Added example 36-sky (#1250)

* Added example 36-sky

* Added shaders for example 36-sky.

* Fixed brackets, initialisation order and fmod issue
This commit is contained in:
Stanislav 2017-10-03 22:50:05 -04:00 committed by Branimir Karadžić
parent 3e09c0b44a
commit 78c4539646
11 changed files with 9774 additions and 0 deletions

examples/36-sky/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
$input v_skyColor, v_screenPos, v_viewDir
* Copyright 2017 Stanislav Pidhorskyi. All rights reserved.
* License:
uniform vec4 u_parameters; // x - sun size, y - sun bloom, z - exposition, w - time
uniform vec4 u_sunDirection;
uniform vec4 u_sunLuminance;
#include "../common/"
void main()
float size2 = u_parameters.x * u_parameters.x;
vec3 lightDir = normalize(;
float distance = 2.0 * (1.0 - dot(normalize(v_viewDir), lightDir));
float sun = exp(-distance/ u_parameters.y / size2) + step(distance, size2);
float sun2 = min(sun * sun, 1.0);
vec3 color = v_skyColor + sun2;
color = toGamma(color);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
$input v_normal, v_texcoord0
* Copyright 2017 Stanislav Pidhorskyi. All rights reserved.
* License:
#include "../common/"
SAMPLER2D(s_texLightmap, 0);
uniform vec4 u_sunDirection;
uniform vec4 u_sunLuminance;
uniform vec4 u_skyLuminance;
uniform vec4 u_parameters;
//uniformly distributed, normalized rand, [0, 1)
float nrand(in vec2 n)
return fract(sin(dot(n.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233)))* 43758.5453);
float n4rand_ss(in vec2 n)
float nrnd0 = nrand( n + 0.07*fract( u_parameters.w ) );
float nrnd1 = nrand( n + 0.11*fract( u_parameters.w + 0.573953 ) );
return 0.23*sqrt(-log(nrnd0+0.00001))*cos(2.0*3.141592*nrnd1)+0.5;
float toLinear(float _rgb)
return pow(abs(_rgb), 2.2);
void main()
vec3 normal = normalize(v_normal);
float occulsion = toLinear(texture2D(s_texLightmap, v_texcoord0).r);
vec3 skyDirection = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float diffuseSun = max(0.0, dot(normal, normalize(;
float diffuseSky = 1.0 + 0.5 * dot(normal, skyDirection);
vec3 color = diffuseSun * u_sunLuminance.rgb + (diffuseSky * u_skyLuminance.rgb + 0.01) * occulsion;
color *= 0.5;
//color = mix(color, (u_skyLuminance + u_sunLuminance)*0.3, v_fogFactor); = color * u_parameters.z;
gl_FragColor.w = 1.0;
float r = n4rand_ss(gl_FragCoord.xy) / 40.0; = toGamma( + vec3(r, r, r);

examples/36-sky/sky.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
* Copyright 2017 Stanislav Pidhorskyi. All rights reserved.
* License:
* This example demonstrates:
* - Usage of Perez sky model [1] to render a dynamic sky.
* - Rendering a mesh with a lightmap, shading of which is driven by the same parameters as the sky.
* Typically, the sky is rendered using cubemaps or other environment maps.
* This approach can provide a high-quality sky, but the downside is that the
* image is static. To achieve daytime changes in sky appearance, there is a need
* in a dynamic model.
* Perez "An All-Weather Model for Sky Luminance Distribution" is a simple,
* but good enough model which is, in essence, a function that
* interpolates a sky color. As input, it requires several turbidity
* coefficients, a color at zenith and direction to the sun.
* Turbidity coefficients are taken from [2], which are computed using more
* complex physically based models. Color at zenith depends on daytime and can
* vary depending on many factors.
* In the code below, there are two tables that contain sky and sun luminance
* which were computed using code from [3]. Luminance in those tables
* represents actual scale of light energy that comes from sun compared to
* the sky.
