Removed SDL_GetDisplayDPI()
This function wasn't consistently correct across platforms and devices. If you want the UI scale factor, you can use display_scale in the structure returned by SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(). If you need an approximate DPI, you can multiply this value times 160 on iPhone and Android, and 96 on other platforms.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1198,13 +1198,6 @@ public class SDLActivity extends Activity implements View.OnSystemUiVisibilityCh
* This method is called by SDL using JNI.
public static DisplayMetrics getDisplayDPI() {
return getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
* This method is called by SDL using JNI.
@ -1051,7 +1051,6 @@ SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize() has been removed. SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels() can be us
The following functions have been renamed:
* SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode() => SDL_GetClosestFullscreenDisplayMode()
* SDL_GetDisplayDPI() => SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI()
* SDL_GetPointDisplayIndex() => SDL_GetDisplayForPoint()
* SDL_GetRectDisplayIndex() => SDL_GetDisplayForRect()
* SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex() => SDL_GetDisplayForWindow()
@ -1060,6 +1059,7 @@ The following functions have been renamed:
The following functions have been removed:
* SDL_GetClosestFullscreenDisplayMode()
* SDL_GetDisplayDPI() - not reliable across platforms, approximately replaced by multiplying `display_scale` in the structure returned by SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode() times 160 on iPhone and Android, and 96 on other platforms.
* SDL_GetDisplayMode()
* SDL_GetNumDisplayModes() - replaced with SDL_GetFullscreenDisplayModes()
* SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays() - replaced with SDL_GetDisplays()
@ -425,7 +425,6 @@
/* ##SDL_video.h */
#define SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode SDL_GetClosestFullscreenDisplayMode
#define SDL_GetDisplayDPI SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI
#define SDL_GetPointDisplayIndex SDL_GetDisplayForPoint
#define SDL_GetRectDisplayIndex SDL_GetDisplayForRect
#define SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex SDL_GetDisplayForWindow
@ -822,7 +821,6 @@
/* ##SDL_video.h */
#define SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode_renamed_SDL_GetClosestFullscreenDisplayMode
#define SDL_GetDisplayDPI SDL_GetDisplayDPI_renamed_SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI
#define SDL_GetPointDisplayIndex SDL_GetPointDisplayIndex_renamed_SDL_GetDisplayForPoint
#define SDL_GetRectDisplayIndex SDL_GetRectDisplayIndex_renamed_SDL_GetDisplayForRect
#define SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex_renamed_SDL_GetDisplayForWindow
@ -375,36 +375,6 @@ extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_GetDisplayBounds(SDL_DisplayID displayID, SDL_Re
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds(SDL_DisplayID displayID, SDL_Rect *rect);
* Get the dots/pixels-per-inch for a display.
* Diagonal, horizontal and vertical DPI can all be optionally returned if the
* appropriate parameter is non-NULL.
* **WARNING**: This reports the DPI that the hardware reports, and it is not
* always reliable! It is almost always better to use SDL_GetWindowSize() to
* find the window size, which might be in logical points instead of pixels,
* and then SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels() or SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(), and
* compare the two values to get an actual scaling value between the two. We
* will be rethinking how high-dpi details should be managed in SDL3 to make
* things more consistent, reliable, and clear.
* \param displayID the instance ID of the display to query
* \param ddpi a pointer filled in with the diagonal DPI of the display; may
* be NULL
* \param hdpi a pointer filled in with the horizontal DPI of the display; may
* be NULL
* \param vdpi a pointer filled in with the vertical DPI of the display; may
* be NULL
* \returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure; call
* SDL_GetError() for more information.
* \since This function is available since SDL 3.0.0.
* \sa SDL_GetDisplays
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(SDL_DisplayID displayID, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi);
* Get the orientation of a display.
