124 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Volker Ruppert
967f7d3381 Added method parse_param() to bx_param_bytestring_c and use it to reduce code
duplication (TODO: similar changes in win32paramdlg.cc).
2018-02-04 22:20:46 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
e8d0e718f1 continue param tree changes
take RAW_BYTES string out of bx_param_string_c into new param type bx_param_bytestring_c (better name, anybody?)
this is intermediate step, later it would be better to merge bx_param_string into generic template bx_param<type>
but bx_param_bytestring_cis not matching that concept (or probably will continue to inherit from bx_param<string>)
2018-01-19 20:27:04 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
5f2bf81995 add new dump_param method to param object which dumps param into a string
use new method do dump param tree during save/restore, GUI and text debugger and other places
significantly reduce code duplication over multiple modules
2018-01-10 20:05:59 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
68b9d10b76 reverting latest commit, merged by mistake 2017-04-20 18:31:52 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
e3fdf42225 use std::string in param_tree and gain more robust code with automatic garbage collection 2017-04-20 18:26:45 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
f18bb743be Added new symbol BX_USE_GUI_CONSOLE and set it to 1 for all guis with support
for the VGA to be used for textconfig at runtime.
2017-01-13 15:57:36 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
28d43a91a6 On Windows only use the runtime config dialog box if the gui console is not
enabled. The rfb and vncsrv guis show the textconfig console instead.
2017-01-10 21:40:05 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
eff3664fec Implemented VGA console support in the common gui code and the X11 specific
code. Now the runtime configuration runs in the Bochs window instead of
console / xterm. The simulation screen is restored when the
simulation continues. This feature can be implemented for all guis
without gui dialog box support (e.g. sdl2/sdl2 on non-win32 platforms, rfb).
2017-01-01 17:45:06 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
b9b9082e86 Rewrite of the "ask" and "warn" dialog framework.
- Added new symbol BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_DLG and method log_dlg() in siminterface to
  handle the cases "ask", "warn" and "quit".
- Added support to change action from "warn" to "report in the "warn" dialog
  (sdl2, win32 and wx).
- TODO: Add quit message box for the log action "fatal" and add BX_FATAL()
  macro for all cases where continuing after BX_PANIC would be dangerous.
2016-12-29 09:47:07 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
85fcabbd8f diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/bochs.h ./bochs.h
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/bochs.h	2016-08-12 19:06:18.803209189 +0200
+++ ./bochs.h	2016-12-28 00:41:20.000627252 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // $Id: bochs.h 12935 2016-08-12 17:06:14Z vruppert $
-//  Copyright (C) 2001-2015  The Bochs Project
+//  Copyright (C) 2001-2016  The Bochs Project
 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -276,8 +276,9 @@
   void error(const char *fmt, ...)  BX_CPP_AttrPrintf(2, 3);
   void panic(const char *fmt, ...)  BX_CPP_AttrPrintf(2, 3);
   void ldebug(const char *fmt, ...) BX_CPP_AttrPrintf(2, 3);
-  void fatal (const char *prefix, const char *fmt, va_list ap, int exit_status);
-  void ask (int level, const char *prefix, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
+  void fatal(const char *prefix, const char *fmt, va_list ap, int exit_status);
+  void warn(int level, const char *prefix, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
+  void ask(int level, const char *prefix, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
   void put(const char *p);
   void put(const char *n, const char *p);
   void setio(class iofunctions *);
@@ -334,7 +335,8 @@
   void set_log_action(int loglevel, int action);
   const char *getlevel(int i) const;
   const char *getaction(int i) const;
+  int isaction(const char *val) const;
   int n_logfn;
 #define MAX_LOGFNS 512
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/CHANGES ./CHANGES
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/CHANGES	2016-12-26 10:45:44.000000000 +0100
+++ ./CHANGES	2016-12-28 15:54:25.127088081 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 Changes after 2.6.8 release:
+- General
+  - Added new log action "warn", designed to show a message box on error events.
 - Configure and compile
   - Added Android host platform support.
