Ryan C. Gordon 1c1706a00b
fnsince: update \since policy for documentation.
Everything in SDL3 up to the ABI lock is reported as available since 3.1.3.
Everything else will be reported as since 3.2.0 (what will be the first
official release).

Also ran a Perl script over the headers to change everything to 3.1.3 that
wasn't an API function, since can't manage those. If there's a
macro or datatype that has snuck in that needs to be 3.2.0 instead, we'll
have to manually fix it up, but it shouldn't be a big deal in any case.

Reference PR #11304.
2024-10-23 12:22:43 -04:00

172 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
my $wikipath = undef;
foreach (@ARGV) {
$wikipath = abs_path($_), next if not defined $wikipath;
my %fulltags = ();
my @unsorted_releases = ();
open(PIPEFH, '-|', 'git tag -l') or die "Failed to read git release tags: $!\n";
while (<PIPEFH>) {
my $fulltag = $_;
if ($fulltag =~ /\A(prerelease|preview|release)\-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\Z/) {
# Ignore anything that isn't a x.y.0 release.
# Make sure new APIs are assigned to the next minor version and ignore the patch versions, but we'll make an except for the prereleases.
my $release_type = $1;
my $major = int($2);
my $minor = int($3);
my $patch = int($4);
next if ($major != 3); # Ignore anything that isn't an SDL3 release.
next if ($patch != 0) && ($minor >= 2); # Ignore anything that is a patch release (unless it was between the preview release and the official release).
# Consider this release version.
my $ver = "${major}.${minor}.${patch}";
push @unsorted_releases, $ver;
$fulltags{$ver} = $fulltag;
#foreach (@unsorted_releases) {
# print "$_\n";
my @releases = sort {
my @asplit = split /\./, $a;
my @bsplit = split /\./, $b;
my $rc;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@asplit); $i++) {
return 1 if (scalar(@bsplit) <= $i); # a is "2.0.1" and b is "2.0", or whatever.
my $aseg = $asplit[$i];
my $bseg = $bsplit[$i];
$rc = int($aseg) <=> int($bseg);
return $rc if ($rc != 0); # found the difference.
return 0; # still here? They matched completely?!
} @unsorted_releases;
my $current_release = $releases[-1];
my $next_release;
if (scalar(@releases) > 0) {
# this happens to work for how SDL versions things at the moment.
$current_release = $releases[-1];
my @current_release_segments = split /\./, $current_release;
# if we're still in the 3.1.x prereleases, call the "next release" 3.2.0 even if we do more prereleases.
if (($current_release_segments[0] == '3') && ($current_release_segments[1] == '1')) {
$next_release = '3.2.0';
} else {
@current_release_segments[1] = '' . (int($current_release_segments[1]) + 2);
$next_release = join('.', @current_release_segments);
#foreach (@releases) {
# print "$_\n";
#print("\nCURRENT RELEASE: $current_release\n");
#print("NEXT RELEASE: $next_release\n\n");
push @releases, 'HEAD';
$fulltags{'HEAD'} = 'HEAD';
my %funcs = ();
foreach my $release (@releases) {
#print("Checking $release...\n");
my $tag = $fulltags{$release};
my $blobname = "$tag:src/dynapi/SDL_dynapi_overrides.h";
if ($release =~ /\A3\.[01]\.\d+/) { # make everything up to the first SDL3 prerelease look like 3.1.3 (ABI lock version).
$release = '3.1.3';
else { $release = '3.2.0'; } # !!! FIXME: REMOVE ME WHEN 3.2.0 SHIPS!
open(PIPEFH, '-|', "git show '$blobname'") or die "Failed to read git blob '$blobname': $!\n";
while (<PIPEFH>) {
if (/\A\#define\s+(SDL_.*?)\s+SDL_.*?_REAL\Z/) {
my $fn = $1;
$funcs{$fn} = $release if not defined $funcs{$fn};
if (not defined $wikipath) {
foreach my $release (@releases) {
foreach my $fn (sort keys %funcs) {
print("$fn: $funcs{$fn}\n") if $funcs{$fn} eq $release;
} else {
if (defined $wikipath) {
foreach my $fn (keys %funcs) {
next if $fn eq 'SDL_ThreadID'; # this was a function early on (it's now called SDL_GetThreadID), but now it's a datatype (which originally had a different capitalization).
my $revision = $funcs{$fn};
$revision = $next_release if $revision eq 'HEAD';
my $fname = "$";
if ( ! -f $fname ) {
#print STDERR "No such file: $fname\n";
my @lines = ();
open(FH, '<', $fname) or die("Can't open $fname for read: $!\n");
my $added = 0;
while (<FH>) {
if ((/\A\-\-\-\-/) && (!$added)) {
push @lines, "## Version";
push @lines, "";
push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
push @lines, "";
$added = 1;
push @lines, $_;
next if not /\A\#\#\s+Version/;
$added = 1;
push @lines, "";
push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
push @lines, "";
while (<FH>) {
next if not (/\A\#\#\s+/ || /\A\-\-\-\-/);
push @lines, $_;
if (!$added) {
push @lines, "## Version";
push @lines, "";
push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
push @lines, "";
open(FH, '>', $fname) or die("Can't open $fname for write: $!\n");
foreach (@lines) {
print FH "$_\n";