Add SDL_SoftStretchLowerLinear() (Bug 5313)

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain Becker 2020-12-23 21:37:40 +01:00
parent 050ee9a410
commit ae8a270f61
2 changed files with 731 additions and 1 deletions

@ -519,6 +519,17 @@ extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SoftStretch(SDL_Surface * src,
SDL_Surface * dst,
const SDL_Rect * dstrect);
* \brief Perform a bilinear scaling between two surfaces of the
* same pixel format, 32BPP.
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SoftStretchLinear(SDL_Surface * src,
const SDL_Rect * srcrect,
SDL_Surface * dst,
const SDL_Rect * dstrect);
#define SDL_BlitScaled SDL_UpperBlitScaled

@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ copy_row3(Uint8 * src, int src_w, Uint8 * dst, int dst_w)
static int SDL_SoftStretchLowerNearest(SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, const SDL_Rect *dstrect);
static int SDL_SoftStretchLowerLinear(SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, const SDL_Rect *dstrect);
static int SDL_UpperSoftStretch(SDL_Surface * src, const SDL_Rect * srcrect, SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Rect * dstrect, SDL_ScaleMode scaleMode);
/* Perform a stretch blit between two surfaces of the same format.
@ -210,6 +211,13 @@ SDL_SoftStretch(SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect *srcrect,
return SDL_UpperSoftStretch(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect, SDL_ScaleModeNearest);
SDL_SoftStretchLinear(SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect *srcrect,
SDL_Surface *dst, const SDL_Rect *dstrect)
return SDL_UpperSoftStretch(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect, SDL_ScaleModeLinear);
static int
SDL_UpperSoftStretch(SDL_Surface * src, const SDL_Rect * srcrect,
SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Rect * dstrect, SDL_ScaleMode scaleMode)
@ -274,6 +282,8 @@ SDL_UpperSoftStretch(SDL_Surface * src, const SDL_Rect * srcrect,
if (scaleMode == SDL_ScaleModeNearest) {
ret = SDL_SoftStretchLowerNearest(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect);
} else {
ret = SDL_SoftStretchLowerLinear(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect);
/* We need to unlock the surfaces if they're locked */
@ -376,4 +386,713 @@ SDL_SoftStretchLowerNearest(SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect *srcrect,
return 0;
/* bilinear interpolation precision must be < 8
Because with SSE: add-multiply: _mm_madd_epi16 works with signed int
so pixels 0xb1...... are negatives and false the result
same in NEON probably */
#define PRECISION 7
#define FIXED_POINT(i) ((uint32_t)(i) << 16)
#define SRC_INDEX(fp) ((uint32_t)(fp) >> 16)
#define INTEGER(fp) ((uint32_t)(fp) >> PRECISION)
#define FRAC(fp) ((uint32_t)(fp >> (16 - PRECISION)) & ((1<<PRECISION) - 1))
#define FRAC_ZERO 0
#define FRAC_ONE (1 << PRECISION)
#define BILINEAR___START \
int i; \
int fp_sum_h, fp_step_h, left_pad_h, right_pad_h; \
int fp_sum_w, fp_step_w, left_pad_w, right_pad_w; \
int fp_sum_w_init, left_pad_w_init, right_pad_w_init, dst_gap, middle_init; \
get_scaler_datas(src_h, dst_h, &fp_sum_h, &fp_step_h, &left_pad_h, &right_pad_h); \
get_scaler_datas(src_w, dst_w, &fp_sum_w, &fp_step_w, &left_pad_w, &right_pad_w); \
fp_sum_w_init = fp_sum_w + left_pad_w * fp_step_w; \