@ -304,7 +304,6 @@ static jmethodID midClipboardSetText;
static jmethodID midCreateCustomCursor;
static jmethodID midDestroyCustomCursor;
static jmethodID midGetContext;
static jmethodID midGetDisplayPhysicalDPI;
static jmethodID midGetManifestEnvironmentVariables;
static jmethodID midGetNativeSurface;
static jmethodID midInitTouch;
@ -593,7 +592,6 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL SDL_JAVA_INTERFACE(nativeSetupJNI)(JNIEnv *env, jclass cl
midCreateCustomCursor = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, mActivityClass, "createCustomCursor", "([IIIII)I");
midDestroyCustomCursor = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, mActivityClass, "destroyCustomCursor", "(I)V");
midGetContext = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, mActivityClass, "getContext", "()Landroid/content/Context;");
midGetDisplayPhysicalDPI = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, mActivityClass, "getDisplayDPI", "()Landroid/util/DisplayMetrics;");
midGetManifestEnvironmentVariables = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, mActivityClass, "getManifestEnvironmentVariables", "()Z");
midGetNativeSurface = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, mActivityClass, "getNativeSurface", "()Landroid/view/Surface;");
midInitTouch = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, mActivityClass, "initTouch", "()V");
@ -624,7 +622,6 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL SDL_JAVA_INTERFACE(nativeSetupJNI)(JNIEnv *env, jclass cl
!midCreateCustomCursor ||
!midDestroyCustomCursor ||
!midGetContext ||
!midGetDisplayPhysicalDPI ||
!midGetManifestEnvironmentVariables ||
!midGetNativeSurface ||
!midInitTouch ||
@ -1650,37 +1647,6 @@ SDL_DisplayOrientation Android_JNI_GetDisplayOrientation(void)
return displayOrientation;
int Android_JNI_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(float *ddpi, float *xdpi, float *ydpi)
JNIEnv *env = Android_JNI_GetEnv();
jobject jDisplayObj = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, mActivityClass, midGetDisplayPhysicalDPI);
jclass jDisplayClass = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, jDisplayObj);
jfieldID fidXdpi = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, jDisplayClass, "xdpi", "F");
jfieldID fidYdpi = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, jDisplayClass, "ydpi", "F");
jfieldID fidDdpi = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, jDisplayClass, "densityDpi", "I");
float nativeXdpi = (*env)->GetFloatField(env, jDisplayObj, fidXdpi);
float nativeYdpi = (*env)->GetFloatField(env, jDisplayObj, fidYdpi);
int nativeDdpi = (*env)->GetIntField(env, jDisplayObj, fidDdpi);
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jDisplayObj);
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jDisplayClass);
if (ddpi) {
*ddpi = (float)nativeDdpi;
if (xdpi) {
*xdpi = nativeXdpi;
if (ydpi) {
*ydpi = nativeYdpi;
return 0;
void *Android_JNI_GetAudioBuffer(void)
return audioBufferPinned;
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ extern SDL_bool Android_JNI_IsScreenKeyboardShown(void);
extern ANativeWindow *Android_JNI_GetNativeWindow(void);
extern SDL_DisplayOrientation Android_JNI_GetDisplayOrientation(void);
extern int Android_JNI_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(float *ddpi, float *xdpi, float *ydpi);
/* Audio support */
extern void Android_DetectDevices(void);
@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ SDL3_0.0.0 {
@ -187,7 +187,6 @@
#define SDL_GetDefaultCursor SDL_GetDefaultCursor_REAL
#define SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode_REAL
#define SDL_GetDisplayBounds SDL_GetDisplayBounds_REAL
#define SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI_REAL
#define SDL_GetDisplayForPoint SDL_GetDisplayForPoint_REAL
#define SDL_GetDisplayForRect SDL_GetDisplayForRect_REAL
#define SDL_GetDisplayName SDL_GetDisplayName_REAL
@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ SDL_DYNAPI_PROC(int,SDL_GetDefaultAudioInfo,(char **a, SDL_AudioSpec *b, int c),
SDL_DYNAPI_PROC(const SDL_DisplayMode*,SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode,(SDL_DisplayID a),(a),return)
SDL_DYNAPI_PROC(int,SDL_GetDisplayBounds,(SDL_DisplayID a, SDL_Rect *b),(a,b),return)
SDL_DYNAPI_PROC(int,SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI,(SDL_DisplayID a, float *b, float *c, float *d),(a,b,c,d),return)
SDL_DYNAPI_PROC(SDL_DisplayID,SDL_GetDisplayForPoint,(const SDL_Point *a),(a),return)
SDL_DYNAPI_PROC(SDL_DisplayID,SDL_GetDisplayForRect,(const SDL_Rect *a),(a),return)
SDL_DYNAPI_PROC(const char*,SDL_GetDisplayName,(SDL_DisplayID a),(a),return)
@ -1187,8 +1187,6 @@ SDLTest_CommonInit(SDLTest_CommonState *state)
if (state->verbose & VERBOSE_MODES) {
SDL_DisplayID *displays;
SDL_Rect bounds, usablebounds;
float hdpi = 0;
float vdpi = 0;
const SDL_DisplayMode **modes;
const SDL_DisplayMode *mode;
int bpp;
@ -1209,11 +1207,8 @@ SDLTest_CommonInit(SDLTest_CommonState *state)
SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds(displayID, &usablebounds);
SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(displayID, NULL, &hdpi, &vdpi);
SDL_Log("Bounds: %dx%d at %d,%d\n", bounds.w, bounds.h, bounds.x, bounds.y);
SDL_Log("Usable bounds: %dx%d at %d,%d\n", usablebounds.w, usablebounds.h, usablebounds.x, usablebounds.y);
SDL_Log("DPI: %gx%g\n", hdpi, vdpi);
mode = SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(displayID);
SDL_GetMasksForPixelFormatEnum(mode->format, &bpp, &Rmask, &Gmask,
@ -2301,7 +2296,6 @@ void SDLTest_CommonDrawWindowInfo(SDL_Renderer *renderer, SDL_Window *window, fl
float fx, fy;
SDL_Rect rect;
const SDL_DisplayMode *mode;
float ddpi, hdpi, vdpi;
float scaleX, scaleY;
Uint32 flags;
SDL_DisplayID windowDisplayID = SDL_GetDisplayForWindow(window);
@ -2437,13 +2431,6 @@ void SDLTest_CommonDrawWindowInfo(SDL_Renderer *renderer, SDL_Window *window, fl
textY += lineHeight;
if (0 == SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(windowDisplayID, &ddpi, &hdpi, &vdpi)) {
(void)SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof text, "SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI: ddpi: %g, hdpi: %g, vdpi: %g",
ddpi, hdpi, vdpi);
SDLTest_DrawString(renderer, 0.0f, textY, text);
textY += lineHeight;
(void)SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof text, "SDL_GetDisplayOrientation: ");
SDLTest_PrintDisplayOrientation(text, sizeof text, SDL_GetDisplayOrientation(windowDisplayID));
SDLTest_DrawString(renderer, 0.0f, textY, text);
@ -224,11 +224,6 @@ struct SDL_VideoDevice
int (*GetDisplayUsableBounds)(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rect);
* Get the dots/pixels-per-inch of a display
int (*GetDisplayPhysicalDPI)(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi);
* Get a list of the available display modes for a display.
