Fixed compiler warning by removing unused function nk_sqrt
Fixed compiler warning if you bring your own sin/cos/strtod....
Bump version for breaking nk_sqrt changes
Updated changelog
As suggested, altought icon_load() is not used to build this example/canvas.c,
it might still be useful. So instead of deleting, the function is now commented.
## Forward compatibility (GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT)
Fix for error 65543 on macOS:
Error `65543`: NSGL: The targeted version of OS X only supports forward-compatible contexts for OpenGL 3.2 and above
Quote from docs:
GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT specifies whether the OpenGL context should be forward-compatible, i.e. one where all functionality deprecated in the requested version of OpenGL is removed. This must only be used if the requested OpenGL version is 3.0 or above.
I simplified a lot of API calls by pulling panel memory management
inside the library. All API calls which previously required a panel
as parameter are now handling their panel themself.
This is a breaking change which fixes bad closing behavior in
non-blocking popups. If the maximum size of a non-blocking popup was
not reached and you clicked to close the popup under it could happen
that it wouldn't be closed. This is now fixed in combination with
more popup control by allowing to set both the maximum height as
well as popup width.
This commit fixed some bugs from the last commit as well as some general
changes and fixes of some old bugs. For overview of all changes please
look inside ``.
`nk_canvas_begin` now takes a background color directly instead of
requiring the user of the API to clear the window background with
another draw call.
I had a long standing bug inside nuklear which prevents you from
swapping out a font while the code is being build. This bug is now
fixed but the fix requires _ALL_ `nk_user_font` data structures
provided by `nk_style_set_font` to be persistent.
This commit adds a GWEN UI style skinning example. It is
certainly not perfect right now (especially windows suck) but
it is probably useful for a general overview. One thing that is
pretty clear for me now is that I need a way to read in a style from
file or memory since manually setting up properties, colors
and images is quite a pain.
Previously the piemenu had a clipping bug caused by different offset
between internal and external properties. I just set spacing and
padding to zero to let the piemenu take the whole popup.
All platform and renderbackend independent examples are now optional
demos for all platforms in `demo/`. Moving some demos from `example/`
provides an easier way to test GUI concepts for users and simplifies
I personally do not have a retina display, but I added some changes
to all `GLFW` demos/examples. If there are still issues please
report back to me what is not working correct (please test out clipping
by playing around with scrollbars as well)
Thanks to @codemeow I fixed some bugs and warnings found with
cppcheck. NOTE: it seems like all static analyzer fail to
detect the assert macro or hate combining assert ans if checks.
All examples use GLFW, so we update the Makefile, remove OpenGL include
headers (GLFW will include them automatically) and conditionally set a
different shader version.