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/config.cc ./config.cc
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/config.cc	2016-05-03 21:15:09.158016000 +0200
+++ ./config.cc	2016-12-27 19:53:10.461420368 +0100
@@ -2062,15 +2062,8 @@
     actstr = strtok(NULL, "");
     if (actstr != NULL) {
       def_action = !strcmp(module, "action");
-      if (!strcmp(actstr, "fatal"))
-        action = ACT_FATAL;
-      else if (!strcmp (actstr, "report"))
-        action = ACT_REPORT;
-      else if (!strcmp (actstr, "ignore"))
-        action = ACT_IGNORE;
-      else if (!strcmp (actstr, "ask"))
-        action = ACT_ASK;
-      else {
+      action = SIM->is_action_name(actstr);
+      if (action < ACT_IGNORE) {
         PARSE_ERR(("%s: %s directive malformed.", context, params[0]));
         return -1;
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/sdl2.cc ./gui/sdl2.cc
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/sdl2.cc	2016-08-12 19:06:18.811209142 +0200
+++ ./gui/sdl2.cc	2016-12-28 12:33:39.534288819 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // $Id: sdl2.cc 12935 2016-08-12 17:06:14Z vruppert $
-//  Copyright (C) 2014-2015  The Bochs Project
+//  Copyright (C) 2014-2016  The Bochs Project
 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -1478,20 +1478,16 @@
   SDL_MessageBoxData msgboxdata;
   SDL_MessageBoxButtonData buttondata[4];
   int level, retcode;
-  int defbtn = 3;
-  int defbtn = 2;
   char message[512];
   level = event->u.logmsg.level;
-  sprintf(message, "%s %s", event->u.logmsg.prefix, event->u.logmsg.msg);
+  sprintf(message, "Device: %s\nMessage: %s", event->u.logmsg.prefix,
+          event->u.logmsg.msg);
   msgboxdata.flags = SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR;
   msgboxdata.window = window;
   msgboxdata.title = SIM->get_log_level_name(level);
   msgboxdata.message = message;
-  msgboxdata.numbuttons = defbtn + 1;
+  msgboxdata.numbuttons = 2;
   msgboxdata.buttons = buttondata;
   msgboxdata.colorScheme = NULL;
   buttondata[0].flags = 0;
@@ -1500,14 +1496,18 @@
   buttondata[1].flags = 0;
   buttondata[1].buttonid = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_CONTINUE_ALWAYS;
   buttondata[1].text = "Alwayscont";
+  if (event->u.logmsg.flag == BX_LOG_ASK_ASKDLG) {
+    msgboxdata.numbuttons = 3;
+    buttondata[2].buttonid = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_DIE;
+    buttondata[2].text = "Quit";
-  buttondata[2].flags = 0;
-  buttondata[2].buttonid = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_ENTER_DEBUG;
-  buttondata[2].text = "Debugger";
-  buttondata[defbtn].flags = SDL_MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_ESCAPEKEY_DEFAULT;
-  buttondata[defbtn].buttonid = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_DIE;
-  buttondata[defbtn].text = "Quit";
+    msgboxdata.numbuttons = 4;
+    buttondata[3].flags = 0;
+    buttondata[3].buttonid = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_ENTER_DEBUG;
+    buttondata[3].text = "Debugger";
+  }
   if (SDL_ShowMessageBox(&msgboxdata, &retcode) < 0) {
     return -1;
   } else {
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/siminterface.cc ./gui/siminterface.cc
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/siminterface.cc	2016-12-05 19:56:56.729685000 +0100
+++ ./gui/siminterface.cc	2016-12-28 11:14:02.004075717 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // $Id: siminterface.cc 12981 2016-12-05 18:56:56Z sshwarts $
-//  Copyright (C) 2002-2015  The Bochs Project
+//  Copyright (C) 2002-2016  The Bochs Project
 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
   virtual int get_log_action(int mod, int level);
   virtual void set_log_action(int mod, int level, int action);
   virtual const char *get_action_name(int action);
+  virtual int is_action_name(const char *val);
   virtual int get_default_log_action(int level) {
     return logfunctions::get_default_action(level);
@@ -123,6 +124,7 @@
   virtual void set_notify_callback(bxevent_handler func, void *arg);
   virtual void get_notify_callback(bxevent_handler *func, void **arg);
   virtual BxEvent* sim_to_ci_event(BxEvent *event);
+  virtual int log_warn(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg);
   virtual int log_ask(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg);
   virtual void log_msg(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg);
   virtual void set_log_viewer(bx_bool val) { bx_log_viewer = val; }
@@ -420,6 +422,11 @@
   return io->getaction(action);
+int bx_real_sim_c::is_action_name(const char *val)
+  return io->isaction(val);
 const char *bx_real_sim_c::get_log_level_name(int level)
   return io->getlevel(level);
@@ -575,6 +582,21 @@
+int bx_real_sim_c::log_warn(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg)
+  BxEvent be;
+  be.type = BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_ASK;
+  be.u.logmsg.prefix = prefix;
+  be.u.logmsg.level = level;
+  be.u.logmsg.msg = msg;
+  be.u.logmsg.flag = BX_LOG_ASK_MSGBOX_WARN;
+  // default return value in case something goes wrong.
