Бранимир Караџић ceba5d8b24 Cleanup.
2019-07-06 11:53:04 -07:00

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-- vim: syntax=lua
-- bgfx interface
typedef "bool"
typedef "char"
typedef "float"
typedef "int8_t"
typedef "int32_t"
typedef "int64_t"
typedef "uint8_t"
typedef "uint16_t"
typedef "uint32_t"
typedef "uint64_t"
typedef "uintptr_t"
typedef "va_list"
typedef "void"
typedef "ViewId"
typedef "CallbackI" { cname = "callback_interface" }
typedef "bx::AllocatorI" { cname = "allocator_interface" }
--- Memory release callback.
.ptr "void*" --- Pointer to allocated data.
.userData "void*" --- User defined data if needed.
--- Color RGB/alpha/depth write. When it's not specified write will be disabled.
flag.StateWrite { bits = 64 , base = 1 }
.R --- Enable R write.
.G --- Enable G write.
.B --- Enable B write.
.A --- Enable alpha write.
.Z ( 39 ) --- Enable depth write.
.Rgb { "R", "G", "B" } --- Enable RGB write.
.Mask { "Rgb", "A", "Z" } --- Write all channels mask.
--- Depth test state. When `BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_` is not specified depth test will be disabled.
flag.StateDepthTest { bits = 64, shift = 4, range = 4, base = 1 , desc = "Depth test state" }
.Less --- Enable depth test, less.
.Lequal --- Enable depth test, less or equal.
.Equal --- Enable depth test, equal.
.Gequal --- Enable depth test, greater or equal.
.Greater --- Enable depth test, greater.
.Notequal --- Enable depth test, not equal.
.Never --- Enable depth test, never.
.Always --- Enable depth test, always.
--- Use BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(_src, _dst) or BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC_SEPARATE(_srcRGB, _dstRGB, _srcA, _dstA)
--- helper macros.
flag.StateBlend { bits = 64, shift = 12, range = 16, base = 1, desc = "Blend state" }
.Zero --- 0, 0, 0, 0
.One --- 1, 1, 1, 1
.SrcColor --- Rs, Gs, Bs, As
.InvSrcColor --- 1-Rs, 1-Gs, 1-Bs, 1-As
.SrcAlpha --- As, As, As, As
.InvSrcAlpha --- 1-As, 1-As, 1-As, 1-As
.DstAlpha --- Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad
.InvDstAlpha --- 1-Ad, 1-Ad, 1-Ad ,1-Ad
.DstColor --- Rd, Gd, Bd, Ad
.InvDstColor --- 1-Rd, 1-Gd, 1-Bd, 1-Ad
.SrcAlphaSat --- f, f, f, 1; f = min(As, 1-Ad)
.Factor --- Blend factor
.InvFactor --- 1-Blend factor
--- helper macros.
flag.StateBlendEquation { bits = 64, shift = 28, range = 6, base = 0, desc = "Blend equation" }
.Add --- Blend add: src + dst.
.Sub --- Blend subtract: src - dst.
.Revsub --- Blend reverse subtract: dst - src.
.Min --- Blend min: min(src, dst).
.Max --- Blend max: max(src, dst).
--- Cull state. When `BGFX_STATE_CULL_*` is not specified culling will be disabled.
flag.StateCull { bits = 64, shift = 36, range = 2, base = 1, desc = "Culling mode" }
.Cw --- Cull clockwise triangles.
.Ccw --- Cull counter-clockwise triangles.
--- Alpha reference value.
flag.StateAlphaRef { bits = 64, shift = 40, range = 8, desc = "Alpha reference", "helper" }
flag.StatePt { bits = 64, shift = 48, range = 3, base = 1, desc = "Primitive type" }
.Tristrip --- Tristrip.
.Lines --- Lines.
.Linestrip --- Line strip.
.Points --- Points.
--- Point size value.
flag.StatePointSize { bits = 64, shift = 52, range = 4, desc = "Point size", "helper" }
--- Enable MSAA write when writing into MSAA frame buffer.
--- This flag is ignored when not writing into MSAA frame buffer.
flag.State { bits = 64 , range = 64 , desc = "State" }
.Msaa (57) --- Enable MSAA rasterization.
.Lineaa (58) --- Enable line AA rasterization.
.ConservativeRaster (59) --- Enable conservative rasterization.
.None (0) --- No state.
.BlendIndependent(35) --- Enable blend independent.
.BlendAlphaToCoverage (36) --- Enable alpha to coverage.
.Default { "WriteRgb", "WriteA", "WriteZ", "DepthTestLess", "CullCw", "Msaa" }
--- Default state is write to RGB, alpha, and depth with depth test less enabled, with clockwise
--- culling and MSAA (when writing into MSAA frame buffer, otherwise this flag is ignored).
--- Do not use!
flag.StateReserved { bits = 64, shift = 61, range = 3 }
--- Set stencil ref value.
flag.StencilFuncRef { bits = 32, shift = 0, range = 8, "helper" }
--- Set stencil rmask value.
flag.StencilFuncRmask { bits = 32, shift = 8, range = 8, "helper" }
flag.Stencil { bits = 32, const }
.None (0x00000000)
.Mask (0xffffffff)
.Default (0x00000000)
flag.StencilTest { bits = 32, shift = 16, range = 4 , base = 1, desc = "Stencil test" }
.Less --- Enable stencil test, less.
.Lequal --- Enable stencil test, less or equal.
.Equal --- Enable stencil test, equal.
.Gequal --- Enable stencil test, greater or equal.
.Greater --- Enable stencil test, greater.
.Notequal --- Enable stencil test, not equal.
.Never --- Enable stencil test, never.
.Always --- Enable stencil test, always.
flag.StencilOpFailS { bits = 32, shift = 20, range = 4, base = 0, desc = "Stencil operation fail" }
.Zero --- Zero.
.Keep --- Keep.
.Replace --- Replace.
.Incr --- Increment and wrap.
.Incrsat --- Increment and clamp.
.Decr --- Decrement and wrap.
.Decrsat --- Decrement and clamp.
.Invert --- Invert.
flag.StencilOpFailZ { bits = 32, shift = 24, range = 4, base = 0, desc = "Stencil operation depth fail" }
.Zero --- Zero.
.Keep --- Keep.
.Replace --- Replace.
.Incr --- Increment and wrap.
.Incrsat --- Increment and clamp.
.Decr --- Decrement and wrap.
.Decrsat --- Decrement and clamp.
.Invert --- Invert.
flag.StencilOpPassZ { bits = 32, shift = 28, range = 4 , base = 0, desc = "Stencil operation depth pass" }
.Zero --- Zero.
.Keep --- Keep.
.Replace --- Replace.
.Incr --- Increment and wrap.
.Incrsat --- Increment and clamp.
.Decr --- Decrement and wrap.
.Decrsat --- Decrement and clamp.
.Invert --- Invert.
flag.Clear { bits = 16 }
.None --- No clear flags.
.Color --- Clear color.
.Depth --- Clear depth.
.Stencil --- Clear stencil.
.DiscardColor_0 --- Discard frame buffer attachment 0.
.DiscardColor_1 --- Discard frame buffer attachment 1.
.DiscardColor_2 --- Discard frame buffer attachment 2.
.DiscardColor_3 --- Discard frame buffer attachment 3.
.DiscardColor_4 --- Discard frame buffer attachment 4.
.DiscardColor_5 --- Discard frame buffer attachment 5.
.DiscardColor_6 --- Discard frame buffer attachment 6.
.DiscardColor_7 --- Discard frame buffer attachment 7.
.DiscardDepth --- Discard frame buffer depth attachment.
.DiscardStencil --- Discard frame buffer stencil attachment.
.DiscardColorMask {
.DiscardMask {
flag.Debug { bits = 32 }
.None --- No debug.
.Wireframe --- Enable wireframe for all primitives.
.Ifh --- Enable infinitely fast hardware test. No draw calls will be submitted to driver. Its useful when profiling to quickly assess bottleneck between CPU and GPU.
.Stats --- Enable statistics display.
.Text --- Enable debug text display.
.Profiler --- Enable profiler.
flag.BufferComputeFormat { bits = 16, shift = 0, range = 4, base = 1 }
._8x1 --- 1 8-bit value
._8x2 --- 2 8-bit values
._8x4 --- 4 8-bit values
._16x1 --- 1 16-bit value
._16x2 --- 2 16-bit values
._16x4 --- 4 16-bit values
._32x1 --- 1 32-bit value
._32x2 --- 2 32-bit values
._32x4 --- 4 32-bit values
flag.BufferComputeType { bits = 16, shift = 4, range = 2, base = 1 }
.Int --- Type `int`.
.Uint --- Type `uint`.
.Float --- Type `float`.
flag.Buffer { bits = 16, base = 8 }
.ComputeRead --- Buffer will be read by shader.
.ComputeWrite --- Buffer will be used for writing.
.DrawIndirect --- Buffer will be used for storing draw indirect commands.
.AllowResize --- Allow dynamic index/vertex buffer resize during update.
.Index32 --- Index buffer contains 32-bit indices.
.ComputeReadWrite { "ComputeRead" , "ComputeWrite" }
flag.Texture { bits = 64 }
.None (0)
.MsaaSample (36) --- Texture will be used for MSAA sampling.
.Rt (37) --- Render target no MSAA.
.ComputeWrite (45) --- Texture will be used for compute write.
.Srgb (46) --- Sample texture as sRGB.
.BlitDst (47) --- Texture will be used as blit destination.
.ReadBack (48) --- Texture will be used for read back from GPU.
flag.TextureRtMsaa { bits = 64, shift = 36, range = 3 , base = 2 }
.X2 --- Render target MSAAx2 mode.
.X4 --- Render target MSAAx4 mode.
.X8 --- Render target MSAAx8 mode.
.X16 --- Render target MSAAx16 mode.
flag.TextureRt { bits = 64, shift = 36, range = 4 }
.WriteOnly (9) --- Render target will be used for writing
--- Sampler flags.
flag.SamplerU { bits = 32, shift = 0, range = 2, base = 1 }
.Mirror --- Wrap U mode: Mirror
.Clamp --- Wrap U mode: Clamp
.Border --- Wrap U mode: Border
flag.SamplerV { bits = 32, shift = 2, range = 2, base = 1 }
.Mirror --- Wrap V mode: Mirror
.Clamp --- Wrap V mode: Clamp
.Border --- Wrap V mode: Border
flag.SamplerW { bits = 32, shift = 4, range = 2, base = 1 }
.Mirror --- Wrap W mode: Mirror
.Clamp --- Wrap W mode: Clamp
.Border --- Wrap W mode: Border
flag.SamplerMin { bits = 32, shift = 6, range = 2, base = 1 }
.Point --- Min sampling mode: Point
.Anisotropic --- Min sampling mode: Anisotropic
flag.SamplerMag { bits = 32, shift = 8, range = 2, base = 1 }
.Point --- Mag sampling mode: Point
.Anisotropic --- Mag sampling mode: Anisotropic
flag.SamplerMip { bits = 32, shift = 10, range = 1, base = 1 }
.Point --- Mip sampling mode: Point
flag.SamplerCompare { bits = 32 , shift = 16, range = 4, base = 1 }
.Less --- Compare when sampling depth texture: less.
.Lequal --- Compare when sampling depth texture: less or equal.
.Equal --- Compare when sampling depth texture: equal.
.Gequal --- Compare when sampling depth texture: greater or equal.
.Greater --- Compare when sampling depth texture: greater.
.Notequal --- Compare when sampling depth texture: not equal.
.Never --- Compare when sampling depth texture: never.