@ -543,8 +538,6 @@ extern SDL_Window *SDL_GetFocusWindow(void);
extern SDL_bool SDL_ShouldAllowTopmost(void);
extern float SDL_ComputeDiagonalDPI(int hpix, int vpix, float hinches, float vinches);
extern void SDL_ToggleDragAndDropSupport(void);
/* This has been moved out of the public API, but is still available for now */
@ -855,23 +855,6 @@ int SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds(SDL_DisplayID displayID, SDL_Rect *rect)
return SDL_GetDisplayBounds(displayID, rect);
int SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(SDL_DisplayID displayID, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi)
SDL_VideoDisplay *display = SDL_GetVideoDisplay(displayID);
if (_this->GetDisplayPhysicalDPI) {
if (_this->GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_this, display, ddpi, hdpi, vdpi) < 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return SDL_Unsupported();
SDL_DisplayOrientation SDL_GetDisplayOrientation(SDL_DisplayID displayID)
SDL_VideoDisplay *display = SDL_GetVideoDisplay(displayID);
@ -4623,16 +4606,6 @@ int SDL_SetWindowHitTest(SDL_Window *window, SDL_HitTest callback, void *callbac
return 0;
float SDL_ComputeDiagonalDPI(int hpix, int vpix, float hinches, float vinches)
float den2 = hinches * hinches + vinches * vinches;
if (den2 <= 0.0f) {
return 0.0f;
return (float)(SDL_sqrt((double)hpix * (double)hpix + (double)vpix * (double)vpix) / SDL_sqrt((double)den2));
* Functions used by iOS application delegates
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
/* Initialization/Query functions */
static int Android_VideoInit(_THIS);
static void Android_VideoQuit(_THIS);
int Android_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi);
#include "../SDL_egl_c.h"
#define Android_GLES_GetProcAddress SDL_EGL_GetProcAddressInternal
@ -110,8 +109,6 @@ static SDL_VideoDevice *Android_CreateDevice(void)
device->PumpEvents = Android_PumpEvents_NonBlocking;
device->GetDisplayPhysicalDPI = Android_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI;
device->CreateSDLWindow = Android_CreateWindow;
device->SetWindowTitle = Android_SetWindowTitle;
device->SetWindowFullscreen = Android_SetWindowFullscreen;
@ -207,11 +204,6 @@ void Android_VideoQuit(_THIS)
int Android_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi)
return Android_JNI_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(ddpi, hdpi, vdpi);
void Android_SetScreenResolution(int surfaceWidth, int surfaceHeight, int deviceWidth, int deviceHeight, float density, float rate)
Android_SurfaceWidth = surfaceWidth;
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ extern void Cocoa_InitModes(_THIS);
extern int Cocoa_GetDisplayBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rect);
extern int Cocoa_GetDisplayUsableBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rect);
extern int Cocoa_GetDisplayModes(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display);
extern int Cocoa_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi);
extern int Cocoa_SetDisplayMode(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_DisplayMode *mode);
extern void Cocoa_QuitModes(_THIS);
@ -406,73 +406,6 @@ int Cocoa_GetDisplayUsableBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rec
return 0;
int Cocoa_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi)
@autoreleasepool {
const float MM_IN_INCH = 25.4f;
SDL_DisplayData *data = display->driverdata;
/* we need the backingScaleFactor for Retina displays, which is only exposed through NSScreen, not CGDisplay, afaik, so find our screen... */
NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens];
NSSize displayNativeSize;
displayNativeSize.width = (int)CGDisplayPixelsWide(data->display);
displayNativeSize.height = (int)CGDisplayPixelsHigh(data->display);
for (NSScreen *screen in screens) {
const CGDirectDisplayID dpyid = (const CGDirectDisplayID)[[[screen deviceDescription] objectForKey:@"NSScreenNumber"] unsignedIntValue];
if (dpyid == data->display) {
/* Neither CGDisplayScreenSize(description's NSScreenNumber) nor [NSScreen backingScaleFactor] can calculate the correct dpi in macOS. E.g. backingScaleFactor is always 2 in all display modes for rMBP 16" */