+  be.retcode = BX_LOG_NOTIFY_FAILED;
+  // calling notify
+  sim_to_ci_event(&be);
+  return be.retcode;
 // returns 0 for continue, 1 for alwayscontinue, 2 for die.
 int bx_real_sim_c::log_ask(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg)
@@ -583,6 +605,7 @@
   be.u.logmsg.prefix = prefix;
   be.u.logmsg.level = level;
   be.u.logmsg.msg = msg;
+  be.u.logmsg.flag = BX_LOG_ASK_ASKDLG;
   // default return value in case something goes wrong.
   be.retcode = BX_LOG_NOTIFY_FAILED;
   // calling notify
@@ -1157,16 +1180,10 @@
             } else if (!strncmp(string, "PANIC=", 6)) {
               type = LOGLEV_PANIC;
-            if (!strcmp(string+j, "ignore")) {
-              action = ACT_IGNORE;
-            } else if (!strcmp(string+j, "report")) {
-              action = ACT_REPORT;
-            } else if (!strcmp(string+j, "ask")) {
-              action = ACT_ASK;
-            } else if (!strcmp(string+j, "fatal")) {
-              action = ACT_FATAL;
+            action = is_action_name(string+j);
+            if (action >= ACT_IGNORE) {
+              set_log_action(dev, type, action);
-            set_log_action(dev, type, action);
           } else {
             if (i == 1) {
               BX_ERROR(("restore_logopts(): log module '%s' not found", devname));
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/siminterface.h ./gui/siminterface.h
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/siminterface.h	2016-03-31 19:24:37.451025427 +0200
+++ ./gui/siminterface.h	2016-12-28 11:11:21.036683362 +0100
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
 typedef enum {
   ACT_IGNORE = 0,
@@ -178,11 +179,11 @@
 // normally all action choices are available for all event types. The exclude
 // expression allows some choices to be eliminated if they don't make any
 // sense.  For example, it would be stupid to ignore a panic.
-#define BX_LOG_OPTS_EXCLUDE(type, choice)  (                           \
-   /* can't die or ask, on debug or info events */                     \
-   (type <= LOGLEV_INFO && (choice == ACT_ASK || choice == ACT_FATAL)) \
-   /* can't ignore panics */                                           \
-   || (type == LOGLEV_PANIC && choice == ACT_IGNORE)                   \
+#define BX_LOG_OPTS_EXCLUDE(type, choice)  (             \
+   /* can't die, ask or warn, on debug or info events */ \
+   (type <= LOGLEV_INFO && (choice >= ACT_WARN))         \
+   /* can't ignore panics */                             \
+   || (type == LOGLEV_PANIC && choice == ACT_IGNORE)     \
 // floppy / cdrom media status
@@ -392,6 +393,7 @@
 // synchronizing threads, etc. for each.
 typedef struct {
   Bit8u level;
+  Bit8u flag;
   const char *prefix;
   const char *msg;
 } BxLogMsgEvent;
@@ -419,6 +421,12 @@
+enum {
 // This is a synchronous event sent from the simulator to the debugger
@@ -675,6 +683,7 @@
   virtual int get_default_log_action(int level) {return -1;}
   virtual void set_default_log_action(int level, int action) {}
   virtual const char *get_action_name(int action) {return NULL;}
+  virtual int is_action_name(const char *val) {return -1;}
   virtual const char *get_log_level_name(int level) {return NULL;}
   virtual int get_max_log_level() {return -1;}
@@ -715,6 +724,9 @@
   // send an event from the simulator to the CI.
