Updated ImGuizmo.

This commit is contained in:
Branimir Karadžić 2017-01-14 13:37:39 -08:00
parent d9c8501d06
commit 50b4732f1b
2 changed files with 237 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
enum MODE
@ -152,5 +152,5 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
void Manipulate(const float *view, const float *projection, OPERATION operation, MODE mode, float *matrix, float *deltaMatrix = 0, float *snap = 0);
void Manipulate(const float *view, const float *projection, OPERATION operation, MODE mode, float *matrix, float *deltaMatrix = 0, float *snap = 0, float *localBounds = NULL, float *boundsSnap = NULL);

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
float LengthSq() const { return (x*x + y*y + z*z); };
vec_t Normalize() { (*this) *= (1.f / Length()); return (*this); }
vec_t Normalize(const vec_t& v) { this->Set(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w); this->Normalize(); return (*this); }
vec_t Abs() const;
void Cross(const vec_t& v)
vec_t res;
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
vec_t vec_t::operator - (const vec_t& v) const { return makeVect(x - v.x, y - v.y, z - v.z, w - v.w); }
vec_t vec_t::operator + (const vec_t& v) const { return makeVect(x + v.x, y + v.y, z + v.z, w + v.w); }
vec_t vec_t::operator * (const vec_t& v) const { return makeVect(x * v.x, y * v.y, z * v.z, w * v.w); }
vec_t vec_t::Abs() const { return makeVect(fabsf(x), fabsf(y), fabsf(z)); }
ImVec2 operator+ (const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b) { return ImVec2(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y); }
vec_t Normalized(const vec_t& v) { vec_t res; res = v; res.Normalize(); return res; }
@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
vec_t right, up, dir, position;
} v;
vec_t component[4];
matrix_t(const matrix_t& other) { memcpy(&m16[0], &other.m16[0], sizeof(float) * 16); }
@ -239,7 +240,6 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
float Inverse(const matrix_t &srcMatrix, bool affine = false);
float Inverse(bool affine = false);
void SetToIdentity()
v.right.Set(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
@ -481,11 +481,12 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
struct Context
Context() : mbUsing(false), mbEnable(true)
Context() : mbUsing(false), mbEnable(true), mbUsingBounds(false)
@ -540,6 +541,17 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
bool mBelowPlaneLimit[3];
float mAxisFactor[3];
// bounds stretching
vec_t mBoundsPivot;
vec_t mBoundsAnchor;
vec_t mBoundsPlan;
vec_t mBoundsLocalPivot;
int mBoundsBestAxis;
int mBoundsAxis[2];
bool mbUsingBounds;
matrix_t mBoundsMatrix;
int mCurrentOperation;
@ -625,7 +637,7 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
bool IsUsing()
return gContext.mbUsing;
return gContext.mbUsing||gContext.mbUsingBounds;
bool IsOver()
@ -636,8 +648,11 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
void Enable(bool enable)
gContext.mbEnable = enable;
if (!enable)
gContext.mbUsing = false;
if (!enable)
gContext.mbUsing = false;
gContext.mbUsingBounds = false;
static float GetUniform(const vec_t& position, const matrix_t& mat)
@ -770,22 +785,22 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
static void ComputeSnap(float*value, float *snap)
static void ComputeSnap(float*value, float snap)
if (*snap <= FLT_EPSILON)
if (snap <= FLT_EPSILON)
float modulo = fmodf(*value, *snap);
float moduloRatio = fabsf(modulo) / *snap;
float modulo = fmodf(*value, snap);
float moduloRatio = fabsf(modulo) / snap;
if (moduloRatio < snapTension)
*value -= modulo;
else if (moduloRatio >(1.f - snapTension))
*value = *value - modulo + *snap * ((*value<0.f) ? -1.f : 1.f);
*value = *value - modulo + snap * ((*value<0.f) ? -1.f : 1.f);
static void ComputeSnap(vec_t& value, float *snap)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ComputeSnap(&value[i], &snap[i]);