CFStringRef dmKeys[1] = { kCGDisplayShowDuplicateLowResolutionModes };
CFBooleanRef dmValues[1] = { kCFBooleanTrue };
CFDictionaryRef dmOptions = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)dmKeys, (const void **)dmValues, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
CFArrayRef allDisplayModes = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes(dpyid, dmOptions);
CFIndex n = CFArrayGetCount(allDisplayModes);
for (CFIndex i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
CGDisplayModeRef m = (CGDisplayModeRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(allDisplayModes, i);
CGFloat width = CGDisplayModeGetPixelWidth(m);
CGFloat height = CGDisplayModeGetPixelHeight(m);
CGFloat HiDPIWidth = CGDisplayModeGetWidth(m);
// Only check 1x mode
if (width == HiDPIWidth) {
if (CGDisplayModeGetIOFlags(m) & kDisplayModeNativeFlag) {
displayNativeSize.width = width;
displayNativeSize.height = height;
// Get the largest size even if kDisplayModeNativeFlag is not present e.g. iMac 27-Inch with 5K Retina
if (width > displayNativeSize.width) {
displayNativeSize.width = width;
displayNativeSize.height = height;
const CGSize displaySize = CGDisplayScreenSize(data->display);
const int pixelWidth = displayNativeSize.width;
const int pixelHeight = displayNativeSize.height;
if (ddpi) {
*ddpi = (SDL_ComputeDiagonalDPI(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, displaySize.width / MM_IN_INCH, displaySize.height / MM_IN_INCH));
if (hdpi) {
*hdpi = (pixelWidth * MM_IN_INCH / displaySize.width);
if (vdpi) {
*vdpi = (pixelHeight * MM_IN_INCH / displaySize.height);
return 0;
int Cocoa_GetDisplayModes(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display)
SDL_DisplayData *data = display->driverdata;
@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ static SDL_VideoDevice *Cocoa_CreateDevice(void)
device->VideoQuit = Cocoa_VideoQuit;
device->GetDisplayBounds = Cocoa_GetDisplayBounds;
device->GetDisplayUsableBounds = Cocoa_GetDisplayUsableBounds;
device->GetDisplayPhysicalDPI = Cocoa_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI;
device->GetDisplayModes = Cocoa_GetDisplayModes;
device->SetDisplayMode = Cocoa_SetDisplayMode;
device->PumpEvents = Cocoa_PumpEvents;
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ static int Emscripten_VideoInit(_THIS);
static int Emscripten_SetDisplayMode(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_DisplayMode *mode);
static void Emscripten_VideoQuit(_THIS);
static int Emscripten_GetDisplayUsableBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rect);
static int Emscripten_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi);
static int Emscripten_CreateWindow(_THIS, SDL_Window *window);
static void Emscripten_SetWindowSize(_THIS, SDL_Window *window);
@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ static SDL_VideoDevice *Emscripten_CreateDevice(void)
device->VideoInit = Emscripten_VideoInit;
device->VideoQuit = Emscripten_VideoQuit;
device->GetDisplayUsableBounds = Emscripten_GetDisplayUsableBounds;
device->GetDisplayPhysicalDPI = Emscripten_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI;
device->SetDisplayMode = Emscripten_SetDisplayMode;
device->PumpEvents = Emscripten_PumpEvents;
@ -168,26 +166,6 @@ static int Emscripten_GetDisplayUsableBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, S
return 0;
static int Emscripten_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi_out, float *hdpi_out, float *vdpi_out)
const float dpi_reference = 96.0f;
float dpi;
dpi = (float)emscripten_get_device_pixel_ratio() * dpi_reference;
if (ddpi_out) {
*ddpi_out = dpi;
if (hdpi_out) {
*hdpi_out = dpi;
if (vdpi_out) {
*vdpi_out = dpi;
return 0;
static void Emscripten_PumpEvents(_THIS)
/* do nothing. */
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
- (instancetype)initWithScreen:(UIScreen *)screen;
@property(nonatomic, strong) UIScreen *uiscreen;
@property(nonatomic) float screenDPI;
@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ extern int UIKit_InitModes(_THIS);
extern int UIKit_AddDisplay(UIScreen *uiscreen, SDL_bool send_event);
