Implement visually accurate SIMD blitters

This commit is contained in:
Isaac Aronson 2023-09-10 17:45:53 -05:00 committed by Sam Lantinga
parent f6f12d0451
commit 9590a47629
3 changed files with 212 additions and 123 deletions

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@ -9,45 +9,92 @@
#include "SDL_blit.h"
#include "SDL_blit_A_sse4_1.h"
__m256i SDL_TARGETING("avx2") GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaMask_AVX2(const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
Uint8 index = dstfmt->Ashift / 4;
/* Handle case where bad input sent */
if (dstfmt->Ashift == dstfmt->Bshift && dstfmt->Ashift == 0) {
index = 6;
__m256i SDL_TARGETING("avx2") GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSplatMask_AVX2(const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
Uint8 index = dstfmt->Ashift / 8;
return _mm256_set_epi8(
-1, index + 24, -1, index + 24, -1, index + 24, -1, index + 24,
-1, index + 16, -1, index + 16, -1, index + 16, -1, index + 16,
-1, index + 8, -1, index + 8, -1, index + 8, -1, index + 8,
-1, index, -1, index, -1, index, -1, index);
index + 28, index + 28, index + 28, index + 28, index + 24, index + 24, index + 24, index + 24,
index + 20, index + 20, index + 20, index + 20, index + 16, index + 16, index + 16, index + 16,
index + 12, index + 12, index + 12, index + 12, index + 8, index + 8, index + 8, index + 8,
index + 4, index + 4, index + 4, index + 4, index, index, index, index);
__m256i SDL_TARGETING("avx2") GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSaturateMask_AVX2(const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
const Uint8 bin = dstfmt->Ashift / 8;
return _mm256_set_epi8(
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0);
__m256i SDL_TARGETING("avx2") GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask_AVX2(const SDL_PixelFormat* srcfmt,
const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
/* Calculate shuffle indices based on the source and destination SDL_PixelFormat */
Uint8 shuffleIndices[32];
Uint8 dstAshift = dstfmt->Ashift / 8;
Uint8 dstRshift = dstfmt->Rshift / 8;
Uint8 dstGshift = dstfmt->Gshift / 8;
Uint8 dstBshift = dstfmt->Bshift / 8;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
shuffleIndices[dstAshift + i * 4] = srcfmt->Ashift / 8 + i * 4;
shuffleIndices[dstRshift + i * 4] = srcfmt->Rshift / 8 + i * 4;
shuffleIndices[dstGshift + i * 4] = srcfmt->Gshift / 8 + i * 4;
shuffleIndices[dstBshift + i * 4] = srcfmt->Bshift / 8 + i * 4;
/* Create shuffle mask based on the calculated indices */
return _mm256_set_epi8(
shuffleIndices[31], shuffleIndices[30], shuffleIndices[29], shuffleIndices[28],
shuffleIndices[27], shuffleIndices[26], shuffleIndices[25], shuffleIndices[24],
shuffleIndices[23], shuffleIndices[22], shuffleIndices[21], shuffleIndices[20],
shuffleIndices[19], shuffleIndices[18], shuffleIndices[17], shuffleIndices[16],
shuffleIndices[15], shuffleIndices[14], shuffleIndices[13], shuffleIndices[12],
shuffleIndices[11], shuffleIndices[10], shuffleIndices[9], shuffleIndices[8],
shuffleIndices[7], shuffleIndices[6], shuffleIndices[5], shuffleIndices[4],
shuffleIndices[3], shuffleIndices[2], shuffleIndices[1], shuffleIndices[0]
* Using the AVX2 instruction set, blit eight pixels with alpha blending
* @param src A pointer to four 32-bit pixels of ARGB format to blit into dst
* @param dst A pointer to four 32-bit pixels of ARGB format to retain visual data for while alpha blending
* @return A 128-bit wide vector of four alpha-blended pixels in ARGB format
* Using the AVX2 instruction set, blit sixteen pixels into eight with alpha blending
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("avx2") MixRGBA_AVX2(const __m128i src, const __m128i dst, const __m256i alphaMask) {
__m256i src_color = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(src);
__m256i dst_color = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(dst);
__m256i alpha = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(src_color, alphaMask);
__m256i sub = _mm256_sub_epi16(src_color, dst_color);
__m256i mul = _mm256_mullo_epi16(sub, alpha);
* With an 8-bit shuffle, one can only move integers within a lane. The 256-bit AVX2 lane is actually 4 64-bit
* lanes. We pack the integers into the start of each lane. The second shuffle operates on these 64-bit integers to
* put them into the correct order for transport back to the surface in the correct format.
