The following ones are not synced because the export from hta has a wrong fingerprint. Mail was sent to Travis in the hope we'll get a fix. rm ../data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/uk.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/be.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/fi.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/fr.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/ja.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/pl.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/pt_br.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/ru.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/uk.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/zh-hans.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/zh-hans.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/installedpackages/pl.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/mail/pl.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/terminal/fi.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/apps/tv/zh-hans.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/kits/tracker/fr.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/preferences/shortcuts/zh-hans.catkeys rm ../data/catalogs/preferences/virtualmemory/zh-hans.catkeys git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@39819 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
35 lines
2.2 KiB
35 lines
2.2 KiB
1 lithuanian x-vnd.Haiku-About 2318986409
Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht'as (bei jo NewOS branduolys)\n
%ld Processors: AboutView %ld Procesoriai:
Michael Phipps (project founder)\n\n AboutView Michael'is Phipps'as (porojekto įkūrėjas)\n\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Haiku-Ports komanda\n
Website, marketing & documentation:\n AboutView WWW svetainė, rinkodara ir dokumentacija:\n
Revision AboutView Laida
Source Code: AboutView Pirminiai tekstai:
Processor: AboutView Procesorius:
Kernel: AboutView Branduolys:
Contributors:\n AboutView Talkininkai:\n
Unknown AboutView Nežinoma
\n… and probably some more we forgot to mention (sorry!)\n\n AboutView \n… ir tie, kuriuos galbūt pamiršome paminėti (atleiskite!)\n\n
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
Memory: AboutView Atmintis:
Past maintainers:\n AboutView Ankstesni darytojai:\n
\n\nSpecial thanks to:\n AboutView \n\nYpatinga padėka:\n
Licenses: AboutView Leidimai:
\nCopyrights\n\n AboutView \nAutorinės teisės\n\n
Current maintainers:\n AboutView Dabartiniai darytojai:\n
Time running: AboutView Veikimo laikas:
The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware komanda bei jos aukų programa\n
About this system AboutWindow Apie šią sistemą
Version: AboutView Versija:
%ld MHz AboutView %ld MHz
[Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView [Norėdami paskaityti leidimą spustelėkite ant atitinkamo pavadinimo.]\n\n
License: AboutView Leidimas:
Translations:\n AboutView Vertimai:\n
... and the many people making donations!\n\n AboutView ... ir daugeliui kitų aukojusių žmonių!\n\n
The BeGeistert team\n AboutView „BeGeistert“ komandai\n
The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku and the Haiku logo are trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Haiku pirminių tekstų autorinės teisės priklauso Haiku, Inc. arba autoriams, nurodytiems tuose pirminiuose tekstuose. Haiku bei Haiku ženklas yra Haiku, Inc. prekių ženklai.\n\n
GCC %d Hybrid AboutView GCC %d hibridas
%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB viso
%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB išnaudota (%d%%)