* The sky is driven by luminance of the sky, while the material of the
* landscape is driven by both, the luminance of the sky and the sun. The
* lightening model is very simple and consists of two parts: directional
* light and hemisphere light. The first is used for the sun while the second
* is used for the sky. Additionally, the second part is modulated by a
* lightmap to achieve ambient occlusion effect.
* References
* ==========
* [1] R. Perez, R. Seals, and J. Michalsky."An All-Weather Model for Sky Luminance Distribution".
* Solar Energy, Volume 50, Number 3 (March 1993), pp. 235245.
* [2] A. J. Preetham, Peter Shirley, and Brian Smits. "A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight",
* Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1999, pp. 91100.
* [3] E. Lengyel, Game Engine Gems, Volume One. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2010. pp. 219 - 234
#include "common.h"
#include "bgfx_utils.h"
#include "imgui/imgui.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "bounds.h"
#include <map>
// Represents color. Color-space depends on context.
// In the code below, used to represent color in XYZ, and RGB color-space
union Color
struct {
float X;
float Y;
float Z;
struct {
float r;
float g;
float b;
float data[3];
// HDTV rec. 709 matrix.
static float M_XYZ2RGB[] =
3.240479f, -0.969256f, 0.055648f,
-1.53715f, 1.875991f, -0.204043f,
-0.49853f, 0.041556f, 1.057311f
// Converts color repesentation from CIE XYZ to RGB color-space.
Color XYZToRGB(const Color& xyz)
Color rgb;
rgb.r = M_XYZ2RGB[0] * xyz.X + M_XYZ2RGB[3] * xyz.Y + M_XYZ2RGB[6] * xyz.Z;
rgb.g = M_XYZ2RGB[1] * xyz.X + M_XYZ2RGB[4] * xyz.Y + M_XYZ2RGB[7] * xyz.Z;
rgb.b = M_XYZ2RGB[2] * xyz.X + M_XYZ2RGB[5] * xyz.Y + M_XYZ2RGB[8] * xyz.Z;
return rgb;
// Precomputed luminance of sunlight in XYZ colorspace.
// Computed using code from Game Engine Gems, Volume One, chapter 15. Implementation based on Dr. Richard Bird model.
// This table is used for piecewise linear interpolation. Transitions from and to 0.0 at sunset and sunrise are highly inaccurate
static std::map<float, Color> sunLuminanceXYZTable = {
{ 5.0f, {{ 0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.000000f }} },
{ 7.0f, {{ 12.703322f, 12.989393f, 9.100411f }} },
{ 8.0f, {{ 13.202644f, 13.597814f, 11.524929f }} },
{ 9.0f, {{ 13.192974f, 13.597458f, 12.264488f }} },
{ 10.0f, {{ 13.132943f, 13.535914f, 12.560032f }} },
{ 11.0f, {{ 13.088722f, 13.489535f, 12.692996f }} },
{ 12.0f, {{ 13.067827f, 13.467483f, 12.745179f }} },
{ 13.0f, {{ 13.069653f, 13.469413f, 12.740822f }} },
{ 14.0f, {{ 13.094319f, 13.495428f, 12.678066f }} },
{ 15.0f, {{ 13.142133f, 13.545483f, 12.526785f }} },
{ 16.0f, {{ 13.201734f, 13.606017f, 12.188001f }} },
{ 17.0f, {{ 13.182774f, 13.572725f, 11.311157f }} },
{ 18.0f, {{ 12.448635f, 12.672520f, 8.267771f }} },
{ 20.0f, {{ 0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.000000f }} }
// Precomputed luminance of sky in the zenith point in XYZ colorspace.
// Computed using code from Game Engine Gems, Volume One, chapter 15. Implementation based on Dr. Richard Bird model.
// This table is used for piecewise linear interpolation. Day/night transitions are highly inaccurate.
// The scale of luminance change in Day/night transitions is not preserved.