extern void UIKit_DelDisplay(UIScreen *uiscreen);
extern int UIKit_GetDisplayModes(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display);
extern int UIKit_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi);
extern int UIKit_SetDisplayMode(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_DisplayMode *mode);
extern void UIKit_QuitModes(_THIS);
extern int UIKit_GetDisplayUsableBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rect);
@ -34,139 +34,11 @@
if (self = [super init]) {
self.uiscreen = screen;
* A well up to date list of device info can be found here:
NSDictionary *devices = @{
@"iPhone1,1" : @163,
@"iPhone1,2" : @163,
@"iPhone2,1" : @163,
@"iPhone3,1" : @326,
@"iPhone3,2" : @326,
@"iPhone3,3" : @326,
@"iPhone4,1" : @326,
@"iPhone5,1" : @326,
@"iPhone5,2" : @326,
@"iPhone5,3" : @326,
@"iPhone5,4" : @326,
@"iPhone6,1" : @326,
@"iPhone6,2" : @326,
@"iPhone7,1" : @401,
@"iPhone7,2" : @326,
@"iPhone8,1" : @326,
@"iPhone8,2" : @401,
@"iPhone8,4" : @326,
@"iPhone9,1" : @326,
@"iPhone9,2" : @401,
@"iPhone9,3" : @326,
@"iPhone9,4" : @401,
@"iPhone10,1" : @326,
@"iPhone10,2" : @401,
@"iPhone10,3" : @458,
@"iPhone10,4" : @326,
@"iPhone10,5" : @401,
@"iPhone10,6" : @458,
@"iPhone11,2" : @458,
@"iPhone11,4" : @458,
@"iPhone11,6" : @458,
@"iPhone11,8" : @326,
@"iPhone12,1" : @326,
@"iPhone12,3" : @458,
@"iPhone12,5" : @458,
@"iPad1,1" : @132,
@"iPad2,1" : @132,
@"iPad2,2" : @132,
@"iPad2,3" : @132,
@"iPad2,4" : @132,
@"iPad2,5" : @163,
@"iPad2,6" : @163,
@"iPad2,7" : @163,
@"iPad3,1" : @264,
@"iPad3,2" : @264,
@"iPad3,3" : @264,
@"iPad3,4" : @264,
@"iPad3,5" : @264,
@"iPad3,6" : @264,
@"iPad4,1" : @264,
@"iPad4,2" : @264,
@"iPad4,3" : @264,
@"iPad4,4" : @326,
@"iPad4,5" : @326,
@"iPad4,6" : @326,
@"iPad4,7" : @326,
@"iPad4,8" : @326,
@"iPad4,9" : @326,
@"iPad5,1" : @326,
@"iPad5,2" : @326,
@"iPad5,3" : @264,
@"iPad5,4" : @264,
@"iPad6,3" : @264,
@"iPad6,4" : @264,
@"iPad6,7" : @264,
@"iPad6,8" : @264,
@"iPad6,11" : @264,
@"iPad6,12" : @264,
@"iPad7,1" : @264,
@"iPad7,2" : @264,
@"iPad7,3" : @264,
@"iPad7,4" : @264,
@"iPad7,5" : @264,
@"iPad7,6" : @264,
@"iPad7,11" : @264,
@"iPad7,12" : @264,
@"iPad8,1" : @264,
@"iPad8,2" : @264,
@"iPad8,3" : @264,
@"iPad8,4" : @264,
@"iPad8,5" : @264,
@"iPad8,6" : @264,
@"iPad8,7" : @264,
@"iPad8,8" : @264,
@"iPad11,1" : @326,
@"iPad11,2" : @326,
@"iPad11,3" : @326,
@"iPad11,4" : @326,
@"iPod1,1" : @163,
@"iPod2,1" : @163,
@"iPod3,1" : @163,
@"iPod4,1" : @326,
@"iPod5,1" : @326,
@"iPod7,1" : @326,
@"iPod9,1" : @326,
struct utsname systemInfo;
NSString *deviceName =
[NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine
id foundDPI = devices[deviceName];
if (foundDPI) {
self.screenDPI = (float)[foundDPI integerValue];
} else {
* Estimate the DPI based on the screen scale multiplied by the base DPI for the device
* type (e.g. based on iPhone 1 and iPad 1)
float scale = (float)screen.nativeScale;
float defaultDPI;
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
defaultDPI = 132.0f;
} else if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
defaultDPI = 163.0f;
} else {
defaultDPI = 160.0f;
self.screenDPI = scale * defaultDPI;
return self;
@synthesize uiscreen;
@synthesize screenDPI;
@ -451,26 +323,6 @@ int UIKit_GetDisplayModes(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display)
return 0;
int UIKit_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi)
@autoreleasepool {
SDL_DisplayData *data = display->driverdata;
float dpi = data.screenDPI;
if (ddpi) {
*ddpi = dpi * (float)SDL_sqrt(2.0);
if (hdpi) {
*hdpi = dpi;
if (vdpi) {
*vdpi = dpi;
return 0;
int UIKit_SetDisplayMode(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_DisplayMode *mode)
@autoreleasepool {
@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ static SDL_VideoDevice *UIKit_CreateDevice(void)
device->DestroyWindow = UIKit_DestroyWindow;
device->GetWindowWMInfo = UIKit_GetWindowWMInfo;
device->GetDisplayUsableBounds = UIKit_GetDisplayUsableBounds;
device->GetDisplayPhysicalDPI = UIKit_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI;
device->GetWindowSizeInPixels = UIKit_GetWindowSizeInPixels;
@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ static void display_handle_done(void *data, struct wl_output *output);
