Fixed one of the small issues between C and C++. The handling of
enums. While C uses weak types and compiling `zr_flags` or
`enum zr_text_alignment` did not cause any problems, trying to do the
same with C++ results in errors or in this case a linking
error since while the function exist with `zr_flags` it does not
exist with `enum zr_text_alignment` (another problem of function
The conversion function from rgb color to hsv color was bugged and
provided wrong values. It is now fixed and hopefully is now correct.
In addition a number of utility functions have been added to make
conversion between user provided color format and zahnrads own
format easier.
Previously the popup buffer state was stored inside the group
panel layout instead of the window layout. This caused
overdraw for popups and the underlying window. To fix that now
all popups are stored inside the root window panel layout
and everything is drawn correctly.
While dividing previously spared me from a lot of work and problems
it is probably best to have everything working for every or as many
platforms as possible. Some platforms fail to provide good ways
to support everything (e.g.:X11 does not have pixmap clipping with
different width/height or alpha-blending) but all OpenGL demos
outside allegro (needs some additional work) should be able to run.
Decided to add support for commit the content of a edit wiget
content by enter if a flag was set. Tried to add other flags
like auto complete but failed for now to find a good way.
Also more importantly added `zr_edit_box` to filter callback.
Previously it was not possible to control the visibility or rather
the transparency of all render vertex buffer output. For that to
change another settings was added to zr_convert_config to control
the visibility. To achieve the same result as previously it is now
required to fill that property with 1.0f. To make all GUI element
as a whole more transparent a value between 0.0 and 1.0 can be
selected with 0.0 being completely hidden and 1.0f completly