// Luminance at night was increased to eliminate need the of HDR render.
static std::map<float, Color> skyLuminanceXYZTable = {
{ 0.0f, {{ 0.308f, 0.308f, 0.411f }} },
{ 1.0f, {{ 0.308f, 0.308f, 0.410f }} },
{ 2.0f, {{ 0.301f, 0.301f, 0.402f }} },
{ 3.0f, {{ 0.287f, 0.287f, 0.382f }} },
{ 4.0f, {{ 0.258f, 0.258f, 0.344f }} },
{ 5.0f, {{ 0.258f, 0.258f, 0.344f }} },
{ 7.0f, {{ 0.962851f, 1.000000f, 1.747835f }} },
{ 8.0f, {{ 0.967787f, 1.000000f, 1.776762f }} },
{ 9.0f, {{ 0.970173f, 1.000000f, 1.788413f }} },
{ 10.0f, {{ 0.971431f, 1.000000f, 1.794102f }} },
{ 11.0f, {{ 0.972099f, 1.000000f, 1.797096f }} },
{ 12.0f, {{ 0.972385f, 1.000000f, 1.798389f }} },
{ 13.0f, {{ 0.972361f, 1.000000f, 1.798278f }} },
{ 14.0f, {{ 0.972020f, 1.000000f, 1.796740f }} },
{ 15.0f, {{ 0.971275f, 1.000000f, 1.793407f }} },
{ 16.0f, {{ 0.969885f, 1.000000f, 1.787078f }} },
{ 17.0f, {{ 0.967216f, 1.000000f, 1.773758f }} },
{ 18.0f, {{ 0.961668f, 1.000000f, 1.739891f }} },
{ 20.0f, {{ 0.264f, 0.264f, 0.352f }} },
{ 21.0f, {{ 0.264f, 0.264f, 0.352f }} },
{ 22.0f, {{ 0.290f, 0.290f, 0.386f }} },
{ 23.0f, {{ 0.303f, 0.303f, 0.404f }} }
// Turbidity tables. Taken from:
// A. J. Preetham, P. Shirley, and B. Smits. A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight. SIGGRAPH 99
// Coefficients correspond to xyY colorspace.
static Color ABCDE[] =
{{ -0.2592f, -0.2608f, -1.4630f }},
{{ 0.0008f, 0.0092f, 0.4275f }},
{{ 0.2125f, 0.2102f, 5.3251f }},
{{ -0.8989f, -1.6537f, -2.5771f }},
{{ 0.0452f, 0.0529f, 0.3703f }}
static Color ABCDE_t[] =
{{ -0.0193f, -0.0167f, 0.1787f }},
{{ -0.0665f, -0.0950f, -0.3554f }},
{{ -0.0004f, -0.0079f, -0.0227f }},
{{ -0.0641f, -0.0441f, 0.1206f }},
{{ -0.0033f, -0.0109f, -0.0670f }}
// Performs piecewise linear interpolation of a Color parameter.
class DynamicValueController
typedef Color ValueType;
typedef std::map<float, ValueType> KeyMap;
DynamicValueController() {};
~DynamicValueController() {};
void SetMap(const KeyMap& keymap)
m_keyMap = keymap;
ValueType GetValue(float time) const
typename KeyMap::const_iterator itUpper = m_keyMap.upper_bound(time + 1e-6f);
typename KeyMap::const_iterator itLower = itUpper;
if (itLower == m_keyMap.end())
return itUpper->second;
if (itUpper == m_keyMap.end())
return itLower->second;
float lowerTime = itLower->first;
const ValueType& lowerVal = itLower->second;
float upperTime = itUpper->first;
const ValueType& upperVal = itUpper->second;
if (lowerTime == upperTime)
return lowerVal;
return interpolate(lowerTime, lowerVal, upperTime, upperVal, time);
void Clear()
const ValueType interpolate(float lowerTime, const ValueType& lowerVal, float upperTime, const ValueType& upperVal, float time) const
float x = (time - lowerTime) / (upperTime - lowerTime);
ValueType result;
bx::vec3Lerp(,,, x);
return result;
KeyMap m_keyMap;
// Controls sun position according to time, month, and observer's latitude.
