgcc  -static-libstdc++ -Wl,-Bstatic,--whole-archive -lwinpthread -Wl,-Bdynamic,--no-whole-archive to FLAC's CXXFLAGS
    • Run CMake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON .. && ninja in both build64 and build32 in the corresponding build environments
    • Check dependencies of flac.exe, metaflac.exe, libFLAC.dll and libFLAC++.dll, e.g. with objdump -x . | grep DLL. Dependencies should only include KERNEL32.DLL, ADVAPI32.DLL, msvcrt.dll and libFLAC.dll
    • Copy flac.exe, metaflac.exe, libFLAC.dll and libFLAC++.dll of both builds to proper directories
    • Zip directory