const __m256i SHUFFLE_REDUCE = _mm256_set_epi8(
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
31, 29, 27, 25, 23, 21, 19, 17,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1);
__m256i reduced = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(mul, SHUFFLE_REDUCE);
__m256i packed = _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(reduced, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 2, 0));
__m128i mix = _mm256_castsi256_si128(packed);
return _mm_add_epi8(mix, dst);
__m256i SDL_TARGETING("avx2") MixRGBA_AVX2(__m256i src, __m256i dst, const __m256i alpha_shuffle,
const __m256i alpha_saturate) {
// SIMD implementation of blend_mul2.
// dstRGB = (srcRGB * srcA) + (dstRGB * (1-srcA))
// dstA = srcA + (dstA * (1-srcA)) = (1 * srcA) + (dstA * (1-srcA))
// Splat the alpha into all channels for each pixel
__m256i srca = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(src, alpha_shuffle);
// Set the alpha channels of src to 255
src = _mm256_or_si256(src, alpha_saturate);
__m256i src_lo = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(src, _mm256_setzero_si256());
__m256i src_hi = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(src, _mm256_setzero_si256());
__m256i dst_lo = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(dst, _mm256_setzero_si256());
__m256i dst_hi = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(dst, _mm256_setzero_si256());
__m256i srca_lo = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(srca, _mm256_setzero_si256());
__m256i srca_hi = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(srca, _mm256_setzero_si256());
// dst = ((src - dst) * srcA) + ((dst << 8) - dst)
dst_lo = _mm256_add_epi16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(_mm256_sub_epi16(src_lo, dst_lo), srca_lo),
_mm256_sub_epi16(_mm256_slli_epi16(dst_lo, 8), dst_lo));
dst_hi = _mm256_add_epi16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(_mm256_sub_epi16(src_hi, dst_hi), srca_hi),
_mm256_sub_epi16(_mm256_slli_epi16(dst_hi, 8), dst_hi));
// dst = (dst * 0x8081) >> 23
dst_lo = _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_mulhi_epu16(dst_lo, _mm256_set1_epi16(-0x7F7F)), 7);
dst_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_mulhi_epu16(dst_hi, _mm256_set1_epi16(-0x7F7F)), 7);
dst = _mm256_packus_epi16(dst_lo, dst_hi);
return dst;
void SDL_TARGETING("avx2") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_AVX2(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
@ -61,32 +108,52 @@ void SDL_TARGETING("avx2") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_AVX2(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt = info->src_fmt;
SDL_PixelFormat *dstfmt = info->dst_fmt;
int chunks = width / 4;
const __m128i colorShiftMask = GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask(srcfmt, dstfmt);
const __m256i alphaMask = GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaMask_AVX2(dstfmt);
const __m128i sse4_1AlphaMask = GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaMask_SSE4_1(dstfmt);
int chunks = width / 8;
int free_format = 0;
/* Handle case when passed invalid format, assume ARGB destination */
if (dstfmt->Ashift == 0 && dstfmt->Ashift == dstfmt->Bshift) {
dstfmt = SDL_CreatePixelFormat(SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888);
free_format = 1;
const __m256i shift_mask = GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask_AVX2(srcfmt, dstfmt);
const __m256i splat_mask = GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSplatMask_AVX2(dstfmt);
const __m256i saturate_mask = GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSaturateMask_AVX2(dstfmt);
const __m128i sse4_1_shift_mask = GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask_SSE4_1(srcfmt, dstfmt);
const __m128i sse4_1_splat_mask = GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSplatMask_SSE4_1(dstfmt);
const __m128i sse4_1_saturate_mask = GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSaturateMask_SSE4_1(dstfmt);
while (height--) {
/* Process 4-wide chunks of source color data that may be in wrong format */
/* Process 8-wide chunks of source color data that may be in wrong format */
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i += 1) {
__m128i c_src = _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *) (src + i * 16)), colorShiftMask);
/* Alpha-blend in 4-wide chunk from src into destination */