// Sun position computation based on Earth's orbital elements:
class SunController
enum Month :int
January = 0,
m_northDirection[0] = 1.0;
m_northDirection[1] = 0.0;
m_northDirection[2] = 0.0;
m_upvector[0] = 0.0f;
m_upvector[1] = 1.0f;
m_upvector[2] = 0.0f;
void Update(float time)
UpdateSunPosition(time - 12.0f);
float m_northDirection[3];
float m_sunDirection[4];
float m_upvector[3];
float m_latitude;
Month m_month;
void CalculateSunOrbit()
float day = 30.0f * m_month + 15.0f;
float lambda = 280.46f + 0.9856474f * day;
lambda = bx::toRad(lambda);
m_delta = bx::fasin(bx::fsin(m_eclipticObliquity) * bx::fsin(lambda));
void UpdateSunPosition(float hour)
float latitude = bx::toRad(m_latitude);
float h = hour * bx::kPi / 12.0f;
float azimuth = bx::fatan2(
bx::fcos(h) * bx::fsin(latitude) - bx::ftan(m_delta) * bx::fcos(latitude)
float altitude = bx::fasin(
bx::fsin(latitude) * bx::fsin(m_delta) + bx::fcos(latitude) * bx::fcos(m_delta) * bx::fcos(h)
float rotation[4];
bx::quatRotateAxis(rotation, m_upvector, -azimuth);
float direction[3];
bx::vec3MulQuat(direction, m_northDirection, rotation);
float v[3];
bx::vec3Cross(v, m_upvector, direction);
bx::quatRotateAxis(rotation, v, altitude);
bx::vec3MulQuat(m_sunDirection, direction, rotation);
float m_eclipticObliquity;
float m_delta;
// Renders a screen-space grid of triangles.
// Because of performance reasons, and because sky color is smooth, sky color is computed in vertex shader.
// 32x32 is a reasonable size for the grid to have smooth enough colors.
class ProceduralSky
struct ScreenPosVertex
float m_x;
float m_y;
static void init()
.add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float)
static bgfx::VertexDecl ms_decl;
void Init(int verticalCount, int horizontalCount)
// Create vertex stream declaration.
m_skyProgram = loadProgram("vs_sky", "fs_sky");
m_skyProgram_colorBandingFix = loadProgram("vs_sky", "fs_sky_ColorBandingFix");
m_preventBanding = true;
bx::AllocatorI* allocator = entry::getAllocator();
ScreenPosVertex* vertices = (ScreenPosVertex*)BX_ALLOC(allocator,
verticalCount * horizontalCount * sizeof(ScreenPosVertex));
for (int i = 0; i < verticalCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < horizontalCount; j++)
ScreenPosVertex& v = vertices[i * verticalCount + j];
v.m_x = float(j) / (horizontalCount - 1) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
v.m_y = float(i) / (verticalCount - 1) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
uint16_t* indices = (uint16_t*)BX_ALLOC(allocator,
(verticalCount - 1) * (horizontalCount - 1) * 6 * sizeof(uint16_t));
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < verticalCount - 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < horizontalCount - 1; j++)
indices[k++] = (uint16_t)(j + 0 + horizontalCount * (i + 0));
indices[k++] = (uint16_t)(j + 1 + horizontalCount * (i + 0));
indices[k++] = (uint16_t)(j + 0 + horizontalCount * (i + 1));
indices[k++] = (uint16_t)(j + 1 + horizontalCount * (i + 0));
indices[k++] = (uint16_t)(j + 1 + horizontalCount * (i + 1));
indices[k++] = (uint16_t)(j + 0 + horizontalCount * (i + 1));
m_vbh = bgfx::createVertexBuffer(bgfx::copy(vertices, sizeof(ScreenPosVertex) * verticalCount * horizontalCount), ScreenPosVertex::ms_decl);
m_ibh = bgfx::createIndexBuffer(bgfx::copy(indices, sizeof(uint16_t) * k));
BX_FREE(allocator, indices);
BX_FREE(allocator, vertices);
void Free()
void Draw()
bgfx::setVertexBuffer(0, m_vbh);
bgfx::submit(0, m_preventBanding ? m_skyProgram_colorBandingFix : m_skyProgram);
bool m_preventBanding;
bgfx::VertexBufferHandle m_vbh;
bgfx::IndexBufferHandle m_ibh;
bgfx::ProgramHandle m_skyProgram;
bgfx::ProgramHandle m_skyProgram_colorBandingFix;
bgfx::VertexDecl ProceduralSky::ScreenPosVertex::ms_decl;
class ExampleProceduralSky : public entry::AppI
ExampleProceduralSky(const char* _name, const char* _description): entry::AppI(_name, _description)
void init(int32_t _argc, const char* const* _argv, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height) override
Args args(_argc, _argv);
m_width = _width;
m_height = _height;
m_debug = BGFX_DEBUG_NONE;
bgfx::init(args.m_type, args.m_pciId);
bgfx::reset(m_width, m_height, m_reset);
// Enable m_debug text.