ComputeSnap(&value[i], snap[i]);
@ -996,6 +1011,178 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
static void HandleAndDrawLocalBounds(float *bounds, matrix_t *matrix, float *snapValues)
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
ImDrawList* drawList = gContext.mDrawList;
// compute best projection axis
vec_t bestAxisWorldDirection;
int bestAxis = gContext.mBoundsBestAxis;
if (!gContext.mbUsingBounds)
float bestDot = 0.f;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
vec_t dirPlaneNormalWorld;
dirPlaneNormalWorld.TransformVector(directionUnary[i], gContext.mModelSource);
float dt = Dot(Normalized(gContext.mCameraEye - gContext.mModelSource.v.position), dirPlaneNormalWorld);
if (fabsf(dt) >= bestDot)
bestDot = fabsf(dt);
bestAxis = i;
bestAxisWorldDirection = dirPlaneNormalWorld;
// corners
vec_t aabb[4];
int secondAxis = (bestAxis + 1) % 3;
int thirdAxis = (bestAxis + 2) % 3;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
aabb[i][3] = aabb[i][bestAxis] = 0.f;
aabb[i][secondAxis] = bounds[secondAxis + 3 * (i >> 1)];
aabb[i][thirdAxis] = bounds[thirdAxis + 3 * ((i >> 1) ^ (i & 1))];
// draw bounds
unsigned int anchorAlpha = gContext.mbEnable ? 0xFF000000 : 0x80000000;
matrix_t boundsMVP = gContext.mModelSource * gContext.mViewProjection;
for (int i = 0; i < 4;i++)
ImVec2 worldBound1 = worldToPos(aabb[i], boundsMVP);
ImVec2 worldBound2 = worldToPos(aabb[(i+1)%4], boundsMVP);
float boundDistance = sqrtf(ImLengthSqr(worldBound1 - worldBound2));
int stepCount = (int)(boundDistance / 10.f);
float stepLength = 1.f / (float)stepCount;
for (int j = 0; j < stepCount; j++)
float t1 = (float)j * stepLength;
float t2 = (float)j * stepLength + stepLength * 0.5f;
ImVec2 worldBoundSS1 = ImLerp(worldBound1, worldBound2, ImVec2(t1, t1));
ImVec2 worldBoundSS2 = ImLerp(worldBound1, worldBound2, ImVec2(t2, t2));
drawList->AddLine(worldBoundSS1, worldBoundSS2, 0xAAAAAA + anchorAlpha, 3.f);
vec_t midPoint = (aabb[i] + aabb[(i + 1) % 4] ) * 0.5f;
ImVec2 midBound = worldToPos(midPoint, boundsMVP);
static const float AnchorBigRadius = 8.f;
static const float AnchorSmallRadius = 6.f;
bool overBigAnchor = ImLengthSqr(worldBound1 - io.MousePos) <= (AnchorBigRadius*AnchorBigRadius);
bool overSmallAnchor = ImLengthSqr(midBound - io.MousePos) <= (AnchorBigRadius*AnchorBigRadius);
unsigned int bigAnchorColor = overBigAnchor ? selectionColor : (0xAAAAAA + anchorAlpha);
unsigned int smallAnchorColor = overSmallAnchor ? selectionColor : (0xAAAAAA + anchorAlpha);
drawList->AddCircleFilled(worldBound1, AnchorBigRadius, bigAnchorColor);
drawList->AddCircleFilled(midBound, AnchorSmallRadius, smallAnchorColor);
int oppositeIndex = (i + 2) % 4;
// big anchor on corners
if (!gContext.mbUsingBounds && gContext.mbEnable && overBigAnchor && io.MouseDown[0])
gContext.mBoundsPivot.TransformPoint(aabb[(i + 2) % 4], gContext.mModelSource);
gContext.mBoundsAnchor.TransformPoint(aabb[i], gContext.mModelSource);
gContext.mBoundsPlan = BuildPlan(gContext.mBoundsAnchor, bestAxisWorldDirection);
gContext.mBoundsBestAxis = bestAxis;
gContext.mBoundsAxis[0] = secondAxis;
gContext.mBoundsAxis[1] = thirdAxis;
gContext.mBoundsLocalPivot[secondAxis] = aabb[oppositeIndex][secondAxis];
gContext.mBoundsLocalPivot[thirdAxis] = aabb[oppositeIndex][thirdAxis];
gContext.mbUsingBounds = true;
gContext.mBoundsMatrix = gContext.mModelSource;
// small anchor on middle of segment
if (!gContext.mbUsingBounds && gContext.mbEnable && overSmallAnchor && io.MouseDown[0])
vec_t midPointOpposite = (aabb[(i + 2) % 4] + aabb[(i + 3) % 4]) * 0.5f;
gContext.mBoundsPivot.TransformPoint(midPointOpposite, gContext.mModelSource);
gContext.mBoundsAnchor.TransformPoint(midPoint, gContext.mModelSource);
gContext.mBoundsPlan = BuildPlan(gContext.mBoundsAnchor, bestAxisWorldDirection);
gContext.mBoundsBestAxis = bestAxis;
int indices[] = { secondAxis , thirdAxis };
gContext.mBoundsAxis[0] = indices[i%2];
