This commit extends the optional currently existing low level font
baking API with another more high level font atlas API.
The font atlas takes away some fine grained memory control from the
user but is easier to use and to understand than the lower level API.
I added combined with the font atlas a optional default font which
allows running the library without a user provided truetype font.
While user friendly it is quite big (~12kb) so I added a compiler flag
to remove it from the library while compiling if not wanted.
Finally I added some additional compiler flags to allow easier to use
APIs. The downside is that all of them require the standard library,
so if you don't want to add the standard C library I would recommend
deactivating all flags marked as standard library flags.
Previous visual changes in the library were quite limited with some
colors and some global properties. This commit changes all that and
provides way more control over every widgets visual appearance.
Changes include extended color selection, per widget properties and
the possibility to use skinning.
While the new API allows for a lot more control it is currently quite
low level and needs a lot more testing and probably another higher
level style API to make changes in code easier. I also had to remove
the style modification code inside the demo and will probably first
try to write another higher level API before adding it back in.
This commit also include some breaking changes to existing code like
the missing style stack API and some widget names changes due to
added granularity granted by the rewritten style.
This is quite a big commit which adds an experimental text script to
UI bytecode compiler. The compiler is still under heavy development
and can and will be under heavy changes, so use with caution.
In addition I added the old file browser for unix like platforms
back into the demo. At the moment it only supports windows but
the only part of the file browser that is platform dependend
is the directory content loader which should be easy to implement
in other platforms as well.
While dividing previously spared me from a lot of work and problems
it is probably best to have everything working for every or as many
platforms as possible. Some platforms fail to provide good ways
to support everything (e.g.:X11 does not have pixmap clipping with
different width/height or alpha-blending) but all OpenGL demos
outside allegro (needs some additional work) should be able to run.
Previously it was not possible to control the visibility or rather
the transparency of all render vertex buffer output. For that to
change another settings was added to zr_convert_config to control
the visibility. To achieve the same result as previously it is now
required to fill that property with 1.0f. To make all GUI element
as a whole more transparent a value between 0.0 and 1.0 can be
selected with 0.0 being completely hidden and 1.0f completly