left_pad_w_init = left_pad_w; \
right_pad_w_init = right_pad_w; \
dst_gap = dst_pitch - 4 * dst_w; \
middle_init = dst_w - left_pad_w - right_pad_w; \
int index_h, frac_h0, frac_h1, middle; \
const Uint32 *src_h0, *src_h1; \
int no_padding, incr_h0, incr_h1; \
no_padding = !(i < left_pad_h || i > dst_h - 1 - right_pad_h); \
index_h = SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_h); \
frac_h0 = FRAC(fp_sum_h); \
index_h = no_padding ? index_h : (i < left_pad_h ? 0 : src_h - 1); \
frac_h0 = no_padding ? frac_h0 : 0; \
incr_h1 = no_padding ? src_pitch : 0; \
incr_h0 = index_h * src_pitch; \
src_h0 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src + incr_h0); \
src_h1 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + incr_h1); \
fp_sum_h += fp_step_h; \
frac_h1 = FRAC_ONE - frac_h0; \
fp_sum_w = fp_sum_w_init; \
right_pad_w = right_pad_w_init; \
left_pad_w = left_pad_w_init; \
middle = middle_init; \
static void
#if defined(__clang__)
// Remove inlining of this function
// Crash with clang 9.0.8 / android-ndk-r21d
// Ok with clang 11.0.5 / android-ndk-22
# if __clang_major__ == 9 && __clang_minor__ == 0 && __clang_patchlevel__ == 8
# endif
get_scaler_datas(int src_nb, int dst_nb, int *fp_start, int *fp_step, int *left_pad, int *right_pad)
int step = FIXED_POINT(src_nb) / (dst_nb); /* source step in fixed point */
int x0 = FP_ONE / 2; /* dst first pixel center at 0.5 in fixed point */
int fp_sum;
int i;
#if 0
/* scale to source coordinates */
x0 *= src_nb;
x0 /= dst_nb; /* x0 == step / 2 */
/* Use this code for perfect match with pixman */
Sint64 tmp[2];
tmp[0] = (Sint64)step * (x0 >> 16);
tmp[1] = (Sint64)step * (x0 & 0xFFFF);
x0 = tmp[0] + ((tmp[1] + 0x8000) >> 16); /* x0 == (step + 1) / 2 */
/* -= 0.5, get back the pixel origin, in source coordinates */
x0 -= FP_ONE / 2;
*fp_start = x0;
*fp_step = step;
*left_pad = 0;
*right_pad = 0;
fp_sum = x0;
for (i = 0; i < dst_nb; i++) {
if (fp_sum < 0) {
*left_pad += 1;
} else {
int index = SRC_INDEX(fp_sum);
if (index > src_nb - 2) {
*right_pad += 1;
fp_sum += step;
// SDL_Log("%d -> %d x0=%d step=%d left_pad=%d right_pad=%d", src_nb, dst_nb, *fp_start, *fp_step, *left_pad, *right_pad);
typedef struct color_t {
Uint8 a;
Uint8 b;
Uint8 c;
Uint8 d;
} color_t;
#if 0
static void
printf_64(const char *str, void *var)
uint8_t *val = (uint8_t*) var;
printf(" * %s: %02x %02x %02x %02x _ %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
str, val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4], val[5], val[6], val[7]);
/* Interpolated == x0 + frac * (x1 - x0) == x0 * (1 - frac) + x1 * frac */
static inline void
INTERPOL(const Uint32 *src_x0, const Uint32 *src_x1, int frac0, int frac1, Uint32 *dst)
const color_t *c0 = (const color_t *)src_x0;
const color_t *c1 = (const color_t *)src_x1;
color_t *cx = (color_t *)dst;
#if 0
cx->a = c0->a + INTEGER(frac0 * (c1->a - c0->a));
cx->b = c0->b + INTEGER(frac0 * (c1->b - c0->b));
cx->c = c0->c + INTEGER(frac0 * (c1->c - c0->c));
cx->d = c0->d + INTEGER(frac0 * (c1->d - c0->d));
cx->a = INTEGER(frac1 * c0->a + frac0 * c1->a);
cx->b = INTEGER(frac1 * c0->b + frac0 * c1->b);
cx->c = INTEGER(frac1 * c0->c + frac0 * c1->c);
cx->d = INTEGER(frac1 * c0->d + frac0 * c1->d);
static inline void
INTERPOL_BILINEAR(const Uint32 *s0, const Uint32 *s1, int frac_w0, int frac_h0, int frac_h1, Uint32 *dst)