   virtual BxEvent* sim_to_ci_event(BxEvent *event) {return NULL;}
+  // called from simulator when it hits errors, to warn the user
+  // before continuing simulation
+  virtual int log_warn(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg) {return -1;}
   // called from simulator when it hits serious errors, to ask if the user
   // wants to continue or not
   virtual int log_ask(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg) {return -1;}
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/textconfig.cc ./gui/textconfig.cc
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/textconfig.cc	2016-12-05 20:15:59.112637000 +0100
+++ ./gui/textconfig.cc	2016-12-28 12:44:43.079411258 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // $Id: textconfig.cc 12983 2016-12-05 19:15:59Z sshwarts $
-//  Copyright (C) 2002-2013  The Bochs Project
+//  Copyright (C) 2002-2016  The Bochs Project
 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -552,8 +552,8 @@
 static const char *log_options_prompt1 = "Enter the ID of the device to edit, or -1 to return: [-1] ";
-static const char *log_level_choices[] = { "ignore", "report", "ask", "fatal", "no change" };
-static int log_level_n_choices_normal = 4;
+static const char *log_level_choices[N_ACT+1] = { "ignore", "report", "warn", "ask", "fatal", "no change" };
+static int log_level_n_choices_normal = N_ACT;
 void bx_log_options(int individual)
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@
     for (int level=0; level<SIM->get_max_log_level(); level++) {
       char prompt[1024];
-      int action, default_action = 4;  // default to no change
+      int action, default_action = N_ACT;  // default to no change
       sprintf(prompt, "Enter action for %s event on all devices: [no change] ", SIM->get_log_level_name(level));
       // do show the no change choice (choices=4)
       if (ask_menu(prompt, "", log_level_n_choices_normal+1, log_level_choices, default_action, &action)<0)
@@ -718,47 +718,50 @@
       event->retcode = event->u.param.param->text_ask(stdin, stderr);
       return event;
     case BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_ASK:
-    {
-      int level = event->u.logmsg.level;
-      fprintf(stderr, "========================================================================\n");
-      fprintf(stderr, "Event type: %s\n", SIM->get_log_level_name (level));
-      fprintf(stderr, "Device: %s\n", event->u.logmsg.prefix);
-      fprintf(stderr, "Message: %s\n\n", event->u.logmsg.msg);
-      fprintf(stderr, "A %s has occurred.  Do you want to:\n", SIM->get_log_level_name (level));
-      fprintf(stderr, "  cont       - continue execution\n");
-      fprintf(stderr, "  alwayscont - continue execution, and don't ask again.\n");
-      fprintf(stderr, "               This affects only %s events from device %s\n", SIM->get_log_level_name (level), event->u.logmsg.prefix);
-      fprintf(stderr, "  die        - stop execution now\n");
-      fprintf(stderr, "  abort      - dump core %s\n",
-              BX_HAVE_ABORT ? "" : "(Disabled)");
+      if (event->u.logmsg.flag == BX_LOG_ASK_ASKDLG) {
+        int level = event->u.logmsg.level;
+        fprintf(stderr, "========================================================================\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "Event type: %s\n", SIM->get_log_level_name (level));
+        fprintf(stderr, "Device: %s\n", event->u.logmsg.prefix);
+        fprintf(stderr, "Message: %s\n\n", event->u.logmsg.msg);
+        fprintf(stderr, "A %s has occurred.  Do you want to:\n", SIM->get_log_level_name (level));
+        fprintf(stderr, "  cont       - continue execution\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "  alwayscont - continue execution, and don't ask again.\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "               This affects only %s events from device %s\n", SIM->get_log_level_name (level), event->u.logmsg.prefix);
+        fprintf(stderr, "  die        - stop execution now\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "  abort      - dump core %s\n",
+                BX_HAVE_ABORT ? "" : "(Disabled)");
-      fprintf(stderr, "  debug      - continue and return to bochs debugger\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "  debug      - continue and return to bochs debugger\n");
-      fprintf(stderr, "  debug      - hand control to gdb\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "  debug      - hand control to gdb\n");
-      int choice;
+        int choice;
-      if (ask_menu("Choose one of the actions above: [%s] ", "",
-                   log_action_n_choices, log_action_ask_choices, 2, &choice) < 0)
-	event->retcode = -1;
-      // return 0 for continue, 1 for alwayscontinue, 2 for die, 3 for debug.
-      if (!BX_HAVE_ABORT && choice==BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_DUMP_CORE) goto ask;
-      fflush(stdout);
-      fflush(stderr);
-      event->retcode = choice;
-    }
-    return event;
-    // The text mode interface does not use these events, so just ignore
-    // them.
-    return event;
-  default:
-    fprintf(stderr, "textconfig: notify callback called with event type %04x\n", event->type);
-    return event;
+        if (ask_menu("Choose one of the actions above: [%s] ", "",
+                     log_action_n_choices, log_action_ask_choices, 2, &choice) < 0)
+        event->retcode = -1;
+        // return 0 for continue, 1 for alwayscontinue, 2 for die, 3 for debug.
+        if (!BX_HAVE_ABORT && choice==BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_DUMP_CORE) goto ask;
+        fflush(stdout);
+        fflush(stderr);
+        event->retcode = choice;
+      } else {
+        // warning prompt not implemented
+        event->retcode = 0;
+      }
+      return event;
+      // The text mode interface does not use these events, so just ignore
+      // them.