.Always --- Compare when sampling depth texture: always.
flag.SamplerBorderColor { bits = 32, shift = 24, range = 4, "helper" }
flag.SamplerReserved { bits = 32, shift = 28, range = 4 }
flag.Sampler { bits = 32 }
.SampleStencil (21) --- Sample stencil instead of depth.
.Point { "MinPoint", "MagPoint", "MipPoint" }
.UvwMirror { "UMirror", "VMirror", "WMirror" }
.UvwClamp { "UClamp", "VClamp", "WClamp" }
.UvwBorder { "UBorder", "VBorder", "WBorder" }
.BitsMask { "UMask", "VMask", "WMask", "MinMask", "MagMask", "MipMask", "CompareMask" }
flag.ResetMsaa { bits = 32, shift = 4, range = 3, base = 1 }
.X2 --- Enable 2x MSAA.
.X4 --- Enable 4x MSAA.
.X8 --- Enable 8x MSAA.
.X16 --- Enable 16x MSAA.
flag.Reset { bits = 32 }
.None (0) --- No reset flags.
.Fullscreen (1) --- Not supported yet.
.Vsync (8) --- Enable V-Sync.
.Maxanisotropy (9) --- Turn on/off max anisotropy.
.Capture (10) --- Begin screen capture.
.FlushAfterRender (14) --- Flush rendering after submitting to GPU.
.FlipAfterRender (15) --- This flag specifies where flip occurs. Default behavior is that flip occurs before rendering new frame. This flag only has effect when `BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED=0`.
.SrgbBackbuffer (16) --- Enable sRGB backbuffer.
.Hdr10 (17) --- Enable HDR10 rendering.
.Hidpi (18) --- Enable HiDPI rendering.
.DepthClamp (19) --- Enable depth clamp.
.Suspend (20) --- Suspend rendering.
flag.ResetFullscreen { bits = 32, shift = 0, range = 1, base = 1 }
flag.ResetReserved { bits = 32, shift = 31, range = 1 , desc = "Internal" }
flag.Caps { bits = 64, base = 1, name = "Caps" }
.AlphaToCoverage --- Alpha to coverage is supported.
.BlendIndependent --- Blend independent is supported.
.Compute --- Compute shaders are supported.
.ConservativeRaster --- Conservative rasterization is supported.
.DrawIndirect --- Draw indirect is supported.
.FragmentDepth --- Fragment depth is accessible in fragment shader.
.FragmentOrdering --- Fragment ordering is available in fragment shader.
.FramebufferRw --- Read/Write frame buffer attachments are supported.
.GraphicsDebugger --- Graphics debugger is present.
.Hdr10 --- HDR10 rendering is supported.
.Hidpi --- HiDPI rendering is supported.
.Index32 --- 32-bit indices are supported.
.Instancing --- Instancing is supported.
.OcclusionQuery --- Occlusion query is supported.
.RendererMultithreaded --- Renderer is on separate thread.
.SwapChain --- Multiple windows are supported.
.Texture_2dArray --- 2D texture array is supported.
.Texture_3d --- 3D textures are supported.
.TextureBlit --- Texture blit is supported.
.TextureCompareReserved --- All texture compare modes are supported.
.TextureCompareLequal --- Texture compare less equal mode is supported.
.TextureCubeArray --- Cubemap texture array is supported.
.TextureDirectAccess --- CPU direct access to GPU texture memory.
.TextureReadBack --- Read-back texture is supported.
.VertexAttribHalf --- Vertex attribute half-float is supported.
.VertexAttribUint10 --- Vertex attribute 10_10_10_2 is supported.
.VertexId --- Rendering with VertexID only is supported.
.TextureCompareAll { "TextureCompareReserved", "TextureCompareLequal" } --- All texture compare modes are supported.
flag.CapsFormat { bits = 16 }
.TextureNone --- Texture format is not supported.
.Texture_2d --- Texture format is supported.
.Texture_2dSrgb --- Texture as sRGB format is supported.
.Texture_2dEmulated --- Texture format is emulated.
.Texture_3d --- Texture format is supported.
.Texture_3dSrgb --- Texture as sRGB format is supported.
.Texture_3dEmulated --- Texture format is emulated.
.TextureCube --- Texture format is supported.
.TextureCubeSrgb --- Texture as sRGB format is supported.
.TextureCubeEmulated --- Texture format is emulated.
.TextureVertex --- Texture format can be used from vertex shader.
.TextureImage --- Texture format can be used as image from compute shader.
.TextureFramebuffer --- Texture format can be used as frame buffer.
.TextureFramebufferMsaa --- Texture format can be used as MSAA frame buffer.
.TextureMsaa --- Texture can be sampled as MSAA.
.TextureMipAutogen --- Texture format supports auto-generated mips.
flag.Resolve { bits = 8 }
.None --- No resolve flags.
.AutoGenMips --- Auto-generate mip maps on resolve.
flag.PciId { bits = 16 , const }
.None (0x0000) --- Autoselect adapter.
.SoftwareRasterizer (0x0001) --- Software rasterizer.
.Amd (0x1002) --- AMD adapter.
.Intel (0x8086) --- Intel adapter.
.Nvidia (0x10de) --- nVidia adapter.
flag.CubeMap { bits = 8, const }
.PositiveX (0x00) --- Cubemap +x.
.NegativeX (0x01) --- Cubemap -x.
.PositiveY (0x02) --- Cubemap +y.
.NegativeY (0x03) --- Cubemap -y.
.PositiveZ (0x04) --- Cubemap +z.
.NegativeZ (0x05) --- Cubemap -z.
--- Fatal error enum.
enum.Fatal { underscore, comment = "" }
() -- end of enum
--- Renderer backend type enum.
enum.RendererType { comment = "Renderer types:" }
.Noop --- No rendering.
.Direct3D9 --- Direct3D 9.0
.Direct3D11 --- Direct3D 11.0
.Direct3D12 --- Direct3D 12.0
.Gnm --- GNM
.Metal --- Metal
.Nvn --- NVN
.OpenGLES --- OpenGL ES 2.0+
.OpenGL --- OpenGL 2.1+
.Vulkan --- Vulkan
--- Access mode enum.
enum.Access { comment = "Access:" }
.Read --- Read.
.Write --- Write.
.ReadWrite --- Read and write.
--- Vertex attribute enum.
enum.Attrib { comment = "Corresponds to vertex shader attribute." }
.Position --- a_position
.Normal --- a_normal
.Tangent --- a_tangent
.Bitangent --- a_bitangent
.Color0 --- a_color0
.Color1 --- a_color1
.Color2 --- a_color2
.Color3 --- a_color3
.Indices --- a_indices
.Weight --- a_weight
.TexCoord0 --- a_texcoord0
.TexCoord1 --- a_texcoord1
.TexCoord2 --- a_texcoord2
.TexCoord3 --- a_texcoord3
.TexCoord4 --- a_texcoord4
.TexCoord5 --- a_texcoord5
.TexCoord6 --- a_texcoord6
.TexCoord7 --- a_texcoord7
--- Vertex attribute type enum.
enum.AttribType { comment = "Attribute types:" }
.Uint8 --- Uint8
.Uint10 --- Uint10, availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ATTRIB_UINT10`.
.Int16 --- Int16
.Half --- Half, availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ATTRIB_HALF`.
.Float --- Float
--- Texture format enum.
--- Notation:
--- RGBA16S
--- ^ ^ ^
--- | | +-- [ ]Unorm
--- | | [F]loat
--- | | [S]norm
--- | | [I]nt
--- | | [U]int
--- | +---- Number of bits per component
--- +-------- Components
--- @attention Availability depends on Caps (see: formats).
enum.TextureFormat { comment = "Texture formats:" }
.BC1 --- DXT1
.BC2 --- DXT3
.BC3 --- DXT5
.BC4 --- LATC1/ATI1
.BC5 --- LATC2/ATI2
.BC6H --- BC6H
.BC7 --- BC7
.ETC1 --- ETC1 RGB8
.ETC2 --- ETC2 RGB8
.ETC2A1 --- ETC2 RGB8A1
.ATCE --- ATCE RGBA 8 BPP explicit alpha
.ATCI --- ATCI RGBA 8 BPP interpolated alpha
.ASTC4x4 --- ASTC 4x4 8.0 BPP
.ASTC5x5 --- ASTC 5x5 5.12 BPP
.ASTC6x6 --- ASTC 6x6 3.56 BPP
.ASTC8x5 --- ASTC 8x5 3.20 BPP
.ASTC8x6 --- ASTC 8x6 2.67 BPP
.ASTC10x5 --- ASTC 10x5 2.56 BPP
.Unknown --- Compressed formats above.
.UnknownDepth --- Depth formats below.
--- Uniform type enum.
enum.UniformType { comment = "Uniform types:" }
.Sampler [[Sampler.]]
.End [[Reserved, do not use.]]
.Vec4 [[4 floats vector.]]
.Mat3 [[3x3 matrix.]]
.Mat4 [[4x4 matrix.]]
--- Backbuffer ratio enum.
enum.BackbufferRatio { comment = "Backbuffer ratios:" }
.Equal [[Equal to backbuffer.]]
.Half [[One half size of backbuffer.]]
.Quarter [[One quarter size of backbuffer.]]
.Eighth [[One eighth size of backbuffer.]]
.Sixteenth [[One sixteenth size of backbuffer.]]
.Double [[Double size of backbuffer.]]
--- Occlusion query result.
enum.OcclusionQueryResult { comment = "Occlusion query results:" }
.Invisible [[Query failed test.]]
.Visible [[Query passed test.]]
.NoResult [[Query result is not available yet.]]
--- Primitive topology.
enum.Topology { underscore, comment = "Primitive topology:" }
.TriList [[Triangle list.]]
.TriStrip [[Triangle strip.]]
.LineList [[Line list.]]
.LineStrip [[Line strip.]]
.PointList [[Point list.]]
--- Topology conversion function.
enum.TopologyConvert { underscore , comment = "Topology conversion functions:" }
.TriListFlipWinding [[Flip winding order of triangle list.]]
.TriStripFlipWinding [[Flip winding order of trinagle strip.]]
.TriListToLineList [[Convert triangle list to line list.]]
.TriStripToTriList [[Convert triangle strip to triangle list.]]
.LineStripToLineList [[Convert line strip to line list.]]
--- Topology sort order.
enum.TopologySort { underscore, comment = "Topology sort order:" , }
--- View mode sets draw call sort order.
enum.ViewMode { underscore, comment = "View modes:" }
.Default [[Default sort order.]]
.Sequential [[Sort in the same order in which submit calls were called.]]
.DepthAscending [[Sort draw call depth in ascending order.]]
.DepthDescending [[Sort draw call depth in descending order.]]
--- Render frame enum.
enum.RenderFrame { underscore, comment = "" }
.NoContext --- Renderer context is not created yet.
.Render --- Renderer context is created and rendering.
.Timeout --- Renderer context wait for main thread signal timed out without rendering.
.Exiting --- Renderer context is getting destroyed.
--- GPU info.
struct.GPU { namespace = "Caps" }
.vendorId "uint16_t" --- Vendor PCI id. See `BGFX_PCI_ID_*`.
.deviceId "uint16_t" --- Device id.
--- Renderer capabilities limits.
struct.Limits { namespace = "Caps" }
.maxDrawCalls "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of draw calls.
.maxBlits "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of blit calls.
.maxTextureSize "uint32_t" --- Maximum texture size.
.maxTextureLayers "uint32_t" --- Maximum texture layers.
.maxViews "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of views.
.maxFrameBuffers "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of frame buffer handles.
.maxFBAttachments "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of frame buffer attachments.