Uint32 tmp[2];
unsigned int frac_w1 = FRAC_ONE - frac_w0;
/* Vertical first, store to 'tmp' */
INTERPOL(s0, s1, frac_h0, frac_h1, tmp);
INTERPOL(s0 + 1, s1 + 1, frac_h0, frac_h1, tmp + 1);
/* Horizontal, store to 'dst' */
INTERPOL(tmp, tmp + 1, frac_w0, frac_w1, dst);
static int
scale_mat(const Uint32 *src, int src_w, int src_h, int src_pitch,
Uint32 *dst, int dst_w, int dst_h, int dst_pitch)
for (i = 0; i < dst_h; i++) {
while (left_pad_w--) {
INTERPOL_BILINEAR(src_h0, src_h1, FRAC_ZERO, frac_h0, frac_h1, dst);
dst += 1;
while (middle--) {
const Uint32 *s_00_01;
const Uint32 *s_10_11;
int index_w = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
int frac_w = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
x00 ... x0_ ..... x01
. . .
. x .
. . .
. . .
x10 ... x1_ ..... x11
s_00_01 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w);
s_10_11 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w);
INTERPOL_BILINEAR(s_00_01, s_10_11, frac_w, frac_h0, frac_h1, dst);
dst += 1;
while (right_pad_w--) {
int index_w = 4 * (src_w - 2);
const Uint32 *s_00_01 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w);
const Uint32 *s_10_11 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w);
INTERPOL_BILINEAR(s_00_01, s_10_11, FRAC_ONE, frac_h0, frac_h1, dst);
dst += 1;
dst = (Uint32 *)((Uint8 *)dst + dst_gap);
return 0;
#if defined(__SSE2__)
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
/* TODO: this didn't compile on Window10 universal package last time I tried .. */
#if defined(__WINRT__)
# endif
#if 0
static void
printf_128(const char *str, __m128i var)
uint16_t *val = (uint16_t*) &var;
printf(" * %s: %04x %04x %04x %04x _ %04x %04x %04x %04x\n",
str, val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4], val[5], val[6], val[7]);
static inline int
static int val = -1;
if (val != -1) {
return val;
val = SDL_HasSSE2();
return val;
static inline void
INTERPOL_BILINEAR_SSE(const Uint32 *s0, const Uint32 *s1, int frac_w, __m128i v_frac_h0, __m128i v_frac_h1, Uint32 *dst, __m128i zero)
__m128i x_00_01, x_10_11; /* Pixels in 4*uint8 in row */
__m128i v_frac_w0, k0, l0, d0, e0;
int f, f2;
f = frac_w;
f2 = FRAC_ONE - frac_w;
v_frac_w0 = _mm_set_epi16(f, f2, f, f2, f, f2, f, f2);
x_00_01 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)s0); /* Load x00 and x01 */
x_10_11 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)s1);
/* Interpolated == x0 + frac * (x1 - x0) == x0 * (1 - frac) + x1 * frac */
/* Interpolation vertical */
k0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(x_00_01, zero), v_frac_h1);
l0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(x_10_11, zero), v_frac_h0);
k0 = _mm_add_epi16(k0, l0);
/* For perfect match, clear the factionnal part eventually. */
k0 = _mm_srli_epi16(k0, PRECISION);
k0 = _mm_slli_epi16(k0, PRECISION);
/* Interpolation horizontal */
l0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(/* unused */ l0, k0);
k0 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(l0, k0), v_frac_w0);
/* Store 1 pixel */
d0 = _mm_srli_epi32(k0, PRECISION * 2);
e0 = _mm_packs_epi32(d0, d0);
e0 = _mm_packus_epi16(e0, e0);
*dst = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(e0);
static int