+      return event;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr, "textconfig: notify callback called with event type %04x\n", event->type);
+      return event;
   assert(0); // switch statement should return
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/win32dialog.cc ./gui/win32dialog.cc
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/win32dialog.cc	2014-06-20 11:32:02.034026376 +0200
+++ ./gui/win32dialog.cc	2016-12-28 12:50:14.148888740 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // $Id: win32dialog.cc 12381 2014-06-20 09:31:56Z vruppert $
-//  Copyright (C) 2003-2014  The Bochs Project
+//  Copyright (C) 2003-2016  The Bochs Project
 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #include "win32res.h"
 #include "win32paramdlg.h"
-const char log_choices[5][16] = {"ignore", "log", "ask user", "end simulation", "no change"};
+const char log_choices[N_ACT+1][16] = {"ignore", "log", "warn user", "ask user", "end simulation", "no change"};
 HWND GetBochsWindow()
@@ -97,12 +97,16 @@
       SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKMSG), event->u.logmsg.msg);
       SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Continue");
       SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Continue and don't ask again");
-      SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Kill simulation");
-      SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Abort (dump core)");
+      if (event->u.logmsg.flag == BX_LOG_ASK_ASKDLG) {
+        SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Kill simulation");
+        SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Abort (dump core)");
-      SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Continue and return to debugger");
+        SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Continue and return to debugger");
-      SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_SETCURSEL, 2, 0);
+        SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_SETCURSEL, 2, 0);
+      } else {
+        SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST), LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0);
+      }
       SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDASKLIST));
       return FALSE;
     case WM_CLOSE:
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/wxdialog.cc ./gui/wxdialog.cc
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/wxdialog.cc	2015-01-07 17:17:40.447882000 +0100
+++ ./gui/wxdialog.cc	2016-12-27 20:30:44.997609007 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // $Id: wxdialog.cc 12594 2015-01-07 16:17:40Z sshwarts $
-//  Copyright (C) 2002-2014  The Bochs Project
+//  Copyright (C) 2002-2016  The Bochs Project
 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@
   : wxDialog(parent, id, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
-  //static int integers[LOG_OPTS_N_CHOICES_NORMAL] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
   static wxString names[] = ADVLOG_OPTS_TYPE_NAMES;
   vertSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
@@ -1563,7 +1562,7 @@
     bool includeNoChange)
   static wxString choices[] = LOG_OPTS_CHOICES;
-  static int integers[LOG_OPTS_N_CHOICES] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
+  static int integers[LOG_OPTS_N_CHOICES] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
   wxChoice *control = new wxChoice(parent, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
   int lastChoice = 0;  // remember index of last choice
   int nchoice = includeNoChange? LOG_OPTS_N_CHOICES : LOG_OPTS_N_CHOICES_NORMAL;
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/wxdialog.h ./gui/wxdialog.h
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/wxdialog.h	2014-12-23 20:30:12.896090221 +0100
+++ ./gui/wxdialog.h	2016-12-27 20:34:28.518389938 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // $Id: wxdialog.h 12576 2014-12-23 19:30:03Z vruppert $
-//  Copyright (C) 2002-2014  The Bochs Project
+//  Copyright (C) 2002-2016  The Bochs Project
 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -354,10 +354,10 @@
 #define LOG_OPTS_PROMPT wxT("How should Bochs respond to each type of event?")
 #define LOG_OPTS_TYPE_NAMES { wxT("Debug events"), wxT("Info events"), wxT("Error events"), wxT("Panic events") }
 #define LOG_OPTS_N_TYPES 4
-#define LOG_OPTS_CHOICES { wxT("ignore"), wxT("log"), wxT("ask user"), wxT("end simulation"), wxT("no change") }
-#define LOG_OPTS_N_CHOICES 5   // number of choices, including "no change"
-#define LOG_OPTS_NO_CHANGE 4   // index of "no change"
+#define LOG_OPTS_CHOICES { wxT("ignore"), wxT("log"), wxT("warn user"), wxT("ask user"), wxT("end simulation"), wxT("no change") }
+#define LOG_OPTS_N_CHOICES 6   // number of choices, including "no change"
+#define LOG_OPTS_NO_CHANGE 5   // index of "no change"
 #define LOG_OPTS_ADV wxT("For additional control over how each device responds to events, use the menu option \"Log ... By Device\".")