static int Wayland_VideoInit(_THIS);
static int Wayland_GetDisplayBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rect);
static int Wayland_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi);
static void Wayland_VideoQuit(_THIS);
/* Find out what class name we should use
@ -207,7 +205,6 @@ static SDL_VideoDevice *Wayland_CreateDevice(void)
device->VideoInit = Wayland_VideoInit;
device->VideoQuit = Wayland_VideoQuit;
device->GetDisplayBounds = Wayland_GetDisplayBounds;
device->GetDisplayPhysicalDPI = Wayland_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI;
device->GetWindowWMInfo = Wayland_GetWindowWMInfo;
device->SuspendScreenSaver = Wayland_SuspendScreenSaver;
@ -636,23 +633,6 @@ static void display_handle_done(void *data,
AddEmulatedModes(driverdata, native_mode.pixel_w, native_mode.pixel_h);
/* Calculate the display DPI */
if (driverdata->transform & WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90) {
driverdata->hdpi = driverdata->physical_height ? (((float)driverdata->pixel_height) * 25.4f / driverdata->physical_height) : 0.0f;
driverdata->vdpi = driverdata->physical_width ? (((float)driverdata->pixel_width) * 25.4f / driverdata->physical_width) : 0.0f;
driverdata->ddpi = SDL_ComputeDiagonalDPI(driverdata->pixel_height,
((float)driverdata->physical_height) / 25.4f,
((float)driverdata->physical_width) / 25.4f);
} else {
driverdata->hdpi = driverdata->physical_width ? (((float)driverdata->pixel_width) * 25.4f / driverdata->physical_width) : 0.0f;
driverdata->vdpi = driverdata->physical_height ? (((float)driverdata->pixel_height) * 25.4f / driverdata->physical_height) : 0.0f;
driverdata->ddpi = SDL_ComputeDiagonalDPI(driverdata->pixel_width,
((float)driverdata->physical_width) / 25.4f,
((float)driverdata->physical_height) / 25.4f);
if (driverdata->display == 0) {
/* First time getting display info, create the VideoDisplay */
SDL_bool send_event = driverdata->videodata->initializing ? SDL_FALSE : SDL_TRUE;
@ -988,23 +968,6 @@ static int Wayland_GetDisplayBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *
return 0;
static int Wayland_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi)
SDL_DisplayData *driverdata = display->driverdata;
if (ddpi) {
*ddpi = driverdata->ddpi;
if (hdpi) {
*hdpi = driverdata->hdpi;
if (vdpi) {
*vdpi = driverdata->vdpi;
return driverdata->ddpi != 0.0f ? 0 : SDL_SetError("Couldn't get DPI");
static void Wayland_VideoCleanup(_THIS)
SDL_VideoData *data = _this->driverdata;
@ -499,62 +499,32 @@ int WIN_GetDisplayBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rect)
return 0;
int WIN_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi_out, float *hdpi_out, float *vdpi_out)
static int WIN_GetDisplayDPI(SDL_DisplayID displayID, int *dpi)
const SDL_DisplayData *displaydata = display->driverdata;
const SDL_VideoData *videodata = display->device->driverdata;
float hdpi = 0, vdpi = 0, ddpi = 0;
const SDL_VideoDisplay *display = SDL_GetVideoDisplay(displayID);
const SDL_DisplayData *displaydata = display ? display->driverdata : NULL;
const SDL_VideoData *videodata = display ? display->device->driverdata : NULL;
if (videodata->GetDpiForMonitor) {
UINT hdpi_uint, vdpi_uint;
// Windows 8.1+ codepath
if (videodata->GetDpiForMonitor(displaydata->MonitorHandle, MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI, &hdpi_uint, &vdpi_uint) == S_OK) {
// GetDpiForMonitor docs promise to return the same hdpi/vdpi
hdpi = (float)hdpi_uint;
vdpi = (float)hdpi_uint;
ddpi = (float)hdpi_uint;
} else {
return SDL_SetError("GetDpiForMonitor failed");
*dpi = 0;
if (videodata && videodata->GetDpiForMonitor) {
/* Windows 8.1 + codepath */
UINT xdpi, ydpi;
videodata->GetDpiForMonitor(displaydata->MonitorHandle, MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI, &xdpi, &ydpi);
*dpi = (int)xdpi; /* xdpi and hdpi are the same value */
if (*dpi == 0) {
/* Window 8.0 and below: same DPI for all monitors */
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
if (hdc) {
*dpi = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
} else {
// Window 8.0 and below: same DPI for all monitors.