scale_mat_SSE(const Uint32 *src, int src_w, int src_h, int src_pitch, Uint32 *dst, int dst_w, int dst_h, int dst_pitch)
for (i = 0; i < dst_h; i++) {
int nb_block2;
__m128i v_frac_h0;
__m128i v_frac_h1;
__m128i zero;
nb_block2 = middle / 2;
v_frac_h0 = _mm_set_epi16(frac_h0, frac_h0, frac_h0, frac_h0, frac_h0, frac_h0, frac_h0, frac_h0);
v_frac_h1 = _mm_set_epi16(frac_h1, frac_h1, frac_h1, frac_h1, frac_h1, frac_h1, frac_h1, frac_h1);
zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
while (left_pad_w--) {
INTERPOL_BILINEAR_SSE(src_h0, src_h1, FRAC_ZERO, v_frac_h0, v_frac_h1, dst, zero);
dst += 1;
while (nb_block2--) {
int index_w_0, frac_w_0;
int index_w_1, frac_w_1;
const Uint32 *s_00_01, *s_02_03, *s_10_11, *s_12_13;
__m128i x_00_01, x_10_11, x_02_03, x_12_13;/* Pixels in 4*uint8 in row */
__m128i v_frac_w0, k0, l0, d0, e0;
__m128i v_frac_w1, k1, l1, d1, e1;
int f, f2;
index_w_0 = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
frac_w_0 = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
index_w_1 = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
frac_w_1 = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
x00............ x01 x02...........x03
. . . . . .
j0 f0 j1 j2 f1 j3
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
x10............ x11 x12...........x13
s_00_01 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w_0);
s_02_03 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w_1);
s_10_11 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w_0);
s_12_13 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w_1);
f = frac_w_0;
f2 = FRAC_ONE - frac_w_0;
v_frac_w0 = _mm_set_epi16(f, f2, f, f2, f, f2, f, f2);
f = frac_w_1;
f2 = FRAC_ONE - frac_w_1;
v_frac_w1 = _mm_set_epi16(f, f2, f, f2, f, f2, f, f2);
x_00_01 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)s_00_01); /* Load x00 and x01 */
x_02_03 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)s_02_03);
x_10_11 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)s_10_11);
x_12_13 = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)s_12_13);
/* Interpolation vertical */
k0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(x_00_01, zero), v_frac_h1);
l0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(x_10_11, zero), v_frac_h0);
k0 = _mm_add_epi16(k0, l0);
k1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(x_02_03, zero), v_frac_h1);
l1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(x_12_13, zero), v_frac_h0);
k1 = _mm_add_epi16(k1, l1);
/* Interpolation horizontal */
l0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(/* unused */ l0, k0);
k0 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(l0, k0), v_frac_w0);
l1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(/* unused */ l1, k1);
k1 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(l1, k1), v_frac_w1);
/* Store 1 pixel */
d0 = _mm_srli_epi32(k0, PRECISION * 2);
e0 = _mm_packs_epi32(d0, d0);
e0 = _mm_packus_epi16(e0, e0);
*dst++ = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(e0);
/* Store 1 pixel */
d1 = _mm_srli_epi32(k1, PRECISION * 2);
e1 = _mm_packs_epi32(d1, d1);
e1 = _mm_packus_epi16(e1, e1);
*dst++ = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(e1);
/* Last point */
if (middle & 0x1) {
const Uint32 *s_00_01;
const Uint32 *s_10_11;
int index_w = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