   wxFlexGridSizer *gridSizer;
   wxChoice *action[LOG_OPTS_N_TYPES];
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/wxmain.cc ./gui/wxmain.cc
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/wxmain.cc	2016-12-26 17:12:57.470174541 +0100
+++ ./gui/wxmain.cc	2016-12-28 12:15:26.035961463 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // $Id: wxmain.cc 13006 2016-12-26 16:12:54Z vruppert $
-//  Copyright (C) 2002-2014  The Bochs Project
+//  Copyright (C) 2002-2016  The Bochs Project
 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -1158,6 +1158,10 @@
   dlg.EnableButton(dlg.DEBUG, FALSE);
+  if (be->u.logmsg.flag != BX_LOG_ASK_ASKDLG) {
+    dlg.EnableButton(dlg.DIE, FALSE);
+    dlg.EnableButton(dlg.DUMP, FALSE);
+  }
   dlg.SetContext(wxString(be->u.logmsg.prefix, wxConvUTF8));
   dlg.SetMessage(wxString(be->u.logmsg.msg, wxConvUTF8));
   int n = dlg.ShowModal();
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/x.cc ./gui/x.cc
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/gui/x.cc	2016-12-27 17:26:59.622665119 +0100
+++ ./gui/x.cc	2016-12-28 12:03:10.963351647 +0100
@@ -2687,11 +2687,7 @@
   } else {
     size_x = 30 + maxlen * 6;
-  if (lines < 3) {
-    size_y = 90;
-  } else {
-    size_y = 60 + lines * 15;
-  }
+  size_y = 70 + lines * 15;
   x11_dialog_c *xdlg = new x11_dialog_c(name, size_x, size_y,
                                         (mode == XDLG_SIMPLE) ? 1 : 2);
   ypos = 34;
@@ -2729,11 +2725,21 @@
   bx_param_string_c *sparam;
   bx_param_enum_c *eparam;
   bx_list_c *list;
+  char message[256];
   switch (event->type)
     case BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_ASK:
-      event->retcode = x11_ask_dialog(event);
+      if (event->u.logmsg.flag == BX_LOG_ASK_ASKDLG) {
+        event->retcode = x11_ask_dialog(event);
+      } else if (event->u.logmsg.flag == BX_LOG_ASK_MSGBOX_WARN) {
+        const char *title = SIM->get_log_level_name(event->u.logmsg.level);
+        sprintf(message, "Device: %s\n\nMessage: %s", event->u.logmsg.prefix,
+                event->u.logmsg.msg);
+        bx_param_bool_c bparam(NULL, "warn", title, message, 1);
+        x11_message_box(&bparam, XDLG_SIMPLE);
+        event->retcode = 0;
+      }
       return event;
       param = event->u.param.param;
diff -urNX /home/volker/exclude-bochs /home/volker/bochs/bochs/logio.cc ./logio.cc
--- /home/volker/bochs/bochs/logio.cc	2015-05-10 08:55:18.678940963 +0200
+++ ./logio.cc	2016-12-28 00:40:40.395736643 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // $Id: logio.cc 12759 2015-05-10 06:55:16Z vruppert $
-//  Copyright (C) 2001-2014  The Bochs Project
+//  Copyright (C) 2001-2016  The Bochs Project
 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -50,11 +50,25 @@
   else return "?";
+static const char *act_name[N_ACT] = { "ignore", "report", "warn", "ask", "fatal" };
 const char* iofunctions::getaction(int i) const
-  static const char *name[] = { "ignore", "report", "ask", "fatal" };
   assert (i>=ACT_IGNORE && i<N_ACT);
-  return name[i];
+  return act_name[i];
+int iofunctions::isaction(const char *val) const
+  int action = -1;
+  for (int i = 0; i < N_ACT; i++) {
+    if (!strcmp(val, act_name[i])) {
+      action = ACT_IGNORE + i;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return action;
 void iofunctions::flush(void)
@@ -414,6 +428,11 @@
   logio->out(LOGLEV_ERROR, prefix, fmt, ap);
+  if (onoff[LOGLEV_ERROR] == ACT_WARN) {
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    warn(LOGLEV_ERROR, prefix, fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+  }
   if (onoff[LOGLEV_ERROR] == ACT_ASK) {
     va_start(ap, fmt);
     ask(LOGLEV_ERROR, prefix, fmt, ap);
@@ -438,6 +457,11 @@
   logio->out(LOGLEV_PANIC, prefix, fmt, ap);
+  if (onoff[LOGLEV_PANIC] == ACT_WARN) {
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    warn(LOGLEV_PANIC, prefix, fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+  }
   if (onoff[LOGLEV_PANIC] == ACT_ASK) {
     va_start(ap, fmt);
     ask(LOGLEV_PANIC, prefix, fmt, ap);
@@ -465,6 +489,36 @@
   // the actions ask() and fatal() are not supported here
+void logfunctions::warn(int level, const char *prefix, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+  // Guard against reentry on warn() function.  The danger is that some
+  // function that's called within warn() could trigger another
+  // BX_ERROR that could call warn() again, leading to infinite
+  // recursion and infinite asks.
+  static char in_warn_already = 0;
+  char buf1[1024];
+  if (in_warn_already) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "logfunctions::warn() should not reenter!!\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  in_warn_already = 1;
+  vsnprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), fmt, ap);
+  // FIXME: facility set to 0 because it's unknown.