__m128i c_dst = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*) (dst + i * 16));
__m128i c_mix = MixRGBA_AVX2(c_src, c_dst, alphaMask);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*) (dst + i * 16), c_mix);
__m256i c_src = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(_mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i *) (src + i * 32)), shift_mask);
/* Alpha-blend in 8-wide chunk from src into destination */
__m256i c_dst = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*) (dst + i * 32));
__m256i c_mix = MixRGBA_AVX2(c_src, c_dst, splat_mask, saturate_mask);
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*) (dst + i * 32), c_mix);
/* Handle remaining pixels when width is not a multiple of 4 */
if (width % 4 != 0) {
int remaining_pixels = width % 4;
if (width % 8 != 0) {
int remaining_pixels = width % 8;
int offset = width - remaining_pixels;
if (remaining_pixels >= 4) {
Uint32 *src_ptr = ((Uint32*)(src + (offset * 4)));
Uint32 *dst_ptr = ((Uint32*)(dst + (offset * 4)));
__m128i c_src = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)src_ptr);
c_src = _mm_shuffle_epi8(c_src, sse4_1_shift_mask);
__m128i c_dst = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)dst_ptr);
__m128i c_mix = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, sse4_1_splat_mask, sse4_1_saturate_mask);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)dst_ptr, c_mix);
remaining_pixels -= 4;
offset += 4;
if (remaining_pixels >= 2) {
Uint32 *src_ptr = ((Uint32*)(src + (offset * 4)));
Uint32 *dst_ptr = ((Uint32*)(dst + (offset * 4)));
__m128i c_src = _mm_loadu_si64(src_ptr);
c_src = _mm_shuffle_epi8(c_src, colorShiftMask);
c_src = _mm_shuffle_epi8(c_src, sse4_1_shift_mask);
__m128i c_dst = _mm_loadu_si64(dst_ptr);
__m128i c_mix = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, sse4_1AlphaMask);
__m128i c_mix = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, sse4_1_splat_mask, sse4_1_saturate_mask);
_mm_storeu_si64(dst_ptr, c_mix);
remaining_pixels -= 2;
offset += 2;
@ -103,7 +170,7 @@ void SDL_TARGETING("avx2") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_AVX2(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
__m128i c_src = _mm_loadu_si32(&pixel);
__m128i c_dst = _mm_loadu_si32(dst_ptr);
__m128i mixed_pixel = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, sse4_1AlphaMask);
__m128i mixed_pixel = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, sse4_1_splat_mask, sse4_1_saturate_mask);
/* Old GCC has bad or no _mm_storeu_si32 */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 11)
*dst_ptr = _mm_extract_epi32(mixed_pixel, 0);
@ -119,6 +186,9 @@ void SDL_TARGETING("avx2") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_AVX2(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
src += srcskip;
dst += dstskip;
if (free_format) {

View File

@ -10,75 +10,40 @@
#include "SDL_blit_A_sse4_1.h"
* A helper function to create an alpha mask for use with MixRGBA_SSE4_1 based on pixel format
* A helper function to create an alpha splat mask for use with MixRGBA_SSE4_1 based on pixel format
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaMask_SSE4_1(const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
Uint8 index = dstfmt->Ashift / 8;
/* Handle case where bad input sent */
if (dstfmt->Ashift == dstfmt->Bshift && dstfmt->Ashift == 0) {
index = 3;
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSplatMask_SSE4_1(const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
const Uint8 index = dstfmt->Ashift / 8;
return _mm_set_epi8(
-1, index + 4, -1, index + 4, -1, index + 4, -1, index + 4,
-1, index, -1, index, -1, index, -1, index);
index + 12, index + 12, index + 12, index + 12,
index + 8, index + 8, index + 8, index + 8,
index + 4, index + 4, index + 4, index + 4,
index, index, index, index);
* Using the SSE4.1 instruction set, blit four pixels with alpha blending
* @param src A pointer to two 32-bit pixels of ARGB format to blit into dst
* @param dst A pointer to two 32-bit pixels of ARGB format to retain visual data for while alpha blending
* @return A 128-bit wide vector of two alpha-blended pixels in ARGB format
* A helper function to create an alpha saturate mask for use with MixRGBA_SSE4_1 based on pixel format
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") MixRGBA_SSE4_1(const __m128i src, const __m128i dst, const __m128i alphaMask) {
__m128i src_color = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(src);
__m128i dst_color = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(dst);
* Combines a shuffle and an _mm_cvtepu8_epi16 operation into one operation by moving the lower 8 bits of the alpha
* channel around to create 16-bit integers.