int frac_w = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
s_00_01 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w);
s_10_11 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w);
INTERPOL_BILINEAR_SSE(s_00_01, s_10_11, frac_w, v_frac_h0, v_frac_h1, dst, zero);
dst += 1;
while (right_pad_w--) {
int index_w = 4 * (src_w - 2);
const Uint32 *s_00_01 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w);
const Uint32 *s_10_11 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w);
INTERPOL_BILINEAR_SSE(s_00_01, s_10_11, FRAC_ONE, v_frac_h0, v_frac_h1, dst, zero);
dst += 1;
dst = (Uint32 *)((Uint8 *)dst + dst_gap);
return 0;
static inline int
static int val = -1;
if (val != -1) {
return val;
val = SDL_HasNEON();
return val;
static inline void
INTERPOL_BILINEAR_NEON(const Uint32 *s0, const Uint32 *s1, int frac_w, uint8x8_t v_frac_h0, uint8x8_t v_frac_h1, Uint32 *dst)
uint8x8_t x_00_01, x_10_11; /* Pixels in 4*uint8 in row */
uint16x8_t k0;
uint32x4_t l0;
uint16x8_t d0;
uint8x8_t e0;
x_00_01 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s0); /* Load 2 pixels */
x_10_11 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s1);
/* Interpolated == x0 + frac * (x1 - x0) == x0 * (1 - frac) + x1 * frac */
k0 = vmull_u8(x_00_01, v_frac_h1); /* k0 := x0 * (1 - frac) */
k0 = vmlal_u8(k0, x_10_11, v_frac_h0); /* k0 += x1 * frac */
/* k0 now contains 2 interpolated pixels { j0, j1 } */
l0 = vshll_n_u16(vget_low_u16(k0), PRECISION);
l0 = vmlsl_n_u16(l0, vget_low_u16(k0), frac_w);
l0 = vmlal_n_u16(l0, vget_high_u16(k0), frac_w);
/* Shift and narrow */
d0 = vcombine_u16(
/* uint16x4_t */ vshrn_n_u32(l0, 2 * PRECISION),
/* uint16x4_t */ vshrn_n_u32(l0, 2 * PRECISION)
/* Narrow again */
e0 = vmovn_u16(d0);
/* Store 1 pixel */
*dst = vget_lane_u32((uint32x2_t)e0, 0);
static int
scale_mat_NEON(const Uint32 *src, int src_w, int src_h, int src_pitch, Uint32 *dst, int dst_w, int dst_h, int dst_pitch)
for (i = 0; i < dst_h; i++) {
int nb_block4;
uint8x8_t v_frac_h0, v_frac_h1;
nb_block4 = middle / 4;
v_frac_h0 = vmov_n_u8(frac_h0);
v_frac_h1 = vmov_n_u8(frac_h1);
while (left_pad_w--) {
INTERPOL_BILINEAR_NEON(src_h0, src_h1, FRAC_ZERO, v_frac_h0, v_frac_h1, dst);
dst += 1;
while (nb_block4--) {
int index_w_0, frac_w_0;
int index_w_1, frac_w_1;
int index_w_2, frac_w_2;
int index_w_3, frac_w_3;
const Uint32 *s_00_01, *s_02_03, *s_04_05, *s_06_07;
const Uint32 *s_10_11, *s_12_13, *s_14_15, *s_16_17;
uint8x8_t x_00_01, x_10_11, x_02_03, x_12_13;/* Pixels in 4*uint8 in row */
uint8x8_t x_04_05, x_14_15, x_06_07, x_16_17;
uint16x8_t k0, k1, k2, k3;
uint32x4_t l0, l1, l2, l3;
uint16x8_t d0, d1;
uint8x8_t e0, e1;
uint32x4_t f0;
index_w_0 = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
frac_w_0 = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
index_w_1 = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
frac_w_1 = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
index_w_2 = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
frac_w_2 = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
index_w_3 = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
frac_w_3 = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
s_00_01 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w_0);
s_02_03 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w_1);