+  // update vga screen.  This is useful because sometimes useful messages
+  // are printed on the screen just before a panic.  It's also potentially
+  // dangerous if this function calls ask again...  That's why I added
+  // the reentry check above.
+  SIM->refresh_vga();
+  // ensure the text screen is showing
+  SIM->set_display_mode(DISP_MODE_CONFIG);
+  SIM->log_warn(prefix, level, buf1);
+  // return to simulation mode
+  SIM->set_display_mode(DISP_MODE_SIM);
+  in_warn_already = 0;
 void logfunctions::ask(int level, const char *prefix, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
   // Guard against reentry on ask() function.  The danger is that some
2016-12-28 15:06:34 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
7ccc859b00 static code analysis: remove redundant include 2016-12-05 19:15:59 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
055da948a0 fixed problems found by cppcheck tool (patch by Maxim Derbasov) - second round 2015-01-07 16:17:40 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
d12858ab31 Add one more common setting to gui debugger INI file.
TODO: add platform-specific settings (font, window size/position)
Disable log viewer on debugger exit.
textconfig: minor fixes found while testing gui debugger.
2014-09-01 16:47:26 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
401321d500 Added symbol BX_NULL_PREFIX and fixed textconfig log options table.
If log module name not specified, use device log prefix converted to lower
case as the name and simplified setting up some short prefixes.
2013-12-31 09:20:08 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
11571f0ecf Improvements and cleanups for the textconfig runtime menu
- added menu item for saving configuration
- use existing cdrom runtime menu instead of hardcoded items
- some code cleanups after cdrom option changes
2013-12-20 17:53:00 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
84b088c0c0 Revert a change I did only for testing 2013-11-25 21:14:26 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
f3a6fbd235 Simplified setup of special runtime menus / dialogs
- If the runtime flag of a bx_list_c object is set, all it's items are set up
  as runtime options.
- Set the runtime parameter for all top-level runtime-only lists. Setting up
  each single parameter is no longer needed.
2013-11-25 21:07:39 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
7d32178e72 full support for saving log options per device (from bochsrc and config interface)
simplified setting up log options per device after parsing bochsrc / command line
2013-02-04 18:51:07 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
2d552af7a2 fixed possibly wrong raw byte string after simply pressing the enter key 2013-02-02 16:52:54 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
17970857b8 added new bx_param_string_c methods isempty() and sprint()
- isempty() returns 1 if string length is 0 or string has special value "none"
- sprint() copies the formatted / converted string into a buffer
- use new methods in some parts of the code (TODO: win32 dialogs)
- check for the special value "none" to avoid failures
2013-02-01 19:13:58 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
8e4e08cad7 changed USB cdrom media status parameter type to bx_param_enum_c
- moved media status names to the siminterface code
- textconfig: fixed possible segfault in runtime options prompt
2013-01-25 17:56:40 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
b5dd859da8 changed floppy media status parameter type to bx_param_enum_c 2013-01-23 17:56:57 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
c2b57c5a56 save the ata device options using the parameter tree
- removed parameter "present" and use the new drive type "none" instead
- re-implemented cdrom media status parameter as a bx_param_enum_c
- TODO: change floppy media status parameter type to be consistent
2013-01-22 18:26:49 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
1f7aa18003 implemented log action exclude checks in textconfig 2012-10-08 18:44:26 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
70a38a8a3d - apply 'log actions by device' to the existing modules before editing them
in the config interface. Applied settings are marked as 'done' with the value
  -1 to avoid unwanted modification. NOTE: Not all Bochs modules exist when
  running the start menu / dialog.
2012-04-06 13:15:27 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
b45077ac82 - moved optional plugin control item to the top of the list, since it's now
important for using network, sound and usb devices.
2012-02-21 16:15:39 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
e30e6a9808 - moved optional plugin load / unload code to the siminterface
- implemented optional plugin control in textconfig
- TODO: implement this feature in the win32 and wx gui configuration
2012-02-16 18:06:03 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
de94b08a1a - class bx_list_c now contains a chained list of parameters. Removed the now
obsolete maxsize parameter from all lists.
2012-02-12 18:43:20 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
795a21ec6d change type of the bx_list_c::choice var to Bit32u to make in compatible with ask_uint function 2012-01-21 20:54:55 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
2e32bf2d84 for bx_list param - convert 'choise' variable to regular integer
also for textconfig - fix operation under cygwin
under cygwin it is not guaranteed that any printf is printed on the screen under you flush the FILE stream.