gContext.mBoundsAxis[1] = -1;
gContext.mBoundsLocalPivot[gContext.mBoundsAxis[0]] = aabb[oppositeIndex][indices[i % 2]];// bounds[gContext.mBoundsAxis[0]] * (((i + 1) & 2) ? 1.f : -1.f);
gContext.mbUsingBounds = true;
gContext.mBoundsMatrix = gContext.mModelSource;
if (gContext.mbUsingBounds)
matrix_t scale;
// compute projected mouse position on plan
const float len = IntersectRayPlane(gContext.mRayOrigin, gContext.mRayVector, gContext.mBoundsPlan);
vec_t newPos = gContext.mRayOrigin + gContext.mRayVector * len;
// compute a reference and delta vectors base on mouse move
vec_t deltaVector = (newPos - gContext.mBoundsPivot).Abs();
vec_t referenceVector = (gContext.mBoundsAnchor - gContext.mBoundsPivot).Abs();
// for 1 or 2 axes, compute a ratio that's used for scale and snap it based on resulting length
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
int axisIndex = gContext.mBoundsAxis[i];
if (axisIndex == -1)
float ratioAxis = 1.f;
vec_t axisDir = gContext.mBoundsMatrix.component[axisIndex].Abs();
float dtAxis = axisDir.Dot(referenceVector);
float boundSize = bounds[axisIndex + 3] - bounds[axisIndex];
if (dtAxis > FLT_EPSILON)
ratioAxis = axisDir.Dot(deltaVector) / dtAxis;
if (snapValues)
float length = boundSize * ratioAxis;
ComputeSnap(&length, snapValues[axisIndex]);
if (boundSize > FLT_EPSILON)
ratioAxis = length / boundSize;
scale.component[axisIndex] *= ratioAxis;
// transform matrix
matrix_t preScale, postScale;
matrix_t res = preScale * scale * postScale * gContext.mBoundsMatrix;
*matrix = res;
// info text
char tmps[512];
ImVec2 destinationPosOnScreen = worldToPos(gContext.mModel.v.position, gContext.mViewProjection);
ImFormatString(tmps, sizeof(tmps), "X: %.2f Y: %.2f Z:%.2f"
, (bounds[3] - bounds[0]) * gContext.mBoundsMatrix.component[0].Length() * scale.component[0].Length()
, (bounds[4] - bounds[1]) * gContext.mBoundsMatrix.component[1].Length() * scale.component[1].Length()
, (bounds[5] - bounds[2]) * gContext.mBoundsMatrix.component[2].Length() * scale.component[2].Length()
drawList->AddText(ImVec2(destinationPosOnScreen.x + 15, destinationPosOnScreen.y + 15), 0xFF000000, tmps);
drawList->AddText(ImVec2(destinationPosOnScreen.x + 14, destinationPosOnScreen.y + 14), 0xFFFFFFFF, tmps);
if (!io.MouseDown[0])
gContext.mbUsingBounds = false;
@ -1311,7 +1498,7 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
if (snap)
float snapInRadian = snap[0] * DEG2RAD;
ComputeSnap(&gContext.mRotationAngle, &snapInRadian);
ComputeSnap(&gContext.mRotationAngle, snapInRadian);
vec_t rotationAxisLocalSpace;
@ -1393,7 +1580,7 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
mat.v.position.Set(translation[0], translation[1], translation[2], 1.f);
void Manipulate(const float *view, const float *projection, OPERATION operation, MODE mode, float *matrix, float *deltaMatrix, float *snap)
void Manipulate(const float *view, const float *projection, OPERATION operation, MODE mode, float *matrix, float *deltaMatrix, float *snap, float *localBounds, float *boundsSnap)
ComputeContext(view, projection, matrix, mode);
@ -1411,32 +1598,41 @@ namespace ImGuizmo
int type = NONE;
if (gContext.mbEnable)
switch (operation)
case ROTATE:
HandleRotation(matrix, deltaMatrix, type, snap);
HandleTranslation(matrix, deltaMatrix, type, snap);
case SCALE:
HandleScale(matrix, deltaMatrix, type, snap);
if (!gContext.mbUsingBounds)
switch (operation)
case ROTATE:
HandleRotation(matrix, deltaMatrix, type, snap);
HandleTranslation(matrix, deltaMatrix, type, snap);
case SCALE:
HandleScale(matrix, deltaMatrix, type, snap);
switch (operation)
case ROTATE:
case SCALE:
if (localBounds && !gContext.mbUsing)
HandleAndDrawLocalBounds(localBounds, (matrix_t*)matrix, boundsSnap);
if (!gContext.mbUsingBounds)
switch (operation)
case ROTATE:
case SCALE:
void DrawCube(const float *view, const float *projection, float *matrix)
@ -1492,4 +1688,3 @@ namespace ImGuizmo