.maxPrograms "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of program handles.
.maxShaders "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of shader handles.
.maxTextures "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of texture handles.
.maxTextureSamplers "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of texture samplers.
.maxComputeBindings "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of compute bindings.
.maxVertexDecls "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of vertex format declarations.
.maxVertexStreams "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of vertex streams.
.maxIndexBuffers "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of index buffer handles.
.maxVertexBuffers "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of vertex buffer handles.
.maxDynamicIndexBuffers "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of dynamic index buffer handles.
.maxDynamicVertexBuffers "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of dynamic vertex buffer handles.
.maxUniforms "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of uniform handles.
.maxOcclusionQueries "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of occlusion query handles.
.maxEncoders "uint32_t" --- Maximum number of encoder threads.
.transientVbSize "uint32_t" --- Maximum transient vertex buffer size.
.transientIbSize "uint32_t" --- Maximum transient index buffer size.
--- Renderer capabilities.
.rendererType "RendererType::Enum" --- Renderer backend type. See: `bgfx::RendererType`
.supported "uint64_t" --- Supported functionality.
--- @attention See BGFX_CAPS_* flags at
.vendorId "uint16_t" --- Selected GPU vendor PCI id.
.deviceId "uint16_t" --- Selected GPU device id.
.homogeneousDepth "bool" --- True when NDC depth is in [-1, 1] range, otherwise its [0, 1].
.originBottomLeft "bool" --- True when NDC origin is at bottom left.
.numGPUs "uint8_t" --- Number of enumerated GPUs.
.gpu "GPU[4]" --- Enumerated GPUs.
.limits "Limits"
.formats "uint16_t[TextureFormat::Count]"
--- Supported texture format capabilities flags:
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_NONE` - Texture format is not supported.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2D` - Texture format is supported.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2D_SRGB` - Texture as sRGB format is supported.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2D_EMULATED` - Texture format is emulated.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3D` - Texture format is supported.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3D_SRGB` - Texture as sRGB format is supported.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3D_EMULATED` - Texture format is emulated.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_CUBE` - Texture format is supported.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_CUBE_SRGB` - Texture as sRGB format is supported.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_CUBE_EMULATED` - Texture format is emulated.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_VERTEX` - Texture format can be used from vertex shader.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_IMAGE` - Texture format can be used as image from compute
--- shader.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_FRAMEBUFFER` - Texture format can be used as frame
--- buffer.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_FRAMEBUFFER_MSAA` - Texture format can be used as MSAA
--- frame buffer.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_MSAA` - Texture can be sampled as MSAA.
--- - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_MIP_AUTOGEN` - Texture format supports auto-generated
--- mips.
--- Internal data.
.caps "const Caps*" --- Renderer capabilities.
.context "void*" --- GL context, or D3D device.
--- Platform data.
struct.PlatformData { ctor }
.ndt "void*" --- Native display type.
.nwh "void*" --- Native window handle.
.context "void*" --- GL context, or D3D device.
.backBuffer "void*" --- GL backbuffer, or D3D render target view.
.backBufferDS "void*" --- Backbuffer depth/stencil.
--- Backbuffer resolution and reset parameters.
struct.Resolution { ctor }
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Backbuffer format.
.width "uint32_t" --- Backbuffer width.
.height "uint32_t" --- Backbuffer height.
.reset "uint32_t" --- Reset parameters.
.numBackBuffers "uint8_t" --- Number of back buffers.
.maxFrameLatency "uint8_t" --- Maximum frame latency.
struct.Limits { namespace = "Init" }
.maxEncoders "uint16_t" --- Maximum number of encoder threads.
.transientVbSize "uint32_t" --- Maximum transient vertex buffer size.
.transientIbSize "uint32_t" --- Maximum transient index buffer size.
--- Initialization parameters used by `bgfx::init`.
struct.Init { ctor }
.type "RendererType::Enum" --- Select rendering backend. When set to RendererType::Count
--- a default rendering backend will be selected appropriate to the platform.
--- See: `bgfx::RendererType`
.vendorId "uint16_t" --- Vendor PCI id. If set to `BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE` it will select the first
--- device.
--- - `BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE` - Autoselect adapter.
--- - `BGFX_PCI_ID_SOFTWARE_RASTERIZER` - Software rasterizer.
--- - `BGFX_PCI_ID_AMD` - AMD adapter.
--- - `BGFX_PCI_ID_INTEL` - Intel adapter.
--- - `BGFX_PCI_ID_NVIDIA` - nVidia adapter.
.deviceId "uint16_t" --- Device id. If set to 0 it will select first device, or device with
--- matching id.
.debug "bool" --- Enable device for debuging.
.profile "bool" --- Enable device for profiling.
.platformData "PlatformData" --- Platform data.
.resolution "Resolution" --- Backbuffer resolution and reset parameters. See: `bgfx::Resolution`.
.limits "Limits"
.callback "CallbackI*" --- Provide application specific callback interface.
--- See: `bgfx::CallbackI`
.allocator "bx::AllocatorI*" --- Custom allocator. When a custom allocator is not
--- specified, bgfx uses the CRT allocator. Bgfx assumes
--- custom allocator is thread safe.
--- Memory must be obtained by calling `bgfx::alloc`, `bgfx::copy`, or `bgfx::makeRef`.
--- @attention It is illegal to create this structure on stack and pass it to any bgfx API.
.data "uint8_t*" [[Pointer to data.]]
.size "uint32_t" [[Data size.]]
--- Transient index buffer.
.data "uint8_t*" --- Pointer to data.
.size "uint32_t" --- Data size.
.startIndex "uint32_t" --- First index.
.handle "IndexBufferHandle" --- Index buffer handle.
--- Transient vertex buffer.
.data "uint8_t*" --- Pointer to data.
.size "uint32_t" --- Data size.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First vertex.
.stride "uint16_t" --- Vertex stride.
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer handle.
.decl "VertexDeclHandle" --- Vertex declaration handle.
--- Instance data buffer info.
.data "uint8_t*" --- Pointer to data.
.size "uint32_t" --- Data size.
.offset "uint32_t" --- Offset in vertex buffer.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of instances.
.stride "uint16_t" --- Vertex buffer stride.
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer object handle.
--- Texture info.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format.
.storageSize "uint32_t" --- Total amount of bytes required to store texture.
.width "uint16_t" --- Texture width.
.height "uint16_t" --- Texture height.
.depth "uint16_t" --- Texture depth.
.numLayers "uint16_t" --- Number of layers in texture array.
.numMips "uint8_t" --- Number of MIP maps.
.bitsPerPixel "uint8_t" --- Format bits per pixel.
.cubeMap "bool" --- Texture is cubemap.
--- Uniform info.
.name "char[256]" --- Uniform name.
.type "UniformType::Enum" --- Uniform type.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of elements in array.
--- Frame buffer texture attachment info.
struct.Attachment { shortname }
.access "Access::Enum" --- Attachement access. See `Access::Enum`.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Render target texture handle.
.mip "uint16_t" --- Mip level.
.layer "uint16_t" --- Cubemap side or depth layer/slice.
.resolve "uint8_t" --- Resolve flags. See: `BGFX_RESOLVE_*`
--- Init attachment.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Render target texture handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Access. See `Access::Enum`.
{ default = "Access::Write" }
.layer "uint16_t" --- Cubemap side or depth layer/slice.
{ default = 0 }
.mip "uint16_t" --- Mip level.
{ default = 0 }
.resolve "uint8_t" --- Resolve flags. See: `BGFX_RESOLVE_*`
--- Transform data.
.data "float*" --- Pointer to first 4x4 matrix.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of matrices.
--- View stats.
.name "char[256]" --- View name.
.view "ViewId" --- View id.
.cpuTimeElapsed "int64_t" --- CPU (submit) time elapsed.
.gpuTimeElapsed "int64_t" --- GPU time elapsed.
--- Encoder stats.
.cpuTimeBegin "int64_t" --- Encoder thread CPU submit begin time.
.cpuTimeEnd "int64_t" --- Encoder thread CPU submit end time.
--- Renderer statistics data.
--- @remarks All time values are high-resolution timestamps, while
--- time frequencies define timestamps-per-second for that hardware.
.cpuTimeFrame "int64_t" --- CPU time between two `bgfx::frame` calls.
.cpuTimeBegin "int64_t" --- Render thread CPU submit begin time.
.cpuTimeEnd "int64_t" --- Render thread CPU submit end time.
.cpuTimerFreq "int64_t" --- CPU timer frequency. Timestamps-per-second
.gpuTimeBegin "int64_t" --- GPU frame begin time.
.gpuTimeEnd "int64_t" --- GPU frame end time.
.gpuTimerFreq "int64_t" --- GPU timer frequency.
.waitRender "int64_t" --- Time spent waiting for render backend thread to finish issuing draw commands to underlying graphics API.
.waitSubmit "int64_t" --- Time spent waiting for submit thread to advance to next frame.
.numDraw "uint32_t" --- Number of draw calls submitted.
.numCompute "uint32_t" --- Number of compute calls submitted.
.numBlit "uint32_t" --- Number of blit calls submitted.
.maxGpuLatency "uint32_t" --- GPU driver latency.
.numDynamicIndexBuffers "uint16_t" --- Number of used dynamic index buffers.
.numDynamicVertexBuffers "uint16_t" --- Number of used dynamic vertex buffers.
.numFrameBuffers "uint16_t" --- Number of used frame buffers.
.numIndexBuffers "uint16_t" --- Number of used index buffers.
.numOcclusionQueries "uint16_t" --- Number of used occlusion queries.
.numPrograms "uint16_t" --- Number of used programs.
.numShaders "uint16_t" --- Number of used shaders.
.numTextures "uint16_t" --- Number of used textures.
.numUniforms "uint16_t" --- Number of used uniforms.
.numVertexBuffers "uint16_t" --- Number of used vertex buffers.
.numVertexDecls "uint16_t" --- Number of used vertex declarations.
.textureMemoryUsed "int64_t" --- Estimate of texture memory used.
.rtMemoryUsed "int64_t" --- Estimate of render target memory used.
.transientVbUsed "int32_t" --- Amount of transient vertex buffer used.
.transientIbUsed "int32_t" --- Amount of transient index buffer used.
.numPrims "uint32_t[Topology::Count]" --- Number of primitives rendered.
.gpuMemoryMax "int64_t" --- Maximum available GPU memory for application.
.gpuMemoryUsed "int64_t" --- Amount of GPU memory used by the application.
.width "uint16_t" --- Backbuffer width in pixels.
.height "uint16_t" --- Backbuffer height in pixels.
.textWidth "uint16_t" --- Debug text width in characters.
.textHeight "uint16_t" --- Debug text height in characters.
.numViews "uint16_t" --- Number of view stats.
.viewStats "ViewStats*" --- Array of View stats.
.numEncoders "uint8_t" --- Number of encoders used during frame.
.encoderStats "EncoderStats*" --- Array of encoder stats.
--- Vertex declaration.
struct.VertexDecl { ctor }
.hash "uint32_t" --- Hash.
.stride "uint16_t" --- Stride.
.offset "uint16_t[Attrib::Count]" --- Attribute offsets.
.attributes "uint16_t[Attrib::Count]" --- Used attributes.
--- Encoders are used for submitting draw calls from multiple threads. Only one encoder
--- per thread should be used. Use `bgfx::begin()` to obtain an encoder for a thread.
struct.Encoder {}
handle "DynamicIndexBufferHandle"
handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle"
handle "FrameBufferHandle"
handle "IndexBufferHandle"
handle "IndirectBufferHandle"
handle "OcclusionQueryHandle"
handle "ProgramHandle"
handle "ShaderHandle"
handle "TextureHandle"
handle "UniformHandle"
handle "VertexBufferHandle"
handle "VertexDeclHandle"
--- Start VertexDecl.