2012-01-21 20:36:32 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
822eed13fb - fixes related to the removal of the BX_PASS log level 2011-10-01 12:48:48 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
cb8faeee52 - implemented new mechanism to update device config parameters that depend on
each other. Devices can register a handler to update it's state after runtime
  configuration. The new method update_runtime_options() executes all registered
  device handlers before the simulation continues.
- USB host controllers now using the new mechanism to handle the runtime device
  change (replaces the previous timer-based implementation). TODO: floppy and
  cdrom could use this feature, too)
- improved USB device change messages
2011-06-11 19:38:52 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
af28ef231a storing list title in param is redundant, extra overhead 2011-03-19 21:40:07 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
ae45908060 - ported ES1370 soundcard emulation from Qemu. For now, only sound output to
DAC2 is sent to the lowlevel sound module. DAC1 and sound input (ADC) are not
  yet supported. Also unsupported: CODEC (mixer), UART (MIDI) and legacy support.
  Sound module selection in configure script now no longer depends on SB16 and
  uses autodetection only.
- fixed segfault when saving bochsrc
2011-03-12 17:37:26 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
00981cd7a6 Adding Id and Rev property to all files 2011-02-24 22:05:47 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
0c50875e7f - use default memory parameter tree in textconfig (with some changes to make
it usable there)
2011-02-12 17:50:48 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
4aef7661aa Fix buffer overflow 2010-11-03 21:46:09 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
62378ec5b9 - make CPUID options available in textconfig 2010-04-04 11:28:33 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
5df864b1f1 Move param_names.h into bochs root folder 2010-02-26 14:18:19 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
033a20b3b2 allow to configure CPU features at runtime - implemened on example of SSE/AES/MOVBE/POPCNT 2010-02-25 22:04:31 +00:00
Stanislav Shwartsman
5fec008130 change copyright to bochs project 2009-12-04 20:02:12 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
e6c30344d3 - fixed unwanted side effect: disabling these parameters is no longer necessary
and it disabled media status selection
2009-04-05 19:06:11 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
9716be2cbd - fixed runtime menu handling (non-runtime parameters must be handled like
disabled ones)
2009-04-02 17:38:01 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
ee131a7471 - new implementation of the win32 runtime dialog based on the start menu dialog
* removed old win32 runtime config dialog since the property sheet isn't
    compatible with the win32 ParamDialog
  * reorganized runtime parameter lists (usb and cdrom setup in device init)
  * renamed win32 StartMenuDialog() to MainMenuDialog() and some related name
  * added runtime support to the MainMenuDialog
- win32 start/runtime menu: set keyboard focus to the start/continue button
- win32paramdlg: SetParamList() now checks for list size changes to avoid crash
2009-03-29 20:48:17 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
1dee09c468 - changed parameter type for floppy status (inserted/ejected) to bx_param_bool_c 2009-03-25 18:33:43 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
04990bb856 - created new config interface 'win32config' using the new start menu dialog and
the existing runtime dialog ('textconfig' is still available)
- removed notify callback redirection from sdl.cc and win32.cc
- removed win32 specific code from textconfig.cc
- fixed parent window for folder selection dialog
- minor size changes in start menu dialog
2009-03-24 16:28:03 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
af3dfa73d7 - presence of floppy drive now depends on the devtype parameter instead of a
non-empty path
- floppy devtype parameter now uses CMOS values and drive type names
- related changes in the floppy code
- simplified floppy parameter handlers
- some floppy parameter label changes
- added enable handler for the floppy path parameter
- update dependent params after setting the dependent bitmap of enum parameter
2009-03-23 19:05:16 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
49343852a3 - changed parameter type for cdrom status (inserted/ejected) to bx_param_bool_c
- win32paramdlg: fixed setting parameters at runtime
- fixed win32 ParamDialog return value for close/cancel
- runtime dialog for the first cdrom drive on win32 is now created as a win32
  ParamDialog (removed old cdrom1 dialog stuff)
- minor fixes in x11 string dialog for the cdrom path & status case
2009-03-22 20:18:17 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
8c05b177dd - added new start menu dialog for win32 (currently called from the textconfig
start menu
  * textconfig: added menu item for the win32 start menu dialog and removed
    direct calls to win32ParamDialog()
  * added support for Bochs config files in AskFilename()
  * moved log options handling to separate functions used both by the start menu
    log options dialog and the related property sheet page of the runtime dialog
2009-03-22 09:40:18 +00:00
Volker Ruppert
8c605c029d - store options for all parameter types in a Bit32u value instead of bx_param_num_c
- added file extension support for bx_param_filname_c
- fixed showing of tab control child lists
- added special disk menu for the win32 ParamDialog
- on win32 use the ParamDialog instead of textconfig submenus (TODO: gui dialog
  replacement for the start menus
2009-03-15 21:16:17 +00:00