
9.4 KiB

Building Haiku

This is a overview into the process of building HAIKU from source. An online version is available at https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/building/.

Official releases of Haiku are at https://www.haiku-os.org/get-haiku. The (unstable) nightly builds are available at https://download.haiku-os.org/.

We currently support the following platforms:

  • Haiku
  • Linux
  • FreeBSD
  • macOS

Required Software

Tools provided within Haiku's repositories:

  • jam (Jam 2.5-haiku-20111222)
  • Haiku's cross-compiler

The tools to compile Haiku will vary, depending on the platform that you are using to build Haiku. When building from Haiku, all of the necessary development tools are included in official releases (e.g. R1/beta1) and in the nightly builds.

  • git
  • gcc/g++ and binutils (as, ld, etc., required by GCC)
  • (GNU) make
  • bison (2.4 or better)
  • flex and lex (usually a mini shell script invoking flex)
  • makeinfo (part of texinfo, only needed for building GCC 4)
  • autoheader (part of autoconf, needed for building GCC)
  • automake (needed for building GCC)
  • awk (GNU awk is most tested, but other implementations should work)
  • nasm
  • wget
  • [un]zip
  • xorriso
  • mtools (https://gnu.org/software/mtools/intro.html)
  • python3
  • case-sensitive file system

Whether they are installed can be tested by running them in a shell with the --version parameter.

The following libraries (and their respective headers) are required:

  • zlib
  • zstd

Haiku for ARM

If you want to compile Haiku for ARM, you will also need:

On macOS

Disk Utility can create a case-sensitive disk image of at least 3 GiB in size. The following ports need to be installed:

  • expat
  • gawk
  • gettext
  • libiconv
  • gsed
  • cdrtools
  • nasm
  • wget
  • less
  • mpfr
  • gmp
  • libmpc
  • bison (updated to the latest version)

More information about individual distributions of Linux and BSD can be found at https://haiku-os.org/guides/building/pre-reqs.

Downloading Haiku's sources

There are two parts to Haiku's sources — the code for Haiku itself and a set of build tools for compiling Haiku on an operating system other than Haiku. The buildtools are needed only for non-Haiku platforms.

Anonymous checkout:

git clone https://review.haiku-os.org/haiku.git
git clone https://review.haiku-os.org/buildtools.git

If you have commit access:

git clone ssh://git.haiku-os.org/haiku
git clone ssh://git.haiku-os.org/buildtools

Building Jam

(This step applies only to non-Haiku platforms. Haiku already ships with the correct version of Jam)

Change to the buildtools folder and run the following commands to generate and install jam:

cd buildtools/jam
sudo ./jam0 install

Or, if you don't want to install jam systemwide:

./jam0 -sBINDIR=$HOME/bin install

Configuring the build

The configure script generates a file named BuildConfig in the generated/build directory. As long as configure is not modified (!) and the cross-compilation tools have not been updated, there is no need to call it again. For rebuilding, you only need to invoke jam (see below). If you don't update the source tree very frequently, you may want to execute configure after each update just to be on the safe side.

Depending on your goal, there are several different ways to configure Haiku. The first way is to call configure from within your Haiku checkout's root. That will prepare a folder named 'generated', which will contain the compiled objects. Another option is to manually created one or more generated.* folders and run configure from within them. For example, imagine the following directory setup:


Configure an x86_64 (GCC 8) build

cd haiku/generated.x86_64
../configure --cross-tools-source ../../buildtools --build-cross-tools x86_64

Configure a 32-bit GCC 2.95/GCC 8 Hybrid, from a non-Haiku platform

cd haiku/generated.x86gcc2
../configure \
	--cross-tools-source ../../buildtools/ \
	--build-cross-tools x86_gcc2 \
	--build-cross-tools x86

Configure a 32-bit GCC 2.95/GCC 8 Hybrid, from Haiku

cd haiku/generated.x86gcc2
../configure --target-arch x86_gcc2 --target-arch x86

Additional information about GCC Hybrids can be found on the website, https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/building/gcc-hybrid.

Configure options

The various runtime options for configure are documented in its onscreen help

./configure --help

Building via Jam

Haiku can be built in either of two ways, as disk image file (e.g. for use with emulators, to be written directly to a usb stick, burned as a compact disc) or as installation in a directory.

Running Jam

There are various ways in which you can run jam:

  • If you have a single generated folder, you can run 'jam' from the top level of Haiku's trunk.
  • If you have one or more generated folders, (e.g. generated.x86gcc2), you can cd into that directory and run jam.
  • In either case, you can cd into a certain folder in the source tree (e.g. src/apps/debugger) and run jam -sHAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR=

Be sure to read build/jam/UserBuildConfig.ReadMe and UserBuildConfig.sample, as they contain information on customizing your build of Haiku.

Building a Haiku anyboot image (Nightly)

jam -q @nightly-anyboot

This generates an image file named haiku-nightly-anyboot.iso in your output directory under generated/.

Building a Haiku raw image (Nightly)

jam -q @nightly-raw

This generates an image file named haiku.image in your output directory under generated/.

Building a VMware image file

jam -q @nightly-vmware

This generates an image file named haiku.vmdk in your output directory under generated/.

Directory Installation

HAIKU_INSTALL_DIR=/Haiku jam -q @install

Installs all Haiku components into the volume mounted at "/Haiku" and automatically marks it as bootable. To create a partition in the first place use DriveSetup and initialize it to BFS.

Note that installing Haiku in a directory only works as expected under Haiku, but it is not yet supported under Linux and other non-Haiku platforms.

Building individual components

If you don't want to build the complete Haiku, but only a certain app/driver/etc. you can specify it as argument to jam, e.g.:

jam -q Debugger

Alternatively, you can cd to the directory of the component you want to build and run jam from there. NOTE: if your generated directory is named something other than generated/, you will need to tell jam where it is:

jam -q -sHAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR=<path to generated folder>

You can also force the rebuild of a component by using the -a parameter:

jam -qa Debugger

Bootstrap Build

New architectures (and occasionally existing ones) will require a bootstrap build to compile build packages. (Catch-22 software packages which are needed to compile Haiku, but need to be initially compiled under Haiku)


Setting Up a Bootstrap build

Create a clean build directory under the haiku repo.

mkdir generated.myarch && cd generated.myarch

Configure Haiku's build system for a bootstrap build specifying the location of all of the repositories above.

../configure -j4 \
  --build-cross-tools myarch --cross-tools-source ../../buildtools \
  --bootstrap ../../haikuporter/haikuporter ../../haikuports.cross ../../haikuports

Once the build system is configured for bootstrap, we now can begin building the bootstrap image.

jam -q @bootstrap-raw

If you are bootstrapping for an architecture Haiku already boots on, the generated disk image can be used to compile build packages needed for the standard Haiku build.

If you are bootstrapping for a new architecture which doesn't build yet, you will need to leverage the unbootstrap.sh script to hack the generated bootstrap packages into non-bootstrap packages which can be temporarily used as build packages.


Generally there are two ways of running Haiku: on real hardware using a partition, and on emulated hardware using an emulator (like VirtualBox, or QEMU).

On Real Hardware

If you have installed Haiku to its own partition you can include this partition in your bootmanager and try to boot Haiku like any other OS you have installed. To include a new partition in the Haiku bootmanager, start the BootManager configurator by running:


On Emulated Hardware

For emulated hardware you should build a disk image (see above). How to set up this image depends on your emulator. If you use QEMU, you can usually just provide the path to the image as command line argument to the qemu executable.