// Set view 0 clear state.
, 0x000000ff
, 1.0f
, 0
m_mesh = meshLoad("meshes/test_scene.bin");
m_lightmapTexture = loadTexture("textures/lightmap.ktx");
// Imgui.
m_timeOffset = bx::getHPCounter();
m_time = 0.0f;
s_lightmapTexture = bgfx::createUniform("s_heightTexture", bgfx::UniformType::Int1);
u_sunLuminance = bgfx::createUniform("u_sunLuminance", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4);
u_skyLuminanceXYZ = bgfx::createUniform("u_skyLuminanceXYZ", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4);
u_skyLuminance = bgfx::createUniform("u_skyLuminance", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4);
u_sunDirection = bgfx::createUniform("u_sunDirection", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4);
u_parameters = bgfx::createUniform("u_parameters", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4);
u_perezCoeff = bgfx::createUniform("u_perezCoeff", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, 5);
m_landscapeProgram = loadProgram("vs_sky_landscape", "fs_sky_landscape");
m_sky.Init(32, 32);
const float initialPos[3] = { 5.0f, 3.0, 0.0f };
cameraSetVerticalAngle(bx::kPi / 8.0f);
cameraSetHorizontalAngle(-bx::kPi / 3.0f);
m_turbidity = 2.15f;
virtual int shutdown() override
// Cleanup.
// Shutdown bgfx.
return 0;
void DrawGUI()
ImGui::SetWindowSize(ImVec2(350, 200));
ImGui::SliderFloat("Time", &m_time, 0.0f, 24.0f);
ImGui::SliderFloat("Latitude", &m_sun.m_latitude, -90.0f, 90.0f);
ImGui::SliderFloat("Turbidity", &m_turbidity, 1.9f, 10.0f);
ImGui::Checkbox("Prevent color banding", &m_sky.m_preventBanding);
const char* items[] = {
ImGui::Combo("Month", (int*)&m_sun.m_month, items, 12);
bool update() override
if (!entry::processEvents(m_width, m_height, m_debug, m_reset, &m_mouseState))
int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter();
static int64_t last = now;
const int64_t frameTime = now - last;
last = now;
const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency());
const float deltaTime = float(frameTime / freq);
m_time += deltaTime;
m_time = bx::fmod(m_time, 24.0f);
, m_mouseState.m_my
, (m_mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0)
| (m_mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0)
| (m_mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Middle] ? IMGUI_MBUT_MIDDLE : 0)
, m_mouseState.m_mz
, uint16_t(m_width)
, uint16_t(m_height)
ImVec2(m_width - m_width / 5.0f - 10.0f, 10.0f)
, ImGuiSetCond_FirstUseEver
if (!ImGui::MouseOverArea())
// Update camera.
cameraUpdate(deltaTime, m_mouseState);
// Set view 0 default viewport.
bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, uint16_t(m_width), uint16_t(m_height));
bx::mtxProj(m_projMtx, 60.0f, float(m_width) / float(m_height), 0.1f, 2000.0f, bgfx::getCaps()->homogeneousDepth);
bgfx::setViewTransform(0, m_viewMtx, m_projMtx);
Color sunLuminanceXYZ = m_sunLuminanceXYZ.GetValue(m_time);
Color sunLuminanceRGB = XYZToRGB(sunLuminanceXYZ);
Color skyLuminanceXYZ = m_skyLuminanceXYZ.GetValue(m_time);
Color skyLuminanceRGB = XYZToRGB(skyLuminanceXYZ);
bgfx::setUniform(u_sunDirection, m_sun.m_sunDirection);
float exposition[4] = { 0.02f, 3.0f, 0.1f, m_time };
bgfx::setUniform(u_parameters, exposition);
float perezCoeff[4 * 5];
ComputePerezCoeff(m_turbidity, perezCoeff);
bgfx::setUniform(u_perezCoeff, perezCoeff, 5);
bgfx::setTexture(0, s_lightmapTexture, m_lightmapTexture);
meshSubmit(m_mesh, 0, m_landscapeProgram, NULL);
return true;
return false;
void ComputePerezCoeff(float turbidity, float* perezCoeff)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
Color tmp;
bx::vec3Mul(, ABCDE_t[i].data, turbidity);
bx::vec3Add(perezCoeff + 4 * i,, ABCDE[i].data);
perezCoeff[4 * i + 3] = 0.0f;
bgfx::ProgramHandle m_landscapeProgram;
bgfx::UniformHandle s_lightmapTexture;
bgfx::TextureHandle m_lightmapTexture;
bgfx::UniformHandle u_sunLuminance;
bgfx::UniformHandle u_skyLuminanceXYZ;
bgfx::UniformHandle u_skyLuminance;
bgfx::UniformHandle u_sunDirection;
bgfx::UniformHandle u_parameters;
bgfx::UniformHandle u_perezCoeff;
ProceduralSky m_sky;
SunController m_sun;
DynamicValueController m_sunLuminanceXYZ;
DynamicValueController m_skyLuminanceXYZ;
float m_viewMtx[16];
float m_projMtx[16];
uint32_t m_width;
uint32_t m_height;
uint32_t m_debug;
uint32_t m_reset;
Mesh* m_mesh;
entry::MouseState m_mouseState;
float m_time;
int64_t m_timeOffset;
float m_turbidity;
} // namespace
ENTRY_IMPLEMENT_MAIN(ExampleProceduralSky, "36-sky", "Dynamic sky example.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
vec2 v_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
vec3 v_normal : NORMAL = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec2 v_screenPos : TEXCOORD0 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
vec3 v_skyColor : TEXCOORD1 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 v_viewDir : TEXCOORD2 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 a_position : POSITION;
vec4 a_normal : NORMAL;
vec2 a_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;

examples/36-sky/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
$input a_position
$output v_skyColor, v_screenPos, v_viewDir
* Copyright 2017 Stanislav Pidhorskyi. All rights reserved.
* License:
uniform vec4 u_sunDirection;
uniform vec4 u_skyLuminanceXYZ;
uniform vec4 u_parameters; // x - sun size, y - sun bloom, z - exposition
uniform vec4 u_perezCoeff[5];
#include "../common/"
vec3 Perez(vec3 A,vec3 B,vec3 C,vec3 D, vec3 E,float costeta, float cosgamma)
float _1_costeta = 1.0 / costeta;
float cos2gamma = cosgamma * cosgamma;
float gamma = acos(cosgamma);
vec3 f = (vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + A * exp(B * _1_costeta)) * (vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + C *exp(D * gamma) + E * cos2gamma);
return f;
void main()
v_screenPos = a_position.xy;
vec4 rayStart = mul(u_invViewProj, vec4(vec3(a_position.xy, -1.0), 1.0));
vec4 rayEnd = mul(u_invViewProj, vec4(vec3(a_position.xy, 1.0), 1.0));
rayStart = rayStart / rayStart.w;
rayEnd = rayEnd / rayEnd.w;
v_viewDir = normalize( -;
v_viewDir.y = abs(v_viewDir.y);
gl_Position = vec4(a_position.xy, 1.0, 1.0);
vec3 lightDir = normalize(;
vec3 skyDir = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// Perez coefficients.