.rendererType "RendererType::Enum"
{ default = "RendererType::Noop" }
--- Add attribute to VertexDecl.
--- @remarks Must be called between begin/end.
.attrib "Attrib::Enum" --- Attribute semantics. See: `bgfx::Attrib`
.num "uint8_t" --- Number of elements 1, 2, 3 or 4.
.type "AttribType::Enum" --- Element type.
.normalized "bool" --- When using fixed point AttribType (f.e. Uint8)
{ default = false } --- value will be normalized for vertex shader usage. When normalized
--- is set to true, AttribType::Uint8 value in range 0-255 will be
--- in range 0.0-1.0 in vertex shader.
.asInt "bool" --- Packaging rule for vertexPack, vertexUnpack, and
{ default = false } --- vertexConvert for AttribType::Uint8 and AttribType::Int16.
--- Unpacking code must be implemented inside vertex shader.
--- Decode attribute.
func.VertexDecl.decode { const }
.attrib "Attrib::Enum" --- Attribute semantics. See: `bgfx::Attrib`
.num "uint8_t &" { out } --- Number of elements.
.type "AttribType::Enum &" { out } --- Element type.
.normalized "bool &" { out } --- Attribute is normalized.
.asInt "bool &" { out } --- Attribute is packed as int.
--- Returns true if VertexDecl contains attribute.
func.VertexDecl.has { const }
.attrib "Attrib::Enum" --- Attribute semantics. See: `bgfx::Attrib`
--- Skip `_num` bytes in vertex stream.
.num "uint8_t"
-- Notice: `end` is a keyword in lua.
--- End VertexDecl.
--- Returns relative attribute offset from the vertex.
func.VertexDecl.getOffset { const , cpponly }
.attrib "Attrib::Enum" --- Attribute semantics. See: `bgfx::Attrib`
--- Returns vertex stride.
func.VertexDecl.getStride { const , cpponly }
--- Returns size of vertex buffer for number of vertices.
func.VertexDecl.getSize { const, cpponly }
.num "uint32_t"
--- Pack vertex attribute into vertex stream format.
.input "const float[4]" --- Value to be packed into vertex stream.
.inputNormalized "bool" --- `true` if input value is already normalized.
.attr "Attrib::Enum" --- Attribute to pack.
.decl "const VertexDecl &" --- Vertex stream declaration.
.data "void*" --- Destination vertex stream where data will be packed.
.index "uint32_t" --- Vertex index that will be modified.
{ default = 0 }
--- Unpack vertex attribute from vertex stream format.
.output "float[4]" { out } --- Result of unpacking.
.attr "Attrib::Enum" --- Attribute to unpack.
.decl "const VertexDecl &" --- Vertex stream declaration.
.data "const void*" --- Source vertex stream from where data will be unpacked.
.index "uint32_t" --- Vertex index that will be unpacked.
{ default = 0 }
--- Converts vertex stream data from one vertex stream format to another.
.dstDecl "const VertexDecl &" --- Destination vertex stream declaration.
.dstData "void*" --- Destination vertex stream.
.srcDecl "const VertexDecl &" --- Source vertex stream declaration.
.srcData "const void*" --- Source vertex stream data.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices to convert from source to destination.
{ default = 1 }
--- Weld vertices.
"uint16_t" --- Number of unique vertices after vertex welding.
.output "uint16_t*" --- Welded vertices remapping table. The size of buffer
--- must be the same as number of vertices.
.decl "const VertexDecl &" --- Vertex stream declaration.
.data "const void*" --- Vertex stream.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of vertices in vertex stream.
.epsilon "float" --- Error tolerance for vertex position comparison.
{ default = "0.001f" }
--- Convert index buffer for use with different primitive topologies.
"uint32_t" --- Number of output indices after conversion.
.conversion "TopologyConvert::Enum" --- Conversion type, see `TopologyConvert::Enum`.
.dst "void*" { out } --- Destination index buffer. If this argument is NULL
--- function will return number of indices after conversion.
.dstSize "uint32_t" --- Destination index buffer in bytes. It must be
--- large enough to contain output indices. If destination size is
--- insufficient index buffer will be truncated.
.indices "const void*" --- Source indices.
.numIndices "uint32_t" --- Number of input indices.
.index32 "bool" --- Set to `true` if input indices are 32-bit.
--- Sort indices.
.sort "TopologySort::Enum" --- Sort order, see `TopologySort::Enum`.
.dst "void*" { out } --- Destination index buffer.
.dstSize "uint32_t" --- Destination index buffer in bytes. It must be
--- large enough to contain output indices. If destination size is
--- insufficient index buffer will be truncated.
.dir "const float[3]" --- Direction (vector must be normalized).
.pos "const float[3]" --- Position.
.vertices "const void*" --- Pointer to first vertex represented as
--- float x, y, z. Must contain at least number of vertices
--- referencende by index buffer.
.stride "uint32_t" --- Vertex stride.
.indices "const void*" --- Source indices.
.numIndices "uint32_t" --- Number of input indices.
.index32 "bool" --- Set to `true` if input indices are 32-bit.
--- Returns supported backend API renderers.
"uint8_t" --- Number of supported renderers.
.max "uint8_t" --- Maximum number of elements in _enum array.
{ default = 0 }
.enum "RendererType::Enum*" { inout } --- Array where supported renderers will be written.
{ default = NULL }
--- Returns name of renderer.
"const char*" --- Name of renderer.
.type "RendererType::Enum" --- Renderer backend type. See: `bgfx::RendererType`
func.initCtor { cfunc }
.init "Init*"
--- Initialize bgfx library.
func.init { cfunc }
"bool" --- `true` if initialization was successful.
.init "const Init &" --- Initialization parameters. See: `bgfx::Init` for more info.
--- Shutdown bgfx library.
--- Reset graphic settings and back-buffer size.
--- @attention This call doesn't actually change window size, it just
--- resizes back-buffer. Windowing code has to change window size.
.width "uint32_t" --- Back-buffer width.
.height "uint32_t" --- Back-buffer height.
.flags "uint32_t" --- See: `BGFX_RESET_*` for more info.
{ default = "BGFX_RESET_NONE" } --- - `BGFX_RESET_NONE` - No reset flags.
--- - `BGFX_RESET_FULLSCREEN` - Not supported yet.
--- - `BGFX_RESET_MSAA_X[2/4/8/16]` - Enable 2, 4, 8 or 16 x MSAA.
--- - `BGFX_RESET_VSYNC` - Enable V-Sync.
--- - `BGFX_RESET_MAXANISOTROPY` - Turn on/off max anisotropy.
--- - `BGFX_RESET_CAPTURE` - Begin screen capture.
--- - `BGFX_RESET_FLUSH_AFTER_RENDER` - Flush rendering after submitting to GPU.
--- - `BGFX_RESET_FLIP_AFTER_RENDER` - This flag specifies where flip
--- occurs. Default behavior is that flip occurs before rendering new
--- frame. This flag only has effect when `BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED=0`.
--- - `BGFX_RESET_SRGB_BACKBUFFER` - Enable sRGB backbuffer.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
{ default = "TextureFormat::Count" }
--- Advance to next frame. When using multithreaded renderer, this call
--- just swaps internal buffers, kicks render thread, and returns. In
--- singlethreaded renderer this call does frame rendering.
"uint32_t" --- Current frame number. This might be used in conjunction with
--- double/multi buffering data outside the library and passing it to
--- library via `bgfx::makeRef` calls.
.capture "bool" --- Capture frame with graphics debugger.
{ default = false }
--- Returns current renderer backend API type.
--- @remarks
--- Library must be initialized.
"RendererType::Enum" --- Renderer backend type. See: `bgfx::RendererType`
--- Returns renderer capabilities.
--- @remarks
--- Library must be initialized.
"const Caps*" --- Pointer to static `bgfx::Caps` structure.
--- Returns performance counters.
--- @attention Pointer returned is valid until `bgfx::frame` is called.
"const Stats*" -- Performance counters.
--- Allocate buffer to pass to bgfx calls. Data will be freed inside bgfx.
"const Memory*" --- Allocated memory.
.size "uint32_t" --- Size to allocate.
--- Allocate buffer and copy data into it. Data will be freed inside bgfx.
"const Memory*" --- Allocated memory.
.data "const void*" --- Pointer to data to be copied.
.size "uint32_t" --- Size of data to be copied.
--- Make reference to data to pass to bgfx. Unlike `bgfx::alloc`, this call
--- doesn't allocate memory for data. It just copies the _data pointer. You
--- can pass `ReleaseFn` function pointer to release this memory after it's
--- consumed, otherwise you must make sure _data is available for at least 2
--- `bgfx::frame` calls. `ReleaseFn` function must be able to be called
--- from any thread.
--- @attention Data passed must be available for at least 2 `bgfx::frame` calls.
func.makeRef { conly }
"const Memory*" --- Referenced memory.
.data "const void*" --- Pointer to data.
.size "uint32_t" --- Size of data.
--- Make reference to data to pass to bgfx. Unlike `bgfx::alloc`, this call
--- doesn't allocate memory for data. It just copies the _data pointer. You
--- can pass `ReleaseFn` function pointer to release this memory after it's
--- consumed, otherwise you must make sure _data is available for at least 2
--- `bgfx::frame` calls. `ReleaseFn` function must be able to be called
--- from any thread.
--- @attention Data passed must be available for at least 2 `bgfx::frame` calls.
func.makeRef { cname = "make_ref_release" }
"const Memory*" --- Referenced memory.
.data "const void*" --- Pointer to data.
.size "uint32_t" --- Size of data.
.releaseFn "ReleaseFn" --- Callback function to release memory after use.
{ default = NULL }
.userData "void*" --- User data to be passed to callback function.
{ default = NULL }
--- Set debug flags.
.debug "uint32_t" --- Available flags:
--- - `BGFX_DEBUG_IFH` - Infinitely fast hardware. When this flag is set
--- all rendering calls will be skipped. This is useful when profiling
--- to quickly assess potential bottlenecks between CPU and GPU.
--- - `BGFX_DEBUG_PROFILER` - Enable profiler.
--- - `BGFX_DEBUG_STATS` - Display internal statistics.
--- - `BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT` - Display debug text.
--- - `BGFX_DEBUG_WIREFRAME` - Wireframe rendering. All rendering
--- primitives will be rendered as lines.
--- Clear internal debug text buffer.
.attr "uint8_t" --- Background color.
{ default = 0 }
.small "bool" --- Default 8x16 or 8x8 font.
{ default = false }
--- Print formatted data to internal debug text character-buffer (VGA-compatible text mode).
func.dbgTextPrintf { vararg = "dbgTextPrintfVargs" }
.x "uint16_t" --- Position x from the left corner of the window.
.y "uint16_t" --- Position y from the top corner of the window.
.attr "uint8_t" --- Color palette. Where top 4-bits represent index of background, and bottom
--- 4-bits represent foreground color from standard VGA text palette (ANSI escape codes).
.format "const char*" --- `printf` style format.
--- Print formatted data from variable argument list to internal debug text character-buffer (VGA-compatible text mode).
func.dbgTextPrintfVargs { cname = "dbg_text_vprintf" }
.x "uint16_t" --- Position x from the left corner of the window.
.y "uint16_t" --- Position y from the top corner of the window.
.attr "uint8_t" --- Color palette. Where top 4-bits represent index of background, and bottom
--- 4-bits represent foreground color from standard VGA text palette (ANSI escape codes).