HDC hdc;
int hdpi_int, vdpi_int, hpoints, vpoints, hpix, vpix;
float hinches, vinches;
hdc = GetDC(NULL);
if (hdc == NULL) {
return SDL_SetError("GetDC failed");
hdpi_int = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
vdpi_int = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
hpoints = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN);
vpoints = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN);
hpix = MulDiv(hpoints, hdpi_int, 96);
vpix = MulDiv(vpoints, vdpi_int, 96);
hinches = (float)hpoints / 96.0f;
vinches = (float)vpoints / 96.0f;
hdpi = (float)hdpi_int;
vdpi = (float)vdpi_int;
ddpi = SDL_ComputeDiagonalDPI(hpix, vpix, hinches, vinches);
if (ddpi_out) {
*ddpi_out = ddpi;
if (*dpi == 0) {
return SDL_SetError("Couldn't get display DPI");
if (hdpi_out) {
*hdpi_out = hdpi;
if (vdpi_out) {
*vdpi_out = vdpi;
return ddpi != 0.0f ? 0 : SDL_SetError("Couldn't get DPI");
return 0;
int WIN_GetDisplayUsableBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rect)
@ -603,7 +573,7 @@ void WIN_ScreenPointFromSDLFloat(float x, float y, LONG *xOut, LONG *yOut, int *
const SDL_VideoData *videodata;
SDL_DisplayID displayID;
SDL_Rect bounds;
float ddpi, hdpi, vdpi;
int dpi;
SDL_Point point;
point.x = (int)x;
@ -628,17 +598,17 @@ void WIN_ScreenPointFromSDLFloat(float x, float y, LONG *xOut, LONG *yOut, int *
goto passthrough;
if (SDL_GetDisplayBounds(displayID, &bounds) < 0 || SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(displayID, &ddpi, &hdpi, &vdpi) < 0) {
if (SDL_GetDisplayBounds(displayID, &bounds) < 0 || WIN_GetDisplayDPI(displayID, &dpi) < 0) {
goto passthrough;
if (dpiOut) {
*dpiOut = (int)ddpi;
*dpiOut = dpi;
/* Undo the DPI-scaling within the monitor bounds to convert back to pixels */
*xOut = bounds.x + SDL_lroundf(((x - bounds.x) * ddpi) / 96.0f);
*yOut = bounds.y + SDL_lroundf(((y - bounds.y) * ddpi) / 96.0f);
*xOut = bounds.x + SDL_lroundf(((x - bounds.x) * dpi) / 96.0f);
*yOut = bounds.y + SDL_lroundf(((y - bounds.y) * dpi) / 96.0f);
SDL_Log("WIN_ScreenPointFromSDL: (%g, %g) points -> (%d x %d) pixels, using %g DPI monitor",
@ -674,7 +644,7 @@ void WIN_ScreenPointToSDLFloat(LONG x, LONG y, float *xOut, float *yOut)
int i;
SDL_DisplayID displayID;
SDL_Rect bounds;
float ddpi, hdpi, vdpi;
int dpi;
if (videodevice == NULL || !videodevice->driverdata) {
@ -704,13 +674,13 @@ void WIN_ScreenPointToSDLFloat(LONG x, LONG y, float *xOut, float *yOut)
/* Get SDL display properties */
if (SDL_GetDisplayBounds(displayID, &bounds) < 0 || SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(displayID, &ddpi, &hdpi, &vdpi) < 0) {
if (SDL_GetDisplayBounds(displayID, &bounds) < 0 || WIN_GetDisplayDPI(displayID, &dpi) < 0) {
/* Convert the point's offset within the monitor from pixels to DPI-scaled points */
*xOut = (float)bounds.x + ((float)(x - bounds.x) * 96.0f) / ddpi;
*yOut = (float)bounds.y + ((float)(y - bounds.y) * 96.0f) / ddpi;
*xOut = (float)bounds.x + ((float)(x - bounds.x) * 96.0f) / dpi;
*yOut = (float)bounds.y + ((float)(y - bounds.y) * 96.0f) / dpi;
SDL_Log("WIN_ScreenPointToSDL: (%d, %d) pixels -> (%g x %g) points, using %g DPI monitor",
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ extern void WIN_ScreenPointFromSDL(int *x, int *y, int *dpiOut);
extern void WIN_ScreenPointFromSDLFloat(float x, float y, LONG *xOut, LONG *yOut, int *dpiOut);
extern void WIN_ScreenPointToSDL(int *x, int *y);
extern void WIN_ScreenPointToSDLFloat(LONG x, LONG y, float *xOut, float *yOut);
extern int WIN_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi);
extern int WIN_GetDisplayModes(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display);
extern int WIN_SetDisplayMode(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_DisplayMode *mode);
extern void WIN_RefreshDisplays(_THIS);
@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ static SDL_VideoDevice *WIN_CreateDevice(void)
device->RefreshDisplays = WIN_RefreshDisplays;
device->GetDisplayBounds = WIN_GetDisplayBounds;
device->GetDisplayUsableBounds = WIN_GetDisplayUsableBounds;
device->GetDisplayPhysicalDPI = WIN_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI;
device->GetDisplayModes = WIN_GetDisplayModes;
device->SetDisplayMode = WIN_SetDisplayMode;
@ -369,9 +369,6 @@ static int X11_AddXRandRDisplay(_THIS, Display *dpy, int screen, RROutput output
displaydata->screen = screen;
displaydata->visual = vinfo.visual;
displaydata->depth = vinfo.depth;
displaydata->hdpi = display_mm_width ? (((float)mode.pixel_w) * 25.4f / display_mm_width) : 0.0f;
displaydata->vdpi = display_mm_height ? (((float)mode.pixel_h) * 25.4f / display_mm_height) : 0.0f;
displaydata->ddpi = SDL_ComputeDiagonalDPI(mode.pixel_w, mode.pixel_h, ((float)display_mm_width) / 25.4f, ((float)display_mm_height) / 25.4f);
displaydata->scanline_pad = scanline_pad;
displaydata->x = display_x;
displaydata->y = display_y;
@ -522,29 +519,6 @@ static int X11_InitModes_XRandR(_THIS)
static int GetXftDPI(Display *dpy)
char *xdefault_resource;
int xft_dpi, err;
xdefault_resource = X11_XGetDefault(dpy, "Xft", "dpi");
if (xdefault_resource == NULL) {
return 0;
* It's possible for SDL_atoi to call SDL_strtol, if it fails due to a
* overflow or an underflow, it will return LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN and set
* errno to ERANGE. So we need to check for this so we dont get crazy dpi
* values
xft_dpi = SDL_atoi(xdefault_resource);
err = errno;
return err == ERANGE ? 0 : xft_dpi;
/* This is used if there's no better functionality--like XRandR--to use.