__m128i alpha = _mm_shuffle_epi8(src, alphaMask);
__m128i sub = _mm_sub_epi16(src_color, dst_color);
__m128i mul = _mm_mullo_epi16(sub, alpha);
const __m128i SHUFFLE_REDUCE = _mm_set_epi8(
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1);
__m128i reduced = _mm_shuffle_epi8(mul, SHUFFLE_REDUCE);
return _mm_add_epi8(reduced, dst);
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSaturateMask_SSE4_1(const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
const Uint8 bin = dstfmt->Ashift / 8;
return _mm_set_epi8(
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0,
bin == 3 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 2 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 1 ? 0xFF : 0, bin == 0 ? 0xFF : 0);
Uint32 AlignPixelToSDL_PixelFormat(Uint32 color, const SDL_PixelFormat* srcfmt, const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
Uint8 a = (color >> srcfmt->Ashift) & 0xFF;
Uint8 r = (color >> srcfmt->Rshift) & 0xFF;
Uint8 g = (color >> srcfmt->Gshift) & 0xFF;
Uint8 b = (color >> srcfmt->Bshift) & 0xFF;
/* Handle case where bad input sent */
Uint8 aShift = dstfmt->Ashift;
if (aShift == dstfmt->Bshift && aShift == 0) {
aShift = 24;
return (a << aShift) |
(r << dstfmt->Rshift) |
(g << dstfmt->Gshift) |
(b << dstfmt->Bshift);
* This helper function converts arbitrary pixel formats into a shuffle mask for _mm_shuffle_epi8
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask(const SDL_PixelFormat* srcfmt,
const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask_SSE4_1(const SDL_PixelFormat* srcfmt,
const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
/* Calculate shuffle indices based on the source and destination SDL_PixelFormat */
Uint8 shuffleIndices[16];
Uint8 dstAshift = dstfmt->Ashift / 8;
Uint8 dstRshift = dstfmt->Rshift / 8;
Uint8 dstGshift = dstfmt->Gshift / 8;
Uint8 dstBshift = dstfmt->Bshift / 8;
/* Handle case where bad input sent */
if (dstAshift == dstBshift && dstAshift == 0) {
dstAshift = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
shuffleIndices[dstAshift + i * 4] = srcfmt->Ashift / 8 + i * 4;
shuffleIndices[dstRshift + i * 4] = srcfmt->Rshift / 8 + i * 4;
@ -95,6 +60,56 @@ __m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask(const SDL_PixelFor
* Using the SSE4.1 instruction set, blit eight pixels into four with alpha blending
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") MixRGBA_SSE4_1(__m128i src, __m128i dst,
const __m128i alpha_splat, const __m128i alpha_saturate) {
// SIMD implementation of blend_mul2.
// dstRGB = (srcRGB * srcA) + (dstRGB * (1-srcA))
// dstA = srcA + (dstA * (1-srcA)) = (1 * srcA) + (dstA * (1-srcA))
// Splat the alpha into all channels for each pixel
__m128i srca = _mm_shuffle_epi8(src, alpha_splat);
// Set the alpha channels of src to 255
src = _mm_or_si128(src, alpha_saturate);
__m128i src_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(src, _mm_setzero_si128());
__m128i src_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(src, _mm_setzero_si128());
__m128i dst_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(dst, _mm_setzero_si128());
__m128i dst_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(dst, _mm_setzero_si128());
__m128i srca_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srca, _mm_setzero_si128());
__m128i srca_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(srca, _mm_setzero_si128());
// dst = ((src - dst) * srcA) + ((dst << 8) - dst)
dst_lo = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(src_lo, dst_lo), srca_lo),
_mm_sub_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(dst_lo, 8), dst_lo));
dst_hi = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(src_hi, dst_hi), srca_hi),
_mm_sub_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(dst_hi, 8), dst_hi));
// dst = (dst * 0x8081) >> 23
dst_lo = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(dst_lo, _mm_set1_epi16(-0x7F7F)), 7);
dst_hi = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(dst_hi, _mm_set1_epi16(-0x7F7F)), 7);
dst = _mm_packus_epi16(dst_lo, dst_hi);
return dst;
Uint32 AlignPixelToSDL_PixelFormat(Uint32 color, const SDL_PixelFormat* srcfmt, const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt) {
Uint8 a = (color >> srcfmt->Ashift) & 0xFF;
Uint8 r = (color >> srcfmt->Rshift) & 0xFF;
Uint8 g = (color >> srcfmt->Gshift) & 0xFF;
Uint8 b = (color >> srcfmt->Bshift) & 0xFF;
return (a << dstfmt->Ashift) |
(r << dstfmt->Rshift) |
(g << dstfmt->Gshift) |
(b << dstfmt->Bshift);
void SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_SSE4_1(SDL_BlitInfo* info) {
int width = info->dst_w;
@ -106,24 +121,24 @@ void SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_SSE4_1(SDL_BlitInfo* info) {
SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt = info->src_fmt;
SDL_PixelFormat *dstfmt = info->dst_fmt;
int chunks = width / 4;
Uint8 *buffer = (Uint8*)SDL_malloc(chunks * 16 * sizeof(Uint8));
const __m128i colorShiftMask = GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask(srcfmt, dstfmt);
const __m128i alphaMask = GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaMask_SSE4_1(dstfmt);
const int chunks = width / 4;
int free_format = 0;
/* Handle case when passed invalid format, assume ARGB destination */
if (dstfmt->Ashift == 0 && dstfmt->Ashift == dstfmt->Bshift) {
dstfmt = SDL_CreatePixelFormat(SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888);
free_format = 1;
const __m128i shift_mask = GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask_SSE4_1(srcfmt, dstfmt);
const __m128i splat_mask = GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSplatMask_SSE4_1(dstfmt);
const __m128i saturate_mask = GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSaturateMask_SSE4_1(dstfmt);
while (height--) {
/* Process 4-wide chunks of source color data that may be in wrong format into buffer */
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i += 1) {
__m128i colors = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(src + i * 16));
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(buffer + i * 16), _mm_shuffle_epi8(colors, colorShiftMask));
/* Alpha-blend in 2-wide chunks from buffer into destination */
for (int i = 0; i < chunks * 2; i += 1) {
__m128i c_src = _mm_loadu_si64((buffer + (i * 8)));
__m128i c_dst = _mm_loadu_si64((dst + i * 8));
__m128i c_mix = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, alphaMask);
_mm_storeu_si64(dst + i * 8, c_mix);
colors = _mm_shuffle_epi8(colors, shift_mask);
colors = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(colors, _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(dst + i * 16)),
splat_mask, saturate_mask);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(dst + i * 16), colors);
/* Handle remaining pixels when width is not a multiple of 4 */
@ -134,9 +149,9 @@ void SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_SSE4_1(SDL_BlitInfo* info) {
Uint32 *src_ptr = ((Uint32*)(src + (offset * 4)));
Uint32 *dst_ptr = ((Uint32*)(dst + (offset * 4)));
__m128i c_src = _mm_loadu_si64(src_ptr);
c_src = _mm_shuffle_epi8(c_src, colorShiftMask);
c_src = _mm_shuffle_epi8(c_src, shift_mask);
__m128i c_dst = _mm_loadu_si64(dst_ptr);
__m128i c_mix = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, alphaMask);
__m128i c_mix = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, splat_mask, saturate_mask);
_mm_storeu_si64(dst_ptr, c_mix);
remaining_pixels -= 2;
offset += 2;
@ -153,7 +168,7 @@ void SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_SSE4_1(SDL_BlitInfo* info) {
__m128i c_src = _mm_loadu_si32(&pixel);
__m128i c_dst = _mm_loadu_si32(dst_ptr);
__m128i mixed_pixel = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, alphaMask);
__m128i mixed_pixel = MixRGBA_SSE4_1(c_src, c_dst, splat_mask, saturate_mask);
/* Old GCC has bad or no _mm_storeu_si32 */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 11)
*dst_ptr = _mm_extract_epi32(mixed_pixel, 0);
@ -169,7 +184,9 @@ void SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_SSE4_1(SDL_BlitInfo* info) {
src += srcskip;
dst += dstskip;
if (free_format) {

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@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
Uint32 AlignPixelToSDL_PixelFormat(Uint32 color, const SDL_PixelFormat* srcfmt, const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt);
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaMask_SSE4_1(const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt);
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSplatMask_SSE4_1(const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt);
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask(const SDL_PixelFormat* srcfmt, const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt);
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatAlphaSaturateMask_SSE4_1(const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt);
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") MixRGBA_SSE4_1(__m128i src, __m128i dst, __m128i alphaMask);
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") GetSDL_PixelFormatShuffleMask_SSE4_1(const SDL_PixelFormat* srcfmt, const SDL_PixelFormat* dstfmt);
__m128i SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") MixRGBA_SSE4_1(__m128i src, __m128i dst, __m128i alpha_splat, __m128i alpha_saturate);
void SDL_TARGETING("sse4.1") BlitNtoNPixelAlpha_SSE4_1(SDL_BlitInfo *info);