vec3 A = u_perezCoeff[0].xyz;
vec3 B = u_perezCoeff[1].xyz;
vec3 C = u_perezCoeff[2].xyz;
vec3 D = u_perezCoeff[3].xyz;
vec3 E = u_perezCoeff[4].xyz;
float costeta = max(dot(v_viewDir, skyDir), 0.001);
float cosgamma = clamp(dot(v_viewDir, lightDir), -0.9999, 0.9999);
float cosgammas = dot(skyDir, lightDir);
vec3 P = Perez(A,B,C,D,E, costeta, cosgamma);
vec3 P0 = Perez(A,B,C,D,E, 1.0, cosgammas);
vec3 skyColorxyY = vec3(u_skyLuminanceXYZ.x / (u_skyLuminanceXYZ.x+u_skyLuminanceXYZ.y + u_skyLuminanceXYZ.z),
u_skyLuminanceXYZ.y / (u_skyLuminanceXYZ.x+u_skyLuminanceXYZ.y + u_skyLuminanceXYZ.z),
vec3 Yp = skyColorxyY * P / P0;
vec3 skyColorXYZ = vec3(Yp.x * Yp.z / Yp.y,Yp.z, (1.0 - Yp.x- Yp.y)*Yp.z/Yp.y);
// HDTV rec. 709 matrix
mat3 m = mat3(
3.240479, -0.969256, 0.055648,
-1.53715, 1.875991, -0.204043,
-0.49853, 0.041556, 1.057311
v_skyColor = mul((skyColorXYZ * u_parameters.z), m);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
$input v_skyColor, v_screenPos, v_viewDir
* Copyright 2017 Stanislav Pidhorskyi. All rights reserved.
* License:
uniform vec4 u_parameters; // x - sun size, y - sun bloom, z - exposition, w - time
uniform vec4 u_sunDirection;
uniform vec4 u_sunLuminance;
#include "../common/"
//uniformly distributed, normalized rand, [0, 1)
float nrand(in vec2 n)
return fract(sin(dot(n.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233)))* 43758.5453);
float n4rand_ss(in vec2 n)
float nrnd0 = nrand( n + 0.07*fract( u_parameters.w ) );
float nrnd1 = nrand( n + 0.11*fract( u_parameters.w + 0.573953 ) );
return 0.23*sqrt(-log(nrnd0+0.00001))*cos(2.0*3.141592*nrnd1)+0.5;
void main()
float size2 = u_parameters.x * u_parameters.x;
vec3 lightDir = normalize(;
float distance = 2.0 * (1.0 - dot(normalize(v_viewDir), lightDir));
float sun = exp(-distance/ u_parameters.y / size2) + step(distance, size2);
float sun2 = min(sun * sun, 1.0);
vec3 color = v_skyColor + sun2;
color = toGamma(color);
float r = n4rand_ss(v_screenPos);
color += vec3(r, r, r) / 40.0;
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
$input a_position, a_normal, a_texcoord0
$output v_normal, v_texcoord0
* Copyright 2011-2017 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.
* License:
#include "../common/"
void main()
gl_Position = mul(u_modelViewProj, vec4(a_position, 1.0) );
vec3 normal = * 2.0 - 1.0;
v_normal = mul(u_model[0], vec4(normal, 0.0) ).xyz;
v_texcoord0 = a_texcoord0;

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View File

@ -481,6 +481,7 @@ or _OPTIONS["with-combined-examples"] then
, "33-pom"
, "34-mvs"
, "35-dynamic"
, "36-sky"
-- C99 source doesn't compile under WinRT settings