It won't attempt to supply different display modes at all, but it can
enumerate the current displays and their current sizes. */
@ -555,7 +529,7 @@ static int X11_InitModes_StdXlib(_THIS)
Display *dpy = data->display;
const int default_screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
Screen *screen = ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, default_screen);
int display_mm_width, display_mm_height, xft_dpi, scanline_pad, n, i;
int scanline_pad, n, i;
SDL_DisplayModeData *modedata;
SDL_DisplayData *displaydata;
SDL_DisplayMode mode;
@ -592,21 +566,9 @@ static int X11_InitModes_StdXlib(_THIS)
mode.driverdata = modedata;
display_mm_width = WidthMMOfScreen(screen);
display_mm_height = HeightMMOfScreen(screen);
displaydata->screen = default_screen;
displaydata->visual = vinfo.visual;
displaydata->depth = vinfo.depth;
displaydata->hdpi = display_mm_width ? (((float)mode.pixel_w) * 25.4f / display_mm_width) : 0.0f;
displaydata->vdpi = display_mm_height ? (((float)mode.pixel_h) * 25.4f / display_mm_height) : 0.0f;
displaydata->ddpi = SDL_ComputeDiagonalDPI(mode.pixel_w, mode.pixel_h, ((float)display_mm_width) / 25.4f, ((float)display_mm_height) / 25.4f);
xft_dpi = GetXftDPI(dpy);
if (xft_dpi > 0) {
displaydata->hdpi = (float)xft_dpi;
displaydata->vdpi = (float)xft_dpi;
scanline_pad = SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(pixelformat) * 8;
pixmapformats = X11_XListPixmapFormats(dpy, &n);
@ -824,23 +786,6 @@ int X11_GetDisplayBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *sdl_display, SDL_Rect *rect)
return 0;
int X11_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *sdl_display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi)
SDL_DisplayData *data = sdl_display->driverdata;
if (ddpi) {
*ddpi = data->ddpi;
if (hdpi) {
*hdpi = data->hdpi;
if (vdpi) {
*vdpi = data->vdpi;
return data->ddpi != 0.0f ? 0 : SDL_SetError("Couldn't get DPI");
int X11_GetDisplayUsableBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *sdl_display, SDL_Rect *rect)
SDL_VideoData *data = _this->driverdata;
@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ struct SDL_DisplayData
int scanline_pad;
int x;
int y;
float ddpi;
float hdpi;
float vdpi;
SDL_bool use_xrandr;
@ -63,7 +60,6 @@ extern Uint32 X11_GetPixelFormatFromVisualInfo(Display *display,
XVisualInfo *vinfo);
extern int X11_GetDisplayBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *sdl_display, SDL_Rect *rect);
extern int X11_GetDisplayUsableBounds(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *sdl_display, SDL_Rect *rect);
extern int X11_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay *sdl_display, float *ddpi, float *hdpi, float *vdpi);
extern void X11_HandleXRandREvent(_THIS, const XEvent *xevent);
@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ static SDL_VideoDevice *X11_CreateDevice(void)
device->GetDisplayModes = X11_GetDisplayModes;
device->GetDisplayBounds = X11_GetDisplayBounds;
device->GetDisplayUsableBounds = X11_GetDisplayUsableBounds;
device->GetDisplayPhysicalDPI = X11_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI;
device->GetWindowICCProfile = X11_GetWindowICCProfile;
device->SetDisplayMode = X11_SetDisplayMode;
device->SuspendScreenSaver = X11_SuspendScreenSaver;
@ -53,19 +53,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
for (i = 0; i < num_displays; i++) {
SDL_DisplayID dpy = displays[i];
SDL_Rect rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
float ddpi, hdpi, vdpi;
int m, num_modes = 0;
SDL_GetDisplayBounds(dpy, &rect);
modes = SDL_GetFullscreenDisplayModes(dpy, &num_modes);
SDL_Log("%" SDL_PRIu32 ": \"%s\" (%dx%d, (%d, %d)), %d fullscreen modes.\n", dpy, SDL_GetDisplayName(dpy), rect.w, rect.h, rect.x, rect.y, num_modes);
if (SDL_GetDisplayPhysicalDPI(dpy, &ddpi, &hdpi, &vdpi) == -1) {
SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, " DPI: failed to query (%s)\n", SDL_GetError());
} else {
SDL_Log(" DPI: ddpi=%f; hdpi=%f; vdpi=%f\n", ddpi, hdpi, vdpi);
mode = SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(dpy);
if (mode) {
print_mode("CURRENT", mode);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user