.format "const char*" --- `printf` style format.
.argList "va_list" --- Variable arguments list for format string.
--- Draw image into internal debug text buffer.
.x "uint16_t" --- Position x from the left corner of the window.
.y "uint16_t" --- Position y from the top corner of the window.
.width "uint16_t" --- Image width.
.height "uint16_t" --- Image height.
.data "const void*" --- Raw image data (character/attribute raw encoding).
.pitch "uint16_t" --- Image pitch in bytes.
--- Create static index buffer.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Index buffer data.
.flags "uint16_t" --- Buffer creation flags.
{ default = "BGFX_BUFFER_NONE" } --- - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
--- is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
--- data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
--- will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
--- buffers.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
--- index buffers.
--- Set static index buffer debug name.
func.setName { cname = "set_index_buffer_name" }
.handle "IndexBufferHandle" --- Static index buffer handle.
.name "const char*" --- Static index buffer name.
.len "int32_t" --- Static index buffer name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
{ default = INT32_MAX } --- that _name is zero terminated string.
--- Destroy static index buffer.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_index_buffer" }
.handle "IndexBufferHandle" --- Static index buffer handle.
--- Create vertex declaration.
.decl "const VertexDecl &" --- Vertex declaration.
--- Destroy vertex declaration.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_vertex_decl" }
.handle "VertexDeclHandle" --- Vertex declaration handle.
--- Create static vertex buffer.
"VertexBufferHandle" --- Static vertex buffer handle.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Vertex buffer data.
.decl "const VertexDecl &" --- Vertex declaration.
.flags "uint16_t" --- Buffer creation flags.
{ default = "BGFX_BUFFER_NONE" } --- - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
--- is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
--- data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
--- will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic buffers.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on index buffers.
--- Set static vertex buffer debug name.
func.setName { cname = "set_vertex_buffer_name" }
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Static vertex buffer handle.
.name "const char*" --- Static vertex buffer name.
.len "int32_t" --- Static vertex buffer name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
{ default = INT32_MAX } --- that _name is zero terminated string.
--- Destroy static vertex buffer.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_vertex_buffer" }
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Static vertex buffer handle.
--- Create empty dynamic index buffer.
"DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer handle.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of indices.
.flags "uint16_t" --- Buffer creation flags.
{ default = "BGFX_BUFFER_NONE" } --- - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
--- is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
--- data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
--- will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
--- buffers.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
--- index buffers.
--- Create dynamic index buffer and initialized it.
func.createDynamicIndexBuffer { cname = "create_dynamic_index_buffer_mem" }
"DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer handle.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Index buffer data.
.flags "uint16_t" --- Buffer creation flags.
{ default = "BGFX_BUFFER_NONE" } --- - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
--- is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
--- data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
--- will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
--- buffers.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
--- index buffers.
--- Update dynamic index buffer.
func.update { cname = "update_dynamic_index_buffer" }
.handle "DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer handle.
.startIndex "uint32_t" --- Start index.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Index buffer data.
--- Destroy dynamic index buffer.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_dynamic_index_buffer" }
.handle "DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer handle.
--- Create empty dynamic vertex buffer.
"DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices.
.decl "const VertexDecl&" --- Vertex declaration.
.flags "uint16_t" --- Buffer creation flags.
{ default = "BGFX_BUFFER_NONE" } --- - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
--- is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
--- data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
--- will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
--- buffers.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
--- index buffers.
--- Create dynamic vertex buffer and initialize it.
func.createDynamicVertexBuffer { cname = "create_dynamic_vertex_buffer_mem" }
"DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Vertex buffer data.
.decl "const VertexDecl&" --- Vertex declaration.
.flags "uint16_t" --- Buffer creation flags.
{ default = "BGFX_BUFFER_NONE" } --- - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
--- is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
--- data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
--- will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
--- buffers.
--- - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
--- index buffers.
--- Update dynamic vertex buffer.
func.update { cname = "update_dynamic_vertex_buffer" }
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- Start vertex.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Vertex buffer data.
--- Destroy dynamic vertex buffer.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_dynamic_vertex_buffer" }
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
--- Returns number of requested or maximum available indices.
"uint32_t" --- Number of requested or maximum available indices.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of required indices.
--- Returns number of requested or maximum available vertices.
"uint32_t" --- Number of requested or maximum available vertices.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of required vertices.
.decl "const VertexDecl &" --- Vertex declaration.
--- Returns number of requested or maximum available instance buffer slots.
"uint32_t" --- Number of requested or maximum available instance buffer slots.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of required instances.
.stride "uint16_t" --- Stride per instance.
--- Allocate transient index buffer.
--- @remarks
--- Only 16-bit index buffer is supported.
.tib "TransientIndexBuffer*" { out } --- TransientIndexBuffer structure is filled and is valid
--- for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
--- calls.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of indices to allocate.
--- Allocate transient vertex buffer.
.tvb "TransientVertexBuffer*" { out } --- TransientVertexBuffer structure is filled and is valid
--- for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
--- calls.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices to allocate.
.decl "const VertexDecl &" --- Vertex declaration.
--- Check for required space and allocate transient vertex and index
--- buffers. If both space requirements are satisfied function returns
--- true.
--- @remarks
--- Only 16-bit index buffer is supported.
.tvb "TransientVertexBuffer*" { out } --- TransientVertexBuffer structure is filled and is valid
--- for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
--- calls.
.decl "const VertexDecl &" --- Number of vertices to allocate.
.numVertices "uint32_t" --- Vertex declaration.
.tib "TransientIndexBuffer*" { out } --- TransientIndexBuffer structure is filled and is valid
--- for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
--- calls.
.numIndices "uint32_t" --- Number of indices to allocate.
--- Allocate instance data buffer.
.idb "InstanceDataBuffer*" { out } --- InstanceDataBuffer structure is filled and is valid
--- for duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
--- calls.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of instances.
.stride "uint16_t" --- Instance stride. Must be multiple of 16.
--- Create draw indirect buffer.
"IndirectBufferHandle" --- Indirect buffer handle.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of indirect calls.
--- Destroy draw indirect buffer.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_indirect_buffer" }
.handle "IndirectBufferHandle" --- Indirect buffer handle.
--- Create shader from memory buffer.
"ShaderHandle" --- Shader handle.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Shader binary.
--- Returns the number of uniforms and uniform handles used inside a shader.
--- @remarks
--- Only non-predefined uniforms are returned.
"uint16_t" --- Number of uniforms used by shader.
.handle "ShaderHandle" --- Shader handle.
.uniforms "UniformHandle*" { out } --- UniformHandle array where data will be stored.
{ default = NULL }
.max "uint16_t" --- Maximum capacity of array.
{ default = 0 }
--- Set shader debug name.
func.setName { cname = "set_shader_name" }
.handle "ShaderHandle" --- Shader handle.
.name "const char*" --- Shader name.
.len "int32_t" --- Shader name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
{ default = INT32_MAX } --- that _name is zero terminated string).
--- Destroy shader.
--- @remark Once a shader program is created with _handle,
--- it is safe to destroy that shader.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_shader" }
.handle "ShaderHandle" --- Shader handle.
--- Create program with vertex and fragment shaders.
"ProgramHandle" --- Program handle if vertex shader output and fragment shader
--- input are matching, otherwise returns invalid program handle.
.vsh "ShaderHandle" --- Vertex shader.
.fsh "ShaderHandle" --- Fragment shader.
.destroyShaders "bool" --- If true, shaders will be destroyed when program is destroyed.
{ default = false }
--- Create program with compute shader.
func.createProgram { cname = "create_compute_program" }
"ProgramHandle" --- Program handle.
.csh "ShaderHandle" --- Compute shader.
.destroyShaders "bool" --- If true, shaders will be destroyed when program is destroyed.
{ default = false }
--- Destroy program.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_program" }
.handle "ProgramHandle" --- Program handle.
--- Validate texture parameters.
"bool" --- True if texture can be successfully created.
.depth "uint16_t" --- Depth dimension of volume texture.
.cubeMap "bool" --- Indicates that texture contains cubemap.
.numLayers "uint16_t" --- Number of layers in texture array.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
.flags "uint64_t" --- Texture flags. See `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.
--- Calculate amount of memory required for texture.
.info "TextureInfo &" { out } --- Resulting texture info structure. See: `TextureInfo`.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height.
.depth "uint16_t" --- Depth dimension of volume texture.
.cubeMap "bool" --- Indicates that texture contains cubemap.
.hasMips "bool" --- Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
.numLayers "uint16_t" --- Number of layers in texture array.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
--- Create texture from memory buffer.
"TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.mem "const Memory*" --- DDS, KTX or PVR texture binary data.
.flags "uint64_t" --- Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
{ "BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE|BGFX_SAMPLER_NONE" } --- flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
.skip "uint8_t" --- Skip top level mips when parsing texture.
{ default = 0 }
.info "TextureInfo*" { out } --- When non-`NULL` is specified it returns parsed texture information.
{ default = NULL }
--- Create 2D texture.
"TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height.
.hasMips "bool" --- Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
.numLayers "uint16_t" --- Number of layers in texture array. Must be 1 if caps
--- `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY` flag is not set.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
.flags "uint64_t" --- Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
{ "BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE|BGFX_SAMPLER_NONE" } --- flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Texture data. If `_mem` is non-NULL, created texture will be immutable. If
{ default = NULL } --- `_mem` is NULL content of the texture is uninitialized. When `_numLayers` is more than
--- 1, expected memory layout is texture and all mips together for each array element.
--- Create texture with size based on backbuffer ratio. Texture will maintain ratio
--- if back buffer resolution changes.
func.createTexture2D { cname = "create_texture_2d_scaled" }
"TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.ratio "BackbufferRatio::Enum" --- Texture size in respect to back-buffer size. See: `BackbufferRatio::Enum`.
.hasMips "bool" --- Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
.numLayers "uint16_t" --- Number of layers in texture array. Must be 1 if caps
--- `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY` flag is not set.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
.flags "uint64_t" --- Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
--- flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
--- Create 3D texture.
"TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height.
.depth "uint16_t" --- Depth.
.hasMips "bool" --- Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
.flags "uint64_t" --- Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
--- flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Texture data. If `_mem` is non-NULL, created texture will be immutable. If
{ default = NULL } --- `_mem` is NULL content of the texture is uninitialized. When `_numLayers` is more than
--- 1, expected memory layout is texture and all mips together for each array element.
--- Create Cube texture.
"TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.size "uint16_t" --- Cube side size.
.hasMips "bool" --- Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
.numLayers "uint16_t" --- Number of layers in texture array. Must be 1 if caps
--- `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY` flag is not set.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
.flags "uint64_t" --- Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
--- flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Texture data. If `_mem` is non-NULL, created texture will be immutable. If
{ default = NULL } --- `_mem` is NULL content of the texture is uninitialized. When `_numLayers` is more than
--- 1, expected memory layout is texture and all mips together for each array element.
--- Update 2D texture.
--- @attention It's valid to update only mutable texture. See `bgfx::createTexture2D` for more info.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.layer "uint16_t" --- Layer in texture array.
.mip "uint8_t" --- Mip level.
.x "uint16_t" --- X offset in texture.
.y "uint16_t" --- Y offset in texture.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of texture block.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of texture block.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Texture update data.
.pitch "uint16_t" --- Pitch of input image (bytes). When _pitch is set to
--- UINT16_MAX, it will be calculated internally based on _width.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
--- Update 3D texture.
--- @attention It's valid to update only mutable texture. See `bgfx::createTexture3D` for more info.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.mip "uint8_t" --- Mip level.
.x "uint16_t" --- X offset in texture.
