It would be good if we have a easy way to call aFreeRDP in another Android APP (Requirement also mentioned in #2720)
We can define a scheme (freerdp://) as unified way to launch FreeRDP from another APP or browser and connect to compatible RDP server
1. Define scheme freerdp://
2. General form could be freerdp://user@hostname:port/connect?key1=value&key2=-&key3=%2b&key4=
3. [user] part would be translated to /u:
4. [hostname:port] would be translated to /v:
5. The [user@hostname:port] part would be used as app title, currently it's just the progress dialog title
6. query parameters would be translated to command line arguments. Later same arguments will overwrite the formers:
a. key1=value: => /key1:value
b. key2=-: => -key2
c. key3=%2b => +key3 (%2b is url encoded +)
d. key4= => /key4
e. Especially, drive=sdcard will be properly handled with local sdcard path. On my device it will be translated to /drive:sdcard,/storage/emulated/0
Owing to the refactor work in PR #3097, we now pass same command line argument to JNI for freerdp settings.
We just need to make the SessionActivity accept freerdp scheme and translate argument from URI form to command line form.
- Added missing ConvertFromUnicode checks
- If ConvertToUnicode allocates memory, guarantee the null termination
similar to ConvertFromUnicode's implementation
- Fixed some TestUnicodeConversion.c CTest return values
- Added some CTests for ConvertFromUnicode and ConvertToUnicode
- Misc code and protocol hardening fixes in the surrounding code regions
that have been touched
After #3097, the java side pass command line argument to JNI for freerdp settings. However there's several issues need to be fixed:
1. The argument /sound should be appended if freerdp is required to play sound at local device
2. The option value for "audio-mode" is not correct.
It should match the definition in client/common/cmdline.c
/* Audio Mode */
define AUDIO_MODE_REDIRECT 0 /* Bring to this computer */
define AUDIO_MODE_PLAY_ON_SERVER 1 /* Leave at remote computer */
define AUDIO_MODE_NONE 2 /* Do not play */
3. Uncomment support for WAVE_FORMAT_PCM in audin. I tested on my android phone and Nokia N1 tablet. It works on both device
* Make sure that numFormats has reasonable value
This will help catching errors like writing -1 as an unsigned number
of formats into the serialized stream, or trying to read the property
after someone else erroneosly messed with it, or other similar mistakes
which would result into reading and then sending garbage to the server.
We read the list xf_cliprdr_get_raw_server_formats() from an X window
property. Properties generally cannot be larger than 4 KB and each
format requires at least 5 bytes (most of them are named, though),
which gives us 512-ish limit on the number of formats we can squeeze
into the property.
However, it's hard to find an application that provides more than
20 formats (I've seen like 15 for MS Office apps), thus I believe
we can safely assume than anything that does not fit into a byte
means that we are reading garbage rather than a good format list.
* Check for the end of stream when reading format names
This also prevents reading garbage and getting segmentation faults
and Valgrind warnings when somebody somewhere sometimes forgets to
put a terminating null character where it belongs.
strnlen() and strndup() functions are provided by POSIX.1-2008
which we can reasonably expect to be available in 2016.
Certificates can now be accepted temporarily.
The callbacks for certificate validation have been
modified to extend the information presented to the user.
Extend winpr and client/common to support a new option "/buildconfig".
When used build the following build specific information is print:
* cmake options
* cflags
* compiler
* target architecture
* cmake build type
With this commit the "exported" components (usable with pkg-config and
cmake find module package)
* winpr - winpr library and headers
* freerdp - core library and headers
* freerdp-client - client specific library
* freerdp-server - server specific library
* rdtk - rdtk headers and library
To allow the installation of multiple different version (different major
number) the include files were moved into the respective sub folder:
freerdp -> freerdp{MAJOR}/freerdp (currently freerdp2/freerdp/)
winpr -> winpr{MAJOR}/winpr (currently winrp1/winpr/)
rdtk -> rdpk{MAJOR}/rdtk (currently rdtk0/rdtk/
The generated pkg-config and cmake find modules now also include the major
version number. Currently the following pkg-config are generated and
* winpr1
* freerdp2
* freerdp-server2
* freerdp-client2
* rdtk0
As cmake is able to handle multiple versions out of the box the
following can be used to find a specific module:
As cmake doesn't automatically resolve dependencies for packages it is
necessary to manually include the requirements. For example if
FreeRDP-Client is required WinPR and FreeRDP need to be included
(find_package) as well.
This commit also fixes the installation when STATIC_CHANNELS are built.
WITH STATIC_CHANNELS all channels are linked into libfreerdp-client, for
this all channels are generated as linker archive and linked together in
the final step. Before the intermediate linker archives were, although
not required and useful, installed. Same applies for server side