* Since the updated Time prefs didn't make it into alpha3, I kept the older catkeys in SVN. * Renamed "Application name" to "System name" manually in the catkeys of CodyCam and Poorman. For some reason HTA didn't get these changes in the code... +alpha3 git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@42128 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
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53 lines
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1 simplified_chinese x-vnd.Haiku-Screen 2033930135
%.1f Hz Screen %.1f Hz
%sSerial no.: %s Screen %s 无序列号。:%s
/other… Screen /其他...
15 bits/pixel, 32768 colors Screen 15 位/像素l,32768 色
16 bits/pixel, 65536 colors Screen 16 位/像素,65536色
24 bits/pixel, 16 Million colors Screen 24 位/像素,16万色
32 bits/pixel, 16 Million colors Screen 32 位/像素,16万色
8 bits/pixel, 256 colors Screen 8 位/像素,256 色
About Screen 关于
All workspaces Screen 所有工作区
Apply Screen 应用
Cancel Screen 取消
Colors: Screen 颜色:
Columns: Screen 列:
Combine displays: Screen 组合显示:
Could not write VESA mode settings file:\n\t Screen 无法写入 VESA 模式设置文件:\n\t
Current workspace Screen 当前工作区
Do you wish to keep these settings? Screen 是否保存设置?
Done Screen 完成
Horizonal frequency:\t%lu - %lu kHz\nVertical frequency:\t%lu - %lu Hz\n\nMaximum pixel clock:\t%g MHz Screen 水平频率:\t%lu - %lu kHz\n垂直频率:\t%lu - %lu Hz\n\n最大像素频率:\t%g MHz
Hz Screen Hz
Keep Screen 保持
OK Screen 确定
Other… Screen 其他...
Refresh rate Screen 刷新频率
Refresh rate: Screen 刷新频率:
Resolution: Screen 分辨率
Revert Screen 还原
Rows: Screen 行:
Screen Screen 屏幕
Screen System name 屏幕
Screen preferences by the Haiku team Screen Screen 首选项编写者 Haiku项目组
Set background… Screen 设置背景...
Settings will revert in %seconds seconds. Screen 在 %seconds 秒之后,设置将会恢复。
Swap displays: Screen 交替显示:
The screen mode could not be set:\n\t%s\n Screen 屏幕模式无法设置为:\n\t%s\n
Type or use the left and right arrow keys. Screen 键入或使用左/右箭头键。
Undo Screen 撤销
Unknown mode Screen 未知模式
Use laptop panel: Screen 使用笔记本面板:
Video format: Screen 视频格式:
Warning Screen 警告
Workspaces Screen 工作区
always Screen 总是
bits/pixel Screen 位/像素
disable Screen 禁用
horizontally Screen 水平
if needed Screen 如果需要
no Screen 否
vertically Screen 垂直
yes Screen 是