.y "uint16_t" --- Y offset in texture.
.z "uint16_t" --- Z offset in texture.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of texture block.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of texture block.
.depth "uint16_t" --- Depth of texture block.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Texture update data.
--- Update Cube texture.
--- @attention It's valid to update only mutable texture. See `bgfx::createTextureCube` for more info.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.layer "uint16_t" --- Layer in texture array.
.side "uint8_t" --- Cubemap side `BGFX_CUBE_MAP_<POSITIVE or NEGATIVE>_<X, Y or Z>`,
--- where 0 is +X, 1 is -X, 2 is +Y, 3 is -Y, 4 is +Z, and 5 is -Z.
--- +----------+
--- |-z 2|
--- | ^ +y |
--- | | | Unfolded cube:
--- | +---->+x |
--- +----------+----------+----------+----------+
--- |+y 1|+y 4|+y 0|+y 5|
--- | ^ -x | ^ +z | ^ +x | ^ -z |
--- | | | | | | | | |
--- | +---->+z | +---->+x | +---->-z | +---->-x |
--- +----------+----------+----------+----------+
--- |+z 3|
--- | ^ -y |
--- | | |
--- | +---->+x |
--- +----------+
.mip "uint8_t" --- Mip level.
.x "uint16_t" --- X offset in texture.
.y "uint16_t" --- Y offset in texture.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of texture block.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of texture block.
.mem "const Memory*" --- Texture update data.
.pitch "uint16_t" --- Pitch of input image (bytes). When _pitch is set to
--- UINT16_MAX, it will be calculated internally based on _width.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
--- Read back texture content.
--- @attention Texture must be created with `BGFX_TEXTURE_READ_BACK` flag.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_READ_BACK`.
"uint32_t" --- Frame number when the result will be available. See: `bgfx::frame`.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.data "void*" --- Destination buffer.
.mip "uint8_t" --- Mip level.
{ default = 0 }
--- Set texture debug name.
func.setName { cname = "set_texture_name" }
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.name "const char*" --- Texture name.
.len "int32_t" --- Texture name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
{ default = INT32_MAX } --- that _name is zero terminated string.
--- Returns texture direct access pointer.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_DIRECT_ACCESS`. This feature
--- is available on GPUs that have unified memory architecture (UMA) support.
"void*" --- Pointer to texture memory. If returned pointer is `NULL` direct access
--- is not available for this texture. If pointer is `UINTPTR_MAX` sentinel value
--- it means texture is pending creation. Pointer returned can be cached and it
--- will be valid until texture is destroyed.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
--- Destroy texture.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_texture" }
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
--- Create frame buffer (simple).
"FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle.
.width "uint16_t" --- Texture width.
.height "uint16_t" --- Texture height.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
.textureFlags "uint64_t" --- Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
--- flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
--- Create frame buffer with size based on backbuffer ratio. Frame buffer will maintain ratio
--- if back buffer resolution changes.
func.createFrameBuffer { cname = "create_frame_buffer_scaled" }
"FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle.
.ratio "BackbufferRatio::Enum" --- Frame buffer size in respect to back-buffer size. See:
--- `BackbufferRatio::Enum`.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
.textureFlags "uint64_t" --- Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
--- flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
--- Create MRT frame buffer from texture handles (simple).
func.createFrameBuffer { cname = "create_frame_buffer_from_handles" }
"FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle.
.num "uint8_t" --- Number of texture handles.
.handles "const TextureHandle*" --- Texture attachments.
.destroyTexture "bool" --- If true, textures will be destroyed when
{ default = false } --- frame buffer is destroyed.
--- Create MRT frame buffer from texture handles with specific layer and
--- mip level.
func.createFrameBuffer { cname = "create_frame_buffer_from_attachment" }
"FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle.
.num "uint8_t" --- Number of attachements.
.attachment "const Attachment*" --- Attachment texture info. See: `bgfx::Attachment`.
.destroyTexture "bool" --- If true, textures will be destroyed when
{ default = false } --- frame buffer is destroyed.
--- Create frame buffer for multiple window rendering.
--- @remarks
--- Frame buffer cannot be used for sampling.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_SWAP_CHAIN`.
func.createFrameBuffer { cname = "create_frame_buffer_from_nwh" }
"FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle.
.nwh "void*" --- OS' target native window handle.
.width "uint16_t" --- Window back buffer width.
.height "uint16_t" --- Window back buffer height.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Window back buffer color format.
{ default = "TextureFormat::Count" }
.depthFormat "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Window back buffer depth format.
{ default = "TextureFormat::Count" }
--- Set frame buffer debug name.
func.setName { cname = "set_frame_buffer_name" }
.handle "FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle.
.name "const char*" --- Frame buffer name.
.len "int32_t" --- Frame buffer name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
{ default = INT32_MAX } --- that _name is zero terminated string.
--- Obtain texture handle of frame buffer attachment.
.handle "FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle.
.attachment "uint8_t"
{ default = 0 }
--- Destroy frame buffer.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_frame_buffer" }
.handle "FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle.
--- Create shader uniform parameter.
--- @remarks
--- 1. Uniform names are unique. It's valid to call `bgfx::createUniform`
--- multiple times with the same uniform name. The library will always
--- return the same handle, but the handle reference count will be
--- incremented. This means that the same number of `bgfx::destroyUniform`
--- must be called to properly destroy the uniform.
--- 2. Predefined uniforms (declared in ``):
--- - `u_viewRect vec4(x, y, width, height)` - view rectangle for current
--- view, in pixels.
--- - `u_viewTexel vec4(1.0/width, 1.0/height, undef, undef)` - inverse
--- width and height
--- - `u_view mat4` - view matrix
--- - `u_invView mat4` - inverted view matrix
--- - `u_proj mat4` - projection matrix
--- - `u_invProj mat4` - inverted projection matrix
--- - `u_viewProj mat4` - concatenated view projection matrix
--- - `u_invViewProj mat4` - concatenated inverted view projection matrix
--- - `u_model mat4[BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_BONES]` - array of model matrices.
--- - `u_modelView mat4` - concatenated model view matrix, only first
--- model matrix from array is used.
--- - `u_modelViewProj mat4` - concatenated model view projection matrix.
--- - `u_alphaRef float` - alpha reference value for alpha test.
"UniformHandle" --- Handle to uniform object.
.name "const char*" --- Uniform name in shader.
.type "UniformType::Enum" --- Type of uniform (See: `bgfx::UniformType`).
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of elements in array.
{ default = 1 }
--- Retrieve uniform info.
.handle "UniformHandle" --- Handle to uniform object.
.info "UniformInfo &" { out } --- Uniform info.
--- Destroy shader uniform parameter.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_uniform" }
.handle "UniformHandle" --- Handle to uniform object.
--- Create occlusion query.
"OcclusionQueryHandle" --- Handle to occlusion query object.
--- Retrieve occlusion query result from previous frame.
"OcclusionQueryResult::Enum" --- Occlusion query result.
.handle "OcclusionQueryHandle" --- Handle to occlusion query object.
.result "int32_t*" { out } --- Number of pixels that passed test. This argument
--- can be `NULL` if result of occlusion query is not needed.
{ default = NULL }
--- Destroy occlusion query.
func.destroy { cname = "destroy_occlusion_query" }
.handle "OcclusionQueryHandle" --- Handle to occlusion query object.
--- Set palette color value.
.index "uint8_t" --- Index into palette.
.rgba "const float[4]" --- RGBA floating point values.
--- Set palette color value.
func.setPaletteColor { cname = "set_palette_color_rgba8" }
.index "uint8_t" --- Index into palette.
.rgba "uint32_t" --- Packed 32-bit RGBA value.
--- Set view name.
--- @remarks
--- This is debug only feature.
--- In graphics debugger view name will appear as:
--- "nnnc <view name>"
--- ^ ^ ^
--- | +--- compute (C)
--- +------ view id
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.name "const char*" --- View name.
--- Set view rectangle. Draw primitive outside view will be clipped.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.x "uint16_t" --- Position x from the left corner of the window.
.y "uint16_t" --- Position y from the top corner of the window.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of view port region.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of view port region.
--- Set view rectangle. Draw primitive outside view will be clipped.
func.setViewRect { cname = "set_view_rect_ratio" }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.x "uint16_t" --- Position x from the left corner of the window.
.y "uint16_t" --- Position y from the top corner of the window.
.ratio "BackbufferRatio::Enum" --- Width and height will be set in respect to back-buffer size.
--- See: `BackbufferRatio::Enum`.
--- Set view scissor. Draw primitive outside view will be clipped. When
--- _x, _y, _width and _height are set to 0, scissor will be disabled.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.x "uint16_t" --- Position x from the left corner of the window.
{ default = 0 }
.y "uint16_t" --- Position y from the top corner of the window.
{ default = 0 }
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of view scissor region.
{ default = 0 }
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of view scissor region.
{ default = 0 }
--- Set view clear flags.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.flags "uint16_t" --- Clear flags. Use `BGFX_CLEAR_NONE` to remove any clear
--- operation. See: `BGFX_CLEAR_*`.
.rgba "uint32_t" --- Color clear value.
{ default = "0x000000ff" }
.depth "float" --- Depth clear value.
{ default = "1.0f" }
.stencil "uint8_t" --- Stencil clear value.
{ default = 0 }
--- Set view clear flags with different clear color for each
--- frame buffer texture. Must use `bgfx::setPaletteColor` to setup clear color
--- palette.
func.setViewClear { cname = "set_view_clear_mrt" }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.flags "uint16_t" --- Clear flags. Use `BGFX_CLEAR_NONE` to remove any clear
--- operation. See: `BGFX_CLEAR_*`.
.depth "float" --- Depth clear value.
.stencil "uint8_t" --- Stencil clear value.
.c0 "uint8_t" --- Palette index for frame buffer attachment 0.
{ default = UINT8_MAX }
.c1 "uint8_t" --- Palette index for frame buffer attachment 1.
{ default = UINT8_MAX }
.c2 "uint8_t" --- Palette index for frame buffer attachment 2.
{ default = UINT8_MAX }
.c3 "uint8_t" --- Palette index for frame buffer attachment 3.
{ default = UINT8_MAX }
.c4 "uint8_t" --- Palette index for frame buffer attachment 4.
{ default = UINT8_MAX }
.c5 "uint8_t" --- Palette index for frame buffer attachment 5.
{ default = UINT8_MAX }
.c6 "uint8_t" --- Palette index for frame buffer attachment 6.
{ default = UINT8_MAX }
.c7 "uint8_t" --- Palette index for frame buffer attachment 7.
{ default = UINT8_MAX }
--- Set view sorting mode.
--- @remarks
--- View mode must be set prior calling `bgfx::submit` for the view.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.mode "ViewMode::Enum" --- View sort mode. See `ViewMode::Enum`.
{ default = "ViewMode::Default" }
--- Set view frame buffer.
--- @remarks
--- Not persistent after `bgfx::reset` call.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.handle "FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle. Passing `BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE` as
--- frame buffer handle will draw primitives from this view into
--- default back buffer.
--- Set view view and projection matrices, all draw primitives in this
--- view will use these matrices.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.view "const void*" --- View matrix.
.proj "const void*" --- Projection matrix.
--- Post submit view reordering.
.id "ViewId" --- First view id.
{ default = 0 }
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of views to remap.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
.order "const ViewId*" --- View remap id table. Passing `NULL` will reset view ids
--- to default state.
{ default = NULL }
--- Begin submitting draw calls from thread.
func.begin { cname = "encoder_begin" }
"Encoder*" --- Encoder.
.forThread "bool" --- Explicitly request an encoder for a worker thread.
