10 lines
555 B
10 lines
555 B
1 bokmål, norwegian; norwegian bokmål x-vnd.Haiku-RAWTranslator 1938728039
RAWTranslator Settings ConfigView RAW-oversetterinnstillinger
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Versjon %d.%d.%d, %s
RAW Images ConfigView RAW-bilder
RAW image translator RAWTranslator RAW-bildeoversetter
RAW Settings RAWTranslator main RAW-innstillinger
RAW images RAWTranslator RAW-bilder
%s RAW image RAWTranslator Parameter (%s) is the name of the manufacturer (like 'Canon') %s RAW-bilde
Based on Dave Coffin's dcraw 8.63 ConfigView Basert på Dave Coffins dcraw 8.63