s_04_05 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w_2);
s_06_07 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w_3);
s_10_11 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w_0);
s_12_13 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w_1);
s_14_15 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w_2);
s_16_17 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w_3);
/* Interpolation vertical */
x_00_01 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_00_01); /* Load 2 pixels */
x_02_03 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_02_03);
x_04_05 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_04_05);
x_06_07 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_06_07);
x_10_11 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_10_11);
x_12_13 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_12_13);
x_14_15 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_14_15);
x_16_17 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_16_17);
/* Interpolated == x0 + frac * (x1 - x0) == x0 * (1 - frac) + x1 * frac */
k0 = vmull_u8(x_00_01, v_frac_h1); /* k0 := x0 * (1 - frac) */
k0 = vmlal_u8(k0, x_10_11, v_frac_h0); /* k0 += x1 * frac */
k1 = vmull_u8(x_02_03, v_frac_h1);
k1 = vmlal_u8(k1, x_12_13, v_frac_h0);
k2 = vmull_u8(x_04_05, v_frac_h1);
k2 = vmlal_u8(k2, x_14_15, v_frac_h0);
k3 = vmull_u8(x_06_07, v_frac_h1);
k3 = vmlal_u8(k3, x_16_17, v_frac_h0);
/* k0 now contains 2 interpolated pixels { j0, j1 } */
/* k1 now contains 2 interpolated pixels { j2, j3 } */
/* k2 now contains 2 interpolated pixels { j4, j5 } */
/* k3 now contains 2 interpolated pixels { j6, j7 } */
l0 = vshll_n_u16(vget_low_u16(k0), PRECISION);
l0 = vmlsl_n_u16(l0, vget_low_u16(k0), frac_w_0);
l0 = vmlal_n_u16(l0, vget_high_u16(k0), frac_w_0);
l1 = vshll_n_u16(vget_low_u16(k1), PRECISION);
l1 = vmlsl_n_u16(l1, vget_low_u16(k1), frac_w_1);
l1 = vmlal_n_u16(l1, vget_high_u16(k1), frac_w_1);
l2 = vshll_n_u16(vget_low_u16(k2), PRECISION);
l2 = vmlsl_n_u16(l2, vget_low_u16(k2), frac_w_2);
l2 = vmlal_n_u16(l2, vget_high_u16(k2), frac_w_2);
l3 = vshll_n_u16(vget_low_u16(k3), PRECISION);
l3 = vmlsl_n_u16(l3, vget_low_u16(k3), frac_w_3);
l3 = vmlal_n_u16(l3, vget_high_u16(k3), frac_w_3);
/* shift and narrow */
d0 = vcombine_u16(
/* uint16x4_t */ vshrn_n_u32(l0, 2 * PRECISION),
/* uint16x4_t */ vshrn_n_u32(l1, 2 * PRECISION)
/* narrow again */
e0 = vmovn_u16(d0);
/* Shift and narrow */
d1 = vcombine_u16(
/* uint16x4_t */ vshrn_n_u32(l2, 2 * PRECISION),
/* uint16x4_t */ vshrn_n_u32(l3, 2 * PRECISION)
/* Narrow again */
e1 = vmovn_u16(d1);
f0 = vcombine_u32((uint32x2_t)e0, (uint32x2_t)e1);
/* Store 4 pixels */
vst1q_u32(dst, f0);
dst += 4;
if (middle & 0x2) {
int index_w_0, frac_w_0;
int index_w_1, frac_w_1;
const Uint32 *s_00_01, *s_02_03;
const Uint32 *s_10_11, *s_12_13;
uint8x8_t x_00_01, x_10_11, x_02_03, x_12_13;/* Pixels in 4*uint8 in row */
uint16x8_t k0, k1;
uint32x4_t l0, l1;
uint16x8_t d0;
uint8x8_t e0;
index_w_0 = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
frac_w_0 = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
index_w_1 = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
frac_w_1 = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
fp_sum_w += fp_step_w;
x00............ x01 x02...........x03
. . . . . .