--- End submitting draw calls from thread.
func["end"] { cname = "encoder_end" }
.encoder "Encoder*" --- Encoder.
--- Sets a debug marker. This allows you to group graphics calls together for easy browsing in
--- graphics debugging tools.
.marker "const char*" --- Marker string.
--- Set render states for draw primitive.
--- @remarks
--- 1. To setup more complex states use:
--- `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(_src, _dst)`,
--- `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC_SEPARATE(_srcRGB, _dstRGB, _srcA, _dstA)`,
--- 2. `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_ADD` is set when no other blend
--- equation is specified.
.state "uint64_t" --- State flags. Default state for primitive type is
--- triangles. See: `BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT`.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_*` - Depth test function.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_*` - See remark 1 about BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_*` - See remark 2.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_CULL_*` - Backface culling mode.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_WRITE_*` - Enable R, G, B, A or Z write.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_MSAA` - Enable hardware multisample antialiasing.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_PT_[TRISTRIP/LINES/POINTS]` - Primitive type.
.rgba "uint32_t" --- Sets blend factor used by `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FACTOR` and
--- `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_INV_FACTOR` blend modes.
{ default = 0 }
--- Set condition for rendering.
.handle "OcclusionQueryHandle" --- Occlusion query handle.
.visible "bool" --- Render if occlusion query is visible.
--- Set stencil test state.
.fstencil "uint32_t" --- Front stencil state.
.bstencil "uint32_t" --- Back stencil state. If back is set to `BGFX_STENCIL_NONE`
--- _fstencil is applied to both front and back facing primitives.
{ default = "BGFX_STENCIL_NONE" }
--- Set scissor for draw primitive.
--- @remark
--- To scissor for all primitives in view see `bgfx::setViewScissor`.
"uint16_t" --- Scissor cache index.
.x "uint16_t" --- Position x from the left corner of the window.
.y "uint16_t" --- Position y from the top corner of the window.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of view scissor region.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of view scissor region.
--- Set scissor from cache for draw primitive.
--- @remark
--- To scissor for all primitives in view see `bgfx::setViewScissor`.
func.Encoder.setScissor { cname = "set_scissor_cached" }
.cache "uint16_t" --- Index in scissor cache.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
--- Set model matrix for draw primitive. If it is not called,
--- the model will be rendered with an identity model matrix.
"uint32_t" --- Index into matrix cache in case the same model matrix has
--- to be used for other draw primitive call.
.mtx "const void*" --- Pointer to first matrix in array.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of matrices in array.
--- Set model matrix from matrix cache for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setTransform { cname = "set_transform_cached" }
.cache "uint32_t" --- Index in matrix cache.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of matrices from cache.
{ default = 1 }
--- Reserve matrices in internal matrix cache.
--- @attention Pointer returned can be modifed until `bgfx::frame` is called.
"uint32_t" --- Index in matrix cache.
.transform "Transform*" { out } --- Pointer to `Transform` structure.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of matrices.
--- Set shader uniform parameter for draw primitive.
.handle "UniformHandle" --- Uniform.
.value "const void*" --- Pointer to uniform data.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of elements. Passing `UINT16_MAX` will
--- use the _num passed on uniform creation.
{ default = 1 }
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setIndexBuffer { cpponly }
.handle "IndexBufferHandle" --- Index buffer.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
.handle "IndexBufferHandle" --- Index buffer.
.firstIndex "uint32_t" --- First index to render.
.numIndices "uint32_t" --- Number of indices to render.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setIndexBuffer { cpponly }
.handle "DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setIndexBuffer { cname = "set_dynamic_index_buffer" }
.handle "DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer.
.firstIndex "uint32_t" --- First index to render.
.numIndices "uint32_t" --- Number of indices to render.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setIndexBuffer { cpponly }
.tib "const TransientIndexBuffer*" --- Transient index buffer.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setIndexBuffer { cname = "set_transient_index_buffer" }
.tib "const TransientIndexBuffer*" --- Transient index buffer.
.firstIndex "uint32_t" --- First index to render.
.numIndices "uint32_t" --- Number of indices to render.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setVertexBuffer { cpponly }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First vertex to render.
.numVertices "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices to render.
.declHandle "VertexDeclHandle" --- VertexDecl handle for aliasing vertex buffer.
{ default = "BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE" }
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setVertexBuffer { cpponly }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setVertexBuffer { cname = "set_dynamic_vertex_buffer" }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First vertex to render.
.numVertices "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices to render.
.declHandle "VertexDeclHandle" --- VertexDecl handle for aliasing vertex buffer.
{ default = "BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE" }
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setVertexBuffer { cpponly }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.tvb "const TransientVertexBuffer*" --- Transient vertex buffer.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setVertexBuffer { cname = "set_transient_vertex_buffer" }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.tvb "const TransientVertexBuffer*" --- Transient vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First vertex to render.
.numVertices "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices to render.
.declHandle "VertexDeclHandle" --- VertexDecl handle for aliasing vertex buffer.
{ default = "BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE" }
--- Set number of vertices for auto generated vertices use in conjuction
--- with gl_VertexID.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ID`.
.numVertices "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setInstanceDataBuffer { cpponly }
.idb "const InstanceDataBuffer*" --- Transient instance data buffer.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
.idb "const InstanceDataBuffer*" --- Transient instance data buffer.
.start "uint32_t" --- First instance data.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of data instances.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setInstanceDataBuffer { cpponly }
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setInstanceDataBuffer { cname = "set_instance_data_from_vertex_buffer" }
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First instance data.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of data instances.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setInstanceDataBuffer { cpponly }
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.Encoder.setInstanceDataBuffer { cname = "set_instance_data_from_dynamic_vertex_buffer" }
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First instance data.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of data instances.
--- Set number of instances for auto generated instances use in conjuction
--- with gl_InstanceID.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ID`.
.numInstances "uint32_t" -- Number of instances.
--- Set texture stage for draw primitive.
.stage "uint8_t" --- Texture unit.
.sampler "UniformHandle" --- Program sampler.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.flags "uint32_t" --- Texture sampling mode. Default value UINT32_MAX uses
{ default = UINT32_MAX } --- texture sampling settings from the texture.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
--- Submit an empty primitive for rendering. Uniforms and draw state
--- will be applied but no geometry will be submitted.
--- @remark
--- These empty draw calls will sort before ordinary draw calls.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
--- Submit primitive for rendering.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Program.
.depth "uint32_t" --- Depth for sorting.
{ default = 0 }
.preserveState "bool" --- Preserve internal draw state for next draw call submit.
{ default = false }
--- Submit primitive with occlusion query for rendering.
func.Encoder.submit { cname = "submit_occlusion_query" }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Program.
.occlusionQuery "OcclusionQueryHandle" --- Occlusion query.
.depth "uint32_t" --- Depth for sorting.
{ default = 0 }
.preserveState "bool" --- Preserve internal draw state for next draw call submit.
{ default = false }
--- Submit primitive for rendering with index and instance data info from
--- indirect buffer.
func.Encoder.submit { cname = "submit_indirect" }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Program.
.indirectHandle "IndirectBufferHandle" --- Indirect buffer.
.start "uint16_t" --- First element in indirect buffer.
{ default = 0 }
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of dispatches.
{ default = 1 }
.depth "uint32_t" --- Depth for sorting.
{ default = 0 }
.preserveState "bool" --- Preserve internal draw state for next draw call submit.
{ default = false }
--- Set compute index buffer.
func.Encoder.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_index_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "IndexBufferHandle" --- Index buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute vertex buffer.
func.Encoder.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_vertex_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute dynamic index buffer.
func.Encoder.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_dynamic_index_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute dynamic vertex buffer.
func.Encoder.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_dynamic_vertex_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute indirect buffer.
func.Encoder.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_indirect_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "IndirectBufferHandle" --- Indirect buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute image from texture.
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.mip "uint8_t" --- Mip level.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Image access. See `Access::Enum`.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
{ default = "TextureFormat::Count" }
--- Dispatch compute.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Compute program.
.numX "uint32_t" --- Number of groups X.
{ deafult = 1 }
.numY "uint32_t" --- Number of groups Y.
{ deafult = 1 }
.numZ "uint32_t" --- Number of groups Z.
{ deafult = 1 }
--- Dispatch compute indirect.
func.Encoder.dispatch { cname = "dispatch_indirect" }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Compute program.
.indirectHandle "IndirectBufferHandle" --- Indirect buffer.
.start "uint16_t" --- First element in indirect buffer.
{ deafult = 0 }
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of dispatches.
{ deafult = 1 }
--- Discard all previously set state for draw or compute call.
--- Blit 2D texture region between two 2D textures.
--- @attention Destination texture must be created with `BGFX_TEXTURE_BLIT_DST` flag.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
func.Encoder.blit { cpponly }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.dst "TextureHandle" --- Destination texture handle.
.dstX "uint16_t" --- Destination texture X position.
.dstY "uint16_t" --- Destination texture Y position.
.src "TextureHandle" --- Source texture handle.
.srcX "uint16_t" --- Source texture X position.
{ default = 0 }
.srcY "uint16_t" --- Source texture Y position.
{ default = 0 }
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of region.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of region.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
--- Blit 2D texture region between two 2D textures.
--- @attention Destination texture must be created with `BGFX_TEXTURE_BLIT_DST` flag.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.dst "TextureHandle" --- Destination texture handle.
.dstMip "uint8_t" --- Destination texture mip level.
.dstX "uint16_t" --- Destination texture X position.
.dstY "uint16_t" --- Destination texture Y position.
.dstZ "uint16_t" --- If texture is 2D this argument should be 0. If destination texture is cube
--- this argument represents destination texture cube face. For 3D texture this argument
--- represents destination texture Z position.
.src "TextureHandle" --- Source texture handle.
.srcMip "uint8_t" --- Source texture mip level.
{ default = 0 }
.srcX "uint16_t" --- Source texture X position.
{ default = 0 }
.srcY "uint16_t" --- Source texture Y position.
{ default = 0 }
.srcZ "uint16_t" --- If texture is 2D this argument should be 0. If source texture is cube
--- this argument represents source texture cube face. For 3D texture this argument
--- represents source texture Z position.
{ default = 0 }
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of region.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of region.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
.depth "uint16_t" --- If texture is 3D this argument represents depth of region, otherwise it's
--- unused.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
--- Request screen shot of window back buffer.
--- @remarks
--- `bgfx::CallbackI::screenShot` must be implemented.
--- @attention Frame buffer handle must be created with OS' target native window handle.
.handle "FrameBufferHandle" --- Frame buffer handle. If handle is `BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE` request will be
--- made for main window back buffer.
.filePath "const char*" --- Will be passed to `bgfx::CallbackI::screenShot` callback.
--- Render frame.
--- @attention `bgfx::renderFrame` is blocking call. It waits for
--- `bgfx::frame` to be called from API thread to process frame.
--- If timeout value is passed call will timeout and return even
--- if `bgfx::frame` is not called.
--- @warning This call should be only used on platforms that don't
--- allow creating separate rendering thread. If it is called before
--- to bgfx::init, render thread won't be created by bgfx::init call.
"RenderFrame::Enum" --- Current renderer context state. See: `bgfx::RenderFrame`.
.msecs "int32_t" --- Timeout in milliseconds.
{ default = -1 }
--- Set platform data.
--- @warning Must be called before `bgfx::init`.
.data "const PlatformData &" --- Platform data.
--- Get internal data for interop.
--- @attention It's expected you understand some bgfx internals before you
--- use this call.
--- @warning Must be called only on render thread.
"const InternalData*" --- Internal data.
--- Override internal texture with externally created texture. Previously
--- created internal texture will released.
--- @attention It's expected you understand some bgfx internals before you
--- use this call.
--- @warning Must be called only on render thread.
func.overrideInternal { cname = "override_internal_texture_ptr" }
"uintptr_t" --- Native API pointer to texture. If result is 0, texture is not created
--- yet from the main thread.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.ptr "uintptr_t" --- Native API pointer to texture.
--- Override internal texture by creating new texture. Previously created
--- internal texture will released.
--- @attention It's expected you understand some bgfx internals before you
--- use this call.
--- @returns Native API pointer to texture. If result is 0, texture is not created yet from the
--- main thread.
--- @warning Must be called only on render thread.
func.overrideInternal { cname = "override_internal_texture" }
"uintptr_t" --- Native API pointer to texture. If result is 0, texture is not created
--- yet from the main thread.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height.
.numMips "uint8_t" --- Number of mip-maps.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
.flags "uint64_t" --- Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
--- flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
-- Legacy API:
--- Sets a debug marker. This allows you to group graphics calls together for easy browsing in
--- graphics debugging tools.
.marker "const char*" --- Marker string.
--- Set render states for draw primitive.
--- @remarks
--- 1. To setup more complex states use:
--- `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(_src, _dst)`,
--- `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC_SEPARATE(_srcRGB, _dstRGB, _srcA, _dstA)`,
--- 2. `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_ADD` is set when no other blend
--- equation is specified.
.state "uint64_t" --- State flags. Default state for primitive type is
--- triangles. See: `BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT`.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_*` - Depth test function.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_*` - See remark 1 about BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_*` - See remark 2.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_CULL_*` - Backface culling mode.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_WRITE_*` - Enable R, G, B, A or Z write.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_MSAA` - Enable hardware multisample antialiasing.
--- - `BGFX_STATE_PT_[TRISTRIP/LINES/POINTS]` - Primitive type.
.rgba "uint32_t" --- Sets blend factor used by `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FACTOR` and
--- `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_INV_FACTOR` blend modes.
{ default = 0 }
--- Set condition for rendering.
.handle "OcclusionQueryHandle" --- Occlusion query handle.
.visible "bool" --- Render if occlusion query is visible.
--- Set stencil test state.
.fstencil "uint32_t" --- Front stencil state.
.bstencil "uint32_t" --- Back stencil state. If back is set to `BGFX_STENCIL_NONE`
--- _fstencil is applied to both front and back facing primitives.
{ default = "BGFX_STENCIL_NONE" }
--- Set scissor for draw primitive.
--- @remark
--- To scissor for all primitives in view see `bgfx::setViewScissor`.
"uint16_t" --- Scissor cache index.
.x "uint16_t" --- Position x from the left corner of the window.
.y "uint16_t" --- Position y from the top corner of the window.
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of view scissor region.
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of view scissor region.
--- Set scissor from cache for draw primitive.
--- @remark
--- To scissor for all primitives in view see `bgfx::setViewScissor`.
func.setScissor { cname = "set_scissor_cached" }
.cache "uint16_t" --- Index in scissor cache.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
--- Set model matrix for draw primitive. If it is not called,
--- the model will be rendered with an identity model matrix.
"uint32_t" --- Index into matrix cache in case the same model matrix has
--- to be used for other draw primitive call.
.mtx "const void*" --- Pointer to first matrix in array.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of matrices in array.
--- Set model matrix from matrix cache for draw primitive.
func.setTransform { cname = "set_transform_cached" }
.cache "uint32_t" --- Index in matrix cache.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of matrices from cache.
{ default = 1 }
--- Reserve matrices in internal matrix cache.
--- @attention Pointer returned can be modifed until `bgfx::frame` is called.
"uint32_t" --- Index in matrix cache.
.transform "Transform*" { out } --- Pointer to `Transform` structure.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of matrices.
--- Set shader uniform parameter for draw primitive.
.handle "UniformHandle" --- Uniform.
.value "const void*" --- Pointer to uniform data.
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of elements. Passing `UINT16_MAX` will
--- use the _num passed on uniform creation.
{ default = 1 }
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.setIndexBuffer { cpponly }
.handle "IndexBufferHandle" --- Index buffer.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
.handle "IndexBufferHandle" --- Index buffer.
.firstIndex "uint32_t" --- First index to render.
.numIndices "uint32_t" --- Number of indices to render.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.setIndexBuffer { cpponly }
.handle "DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.setIndexBuffer { cname = "set_dynamic_index_buffer" }
.handle "DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer.
.firstIndex "uint32_t" --- First index to render.
.numIndices "uint32_t" --- Number of indices to render.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.setIndexBuffer { cpponly }
.tib "const TransientIndexBuffer*" --- Transient index buffer.
--- Set index buffer for draw primitive.
func.setIndexBuffer { cname = "set_transient_index_buffer" }
.tib "const TransientIndexBuffer*" --- Transient index buffer.
.firstIndex "uint32_t" --- First index to render.
.numIndices "uint32_t" --- Number of indices to render.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.setVertexBuffer { cpponly }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First vertex to render.
.numVertices "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices to render.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.setVertexBuffer { cpponly }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.setVertexBuffer { cname = "set_dynamic_vertex_buffer" }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First vertex to render.
.numVertices "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices to render.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.setVertexBuffer { cpponly }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.tvb "const TransientVertexBuffer*" --- Transient vertex buffer.
--- Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
func.setVertexBuffer { cname = "set_transient_vertex_buffer" }
.stream "uint8_t" --- Vertex stream.
.tvb "const TransientVertexBuffer*" --- Transient vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First vertex to render.
.numVertices "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices to render.
--- Set number of vertices for auto generated vertices use in conjuction
--- with gl_VertexID.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ID`.
.numVertices "uint32_t" --- Number of vertices.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.setInstanceDataBuffer { cpponly }
.idb "const InstanceDataBuffer*" --- Transient instance data buffer.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
.idb "const InstanceDataBuffer*" --- Transient instance data buffer.
.start "uint32_t" --- First instance data.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of data instances.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.setInstanceDataBuffer { cpponly }
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.setInstanceDataBuffer { cname = "set_instance_data_from_vertex_buffer" }
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First instance data.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of data instances.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.setInstanceDataBuffer { cpponly }
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer.
--- Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
func.setInstanceDataBuffer { cname = "set_instance_data_from_dynamic_vertex_buffer" }
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer.
.startVertex "uint32_t" --- First instance data.
.num "uint32_t" --- Number of data instances.
--- Set number of instances for auto generated instances use in conjuction
--- with gl_InstanceID.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ID`.
.numInstances "uint32_t" -- Number of instances.
--- Set texture stage for draw primitive.
.stage "uint8_t" --- Texture unit.
.sampler "UniformHandle" --- Program sampler.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.flags "uint32_t" --- Texture sampling mode. Default value UINT32_MAX uses
{ default = UINT32_MAX } --- texture sampling settings from the texture.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
--- mode.
--- - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
--- sampling.
--- Submit an empty primitive for rendering. Uniforms and draw state
--- will be applied but no geometry will be submitted.
--- @remark
--- These empty draw calls will sort before ordinary draw calls.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
--- Submit primitive for rendering.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Program.
.depth "uint32_t" --- Depth for sorting.
{ default = 0 }
.preserveState "bool" --- Preserve internal draw state for next draw call submit.
{ default = false }
--- Submit primitive with occlusion query for rendering.
func.submit { cname = "submit_occlusion_query" }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Program.
.occlusionQuery "OcclusionQueryHandle" --- Occlusion query.
.depth "uint32_t" --- Depth for sorting.
{ default = 0 }
.preserveState "bool" --- Preserve internal draw state for next draw call submit.
{ default = false }
--- Submit primitive for rendering with index and instance data info from
--- indirect buffer.
func.submit { cname = "submit_indirect" }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Program.
.indirectHandle "IndirectBufferHandle" --- Indirect buffer.
.start "uint16_t" --- First element in indirect buffer.
{ default = 0 }
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of dispatches.
{ default = 1 }
.depth "uint32_t" --- Depth for sorting.
{ default = 0 }
.preserveState "bool" --- Preserve internal draw state for next draw call submit.
{ default = false }
--- Set compute index buffer.
func.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_index_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "IndexBufferHandle" --- Index buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute vertex buffer.
func.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_vertex_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "VertexBufferHandle" --- Vertex buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute dynamic index buffer.
func.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_dynamic_index_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "DynamicIndexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic index buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute dynamic vertex buffer.
func.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_dynamic_vertex_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "DynamicVertexBufferHandle" --- Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute indirect buffer.
func.setBuffer { cname = "set_compute_indirect_buffer" }
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "IndirectBufferHandle" --- Indirect buffer handle.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
--- Set compute image from texture.
.stage "uint8_t" --- Compute stage.
.handle "TextureHandle" --- Texture handle.
.mip "uint8_t" --- Mip level.
.access "Access::Enum" --- Image access. See `Access::Enum`.
.format "TextureFormat::Enum" --- Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
{ default = "TextureFormat::Count" }
--- Dispatch compute.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Compute program.
.numX "uint32_t" --- Number of groups X.
{ deafult = 1 }
.numY "uint32_t" --- Number of groups Y.
{ deafult = 1 }
.numZ "uint32_t" --- Number of groups Z.
{ deafult = 1 }
--- Dispatch compute indirect.
func.dispatch { cname = "dispatch_indirect" }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.program "ProgramHandle" --- Compute program.
.indirectHandle "IndirectBufferHandle" --- Indirect buffer.
.start "uint16_t" --- First element in indirect buffer.
{ deafult = 0 }
.num "uint16_t" --- Number of dispatches.
{ deafult = 1 }
--- Discard all previously set state for draw or compute call.
--- Blit 2D texture region between two 2D textures.
--- @attention Destination texture must be created with `BGFX_TEXTURE_BLIT_DST` flag.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
func.blit { cpponly }
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.dst "TextureHandle" --- Destination texture handle.
.dstX "uint16_t" --- Destination texture X position.
.dstY "uint16_t" --- Destination texture Y position.
.src "TextureHandle" --- Source texture handle.
.srcX "uint16_t" --- Source texture X position.
{ default = 0 }
.srcY "uint16_t" --- Source texture Y position.
{ default = 0 }
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of region.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of region.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
--- Blit 2D texture region between two 2D textures.
--- @attention Destination texture must be created with `BGFX_TEXTURE_BLIT_DST` flag.
--- @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
.id "ViewId" --- View id.
.dst "TextureHandle" --- Destination texture handle.
.dstMip "uint8_t" --- Destination texture mip level.
.dstX "uint16_t" --- Destination texture X position.
.dstY "uint16_t" --- Destination texture Y position.
.dstZ "uint16_t" --- If texture is 2D this argument should be 0. If destination texture is cube
--- this argument represents destination texture cube face. For 3D texture this argument
--- represents destination texture Z position.
.src "TextureHandle" --- Source texture handle.
.srcMip "uint8_t" --- Source texture mip level.
{ default = 0 }
.srcX "uint16_t" --- Source texture X position.
{ default = 0 }
.srcY "uint16_t" --- Source texture Y position.
{ default = 0 }
.srcZ "uint16_t" --- If texture is 2D this argument should be 0. If source texture is cube
--- this argument represents source texture cube face. For 3D texture this argument
--- represents source texture Z position.
{ default = 0 }
.width "uint16_t" --- Width of region.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
.height "uint16_t" --- Height of region.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }
.depth "uint16_t" --- If texture is 3D this argument represents depth of region, otherwise it's
--- unused.
{ default = UINT16_MAX }