j0 dest0 j1 j2 dest1 j3
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
x10............ x11 x12...........x13
s_00_01 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w_0);
s_02_03 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w_1);
s_10_11 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w_0);
s_12_13 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w_1);
/* Interpolation vertical */
x_00_01 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_00_01);/* Load 2 pixels */
x_02_03 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_02_03);
x_10_11 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_10_11);
x_12_13 = (uint8x8_t)vld1_u32(s_12_13);
/* Interpolated == x0 + frac * (x1 - x0) == x0 * (1 - frac) + x1 * frac */
k0 = vmull_u8(x_00_01, v_frac_h1); /* k0 := x0 * (1 - frac) */
k0 = vmlal_u8(k0, x_10_11, v_frac_h0); /* k0 += x1 * frac */
k1 = vmull_u8(x_02_03, v_frac_h1);
k1 = vmlal_u8(k1, x_12_13, v_frac_h0);
/* k0 now contains 2 interpolated pixels { j0, j1 } */
/* k1 now contains 2 interpolated pixels { j2, j3 } */
l0 = vshll_n_u16(vget_low_u16(k0), PRECISION);
l0 = vmlsl_n_u16(l0, vget_low_u16(k0), frac_w_0);
l0 = vmlal_n_u16(l0, vget_high_u16(k0), frac_w_0);
l1 = vshll_n_u16(vget_low_u16(k1), PRECISION);
l1 = vmlsl_n_u16(l1, vget_low_u16(k1), frac_w_1);
l1 = vmlal_n_u16(l1, vget_high_u16(k1), frac_w_1);
/* Shift and narrow */
d0 = vcombine_u16(
/* uint16x4_t */ vshrn_n_u32(l0, 2 * PRECISION),
/* uint16x4_t */ vshrn_n_u32(l1, 2 * PRECISION)
/* Narrow again */
e0 = vmovn_u16(d0);
/* Store 2 pixels */
vst1_u32(dst, (uint32x2_t)e0);
dst += 2;
/* Last point */
if (middle & 0x1) {
int index_w = 4 * SRC_INDEX(fp_sum_w);
int frac_w = FRAC(fp_sum_w);
const Uint32 *s_00_01 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w);
const Uint32 *s_10_11 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w);
INTERPOL_BILINEAR_NEON(s_00_01, s_10_11, frac_w, v_frac_h0, v_frac_h1, dst);
dst += 1;
while (right_pad_w--) {
int index_w = 4 * (src_w - 2);
const Uint32 *s_00_01 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h0 + index_w);
const Uint32 *s_10_11 = (const Uint32 *)((const Uint8 *)src_h1 + index_w);
INTERPOL_BILINEAR_NEON(s_00_01, s_10_11, FRAC_ONE, v_frac_h0, v_frac_h1, dst);
dst += 1;
dst = (Uint32 *)((Uint8 *)dst + dst_gap);
return 0;
SDL_SoftStretchLowerLinear(SDL_Surface *s, const SDL_Rect *srcrect,
SDL_Surface *d, const SDL_Rect *dstrect)
int ret = -1;
int src_w = srcrect->w;
int src_h = srcrect->h;
int dst_w = dstrect->w;
int dst_h = dstrect->h;
int src_pitch = s->pitch;
int dst_pitch = d->pitch;
Uint32 *src = (Uint32 *) ((Uint8 *)s->pixels + srcrect->x * 4 + srcrect->y * src_pitch);
Uint32 *dst = (Uint32 *) ((Uint8 *)d->pixels + dstrect->x * 4 + dstrect->y * dst_pitch);
if (ret == -1 && hasNEON()) {
ret = scale_mat_NEON(src, src_w, src_h, src_pitch, dst, dst_w, dst_h, dst_pitch);
if (ret == -1 && hasSSE2()) {
ret = scale_mat_SSE(src, src_w, src_h, src_pitch, dst, dst_w, dst_h, dst_pitch);
if (ret == -1) {
scale_mat(src, src_w, src_h, src_pitch, dst, dst_w, dst_h, dst_pitch);
return ret;
/* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */